I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 317: long lost brothers reunion

Wu Ziqi's biggest obsession is that she never went to college. If it were someone else, she might go back to college again, or go to college or something, and realize her college dream.

The difference between her and others is that she just wants to be close to the school. If there is a chance to do something in the school, that would be great.

The reason why Wu Ziqi's deceased husband spent a lot of money to open convenience stores in several universities was also somewhat influenced by her.

The results are also very satisfactory, the initial investment is large, and the later return is greater.

Even in the off-season of winter and summer vacations, the flow of people in the university will be much lower, and the flow of convenience stores can be equal to that of ordinary street stores. During the peak season of the school, especially in September of each year when freshmen enter, the profits are often terrifyingly high.

I don't know if it was lucky or unfortunate, but Wu Ziqi's widow's pain lasted much longer than others. Her deceased husband was terminally ill and lay in the hospital for two full years before passing away.

Wu Ziqi had to take care of her sick husband while supporting her family business under his guidance.

Thanks to the two years of experience, Wu Ziqi has gradually become a shrewd and capable chain convenience store owner from a housewife who knows nothing.

When Wu Ziqi's deceased husband was not sick, he often talked about her poor clothes and old-fashioned clothes. When he was sick, he stopped talking about her, but often praised her for her good-looking dress.

It's not that his aesthetics have changed, it's just that a normal man's selfishness and possessiveness made him compliment Wu Ziqi's clothes against his will, so that those crazy bees and butterflies ignore her true beauty.

It has to be said that this kind of small method is somewhat unreliable, but it is unexpectedly effective.

It worked until Wu Ziqi met Lin Fang.

Unfortunately, it is useless to stop some things.

Wu Ziqi has always been brooding about not being able to go to college. After taking over a number of convenience stores, she worked hard for two years before she could stabilize the situation. It took another year to sort out, and then she slowly became a shopkeeper. With more time of my own, I also began to have the opportunity to make up for past regrets.

The way she makes up for her regret is very simple, that is, she runs a convenience store in the university herself.

Wu Ziqi's family tried, and finally selected the Sichuan Four where Lin Fang is located.

After a period of adaptation, Wu Ziqi's life rhythm gradually slowed down.

She listened to gossip in the school, ate in the school cafeteria, occasionally asked clerks from other stores to come over to replace the class, and then went to listen to the lectures of her favorite lecturers.

Except for being a little older than a real college student, Wu Ziqi's life is almost the same as that of an ordinary college student.

It is precisely because of this that she, like other girls in the school, fell in love with Lin Fang, one of the four most important figures in Sichuan!

In a sense, Lin Fang is not only a person, he has become the epitome and sustenance of Wu Ziqi's university life, even if one day she has to leave the campus, as long as Lin Fang is still there, her psychological harbor will still be there.


Lin Fang didn't know that there were too many reasons behind Wu Ziqi's liking him, and there were too many mistakes.

He simply treated Wu Ziqi as an ordinary woman who almost became his ex-girlfriend, thinking that adding WeChat would be the end, and there would be no more stories.

Man, sometimes it's that simple.

What Lin Fang didn't know was that as long as a woman liked him enough, as long as he dared to open a crack in his heart, she would dare to live in.

The location arranged by He Naibin is an old hot pot restaurant in Yudu. Unlike Jincheng hot pot, which is divided into red pot, white pot and mandarin duck pot, the authentic Yudu old hot pot only has red pot.

Yudu old hot pot usually uses butter pot bottom, a Chinese iron pot is placed on an old stove, the hot pot base is in the middle, and a nine-square grid is on the top.

When boiling vegetables, different dishes are placed in different positions of the Jiugongge. Those that are difficult to cook are placed in the middle with the strongest firepower, and those that are easy to cook are placed on the edges and corners.

Put different dishes in at the beginning, and when you eat, you almost don’t need to order any more dishes, just attack the Jiugongge from the periphery to the middle.

When Lin Fang arrived at the hot pot restaurant, He Naibin had already arrived.

I haven't seen He Naibin for a while, and Lin Fang was quite surprised to see what he looked like now.

"Nai Bin, look at your dark circles under your eyes, and look at your vain steps, right? You have a kidney deficiency, right?

"You have kidney deficiency, I don't know how you look! What kind of thing...Fuck, take it, I don't want it!"

He Naibin took the thing that Lin Fang threw over, glanced casually, as if bitten by a snake, and immediately threw it back to Lin Fang.

Before graduating from university, eating Liuwei Dihuang Pills is a good thing to say!

Lin Fang sat down with a smile, pushed the boxes of medicine that He Naibin had thrown over, and said, "I've paid for the old-fashioned stuff, you really don't want it? Men's kidney deficiency is not ashamed. Are you ready? I'll pay for it today, I'll order it!"

"No, isn't this waiting for you?"

He Naibin was a little moved by what Lin Fang said, but his attitude of refusal was not as strong as before. Taking the opportunity to pass the menu to Lin Fang, he covered a few boxes of Liuwei Dihuang Pills without a trace, and quietly opened his handbag. Sweep inside, and I don't know it.

Lin Fang pretended not to see it, ticked the menu wildly, then handed it to He Naibin, and said, "Nai Bin, look at what else you want to eat, if you think it's not enough, just order it directly, don't ask me."

"Fang brother, you are so generous today, this is the sun coming out from the west! Tsk tsk, it seems that in the future, I have to make the sister-in-law work harder and leave you on their own initiative...Fuck, brother Fang, these things you ordered are all Is it too much?"

Tender beef, snowflake beef, and mutton rolls are all routine operations. What kind of bullwhip, chicken kidney, loach, jiwei shrimp, oysters... There are so many orders, who are you going to kill?

What's more, is it ok to have only two plates of leeks for a vegetarian dish?

The wine is even more excessive. He didn't have a bottle of beer, but ordered four bottles of medicinal wine!

After eating this hot pot, I am afraid that all the brothers will have a nosebleed, right?


He Naibin swallowed his saliva and said with a dry smile: "Brother Fang, there is no need to order food like this, right? When Xiaoqiang and Jianfeng come, will they be able to eat? Xiaoqiang still has a girlfriend, and Jianfeng is the only one in our dormitory. Single dog! Besides... Brother Fang, you just broke up with love..."


Who is Brother Fang?

Ex-girlfriends line up, spare tires talk about packed walking planters!

I'm afraid it wasn't Shi Lezhi who was worried about this for him!

He is afraid that he has prepared a few spare tires long ago, and he will fight until dawn tonight!

Thinking of Lin Fang's past deeds, He Naibin couldn't help slapping himself, and then looking at Lin Fang's eyes, he became somewhat resentful.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the great opportunity of the reunion of the brothers in the dormitory to announce to everyone that he officially had a girlfriend. From then on, he would wash his hands and never prostitute again... Bah, never have anything to do with seafood merchants!

But when He Naibin saw Lin Fang's posture, he suddenly regretted it, and didn't want to hang himself on a tree with a crooked neck.

Lin Fang didn't notice He Naibin's mood changes. He asked in surprise, "Jianfeng is back? Didn't he go back to his hometown?"

"Ah, back!"

He Naibin nodded, hesitated for a while, and said, "He has experienced some things in his hometown, forget it... Wait for him to come over, you can ask him directly in a while!"

The four people in the dormitory each have their own shortcomings. After getting along for three years, they can still play together. The most important point is that everyone cares about this brotherhood.

Lin Fang glanced at He Naibin and didn't ask any further.

Since He Naibin asked him to ask himself, there must be something that He Naibin couldn't tell.

The start of the senior year is approaching, which actually means that there are fewer and fewer days when we can continue to spend time in school.

Once you step into society, not to mention separate careers, but also to work hard for your own life. If you want to be the same as before, you will be inseparable as a whole, and you can drink whenever you want.

Among the four brothers, the first to appear this kind of change was Luo Zhanglang, who everyone thought would be a mess.

Lin Fang remembered that Luo Zhanglang in his previous life had changed many jobs after graduation, and none of them lasted for a long time.

Before the world traveled, Lin Fang contacted Luo Zhanglang for the last time. He was still single, unemployed for half a year, and supported by his parents.

In this life, I don't know if it was because of Jiang Wenwen or something else, Luo Zhanglang's spirit was completely different from what Lin Fang remembered.

Lin Fang still remembered that when he met Luo Zhanglang last time, Luo Zhanglang clearly encountered a lot of difficulties, but he tried his best to carry it on his own. If there was no way, Lin Fang even suspected that Luo Zhanglang would not Borrow money from him.

Money is still a trivial matter, and Luo Zhanglang obviously has other difficulties.

But no matter how Lin Fang asked, he refused to speak.

As a brother, Lin Fang can only believe that Luo Zhanglang can solve the problem by himself, and silently wish him good luck.

I don't know if his problem has been solved after so long.

And now, it's Li Jianfeng's turn again...

The people didn't come, the dishes were not served, but the wine was served first.

Because of Lin Fang's request, the waiter prepared a bottle of beer. Lin Fang simply unscrewed all the medicinal wine, and poured it all into the bottle. He asked the server to take away the empty bottles, and then poured the medicinal wine separately. Entered two cups, handed a cup to He Naibin, and said, "Well, let's ignore Jianfeng, we brothers haven't seen each other for a long time, let's drink first."


He Naibin looked at Lin Fang like a ghost, and said in a panic, "Brother Fang, don't make trouble! Can you not know about your own body? You are drunk, don't scold me to death!"

"It's okay, I thought I was allergic to alcohol, but later found out that I was only allergic to beer. If you don't believe me, look!"

"Don't let go bro..."

Lin Fang picked up the wine glass and drank half of it in one breath. The medicinal wine is different from the spicy taste of ordinary white wine. After being neutralized by the aroma of various medicinal materials, the entrance is moist and easy to drink. If you want to eat something spicy, please press it.

He Naibin got up in a hurry, but he still couldn't stop it. In the blink of an eye, he saw that half of the medicinal wine in Lin Fang's glass had been reduced.

He stared blankly at Lin Fang, sat down slumped, and murmured: "It's over, I haven't eaten this meal, so I poured one first, it seems that this lovelorn has hit Brother Fang very hard. what……"

"What are you mumbling about?"

"Brother Fang, Nai Bin, long time no see!"

Hearing the movement, Lin Fang and He Naibin turned around together, just in time to see Luo Zhanglang and Li Jianfeng coming together.

Lin Fang glanced behind them in surprise and asked, "Zhang Lang, why didn't your girlfriend come with you?"

Luo Zhanglang shook his head and smiled, and said, "Brother Fang, how can I be so ignorant? Nai Bin agreed on the phone that this is the last group gathering of our brothers before school starts. Besides, you are not going to Beijing. How can you bring your family when we see you off?"

Li Jianfeng nodded in agreement and said, "That's right! The three of us are all single dogs. It's not fair to us if you have a girlfriend and you bring your family!"

Unexpectedly, before Li Jianfeng finished his words, He Naibin's expression became strange.

Not long ago, he had a chat with Lin Fang. Among the four brothers, only Li Jianfeng was a real single dog. Luo Zhanglang had Jiang Wenwen, and he also had Sun Yulu, so Lin Fang just broke up and ate this hot pot. Time is barely a window period.

That's right, in He Naibin's opinion, after eating the hot pot, Lin Fang will definitely have other new and old loves to warm the bed. He is not a single dog at all, and the window period needs to be calculated in seconds.

"Cough cough..."

He Naibin coughed twice, got up quickly, pulled Luo Zhanglang and Li Jianfeng to sit down, and complained, "I'm not letting you go! He is allergic to alcohol. Look at him, within thirty seconds, he will be drunk!"

Lin Fang smiled and looked at He Naibin without explaining. He greeted the waiter who was serving the dishes for help. First, he put four plates of oysters in front of the four people. One dozen per person, not enough to order.

For other meat dishes that need to be cooked, without Lin Fang's instructions, the waiter took the initiative to order the dishes from the middle to the four sides according to whether they were durable or not.

Lin Fang squeezed some lemon juice into the oysters and handed it to Li Jianfeng, who was beside him, and said, "Come on, single dog, eat one!"

Li Jianfeng was also welcome. He took it and swallowed it in his mouth. While eating, he said, "Fresh, cool!"

Turning his head, he saw that Lin Fangzheng picked up the oyster meat and rinsed it in the hot pot a few times, then put it in the dipping plate and rolled it twice, wrapping it full of minced garlic, and then put it in his mouth and chewed it. It's delicious.

Li Jianfeng was stunned, and he couldn't help but ask, "Brother Fang, why don't you eat raw?"

"Ah... I'm not used to the fishy smell of raw oysters, I like them cooked."

Li Jianfeng: "..."

(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻, then if you give me raw food, won’t it be fishy if I eat it?

It's a familiar recipe, and it's a familiar taste.

After not seeing him for many days, Lin Fang was still not a human being.


Luo Zhanglang regained his senses, pointed at Lin Fang and said, "Brother Fang, aren't you drunk?"

Lin Fang nodded amusedly and said: "Yes, I told Niu Bin, I said that I was only allergic to beer. I used to say that I was allergic to alcohol, but it was a misunderstanding. After all, we are together, and we have never drank beer except beer. anything else."

He Naibin: "..."

Li Jianfeng: "..."

Luo Zhanglang: "..."

Let go, be a man!

You can pour a glass of beer, Lord, who would dare to give you white?

We're also worried that you'll get alcohol poisoning, okay?

Feelings can you drink, so you've been pretending for three years?

You nasty scheming bitch!

He Naibin, Li Jianfeng, and Luo Zhanglang looked at each other, and almost invariably had the idea of ​​killing Lin Fang.

So they poured the wine and toasted the toast.

"Come on, let me give you a toast first!"

"Fellow brother, I will send the second one, and I will also toast you."

"Fang brother, after drinking the second cup, there are still three cups, I respect you!"

Lin Fang stretched out the middle fingers of both hands and fiercely compared to the three roommates: "Go away!"

Li Jianfeng and Luo Zhanglang arrived late. They didn't have a chance to read the menu, and they didn't know that they were drinking Dabu medicinal wine.

There is a big difference between bubble wine and medicinal wine. In the concept of Jincheng people, bubble wine is only to add different sweetness to spicy liquor, while medicinal wine is about equal to Viagra.

So when Li Jianfeng and Luo Zhanglang put down their chopsticks, one chopstick would be a chicken kidney, and two chopsticks would be a bullwhip, and they slowly came to their senses.

The two looked at each other and asked tentatively, "Brother Fang, isn't today's dish a little too dry, it's just too much yang!"

Lin Fang nodded with a smile, and said, "It's alright, this isn't a milk bin..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

He Naibin coughed a few times, interrupted Lin Fang, and said loudly, "Brother Fang is a rare treat, what nonsense are you talking about? Some eat or not, are you going to pay for it?"

What the fuck?


Talk shit, it's important to eat quickly!

Li Jianfeng and Luo Zhanglang immediately closed their mouths~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and began to start working on the various ingredients in the pot.

Eating hot pot is to be lively, especially in such an old hot pot in Yudu, which is famous for its spicyness, the sound of fisting, shouting and laughing can be heard endlessly.

Under the atmosphere, it is difficult to feel depressed.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, I felt that I had almost eaten. Lin Fang turned to look at Li Jianfeng and said, "Jianfeng, I haven't seen you for a while. How was your hometown?"

how are you?

Li Jianfeng wanted to come back from vacation as usual, and pretended to be coercive with a relaxed face, saying how handsome and how happy he was in his hometown.

But when he thought about what happened when he went home this time, Li Jianfeng's face couldn't help but turn a little ugly. He shook his head and said, "It's hard to say..."

Thinking of this troublesome matter, Li Jianfeng didn't want to eat anymore, he threw the chopsticks on the table, rubbed his eyebrows, and sighed: "I'm not afraid of the brothers laughing when I say it, my brother didn't control the following, and I got into trouble. Trouble. I'm going back to my hometown this time, and I'm busy with his shit!"

Luo Zhanglang's outspoken temperament did not change, he couldn't help but said: "What the hell, Jianfeng, you are talking about it! Hesitating, it's not refreshing, you hurry up and say it, the brothers can help you think of a solution. , hide and tuck, is it interesting to you?"

Lin Fang originally wanted to persuade Li Jianfeng to come, but after hearing this, he couldn't help but glance at Luo Zhanglang.

You are 50 steps and 100 steps, ah you!

Lin Fang couldn't help but think of the past when Luo Zhanglang refused to speak directly, and shook his head with a smile.

Li Jianfeng is like this, Luo Zhanglang is like this, why not He Naibin and himself?

Men, if there is any difficulty, they will choose to carry it by themselves.


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