I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 322: little eyed thief

How about drinking hot milk tea?

I searched for a long time and bought you hot milk tea, but you robbed my iced kumquat lemon?

Facing Yan Bingyue's confusion, Lin Fang's face was full of question marks.


Yan Bingyue stuck out her tongue, showing a very cute smile, and said embarrassedly: "I don't actually like drinking milk tea! I just think... other children have it, and I should have it too. I didn't expect, you I really bought it for others, thank you Brother Lin Fang!"


Don't leave after school, I won't kill you!

Lin Fang looked at Yan Bingyue, showed an embarrassed but polite smile, opened the milk tea silently, and let it cool down faster.

I'm so thirsty, I want to drink water...

"Goo! miamiamia... tsk tsk..."

Yan Bingyue took a big gulp of the iced drink, sighing again, and sighing contentedly, and then she noticed Lin Fang's eager eyes, and without hesitation handed over the kumquat lemon in her hand, saying: " If you don't mind, let's drink together, I can't finish it anyway."

"I mind!"

Although he really wanted to drink, Lin Fang resisted the desire in his heart and turned his head away expressionlessly.

What a joke, who wants to drink the same glass of water and use the same straw as you?

It's all your saliva!

Drinking together, wouldn't that mean kissing indirectly?

Indirect... kissing?

Lin Fang turned back and glanced at Yan Bingyue quietly, slightly moved.

In a sense, she and Hu Qingchan should actually be of the same type. They have a very clean face and innocent eyes. They are the kind of innocent girls who can make people feel happy at a glance.

The difference is probably that Hu Qingchan has a whole body of pride, and even if he encounters serious difficulties, he will not bow his head high.

Because of the world crossing and the relationship between the two worlds, Lin Fang has no memory of this world. All his impressions of Hu Qingchan, except for a few contacts, are more slowly sketched through the recitations of others. shape.

Therefore, in Lin Fang's eyes, Yan Bingyue and Hu Qingchan may have similarities, but they are two completely different girls.

"Brother Lin Fang~~ Do you mind people's saliva? That's it, hey... They open the lid, you drink from a cup, and I drink from a straw, so that you won't touch the saliva!"

Unexpectedly, Lin Fang's refusal did not make Yan Bingyue angry, but made her think of a new way.

I don't know if it was because he thought of Hu Qingchan, and also thought about meeting her again, Lin Xin's heartbeat slowly faded, he turned to face Yan Bingyue, and refused: "No need, I'll just drink milk tea. The weather is about to turn cold, and drinking too much cold is not good for the stomach. At this temperature, it is just right to drink... sigh..."

Lin Fang said and took a sip of the milk tea.

Although it has been cold for a while, the temperature of the milk tea is still a little hot, but Yan Bingyue is still staring at the side, Lin Fang feels that he is too hard to pretend, no matter how embarrassing, he has to finish it, he calmly I quickly stirred the mouthful of milk tea in my mouth a dozen times with my tongue, and swallowed it quickly, which made me feel a little more comfortable.

Lin Fang felt that she was covering up very well, but it was Yan Bingyue who she encountered. She was not only smart, but also very observant. Under her careful observation, it was difficult for Lin Fang's subtle performance to escape her discernment.


Yan Bingyue couldn't hold back and laughed lightly, because she was worried that Lin Fang would become angry, she covered up and said: "I didn't expect that brother Lin Fang still pays great attention to health care, and I will definitely take care of this problem in the future. I need to ask you more! Well, it's almost time, let's get on the bus!"

The high-speed train from Jincheng to Beijing North is very fast in the morning, and it only takes more than seven hours to reach Beijing North.

When I arrived at the station, it was not even three o'clock in the afternoon. The only pity was that I missed lunch. Many restaurants were closed. Only some restaurants open 24 hours a day had sufficient ingredients.

Yan Bingyue had no luggage, only a small backpack, but Lin Fang dragged a suitcase, which was a bit cumbersome.

Ordinarily, Yan Bingyue should be walking briskly in front, but she just entered the station, and she can't walk a bit. Seeing Lin Fang walking fast in front of her, she quickly shouted: "Brother Lin Fang, wait for me. Ah!"

Lin Fang turned around and stood still, seeing the weak Yan Bingyue, put down his luggage, hugged his arms, and said, "You can't do it with your physique, you didn't move much when you sat all the way, and you've only taken a few steps, and you're exhausted. so?"

Yan Bingyue rolled her eyes at Lin Fang and said, "Is it tiring to ride in the car? Besides, it was the first time I went out for a long trip. I slept very late last night. It's normal not to move. Do you think everyone is just like you, as strong as an animal?"

Lin Fang: I suspect you are scolding me!

Yan Bingyue: Be bold, get rid of your doubts, you are scolding you!

Lin Fang and Yan Bingyue looked at each other, and he felt that he had received the signal from the other party. This feeling of spiritual connection made him feel a little strange and made him very uncomfortable.

"Are you going to leave? Hurry up, otherwise, we can just separate here..."

"I'm not leaving!"

Before Lin Fang could finish speaking, Yan Bingyue squatted on the ground, holding her knees and bowing her head, motionless. The whole person formed a capitalized "grievance Baba".


Lin Fang covered his face with a headache.

He felt that this young girl was too thief, and he had easily grasped his psychological weakness without touching it a few times, knowing that he was soft and not hard. He held it tight.

Thanks to myself for sticking to the bottom line and not agreeing to be her boyfriend, or else...

Lin Fang just thought about the time he spent with Yan Bingyue, and he almost died of sweetness... Bah! Almost got bored!

Putting down the luggage, Lin Fang quickly walked a few steps, crouched right in front of Yan Bingyue, and scolded lightly, "How old are you, you don't even know how to block it when you squat down in a skirt, it will disappear!"

Yan Bingyue slowly raised her head, revealing a small face of grievance, and said to the guilt: "If it disappears, it will disappear, anyway, you don't want me anymore, you want to leave me alone, and leave me alone. Beijing Bei, who has no relatives, deserves to be stolen and deceived!"

"OK! OK! OK! I won't leave you, are you hungry? Get up, let's find a place to eat."

"You hug me up..."

Yan Bingyue stretched out her hands to hug.

It might make people feel nauseous when others make such a move, but Yan Bingyue did it so naturally, even Lin Fang felt it was right, and there was no sense of disobedience.

Lin Fang couldn't refuse, he could only use his remaining rationality to shirk for a while, he said, "No, it's too intimate, I'm not used to it..."

"Brother Lin Fang~~ hug people up!"


I can't stand it!

Lin Fang looked at Yan Bingyue's big twinkling eyes, and felt an electric current go straight to his heart. That strange numbness made his heart tremble.

Oops! It's a heartwarming feeling!

Is this girl too flirtatious?

"All right……"

Lin Fang spoke uncontrollably, his hands stretched forward uncontrollably, he wrapped his arms around Yan Bingyue's waist and legs, and got up easily and hugged her in front of him.

After taking two steps, Lin Fang regained his senses.

who I am? where am i? what am i doing?

Deliberately putting Yan Bingyue down, he just lowered his head, but Lin Fang suddenly found that Yan Bingyue's little hand was pressing on his chest, first with his fingertips, one, two, three... Then the whole little hand was posted it.

"Brother Lin Fang, you have pectoral muscles! So hard!"

What's all the fuss about?

It's like no one has it, don't you have it too... do you have it?

Lin Fang took a closer look and decided to retract what he had just said.

Sure enough, most of the beauty and wisdom of beautiful girls are exchanged for breasts.

"Don't touch it!"

Lin Fang's scalp was itchy when touched by Yan Bingyue. He was about to walk over to pick up his luggage, but found that someone pretended to walk by casually, grabbed his suitcase, and ran away.

What the fuck? Dare to grab my suitcase?

"Catch steady, there are thieves!"

"Thief, where? Where?"

Lin Fang only had time to tell Yan Bingyue, and immediately started running wildly.


Yan Bingyue was curiously looking at where the thief was one second ago, but the next second, her heart trembled as the wind blew across her cheeks. scream.

The thief who stole Lin Fang's suitcase was very familiar with the environment of the subway station. He ran wildly against the crowd. He was thin and agile, and from time to time he passed the crowd as an obstacle, trying to block Lin Fang's sight.

With someone else, these dozens of seconds of reaction time are enough for him to successfully escape with the spoils.

Unfortunately, he happened to meet Lin Fang.

After the comprehensive physical fitness test, it seemed that the potential of the body was further stimulated due to sufficient confidence, and the speed at which Lin Fang burst out in an instant was astonishing.

He quickly flashed through a wall of people unconsciously formed by crowds, his eyes locked on each other, and he quickly narrowed the distance between them.

"Ah, ah, I saw him! The thief don't go away, catch the thief! Someone is stealing something... uh..."

Yan Bingyue, who was held in Lin Fang's arms, gradually became no longer afraid after getting used to Lin Fang's rushing speed. Instead, she felt that this wonderful encounter was quite touching.

She even has spare time to help Lin Fang to call for help, but unfortunately, although she is smart, she lacks social experience.

Calling to catch the thief at this time will only make the crowd who don't want to meddle in their own business disperse faster.

In this way, it creates favorable conditions for the thief to escape.

Taking this opportunity, the thief had already run to the subway exit. He tossed the suitcase hard, pushed the suitcase down, used inertia to throw the suitcase out of the gap, and supported the sides of the ticket gate by himself. Jump, jump out successfully.

After landing, the thief grabbed the suitcase and tickled his fingers provocatively at Lin Fang. His attitude was extremely arrogant.

"It's over..."

Yan Bingyue covered her face, a little afraid to face Lin Fang.

She knew that because of her relationship, she objectively helped the other party.

She could already think of what Lin Fang would say to blame her after he stopped.

How to do? How can I pass the buck? Shall I be **** off? So he's embarrassed to blame me...

Just when Yan Bingyue quickly turned her thoughts, she suddenly felt her body light up, and her whole body seemed to float.

She looked down subconsciously, and only then did she realize that she was floating, but Lin Fang kept walking, and actually stepped on the machine at the ticket gate and "flyed" directly. This flight, at least two meters high.

"Wow, Superman!"

Yan Bingyue looked back at Lin Fang, only to think that under the light, his well-defined profile was really handsome.

The uncontrollable and rapid secretion of female hormones, the brain is even more dizzy, Yan Bingyue does not need to look in the mirror to know that her face must be flushed, her eyes are blurred...

According to the biological knowledge learned in the textbook, Yan Bingyue clearly knows that this physiological reaction is scientifically called: estrus.

The obstacles at the ticket gate did not stop Lin Fang's footsteps. He jumped over, and also frightened the little thief who was still provoking just now. The other party grabbed the suitcase and ran away.

The two sides continue to chase, the front is the exit, and the two sides are the escalator and the stairs.

There were many people on the escalator, and the thief chose the stairs decisively. At this time, the suitcase became a burden to him.

If he wants to run faster, he can only pick up the suitcase, run two steps is fine, run a few more steps, he wants to die with the heavy suitcase in his hand.

Running upstairs is double the pain, and holding a suitcase in hand is double the pain.

The little thief felt that he was carrying four times the pain and was being chased wildly. Once he was chased by Lin Fang, he would have to face violent punches and kicks.

Thinking of this result, he suddenly wanted to give up.

Why should I steal this suitcase?

I must have been kicked by a donkey!

I must have gone out without reading the almanac!

"Brother Lin Fang..."


After stepping up the stairs, Lin Fang felt as if he had come to his home ground. It only took him more than ten seconds to catch up with the thief. to panting.

Lin Fang just followed behind him, not in a hurry to grab his suitcase, just followed behind him like a shadow.

Yan Bingyue was curious and couldn't help but want to ask questions, but was stopped by Lin Fang softly.

Fortunately, her voice was also very low, and the little thief in front was so tired that she was about to collapse, so she didn't notice it.

When the curious crowd saw this bizarre scene, some people couldn't help taking pictures, and more just cast doubtful eyes.

The people who saw the chase scene earlier were especially puzzled: aren't they catching a thief? Why did it stop suddenly? Could it be filming?

Some people don't pay attention for a moment.

There are also people who will look for lenses everywhere after they are confused.

Only the truly enthusiastic people choose to call the police secretly.

"Police, stop!"

Lin Fang, who was still following the little thief, originally planned to wait for the little thief to walk out of the subway entrance. When he was exhausted and exhausted, he would give him another kick to let him know what is called the danger of society and what is called despair in life.

Who would have thought that after the enthusiastic people called the police, the subway police responded quickly and ran up the stairs.

Lin Fang looked back, sighed, and had no choice but to kick out, knocking the thief to the ground.

"Stop, stop hitting! No... don't kick..."

The two policemen who were chasing after them saw that Lin Fang actually fell to the ground in front of them. The little thief who wanted to shrink into a ball to protect his vitals was kicked away, baring his teeth in pain, and couldn't help but hurriedly stop drinking. Lin Fang.

When the two of them walked in front of the three of them and saw the scene in front of them, they felt a little bit ridiculous.

When the thief who stole the suitcase saw the two of them, he seemed to have found the organization, so he rushed up and hugged their thighs.

"Uncle Police, help, help! I shouldn't steal his suitcase, I won't steal anything in the future, don't let him hit me, I'm almost exhausted, he still hits me... it will kill people ,I am so scared……"

have to!

No more confessions!

The two policemen originally planned to follow the usual practice, inquire about the specific circumstances of the two parties, and make a transcript. Where did they expect that the little thief would directly admit the fact of theft.

In this way, the procedure is simplified a lot.


After a few simple questions, the two policemen looked at Lin Fang with eyes that seemed to be looking at God.

No wonder they were surprised. From the thief's mouth, they snatched the suitcase. It was at least two kilometers away from the subway exit. Lin Fang held a girl in his arms and ran wildly all the way. almost out of force.

Even, if the two of them hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid the thief would have to be cleaned up severely...

Uh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This thief has been kicked wildly.

One of the policemen couldn't help but glanced at Yan Bingyue, who was still in Lin Fang's arms and refused to come down, and wanted to ask: Girl, your boyfriend is so inhuman, aren't you afraid at all?

After confirming the criminal facts of the thief, the police quickly wrote a transcript, asked him to sign, and then handcuffed him and took him away.

When the police left with the thief, Lin Fang looked at Yan Bingyue, who was staring at him in his arms, and asked, "Are you supposed to come down?"

Unexpectedly, Yan Bingyue hugged Lin Fang tightly, shook her head vigorously and said, "I don't want it, your arms are so comfortable, I won't come down!"

Lin Fang couldn't help laughing and said, "What about my suitcase?"

Yan Bingyue turned her head to look at the suitcase, then looked at Lin Fang, and pouted: "You are so stupid, you should have learned from me a long time ago and sent your luggage by express, are you dumbfounded now?"

Lin Fang was even more amused. He said, "I'm on a business trip, and my luggage is checked in. What should I do if I don't have clothes to change tomorrow when I see a client?"


Yan Bingyue was at a loss for words, so she could only insist: "Then I don't care, I won't come down anyway!"


Lin Fang shook his head with a smile, but he didn't have to let Yan Bingyue come down. He leaned over slightly holding Yan Bingyue, grabbed the suitcase with one hand, and lifted it up easily.

Yan Bingyue and the suitcase didn't add up to much, so they couldn't affect his actions.

On the contrary, Yan Bingyue felt a little embarrassed, she whispered: "I'm sorry, Brother Lin Fang, let me down..."

"It's okay, it's not heavy anyway."

"I'm sorry, Brother Lin Fang, don't be angry... I'll come down!"

Lin Fang had a question mark on his face.

Are you serious?


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