I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 251: I'm afraid it's not 2

Just when Lin Fang hesitated, there was a whirring sound of sipping from behind him.

When he turned around, Luo Qingyu had her hair loose, a bath towel wrapped around her armpit, and a bubbling glass of iced cola in her hand. She drank it while watching a good show, staring at Lin Fang.

Lin Fang: "o(╯□╰)o..."

"Goo! Ha..."

Luo Qingyu took a big gulp of iced cola, put the glass on the kitchen counter next to her, and was eager to try it.

"Jump, you jump! You jump (youjump), and I jump (ijump)! I just watched the 3D remake of "Titanic", and I enjoyed this scene so much, I always wanted to find someone to try it Try, or...you fulfill my dream?"

Lin Fang: "..."

Are you so sick?

Your dream is to watch people jump off a building?


Lin Fang jumped out of the window, landed on the kitchen floor, and walked past Luo Qingyu expressionlessly.

He had a more sober understanding of Luo Qingyu, this thing is a Er Ha!

The IQ is in arrears, the kind of thinking that escapes.

As long as you are serious with her, you will lose.


Luo Qingyu raised a pink arm to block Lin Fang's path.

Because of the height difference, she had to raise her head above her head to stop Lin Fang's neck.

Lin Fangli ignored it and continued to move forward.

Luo Qingyu also competed with Lin Fang, gritted her teeth and used her milk strength to try to stop Lin Fang.

There was nothing wrong with her exertion, but the bath towel on her body slipped to the ground with a swish because of her excessive exertion.


Luo Qingyu screamed, almost deafening Lin Fang's ears.

Is this going to blind my eyes with the Shield of Light?

Lin Fang took a closer look...

you sir!

Holy what holy, light what light?

When this woman was running, she went into battle in the air, but after taking a shower, she played with a tube top and hot pants, wrapping herself tightly.

After wearing all the clothes, and pretending to be wrapped in a bath towel, are you trying to tease Grandpa?



Luo Qingyu took out his mobile phone at the speed of light to take pictures, one aimed at Lin Fang, the other staggered, and took a group photo of himself and Lin Fang.

After taking the photo, she tucked the phone into the trouser pocket behind her little butt, sneered, grabbed the iced Coke beside her, gulped, drank two big mouthfuls, and smoothed her pounding heart. Rou looked at Lin Fang without smiling, and said, "Lin Fang...Are you disappointed?"

"not at all!"

Lin Fangkou involuntarily denied that he really had no interest in Luo Qingyu's body before, but after seeing her photos, he unconsciously wanted to draw a panorama of her to compare with those photos.

The result was good, this woman's brain circuit was completely different from that of a normal person, blinding Lin Fang's expectations.

"Ha ha……"

Luo Qingyu gave Lin Fang a meaningful look, then stepped aside, leaned against the wall, took out his phone and fiddled with it a few times, and said, "I'll give way, do whatever you want."

Lin Fang glanced suspiciously at Luo Qingyu, thought for a while, and said, "Okay, then you delete my photo."


Luo Qingyu readily handed the phone to Lin Fang and said, "You may not be at ease if I delete it, you can do it yourself."

Lin Fang took the phone, always feeling that something was wrong there.

But for a while, I couldn't think of where the problem was, so I had to click into the album first, and I was going to delete the photo that Luo Qingyu just took.


In the photo album of the mobile phone, there are all kinds of hot COS photos taken one by one.

Sexy, enchanting, pure, immortal...

What's even more exaggerated is that the animalized COS of various ear girls, the people who see the bloodline (ben) Zhang Zhang, the degree of exaggeration, are more than the ones on the photo wall, but no less.

Lin Fang felt his willpower slipped again, and he quickly deleted two of his photos, hurriedly returned the phone to Luo Qingyu, and said, "Open the door, it's time for me to go."

Luo Qingyu didn't seem to notice that her photo was seen by Lin Fang, a smile flashed in her eyes, she nodded calmly, walked to the entrance, and went to a small hole on the left side of a wooden owl carving on the wall. He touched it, found a key, unlocked the door, looked at Lin Fang with a smile, and made a gesture of congratulations.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fang couldn't help but patted his forehead, feeling that his whole body was not well.

He didn't expect that this woman even hid a spare key at the entrance.

Luo Qingyu did not take her usual key, and deliberately took out the spare key from the owl wood carving, obviously mocking Lin Fang.

Why am I being molested by an Erha?

Lin Fang felt his head buzzing, he didn't even know how he got out of Luo Qingyu's house.


Lin Fang didn't take two steps out, when he heard the sound of a strong door slamming behind him. He suddenly recovered and remembered what was wrong.

He only looked at Luo Qingyu's mobile phone album, but forgot to look at her WeChat, whether she sent the photos to the "WeChat Transfer Assistant" or to any trumpet account, she could easily transfer the photos.


Lin Fang turned around and ran to knock on the door, but Luo Qingyu refused to open the door after being beaten to death.

"Open the door, Luo Qingyu, I seem to have forgotten something..."

"Let's go, I will raise the child alone, we are over, we can't..."

Lin Fang: "..."

I'm about to burst!

Which one are you playing?

Shall I accompany you to a classic line from "Aunt Xue", "You have the ability to XXX, you have the ability to open the door"?

At this time, Lin Fang's cell phone rang, and when he looked at the number, it was Gu Pengfei who called.

"Lin Fang, where are you now? Have you finished dealing with your ex-girlfriend? I'm just outside the XX community, Pan Yunsheng and others are eating in a small restaurant, and they're about to finish eating. I suspect they have something else to do later. I'm going somewhere, and I'm going to go and have a look."

"Brother Gu, wait for me, I'll be right here!"

Lin Fang glanced back at the door of 1803 and hurriedly pressed the elevator downstairs.


Lin Fang took the elevator to go down, and Luo Qingyu opened the door to a gap. She looked around, but didn't see Lin Fang, and ran to the elevator to take a look. Then she nodded and pressed the button. Press the button, go back and lock the door, then come back and wait for the elevator.

At this moment, Luo Qingyu had changed into a black leather coat, her hair was tied into a crisp high ponytail, and she was holding a black helmet in her hand. When the elevator came down, she went in and pressed the first floor directly.

When Luo Qingyu rode a large-displacement heavy-duty locomotive out of the community, Lin Fang had just left the community.

He found Gu Pengfei's Haval on the side of the road, opened the door and sat in.

Before anyone could sit still, Gu Pengfei handed over a box of wolf-toothed potatoes and a luxurious hand-grabbed cake, and said, "It's too late to eat, and I don't know how long it will take. I guess, this Pan Yunsheng, there is something wrong!"

Lin Fang took the things and first took a bite of the finger pancake. The flavors of eggs, chicken, tenderloin, beef, bacon, tomato, and lettuce were mixed together, and with the spicy sauce, there was an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

He put the wolf tooth potatoes on his knees, picked one up with a toothpick and stuffed it into his mouth. The mixture of sour, spicy, numb, sweet, and salty flavors made the little potatoes delicious.

At this time, if there is any hot drink to drink, it would be perfect.

Just at this moment, Gu Pengfei said: "By the way, the soy milk is in the back, I forgot to bring it to you..."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand from the middle of the two chairs and handed a cup of freshly ground soy milk to Lin Fang, saying, "I like it with peanuts and red dates, but I don't know if you can get used to it. If we do, we can only do it first, Pan Yunsheng and the others will come out in a while, and it's too late to change."

"I'm used to drinking, a cup of hot drink is perfect!"

Lin Fang hurriedly took it, took a small sip, and tested the temperature. When he drank it, the soy milk was only slightly hot. When there was food in his mouth, after being absorbed by the food, the soy milk would be slightly hot. Just right.



Grab a bite of the cake and a mouthful of wolf-toothed potatoes, chew it a few times, and then take a sip of soy milk. It was originally just a snack that can be seen everywhere on the street. After mixing it up, Lin Fang felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

It was almost stuck in Lin Fang's last mouthful of soy milk. Before he could clean it up, Pan Yunsheng and a fat bald man walked out of a small restaurant by the roadside. A brown SUV.

"Put your seat belt on and sit tight!"


Lin Fang agreed and hurriedly followed suit, then hurriedly stuffed all the food waste into a plastic bag, rolled it into a ball, and put it in his pocket.

About 200 meters behind Haval, a black heavy locomotive started quickly and chased after him.

The SUV drove a distance on the road, turned a corner, and drove towards the suburbs.

Gu Pengfei hesitated for a moment, then slowed down and turned.

On the contrary, the heavy locomotive that was chasing behind did not have time to slow down, so it simply passed the Haval and caught up with the SUV first.

After Gu Pengfei caught up, he slowly discovered that there was a heavy locomotive between him and the SUV.

"Lin Fang, what's the matter with this motorcycle? Did you pay attention? How do I feel that he is also with Pan Yunsheng?"

"I'm really following Pan Yunsheng!"

Lin Fang took a closer look and nodded cautiously: "When I was eating, I saw this car parked on the side of the road, I didn't care at that time, I didn't expect it to follow, and now it's catching up with Pan Yunsheng's car. ...is he also Pan Yunsheng's creditor?"

Gu Pengfei thought for a while, nodded and said, "Maybe it's the creditor! This Pan Yunsheng doesn't know how much he owes. He doesn't want to raise money when he doesn't go to work. "

Lin Fang smiled and said, "Maybe, he is going to raise money now? We can't kill a person with a stick, right?"


Gu Pengfei sneered and said, "Dogs can't change their way of eating shit. It's no wonder that a person like Pan Yunsheng can raise money seriously! I guess he's not going to fix some crooked ways of stealing chickens and dogs, or going to gamble to turn around!"

Half an hour later, the car followed the black locomotive to a small town, drove forward a distance, and the locomotive stopped at the door of a luxury nightclub.

There are many cars parked in a mess at the entrance of the nightclub, and some heavy locomotives are parked inside.

Gu Pengfei didn't care too much. He drove directly over and stopped the car. He couldn't help but screamed and said, "Strange, the owner of this motorcycle is actually a woman?"

Lin Fang looked around and found that the girl who got off the heavy locomotive was a curvy girl. She didn't take off her helmet, she followed Pan Yunsheng directly, and entered the nightclub, obviously going towards Pan Yunsheng.

Seeing the girl's back, Lin Fang always felt a little familiar, but he just passed it through his mind, but he couldn't match the number.

The two were worried about getting lost, and quickly got out of the car and chased after them.

Unexpectedly, after following the girl in black to the third floor, she saw that she was stopped by two strong men.

"I'm sorry, please go to the first and second floors for leisure and entertainment, and the third floor will cost you 500,000!"

Luo Qingyu was stunned, and was a little unresponsive there.

Are you scare auntie?

What is the broken place, the low consumption will cost 500,000? Why don't you go grab it?

Gu Pengfei paused when he heard this.

500,000...5,000 yuan, he doesn't have it, he is poor and short-sighted, or else forget it and block Pan Yunsheng in the community another day.

He was about to tell Lin Fang what he thought. Who knew that Lin Fang took a step forward, showed his WeChat balance, and said, "We are together. I have opened a large-amount payment, so I should be able to go in now?"


Glancing at Lin Fang's WeChat balance~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the two strong men immediately put on a smiley face when they saw the fat sheep, and stepped aside, wishing to bow 90 degrees to welcome them.

Luo Qingyu was dragged by Lin Fang, and followed in confusion.

"Focus on color and friends!"

Gu Pengfei, who was a little further behind, murmured and followed.

When the two strong men behind him could no longer see it, he quickly caught up with Lin Fang and whispered, "Brother, you are too impulsive! It's such a broken place, I don't know what it is for, you really want to be here. Five hundred thousand?"

Lin Fang shrugged and said, "If something is wrong, we just call the police."

Gu Pengfei: "..."

If you have difficulty, find the police, no problem!

Gu Pengfei thought that Lin Fangzhen was going to spend 500,000 yuan here to make a fool of himself, but now that he knew that he had a right idea in his heart, he stopped persuading him.

In front of them was a long corridor. After detouring a few times, they passed several places that looked like strong men holding the door, and finally entered a spacious hall.

There are all kinds of gambling machines in the hall, and then there are gambling tables with different ways of playing.

Is this actually an underground casino?

"Call the police!"

Gu Pengfei whispered to Lin Fang: "Ten bets and nine cheats, as long as we play, we will definitely lose. You help me cover, I'll find a place to call and report..."

"How many, are the exchange chips here?"

Before Lin Fang could answer, a girl in a cheongsam walked over with two strong men and smiled at the three of them.

Lin Fang turned his head and glanced at Gu Pengfei, and shrugged helplessly.

With three raw faces, it is impossible to go unnoticed.

Don't look at the other party's smile now, if you don't pay for chips, it will be a violent method immediately.

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