I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 242: those who calculate

Lin Fang didn't care much when he heard the greeting, and looked at the taxi driver carefully, a little surprised.

He glanced at the time, only to feel even more strange.

"Did you pick up another customer, or have you been waiting here?"

It would be somewhat embarrassing to be asked by someone else.

There are two magic weapons for dry rentals: one is to be sloppy, and the other is to be thick-skinned.

The taxi driver smiled and said, "Guest, of course I'm waiting for you! I saw that you still have to use the car, so I waited here for a while. I didn't expect that I ran into you just after waiting. Isn't that a coincidence?"


It has been more than 20 minutes, and if you are lucky, you may have already pulled in two customers.

Give up the opportunity to make money, but wait for yourself here... That must be something.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Fang didn't know what he was plotting, so he simply got into the car, reported the address, and said, "Let's drive, I'll rest for a while."

The taxi driver wanted to have a few more words with Lin Fang. Seeing Lin Fang's attitude, he was a little embarrassed. He had no choice but to drive first.

In the middle, he hesitated for a while, but he still sent the video he took to the group first, and typed proudly: "How? Listen to the sound in that video, isn't it the same?"

In fact, Lin Fang didn't say a few words, the taxi driver was somewhat guilty when he sent out.

But forcing this kind of thing, all you need is a momentum.

Doing things with full confidence is called lions fighting rabbits with all their strength, and it is done by talented people.

To pretend to force this kind of thing is to have a bit of strength, but also to pretend to be very strong. What you want is this style.

Sure enough, even if someone in the group watched the video, they were still a little unwilling to believe it, but when they heard the firm tone of the taxi driver, they could not help but weaken a bit of momentum.

"It's a lie, right? How could it be so coincidental, how long has it been?"

"I don't really believe it. Although this voice sounds a bit similar, it can't be 100% proof that it is the same person."

"Guo Daliang, you can record a few more voices, otherwise it's hard for us to believe..."

The accusations of these people are not imposing, and they seem to be deliberately reverse proving the credibility of the taxi driver's video.

Taxi driver Guo Daliang took a peek at Lin Fang through the rearview mirror and saw that he was squinting as if he was really taking a nap. Sir, you look so young, I didn't expect your daughter to be so old, you're really lucky. Unlike me, who is in his forties, not to mention having a son who loses money, he is less than ten years old. People hate dogs! "


Lin Fang opened his eyes, glanced at the taxi driver, and corrected: "That's not my daughter, it's my sister. I'm only twenty-one years old, so I can't be able to have children at the age of six, right?"

"That's that... that I misunderstood, I'm sorry..."

call out!

The taxi driver sent out the WeChat voice, and there was a flash of smugness on his face.

In our line of business, one has to be shameless, and the other is to be able to chat.

Just let the guests say a few words, it's just a small CASE!

Then, he quickly typed with one hand: "Did you hear? The other person was sitting in my car, obviously the same person. Forget it, I'm too lazy to get to know you guys. I have to deliver the person quickly, and then... "

What did he do? The taxi driver didn't say anything. He came back to his senses and even retracted the message he sent.

It is a pity that the previous video was posted a little earlier, and it has exceeded the withdrawal time limit.

Otherwise, he wants to withdraw this one too.

In the era of eyeball economy, traffic is money. If he can sell videos and recordings to the Weishi UP master, won't he earn enough fees for several days? Happy to think about it!

It's a pity that there are not many fools in the same group. The taxi driver's move to withdraw the message not only dispelled their last suspicion, but also reminded them.

Suddenly, several people contacted Yang Xiaohu's Weishi account at the same time.

At this time, Yang Xiaohu's girlfriend, Xiaoyu, looked at the constantly ringing mobile phone with a confused expression.

She has never seen anyone whose WeChat account, the top row of red dots showing attention, likes, comments, and replies, can show 999.

What's even more outrageous is that because she turned on the message notification, since she finished posting the video of the rich and powerful lobster feast, the phone's vibration and prompt sound have not been heard.

For a moment, she wanted to wrap up her sixth sense and warm herself up.

Fortunately, her only remaining rationality made her call Yang Xiaohu, half puzzled, half venting: "When are you going to die? Your Weibo account is about to explode! Like, Messages, attention, etc., are all going up like crazy!

There are also a lot of people who send you private messages, all in a mess. There are people who want to sell videos to you, and I don't know what the **** is! Didn't you say we'd be rich right away? You haven't touched me for a week. When you come back, buy a few pills.

I do not care! I'm so sick of it today, I want it at least three times at night! "

"What to buy? I want to spend it before I get the money, and I'll talk about it later! It's against you!"

"Then how long will you be back?"

"Right now! Urge for what? Hang up!"

Yang Xiaohu said toughly and hung up the phone, but he shuddered unconsciously, feeling a little weak.

Why don't you go to heaven? With my small physique, I can charge it for a week and use it for three seconds. Once is enough, you still want three times?

Dream about you!

As for buying medicines...

I can't buy medicine, and I won't buy medicine if I kill me! Even if I die in a hotel and jump from the upstairs, I will not buy medicine...

He made a vicious oath, and when Yang Xiaohu left the hotel, he handed over his mobile phone and let the manager check it again, and then he was able to escape.

On the way home, after passing a health care product store, Yang Xiaohu didn't obey his orders, and turned in unexpectedly.

Ten minutes later, Yang Xiaohu looked at the five small blue pills in his hand, feeling like he was in a dream.

"I must have been hit by evil. I spent more than five hundred to buy these pills, just to make that mother-in-law feel good!"

Yang Xiaohu touched his increasingly thin cheeks, feeling that if he continued to toss like this, he would turn into dregs sooner or later.

If one day, I become very rich, I must try another woman...

Yang Xiaohu felt that this day was coming soon, he immediately accelerated his pace and returned to his rental house.

Back at the rental house, girlfriend Xiaoyu posted it immediately.

Feeling the softness of his girlfriend's body, Yang Xiaohu shook a little and unconsciously touched his pocket.

That version of five blue pills gave him enough courage to straighten his weakened waist again.

Lao Tzu has medicine, can be a real man for five days, and is afraid of a ball?

Yang Xiaohu hugged his girlfriend, raised his eyebrows and said, "Where's the phone? Where is it? Let me see!"

"On the coffee table!"

Xiaoyu was just unbearable, and hugged Yang Xiaohu habitually, she was ready to be pushed away.

Yang Xiaohu, a fast whirlwind man, always makes a loud noise every time. Once he starts, he will be disarmed in three seconds.

If it weren't for the fact that his mouth was sweet and his fingers were flexible, Xiaoyu would have broken up with him long ago.

Even if it doesn't matter, he has to give him a few green hats.

Unexpectedly, the sun came out from the west today, and Yang Xiaohu actually became stubborn.

"Have you bought medicine?"

Xiaoyu was overjoyed, and immediately guessed Yang Xiaohu's stubbornness.

"What to buy? No!"

Yang Xiaohu glared at Xiaoyu and went over to check the phone.

At this point, Xiaoyu's phone was still vibrating. When Yang Xiaohu picked it up, he found that the screen didn't move.

Because there were too many messages, the message notification bar was opened again, and the phone was directly stuck on that interface.

Yang Xiaohu was excited and speechless. He turned his head and glanced at Xiaoyu, not knowing what to say.

This girlfriend, apart from having **** and being coquettish, is useless.

I know every day that I think about the little things in the crotch, but I don't have a brain at all.

Hey, I was young and ignorant back then. Just thinking about satisfying my little brother, I found such a girlfriend.

Who knows that kind of thing, if you do too much and don't talk about it, you are stuck and you can't change it casually.

Yang Xiaohu shook his head and sighed. He used his mobile phone to log in to the Weishi account, and first looked at his personal information.

Thirty thousand fans!

It's amazing how fans went from double digits to five figures in just a few hours!

Looking at the message again, everything is said below the video, but unfortunately not many believe it, and almost the entire text is full of skeptical voices.

Yang Xiaohu has done his best to shoot videos, and passed several videos to Xiaoyu.

But this silly woman doesn't know how to edit, relying on the cutting function that comes with Weishi. The video she posted is clueless, divided into several sections, and the plot is not very coherent.

Seeing this, Yang Xiaohu couldn't help but glanced at Xiaoyu again.

Sooner or later replace you melon lady!

This day is not far away!

Yang Xiaohu was so happy that he almost laughed out loud when he thought that the money was going to rush towards him.

However, before that, you still need to re-edit the video and re-post it again!

Just as he was about to quit, Yang Xiaohu noticed that the private message flashed in the background, and someone was asking, "Brother, do you want to buy a video? My video can prove that your video is real!"

? ? ?

what the hell?

Is this a liar?

Yang Xiaohu subconsciously thought that the other party was a liar, but his fingers did not obey him. He opened the message, sent the other party a number, and said, "Chat on WeChat."

He sent a WeChat account, which he usually used to shake around the hotel, add a stranger, or simply make an appointment with the ignorant and ignorant waitress in the hotel.

Although the success rate is not too high, fortunately, he has enough time to be bored, casting a big net and catching small fish, and he can still succeed once or twice a week.

Although the rate of returning to bed is not high, and many girls are very dissatisfied with him, but under his hand and mouth, there are still some people who like this mouthful, and there is a little bit of turning back to eat.

The person who sent the private message seemed to have been waiting for Yang Xiaohu's reply, and added his trumpet as soon as he got the WeChat account.

Then, the other party first posted a video of only a few seconds. This video was edited, and Lin Fang's figure almost flashed by.


Yang Xiaohu's face became serious. He opened the video again, played it slowly, and then pressed the pause button, successfully freezing Lin Fang's image.

"Who is this person? It looks like a big nose. I heard that this kind of man...hehe..."

For a moment, Yang Xiaohu felt green on his forehead.

He wanted to change his girlfriend, but he had to take the initiative to do this kind of thing.

It would be a little disgusting if he had to change it because his girlfriend gave him a cuckold.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Yang Xiaohu scolded Xiaoyu and said, "This kind of man is all good-looking! Whoever said that a big nose is OK, we have a small nose, and it's not too bad!"


Xiaoyu didn't speak, just laughed.

It's just that this laughter is too magical, and Yang Xiaohu, who is laughing, is upset, and unconsciously thinks of the fact that he is finished in three seconds.

He really wanted Xiaoyu to get out immediately, but he was worried that if he kicked his girlfriend out at such a time, he would be wearing a tight green hat tomorrow morning.


Can't lose your temper yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you want to lose your temper, you have to wait until you break up!

Yang Xiaohu resisted his anger, glared at Xiaoyu, and quickly replied to the man: "How much?"

"Five thousand!"

"Go grab it. You're not the first to contact me!"

Yang Xiaohu originally replied to this news, but he just habitually cheated and kept the price down.

Unexpectedly, the other party immediately panicked and took the initiative to lower the price: "Four thousand! I will send you the full video for four thousand, and you can initiate a delayed transfer for me! If it is someone else, they will definitely ask you to give the money first, and then not send it to you. your video!"

Yang Xiaohu was a little moved, but something was spinning in his mind, as if to remind him not to rush to agree.

For a while, Yang Xiaohu didn't know what that thing was, and he didn't think much about it. He subconsciously gave a quote and said, "Two thousand! If you think it's okay, I'll initiate a delayed transfer for you. If it doesn't work, forget it."

"make a deal!"


Yang Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, the other party agreed too quickly, he immediately felt that he had been deceived, and could not help but hesitate.

His hesitation made the other party panic. A few seconds later, the other party sent a message: "Are you there? If you agree, initiate a transfer and I will send you a video. If you don't agree, forget it, and I will find another home."

The other party's words made Yang Xiaohu wake up, this time is not the time to care about money, but to hurry up.

He also has to edit the video and see if there is anything he wants in the other party's video.

He knew that Lin Fang had attended the lobster feast, but others might not know!

This video is really valuable if it can prove that Lin Fang has participated!

Soon, the transaction was completed, and after Yang Xiaohu carefully checked the video, a smile appeared on his face.

Money is coming soon!

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