I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 274: Please tell Daji to your heart's content


Mi Li'er blushed with a pretty face, as if she was bitten by a snake, she quickly took out her hand, and pushed Lin Fang again, not knowing if it was anger or what, her eyebrows stood upright, and her almond eyes were wide open.

"Lin Fang! You are shameless!"

"Why am I shameless?"

Lin Fang's face was inexplicable. From the beginning to the end, it was your hand that moved. I didn't even move. Why do you call me shameless?

Mi Li'er didn't argue with Lin Fang, she just gritted her teeth and stared at Lin Fang and asked angrily, "Then let me ask you, what about the lipstick?"

It was only then that Lin Fang suddenly realized that he still felt the lipstick from the pocket of Mi Li'er's trousers, handed it over, and said, "Isn't the lipstick here?"

Mi Li'er looked at Lin Fang in surprise, her face full of incredulity: "How could it really be in this pocket? Isn't what I just touched..."

It seemed that it was a little hard to say, and the words were only halfway through, and Mi Lier stopped his mouth decisively.

Lin Fang looked at Mi Li'er with a half-smile but not a smile, and said, "Isn't it something?"

Mi Li'er's face turned red again, she snatched the lipstick from Lin Fang's hand, rolled him a glance, and said, "I'm too lazy to care about you! Shameless!"

Lin Fang: "..."

What the **** did I do, and say I'm shameless?

Grabbing the lipstick from Lin Fang's hand, Mi Li'er didn't know if she had achieved her goal, or she felt a little embarrassed to face Lin Fang, she hurriedly opened the door and said, "Okay, I've arrived home safely, let's go! "

Lin Fang looked at Mi Li'er with a half-smile, and said, "I wanted to go just now and you didn't let me go, but now you let me go, but I don't want to go!"

Saying that, he took a step forward and turned the rice grain against the wall.

The height difference happened everywhere, so that Mi Li'er could clearly feel the slight heat exhaled from Lin Fang's eyebrows. That kind of strange and stimulating feeling that seemed to be dangerous, but also like a provocation, made her feel tense and her heartbeat accelerated. , the urge to urinate accumulates at a very fast rate.

Mi Li'er didn't dare to look up, it seemed that the only way to soothe her emotions was, but it was only a little soothing.

She stammered and asked, "Lin...Lin Fang...you...what are you trying to do...be careful with me...I tell my sister! You...you can't bully me..."

I bother!

Now I remembered to tell your sister, why did you go earlier?

Lin Fang originally didn't think about what to do with Mi Li'er, he just couldn't get used to Mi Li'er's behavior and deliberately scare her.

Where can I imagine that Mi Li'er looks nervous and that's all, but it's this look, this tone, and this word, invisible hookup is always the most provocative.

At this moment, Lin Fang felt a little itchy, and it was very difficult.

So, Lin Fang raised Mi Li'er's chin, deliberately using a vicious tone, said: "I will bully you, what can you do to me?"



Lin Fang only felt a sliver of flames burn down from the lumen, confusing his brain, blurring his eyes, scorching his nose, boiling his chest, exploding his belly, and letting himself be covered in every part of his body. , are burning, and more trembling.

Are you begging for mercy, or are you ranting?

Don't you know that at this time, a man's reason can easily be approximated to nothing?

Lin Fang felt that his sanity was like a powder keg that had been ignited. It was no longer a question of whether it would be overwhelmed by the explosion, but a question of when it would be overwhelmed by the explosion.


I can't stay any longer!

Lin Fang took a deep breath of cold air, slid his thumb over Mi Li'er's lips, and said in a deliberately cold voice, "Mi Li'er, speak to me in this tone next time, and see how I bully you! Go!"

After walking out of the room, Lin Fang closed the door with all his strength, and his rationality that was on the verge of collapse became a little awake. He walked into the elevator as fast as possible, pressed the button on the first floor, and then pressed his forehead against the cold metal wall of the car. , try to calm yourself down a bit.


The moment she saw the door closed, Mi Li'er let out a coquettish cry and slid down the wall and sat on the ground. At this moment, her face was flushed, her eyes were blurred, her breathing was short, and her hands were tightly twisted together. Lin put it where to go.


Now that Lin Fang was away, Mi Li'er called out this name again, and it was no longer a joke. Some were surprised, longing, and hormones were secreting.

How demeaning Mi Sui'er was in the past, but Mi Li'er didn't realize until this moment how one-sided his understanding of Lin Fang was.

Because of this, Mi Li'er was extremely fortunate that Mi Sui'er broke up with Lin Fang early.

Otherwise, it's not very good for biological sisters to grab the same man.


When Lin Fang rushed to the coffee shop, he found the location of Bai Zhi immediately. He didn't rush to go there, but went to the bathroom first and washed his face to relieve the heat in his heart.

It's not that it doesn't work, it's just that the effect isn't obvious.

Lin Fang was helpless, so he simply cleaned up and sat down in front of Bai Zhi.

"Are you going now?"

"Wait for me first, I'm a little thirsty... Waiter, please bring a glass of ice water, add ice!"


When Lin Fang sat down, Bai Zhi actually didn't look very good, but she held back her displeasure and pretended that nothing had happened, but she actually wanted Lin Fang to find herself angry, and then asked why.

It's a pity that Lin Fang didn't notice this.

Many times, if girls don't make an effort to elongate their faces, very few boys can see that they are angry. If girls cover up a little more, even more careful boys can hardly see that they are angry.

From this point of view, Bai Zhi's disguise is actually successful.

It's just that Lin Fang's act of sitting down and asking for ice water and adding ice almost made Bai Zhi laugh, but she secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, Lin Fang didn't realize that he was angry.

There is only one reason for Lin Fang's request for ice water, and that is that Mi Li'er must have played some kind of fox trick, but Lin Fang didn't take the bait, otherwise, he wouldn't be so hot at all, what ice water would he need!

The ice water was quickly brought up. Lin Fang took two sips first to moisten his throat, then added ice and drank it all in one go.

ton ton ton!

The pure ice water is not cold enough. Only when you add ice to drink it can you get that biting coldness, which can make the restless emotions, the boiling brain, the burning chest fire, and the blood that is on the verge of scorching return to the normal track.


Lin Fang let out a long sigh, and finally felt a little more relaxed, but he still did not relax his vigilance.

In terms of beauty, stature, and attractiveness, it is no worse than a grain of rice.

Lin Fang couldn't really relax his vigilance for a moment without sending her home.

"Come on, I'll take you home."


Bai Zhi obediently agreed, got up and walked out, Lin Fang called the waiter to pay the bill, only to find out that Bai Zhi had prepaid the fee at the cashier, and seeing the change handed over by the waiter, Lin Fang was a little dumbfounded.

For people who are unfamiliar, no matter how beautiful the other party is, Lin Fang will follow the ancestral motto of the Lin family and carry out the word "pull" to the end.

But to familiar friends, especially those who are really kind to him, Lin Fang is still very generous.

It's just that he didn't expect that Bai Zhi would consider it so meticulously, and prepaid the fee at the cashier early, so that he couldn't do anything if he wanted to treat a guest.

It may be that there was some touch in his heart. When Lin Fang caught up with Bai Zhi, he felt that the temperature of the flame in his heart had dropped a little bit. Although he still couldn't stand the provocation, the fiery heat that would explode at any time was gone.

On the way to send Bai Zhi home, the two hardly spoke much, but a warm atmosphere spread between them.

When they stopped at the gate of the community, Bai Zhi turned to look at Lin Fang, smiled lightly, and said, "Lin Fang, I am very happy today. In the future... Can I still go shopping with you?"

Lin Fang nodded without hesitation: "Of course!"

When the words were spoken, Fu Hao's shadow flashed before his eyes, and Lin Fang regretted a little, regretting that he made light promises, not only living up to Fu Hao, but also sorry to Bai Zhi.

"Wooden ah!"

Taking advantage of Lin Fang's stunned effort, Bai Zhi suddenly leaned in to kiss Lin Fang's face, then opened the car door and said with a smile: "Thank you, I'm serious, you can't refuse when I ask you out!"



Lin Fang touched the cheek that still seemed to have a warm touch, smelled the faint aroma in the air, and shook his head and smiled in self-consciousness.

In fact, Lin Xin knew with confidence that if he refused to get back with ex-girlfriends one after another when he first crossed the world line, it was just because he was overwhelmed and didn't believe in the pie in the sky.

There are still such tangled emotions now, it is already a simple self-concept cage problem.

In the good direction, this is called insisting on one's self and having a bottom line. In the bad direction, it is just being bound by the self-imposed concept.

Whether it was right or wrong, Lin Fang couldn't tell.


When I got home, I was nagged by my mother as usual, but she actually guarded Lin Fang, brought a bottle of boiled water, and put the cold rice in the refrigerator on the dining table, asking him to finish it.

Lin Fang put on a bitter face and secretly complained: Anyway, I am also a new middle-class with a net worth of over 10 million and a small wealth. If it is a big night, you will let me eat this for supper? Really mom!

Or Lin Xiaolei couldn't see it, she took a bottle of Lao Ganma and put a stack of pickles in front of Lin Fang so that he could have dinner.

Lin's mother was harsh to her son, but she was too tolerant to Lin Xiaolei. Although she was angry, she spoke to Lin Xiaolei in a soft tone: "Leilei, it's not because my mother said you, this **** just needs to clean up! I just let him eat two bites. Why do you feel so distressed about him?"

"Mom! I didn't feel bad for him, I just felt that Kimchi and Laoganma had too much time left. It would be better to eat them early!"

Lin Fang looked at the boiling water, rice, kimchi and Lao Ganma in the bowl, trying to squeeze out an embarrassed but polite smile.

Ever since my mother dragged Lin Xiaolei to the bedroom that day, and the two of them whispered for a long time, Lin Fang found that his family status seemed to reverse overnight.

In the past, my mother yelled at Lin Xiaolei and hurt Lin Fang, but now it was Lin Fang and Lin Xiaolei was hurt.

If at first Lin Fang suspected that Lin Xiaolei picked it up, now he has begun to doubt that he was the one who picked it up.


After two bowls of boiling water soaked the rice, Lin Fang was so exhausted that he woke up much later than usual the next morning.

Fortunately, it was the weekend, and his mother mercifully didn't call him to get up for breakfast, otherwise Lin Fang would definitely have to go back to sleep again, wasting the good time of the weekend.

After Lin Fang took a shower, he didn't even bother to eat, so he hurried to pay good home.

Before the person arrived, his WeChat was bombarded first.

"Dear, I'll be at your house soon, wait for me, I miss you, ah!"

If he used to feel disgusting, Lin Fang said it without pressure now, and even felt that he was cute.

Fu Hao's reply came quickly: "Hee hee... I've been waiting for you for a long time, come quickly, there is a surprise today!"



Lin Fang, who had been looking forward to it for many days, naturally thought of all kinds of charming pictures. For a while, the blood all over his body burned, and he couldn't help but stepped on the accelerator and stepped on it again. Throttle, can't wait to fly in front of Fu Hao for the first time.

It's just that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. The more anxious he was, the more he encountered a red light. Lin Fang looked at the car in front of him and the red light on the road.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, so Lin Fang simply turned a corner, instead of taking the avenue, he took the path instead.

Maybe it won't take much time to cancel the contract by taking the small road, but at least there is no obstruction along the way, which is very good for relieving anxiety.

Half an hour later, Lin Fang parked the car in the parking space of Fuhao Community, rushed into the elevator at the fastest speed, and came to the door of Fuhao's house.

Contrary to Lin Fang's expectations, Fu Hao actually left a door for him. The false door was pulled open with a gentle pull. As soon as he entered the door, there were prepared slippers, extending all the way to the bedroom on both sides of the slippers. It is a low-temperature candle and rose petals used to create an atmosphere~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The curtains in the living room and bedroom are tightly drawn, and the curtains equipped with blackout curtains block any possibility of light penetrating in, allowing the low-temperature candles Even in the daytime, it can also create a warm atmosphere.

Lin Fangqiang resisted the excitement in his heart, put on slippers, followed the path composed of petals and candles, crossed the middle of the path arranged in a heart-shaped pattern, and quickly came to the bedroom.

In the room, Fu Hao was wearing a nine-tailed fox COS outfit that he didn't know when to buy. His face was also carefully sketched with the same makeup look. He had furry ears and tail, and there were a few monster lines on his face, which was not charming. Human-like.

At this moment, seeing the payment in front of him, Lin Xin's head was almost 120,000 satisfied, and he had only one thought in his heart: I will do my best, the last drop!

"Please tell Daji to your heart's content, Master!"


Lin Fang was already so excited that he couldn't help it, and when he heard Fu Hao's words, he couldn't hold it in anymore, so he threw himself on it...

Just in the process of doing things, Lin Fang had a doubt, how did the tail fit on?

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