I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 320: True Dragon Roar

After Lin Fang sat down, he continued to look at the scenery.

People are in the sky, and the floating heart seems to have finally settled down. When you come, you are alone, and when you go, you are alone. The starting point is the end point. Why should you care so much?

The end of the summer has passed yesterday, and the autumn tiger will not be able to roam for a few days, and the weather is cold...

Before Lin Fang could continue Wen Qing, his sleeve was suddenly pulled, and realizing that Yan Bingyue was pulling him, he turned his head and met the girl's face that looked like an emoji.

Wronged Baba.jpg!


Lin Fang was inexplicably poked at the point of laughter, but he just laughed, and suddenly felt a little inappropriate. Others were still afraid.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Fang simply coughed twice, adjusted his emotions, looked at Yan Bingyue reluctantly calmly, and asked in a normal voice as much as possible: "Is there something wrong with that?"

Angry grievance Baba.jpg!


Does it have to be this way?

Your emoji is too similar to imitate, and it also evolves?

Lin Fang felt that the smile on his face was really about to hide, this girl is really interesting.

Feeling staring at the other party again, he might really be laughing wildly. Lin Fang felt that his eyes were staggered, and he lowered his voice and said, "If you don't speak again, I can go to the opposite side."

"I sent you a WeChat, why didn't you reply to me?"

"WeChat? When?"

Lin Fang glanced at Yan Bingyue in surprise, took out his phone and glanced at it, and asked in confusion, "When did I add your WeChat?"

Baby is not happy.jpg!

Yan Bingyue put a blank face, clicked on Lin Fang's WeChat interface, clicked on a dialog box, and then tapped lightly on it, but did not speak.

Lin Fang looked down, and his mind was instantly stunned.

He has a lot of friends on WeChat, and he is not willing to reply to many flirtatious messages, but this avatar frame, this nickname, Lin Fang can be sure that he has never seen it before.

"I never added you, how did you get into my WeChat?"

"I'm a magical girl, I know magic, do you believe it?"

"I do not……"

Lin let go of his consciousness and wanted to say whether he believed it or not, but when he thought about it, strange things like world crossing can happen. What's so strange about meeting a girl who can really know magic?

So, Lin Fang nodded and said, "I believe it!"


isn't it?

I'll just say whatever you want, and you'll believe it?

This time, it was Yan Bingyue's turn to be stunned.


When she came back to her senses, Yan Bingyue couldn't help but patted Lin Fang lightly, with an unhappy expression on her face.

He is meow, you are poisonous!

You suddenly said that you believed it, which disrupted my thinking. How can I make up this story?


"Cough cough!"

Yan Bingyue coughed lightly, her eyes rolled with a gurgling look, she looked at Lin Fang and said, "Since you know that I can do magic, then I added your WeChat account without knowing it. It's not surprising, is it?"

Lin Fang nodded cooperatively and said, "Of course it's not surprising."


Yan Bingyue slapped her hand and said, "Then you can read WeChat."

Lin Fang didn't cooperate this time, but said faintly: "Do you still have any other magic? I'm curious and want to see."

I will be your big head! Do you think my name is Yan Bingyue and I am really Sailor Moon?



Yan Bingyue rolled her eyes and suddenly had an idea. She said, "Okay, I'll show you a special magic! You close your eyes first!"

real or fake?

Lin Fang glanced at Yan Bingyue, a little curious about what new tricks she could play. After thinking about it, he simply cooperated again, and Yiyan closed his eyes.

Yan Bingyue quickly operated on the phone, took a deep breath, took Lin Fang's arm, leaned against him, pretended to be very sweet and weak, and said very softly: "Brother, Brother, the magic of love has been completed!"

Second magic, what the hell?

Could it be that there is still one magic and three magic?

Lin Fang opened his eyes and looked left and right, just in time to meet Yan Bingyue Bling Bling's blinking big eyes, his body trembled involuntarily.

He twitched subconsciously, but his arm didn't come back, so he could only say, "What are you trying to do?"


Yan Bingyue lowered her head pretending to be shy, and her voice returned to normal: "People..."


Why does it sound like this?


cough cough...

Yan Bingyue quickly adjusted her voice and continued to say softly: "Brother, it can't be so fast. Everyone told you that it will take a process. But now that the magic of love is complete, she is already your girlfriend. Hey, if you don't believe me, look at your WeChat!"

I believe in your evil!

Lin Fang lowered his head and glanced at his phone, and found that in the dialog box that opened, Yan Bingyue's avatar and nickname had changed.

The avatar is an emoji: Wife I love you, my nickname is my favorite Yan Bingyue.

Lin Fang: "..."

Why are you kidding me?

Do I look so gullible?

Lin Fang regained his senses and finally remembered how he added this WeChat.

Emotions, Yan Bingyue lied to him once in the morning. The business card and WeChat QR code she gave him were her own. The VIP card of "Authentic Shanle Tofu Brain", and the 20% discount were all fake. !

Lin Fang was suddenly unhappy: Am I missing a girlfriend? What I'm missing is a membership card!

"Don't make trouble, you're not my girlfriend, you give me my membership card back!"


Yan Bingyue stared blankly at Lin Fang, a little confused, but more than that, she was suspicious of Lin Fang's IQ.

Shouldn't this be stupid?

Feeling uneasy, Yan Bingyue simply showed her cards: "You don't want a beautiful girlfriend who came to the door, do you want a membership card from me? The membership card is 20% off, and the girlfriend gets 10% off the meal or even free, but you actually want a membership. Don't want a girlfriend?"

Lin Fang squinted at Yan Bingyue and said, "You think I'm stupid? If you want me to eat 20% off, if you want a girlfriend, I'll eat for free, Valentine's Day gift, Girls' Day gift, March 8th gift, White Day gift. Gifts, 520 gifts, June 1st gifts, Qixi Festival gifts, the first cup of milk tea gifts in autumn, Double Eleven gifts, Christmas gifts, New Year gifts, birthday gifts, anniversary gifts...

Twelve months in a year, gifts cannot be repeated every month, buying flowers, snacks, bags, hundreds of appointments at a time, I'm sorry, I can't afford it to girlfriend A! I'd rather have a 20% off card, it really saves money! "

Yan Bingyue was very angry, but she couldn't lose her temper.

Because she actually felt that what Lin Fang said made sense.

An ordinary boy really can't talk about love.

After a while, Yan Bingyue suddenly came back to her senses. She looked at Lin Fang angrily and said, "You are not with me, why do you think about me so much? How do you know that I am that kind of girl? ?"

Lin Fang smiled brightly and said, "I know you're not, but I've just returned to being single, and I want to be quiet for a few days."

Yan Bingyue was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.


I see!

I say!

This girl is so good-looking, and... smart, brave and powerful, I myself envy myself!

How could you possibly ignore me?

It turned out that I just broke up in love, and I was still immersed in the sadness of being thrown away, unable to extricate myself!

She released Lin Fang's arm, patted him lightly on the shoulder, cleared her throat, stretched out her little hand, and said, "Okay, I won't tease you! I'm not really a magical girl, my name is Yan Bing. Yue, a prospective college student who has the face and brain and is about to go to Beijing!"

Seeing that Yan Bingyue suddenly became serious, Lin Fang also stretched out his hand and shook it, and said, "Lin Fang, a young man who is about to graduate, has no car, no house... no girlfriend, and is still an intern."

Lin Fang originally wanted to say that he had no deposit, but he thought that there were still a lot of money in his card and WeChat balance, so he had to change his words temporarily.

"calm down!"

Yan Bingyue let go of her hand, patted Lin Fang's shoulder lightly, and said, "I will cover you in the future, it will not be easy to find a girlfriend? If you really can't find it, I will introduce myself to you! "

Lin Fang: "???"

Don't you want to be my girlfriend?

Just when Lin Fang was thinking about this possibility, Yan Bingyue changed her words and criticized Lin Fang: "No wonder your girlfriend broke up with you, you are really a bit unethical. Look, I am so A good-looking girl is afraid of heights. You don't know how to grasp such a good opportunity, you don't know how to be courteous, and you don't know how to care about me. Even if I give you a chance, you can still perfectly avoid the correct answer... "

When Lin Fang saw Yan Bingyue talking eloquently and taking the initiative to mention the appearance of acrophobia, he wanted to laugh and couldn't help teasing her deliberately: "Little Yan Bingyue, aren't you afraid of heights now?"

"Who's the kid?"

Yan Bingyue gave Lin Fang an unhappy glance before she said, "The Ferris wheel has long since returned to normal, of course I'm not afraid..."



At this moment, the gear of the Ferris wheel rang a few times, and it stopped in mid-air again, not moving.

This is another stop point of the Ferris wheel, but it was half-height before, and this time it has almost reached the top.

Looking down from the car of the Ferris wheel, the ground under the height of 100 meters, all kinds of entertainment settings are no longer realistic. The moving pedestrians are like ants moving, and only a black spot can be seen.


Yan Bingyue was stunned for a moment. The moment her face turned pale and she shouted, she suddenly realized that Lin Fang was beside her. She swooped and got into Lin Fang's arms, wrapping her arms around his waist and muttering words. He said: "It's over! It's over! It's dead! I'm definitely going to die this time, no... I haven't even gone to college, haven't gone to waves, and haven't even had a boyfriend yet... I can't just die like this... …”

As she read, Yan Bingyue's eyes gradually became firm, she looked up at Lin Fang, and from this very low angle, she suddenly found that Lin Fang's chin was actually very contoured.

The carefully shaved chin has only a layer of slightly green stubble, very clean and refreshing, and his white shirt still smells of sunshine, warm and slightly fragrant.

If that person is him, there shouldn't be any regrets...

Yan Bingyue got up slowly, looked at Lin Fang steadily, and slowly approached him.

Her goal is very clear, even if she wants to die, she can't be a white paper ghost with her first kiss!


Yan Bingyue's forehead slammed into the palm of Lin Fang's outstretched hand without any accident. Her lips were only less than two centimeters away from Lin Fang, which was exactly the thickness of Lin Fang's palm.

He actually put his hand on his forehead, just blocking Yan Bingyue's kiss.

If she still wants to continue, she has to put her mouth forward with great difficulty. This posture will make her feel very sad, and it will also ruin her mood.

Yan Bingyue was very angry, she bit her lip unconsciously, and asked with a sigh of relief: "Hey! Do you have any sympathy? I'm afraid of heights, we are all dying, anyway. You don't have a girlfriend either, and I don't want to die with my first kiss, what's so great about kissing?"

You are so heartless!

The hot air that Yan Bingyue exhaled sprayed onto Lin Fang's lips.

In the face of such a girl and such temptation, Lin Fang actually had no resistance at all.

The only so-called determination that can support his actions now is not his previous remarks. He can still afford a few girlfriends, but he just doesn't want to really become a scumbag.

Breaking up in the morning, and having a new love in the afternoon, this kind of scumbag behavior is exactly what I want...Bah! Exactly what I wanted to say no!

The real reason could not be said, Lin Fang coughed lightly, and quickly found out the objective reason, he said: "How could we die? Isn't it the first time you have played the Ferris wheel? Even if it is the first time, You should check how to play online, the Ferris wheel here will stop at several fixed positions, bringing customers a better high-altitude experience.”


Yan Bingyue was a little confused. She was stunned for a few seconds before she said quietly: "You mean, when the Ferris wheel stopped for the first time, you knew it was normal?"

Lin Fang didn't know the danger was coming, he nodded and said as a matter of course: "Yes, do you need to ask? Otherwise, how could I be so calm? Even if I didn't yell, I would call the police. "

"Lin Fang!"

Yan Bingyue glared at Lin Fang with gritted teeth, suddenly leaned against his wrist, and took a bite: "Oh, I will kill you (I will kill you)..."

"Hey! Shut up! Shut me up! Stop! No! Hiss..."

Lin Fang shook it a few times, but he couldn't. He pushed Yan Bingyue with his other hand, but he couldn't. I should have told you sooner..."



Yan Bingyue shook her head slightly, just as she was about to perform, what is the roar of a real dragon. Unpredictable, Lin Fang took the opportunity to get out and quickly retracted the bitten hand.

(a _) stare at...

Yan Bingyue stared at Lin Fang fiercely, looking like some kind of feline beast.

If you don't bite me again, I'm going to be angry!

Seeing Yan Bingyue like this, Lin Fang was both funny and helpless, so he had to stretch his hand back again, put it to Yan Bingyue's mouth, closed his eyes reluctantly and said: "Okay, I'll bite you, give it to you. Bite, give me some relief!"





The expected pain did not appear. Instead, Lin Fang felt that the bitten place was itchy and numb, as if there was something, and he was gently helping him heal.

Lin Fang opened his eyes and found out that he didn't bite him at all, but stuck out his tongue to disinfect him.

Yan Bingyue noticed the look in Lin Fang's eyes, she shrank back abruptly, made a fierce expression as if nothing had happened, and said, "What are you looking at? Don't you know that beasts use saliva to sterilize their food before eating? Hmph, Fuss!"

The words on her lips were fierce, but the corners of Yan Bingyue's mouth unconsciously revealed a smile.

Lin Fang was clearly bitten by her, but she was willing to reach out to let her bite again, which made her very heart-warming.

Her anger slowly dissipated when she bit Lin Fang for the first time.

The reason why he had to let Lin Fang reach out and bite again was just out of a little revenge from the girl and wanted to be willful. What surprised her was that Lin Fang was so warm and caring.

In addition to being happy, Yan Bingyue was willing to really bite Lin Fang again.

To be able to meet such a big brother before going to Beijing, seems to be a very good Yazi... Hee hee...

Yan Bingyue subconsciously turned her head and glanced at Lin Fang, and found that his eyes had already turned out of the window, and he didn't pay attention to her girl's careful thoughts at all, she couldn't help but pouted.

This idiot is so lonely!

A boy like this is nothing but good-looking, and he won't make girls happy at all...


If this is the case, then the long-distance relationship~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to be very reliable...

The more Yan Bingyue thought about it, the more reliable she felt. She stared at Lin Fang unconsciously, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

If it is said that the first time I approached Lin Fang was doubt and curiosity, the second time I approached Lin Fang was curiosity and dissatisfaction, this time, having been looking at Lin Fang for such a long time, for Yan Bingyue, it has been slowly breeding Lots of goodwill.

Of course, Yan Bingyue knew that Beijing North was the center of the empire. The Beijing University she was going to was also one of the top universities in the country. It gathered elites from all over the world, so she didn't have to worry about finding a better boyfriend.

But the boyfriend is not the most important thing, whether he is excellent or not, the most important thing is suitability.

No matter how good-looking a pair of shoes is, if they don't fit his feet, he can't cut his feet to fit his feet, right?

In fairy tales, only Cinderella can wear a crystal slipper, and it is important to be appropriate.

Yan Bingyue stared at Lin Fang with fascination. When she noticed the afterglow of the setting sun falling on Lin Fang, and the corners of his eyebrows were glowing, her heart trembled, as if something had sprouted.

Lin Fang turned his head and saw that Yan Bingyue was in a daze and her expression was not quite right. He couldn't help but waved his hand, but he still didn't arouse her attention. He couldn't help but whisper, "Hi! What are you looking at?"

"Uh... nothing..."

Yan Bingyue came back to her senses, feeling a little hot on her face, she turned around, not wanting Lin Fang to see her embarrassment, and quickly changed the subject: "You can't delete my WeChat, I'll have it next week. I went to the university to report. You have been to the university, and you are my senior. I may have many questions to ask you, but you can't help answering me!"

"You are also going to Beijing next week?"

Lin Fang touched his nose, feeling like it was getting old.

What's the matter, this girl can't get rid of it?


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