I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 248: While the investigation is in progress

It was the first time that Gu Pengfei pushed him to get close to the lady at the front desk, and Lin Fang felt a little embarrassed.

It was only the second time that he had done this kind of thing, and he was already familiar with it, as if he had done it countless times before.

Lin Fang put one hand on the front desk, turned to the other side with a smile, and said, "Miss, I think you are very kind, I was originally here to find someone, but when I saw you, I almost forgot about it. !"

The lady at the front desk smiled when she saw Lin Fang leaning over, and when she heard Lin Fang say that, the smile on her face couldn't stop. She directly showed her WeChat QR code and put the phone Handed it to Lin Fang: "Come on, sweep me."

Lin Fang: "..."


Gu Pengfei gritted his teeth and turned away, took out his mobile phone, opened the album, and turned over the photos of his wife.

I'm not angry!

I'm not angry!

Oh, what's so great?

I have a wife, my wife is so beautiful, isn't she sweet when I go home to play with my wife?

Lin Fang hesitated for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and readily scanned the QR code of the lady at the front desk.

If you have requests from others, it is better to follow others.

"Lin Fangwen? You ask WeChat, is it your name?"

The lady at the front desk happily took back her phone, glanced at WeChat, and asked Xiang Lin Fang curiously.

Lin Fang explained with a smile: "My name is Lin Fang, and the word 'fang' is Fang Wen."

"Hey? Really, it's so interesting!"

The lady at the front desk didn't know what the joke was, and she laughed very happily.

O woman!

Why can't I hear it, what's interesting?

Gu Pengfei squinted at the lady at the front desk secretly, his eyes full of contempt.

After chatting a few words, Lin Fang felt that the atmosphere was almost hot, and asked directly, "Miss, let me ask you something."

"Okay, just ask!"


The reaction of the lady at the front desk was all Lin Fang expected.

This one is too cooperative. Lin Fang felt that no matter what jokes she said were not funny, she would cooperate with them and laugh, and she could listen to them with gusto.

Instead of wasting that time, ask questions directly.

He said: "I want to ask, when does Julina usually come to exercise?"


The lady at the front desk pouted and said, "As long as she has time, she can't wait to be in our gym 24 hours a day. She didn't come to exercise at all, but to hang Kaizi... ah, me... what am I? didn't say..."

It may be that Lin Fang looks too harmless, and the current atmosphere is so good, the young lady at the front desk didn't pay attention, and she said everything in her heart with a bald mouth.

But the words had already been spoken, and she could only plead with Lin Fang with an annoyed expression: "Lin Fang, you must not tell anyone, this is what I said. She is an annual member of our gym, and she bought it Lots of fitness classes. If I'm known to speak ill of her, I'll be fired!"

Lin Fang gave the lady at the front desk a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a talkative person."

Juliana will soak in the Pavi Romana gym whenever she has time, which is quite an important message.

Investigation and evidence collection are usually long-term work, and it is difficult to obtain useful evidence once or twice.

Knowing this information is very useful to Lin Fang and Gu Pengfei.

The lady at the front desk got Lin Fang's assurance, patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief. She said, "Then remember, you must help me keep it a secret...hey...she's here!"

Looking in the direction of the fingers of the lady at the front desk, Lin Fang saw a scantily clad woman walking into the gym with exaggerated steps.

She is of the European and American style. She doesn't know if her hair is true or not, but she has big waves of fluffy blond hair. She wears a light green vest on the upper body and pink fitness pants on the lower body. human eyeball.

Just looking at her appearance, Zhu Lina can only say that she is good-looking among ordinary women, but she is the kind of little transparency that is easy to be ignored when thrown into the pile of really good-looking beauties.

However, her figure is indeed very good. I don't know if it was born, medical reform, or hard training.

She has an unusually exaggerated hip circumference. Maybe she also knows her own strengths, and her walking posture is trying her best to highlight this.

From the moment Julina walked into the gym, the original vibe of giggling and playing iron with one's life suddenly changed, and it slanted in a pink and extravagant direction.

There are quite a lot of strong men who are doing irons, staring at Julina, especially when she walks by, their eyes are like knives, staring behind Julina.

Julina didn't have a strange expression at all, and she even enjoyed this much-anticipated treatment. She didn't go to the dressing room to change clothes, nor put away her backpack. She casually found a fitness equipment that was suitable for showing her body. As soon as you sit on it, put your bag aside, and start exercising.


The lady at the front desk couldn't help but pouted and whispered, "Forget it!"

Lin Fang couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

He could see that the lady at the front desk was still a little jealous of Julina.

The lady at the front desk saw Lin Fang smiling and quickly defended: "It's not what you think, this woman is really annoying. When she came, the taste of our good gym changed, and it became a kind of no-three nos. Si's shampoo room is irritating!"

Lin Fang smiled and nodded: "I understand. Thank you, Miss! My friends and I are going to ask her something, goodbye!"


The lady at the front desk waved to Lin Fang reluctantly. If she still had to go to work, she really wanted to follow him. Even if she couldn't do anything, she could protect Lin Fang and prevent him from being tempted by the saucy fox.

Lin Fang went to meet Gu Pengfei, pointed him to Julina's location, and asked, "Brother Gu, do we want to go over and ask about the situation?"

Gu Pengfei thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "We still don't know whether Zhu Lina lives with Pan Yunsheng, or it's better not to startle the snake. Let's go out and wait, hang this woman, and see where she lives. , and try to find a way to explore the situation in her home."

Lin Fang touched his nose and said, "Brother Gu, the lady at the front desk just said that this woman runs to the gym whenever she has time, and can't wait to stay in the gym 24 hours a day. We've been waiting, I'm afraid we will have to wait. long time."

Gu Pengfei couldn't help but smile and said: "Why, are you bored? Our lawyers' preliminary investigation work and mid-term case file analysis work are very tedious. The more prepared you are, the more you will be able to do it when you go to court later. Opportunity rolls around."

Lin Fang thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm bored, I just feel that the efficiency seems to be lower. Otherwise... Brother Gu, you're staring here, I'll try to find out if I can find Julina's. Address. If possible, I'd like to visit her house first!"

"How do you know about her home..."

Gu Pengfei wanted to veto subconsciously, but he thought of something, turned his head and glanced at the young lady at the front desk who was staring at Lin Fang without blinking, he couldn't help but sighed and nodded, "Okay, try it first. . If we can, we'll split up."

He said to let Lin Fang try it, but Gu Pengfei actually felt that Lin Fang could not do this kind of thing?

The WeChat nickname of the lady at the front desk is "Heart in the Night Sky", because it is a newly added relationship, it is automatically displayed at the top.

Lin Fang made a note on her WeChat, and then sent her a message asking for Julina's address.

The night sky has a heart: "Yeah... this is not good? According to the regulations, we cannot disclose the privacy of our members!"

When Lin Fang saw the news, he looked up at the front desk, and the young lady at the front desk gave him a peek at him. She seemed a little shy, and hurriedly lowered her head again.

If it was replaced by the time before, Lin Fang would subconsciously think that the other party rejected her request.

But now, Lin Fang noticed that the lady at the front desk was loose. He even saw that the lady at the front desk not only wanted him to be soft and hard for a while, but also seemed to have other ideas, such as... a date invitation!

Lin Fang was half-testing, half-intuitively, and replied to her, "Miss, when are you usually free? If you have time, can I invite you to watch a movie?"

"Okay! I have two days off a week, I'm free on Wednesday and Friday, and tomorrow is Wednesday..."

Lin Fang: "..."

Is it true?

Lin Fang was a little surprised by his intuition about girls. When he first passed through, he was not so keen.

Even though he has met multiple ex-girlfriends one after another, when he gets along with them, he still has a very typical straight male mindset.

When did I change...

It seems to be...because the payment is good?

All kinds of thoughts intertwined in his heart, and after a while, Lin Fang found the reason.

It seemed that after lingering with Fu Hao for a few days, as if he had opened up the second vein of Ren and Du, Lin Fang suddenly became enlightened, and his intuition became sharper day by day. Meaning the subtext below.

That's right!

All girls, even the most straight-looking female men, have one meaning on the surface and one meaning in secret.

Maybe if you say a wrong word, you will be hated by them for a long time.

Lin Xin thought about it in his heart, but he didn't stop in his hands. He replied again: "Okay, the new movies that happened to be released recently are not bad. Let's watch a movie together tomorrow."

"Hee hee...you are so nice. This is the address you want..."

It's real!

When Lin Fang saw that he had just agreed, the lady at the front desk sent Julina's address and couldn't help laughing to himself.

He sent a "Bi Xin.jpg" to the lady at the front desk, and Lin Fang said to Gu Pengfei, "Brother Gu, I have already reached the address, so I will go to her house first."

Gu Pengfei: "..."

Although he knew that Lin Fang had a good chance of success, Gu Pengfei couldn't help feeling a little speechless when he saw that he had obtained Julina's home address.

He waved his hand a little tired and told Lin Fang to get out of the way.

Working with such a person is not false, but it is easy to get tired.

No way, this guy Lin Fang is just too jealous.

From a male aesthetic point of view, Gu Pengfei thinks that Lin Fang is a little handsome at most, and he is basically unremarkable, just like a male star with the same surname, which is not surprising.

But it is such a guy who can actually rely on his face to eat.

As long as it is a woman, it seems that there is no chance that Lin Fang will take advantage of it.

Seeing other men taking advantage, but not being able to take advantage of it, Gu Pengfei can convince himself once or twice that after a long time, it is really hard not to feel jealous.

Lin Fang saw that Gu Pengfei was a little tired, but he didn't think too much. He just thought that he had been staring at Juliana for a long time, and the blood was partially congested, which made him feel mentally tired.

The preliminary investigation work was so simple, boring and tasteless, Lin Fang could only silently encourage Gu Pengfei and cheer him on.

Ask him to exchange with Gu Pengfei, but Lin Fang is not willing to kill him.

Lin Fang prefers to act, which is more fun.

Julina lives not far from the gym, only three blocks away, and if you walk, it will only take about fifteen minutes.

What makes Lin Fang feel a little strange is that the community where Julina lives is actually a quite high-end elevator apartment, and the access control management is relatively strict.

Without an access card, it is difficult for even a takeaway to get in.

It is necessary to report to the security first, and then the security will contact the owner by phone. Only after confirmation will it be released.

Lin Fang first observed outside the gate of the community for a while, then went out for a distance, observed the residents who came in and out, and finally selected a person who looked twenty-seven or eighty-year-old~www.wuxiaspot.com~ wearing a light blue sweatshirt , a single woman who had just returned from a run wearing headphones, leaned over.

When the other party was less than ten meters away from the gate, Lin Fang walked back and forth with the other party, and then entered the community with the other party when the other party swiped the card.

After entering the community, he walked about a dozen steps, a distance from the security guard, Lin Fang changed direction, and before he took two steps, he was stopped by the girl in sportswear.

"Little brother, you are not a resident in the community. Should you say thank you for helping others?"

Lin Fang: "???"

I go……

How did you find out?

You didn't even look at me during the whole process. How did you know that I wasn't a resident of the community?

Lin Fang glanced at her, just in time to meet the other party's smiling face, so he could only say: "Thank you, sister! I have something else to do, I'll go first."


The girl in the sportswear took two quick steps, stood in front of Lin Fang, folded her arms and said, "Okay, I just cheated, and let me cheat. You really are not a resident of our community! To be honest, what are you doing? What bad things are you planning to do? If you say it well, maybe I can do you a favor!"

Lin Fang: "..."

Lin Fang didn't expect that the girl was cheating on him, and he didn't expect that she actually wanted to get involved.

Seeing her eagerness to try, it seemed that she was really planning to do something bad.

Lin Fang took out a business card from his pocket. The clerk placed it on his desk today. The word "Assistant Lawyer" was written on it. He handed the business card to the girl and said, "I'm not a bad person, I'm Ding. Taihang's lawyer, come to investigate a case."

"A lawyer?"

The girl released her hands and took the business card, her eyes seemed a little disappointed.

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