I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 328: surprising client

Lin Fang transferred more than 30,000 yuan to his mother in a lump sum, and after a while, mother transferred the fraction back.

"This child, why are you so sincere? If you turn it over, you will turn it all over to me? It's not easy for a poor family to get rich, it's not easy to go out alone, keep some money with you. I'll give you the rest. Save it and give it back to you when you marry a wife!"

WeChat communication is convenient, while Lin Ma returned the fraction to Lin Fang, she sent another voice, without any delay.

"Thank you mom!"

What Lin Fang can say is of course thanks to the grace of Lafayette.

Thanks to his good eyesight, there are zeros and wholes to be turned over, and the whole number is directly turned, and maybe my mother noticed something wrong.

I really smashed all the more than ten million yuan, and it is estimated that my mother could faint on the spot.

The eighth person has never been so rich in his life, and his heart probably can't stand it.

After getting his mother, Lin Fang sent another voice to Lin Xiaolei: "I'm probably on a business trip in the north of Beijing this week, so I don't have to count my breakfast, you can buy it according to your weight, it's not that I didn't give you a red envelope, don't dig Soso. Yes, I'm starving myself."

Lin Xiaolei glanced at Lin's mother who was teaching her father Lin's lesson, then tiptoed back to her room, and then replied to Lin Fang: "Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I just wanted to save some money, Buy a new phone."


Lin Fang patted his forehead, he really didn't remember it.

His own phone was new, and he received a birthday present from someone who didn't know.

Lin Xiaolei's mobile phone looks like her mother's handwriting, a domestic thousand yuan phone, speed, functions, and photography are all OK, but it's not very beautiful, and the memory is a bit small.

Lin Fang usually saw it, but he never thought about it.

Realizing this now, Lin Fang backhandedly wanted to send a red envelope to Lin Xiaolei. After hesitating for a while, he decided that it would be better to buy one for her.

If you really want to give her a red envelope, with the fine tradition of the old Lin family, maybe... no! Lin Fang was almost certain that Lin Xiaolei saw that so much money was transferred, and designated to buy another thousand yuan machine, and then saved the remaining money.

Lin Fang decisively opened the WeChat Goudong applet, got the WeChat coupon, and chose a red Huawei Legs 30p. After placing the order, he said to Lin Xiaolei, "Stay at home in the afternoon and don't run around, I will help you. If you bought a mobile phone, remember to check it."

Lin Xiaolei: "???!!!Σ(⊙▽⊙"a..."

After a while of panic, Lin Xiaolei decisively sent a row of emojis over.

At that time I was stunned.jgp!

You shouldn't be lying to me.jpg!

Suddenly being so nice to me, what are you trying to do.jpg!

If you say that, I'll take it seriously.jpg!

Lin Fang took a screenshot of the order and sent it to Lin Xiaolei on WeChat, saying, "This is an order, remember to check it."


Lin Fang opened Lin Xiaolei's latest speech, and his eardrum was almost punctured.

In addition to feeling funny, he was also touched. This kind of insignificant little favor and small favor moved Lin Xiaolei to this extent. Otherwise, I'll bully her less in the future... right?

"Wait! Brother, my mother just transferred back more than 2,000 yuan for you. This beautiful leg 30P is more than 6,000 yuan. Where did you come from...Okay, brother, you are still hiding private money, I want to tell my mother go!"

I'm still too young!

You dog thing, I just bought you a mobile phone, and you will change my face?

Lin Fang kept smiling silently, and then said to Lin Xiaolei in a very gentle voice: "My dear sister, I can cancel the order before the mobile phone is delivered, and I can also refund the order after the mobile phone is delivered. This is Do you want it?"

"Sorry, brother, I was wrong!"

Lin Xiaolei was stunned for a second, and her attitude was immediately corrected.

However, Lin Fang made up his mind. After returning to Jincheng, he must take care of her and let her know that the pot was made of iron.

After a delay, Lin Fang glanced at the time, and simply stopped running. After thinking about it, he turned around and found a breakfast shop with the most families to sit down for breakfast.

This breakfast shop is a typical old Beijing-bei breakfast shop. There are several kinds of breakfast that the old Beijing-bei people love most. This shop has all of them, such as fried liver, stewed, soy milk fritters, soy sauce charring, big meat buns, and donkey meat. almost.

Lin Fang asked for a bowl of fried liver and two big meat buns.

This fried liver tastes good, the soup sauce is red and oily, the fat intestines are strong, the pork liver is soft and tender, and the liver is fried in one bite.

You don't have to eat too much for breakfast, eat something salty, and you'll be full of energy all day.

Before leaving, Lin Fang ordered another soy milk fritters, plus a donkey meat and a steamed bun, which he brought for Yan Bingyue.

Soybean juice is something that is more deadly to outsiders, so Lin Fang will not use it to harm Yan Bingyue.

Lin Fang returned to the hotel with breakfast. He didn't rush back to his room. He knocked on Yan Bingyue's door first, intending to give her breakfast.

Unexpectedly, Yan Bingyue's door was opened almost instantly, she was neatly dressed, with her mobile phone in her hand, looked at Lin Fang with a very unkind face, and was the first to ask: "Where did you go early in the morning? There is no one in the room, and I don't answer your phone, I thought something happened to you!"

Look at what you said, I'm such a big living person, and I'm still a man, what can happen to me?

Lin Fang shook the breakfast in his hand and said, "I went out to buy breakfast, here it is, I don't know if you like it or not, so I bought a few more, see what you like..."

Yan Bingyue's eyes were not quite right, she looked at Lin Fang like a big fool, and after a while she shook the breakfast coupon in her hand and said, "The hotel we live in is quite expensive, and there is a breakfast buffet. I read it on the Internet, the breakfast is a combination of Chinese and Western, and there are quite a few varieties. You buy these, and they are all in it."


Lin Fang silently took back the hand that he handed out. If he knew that the hotel included breakfast, he would not have spent the money.

"Bring it, isn't it for me? Are you reluctant?"

Seeing Yan Bingyue reaching out and asking for breakfast again, Lin Fang couldn't help but wonder when he handed it over: "Don't the hotel have a breakfast buffet? Can you still eat this?"

"Can't I be lunch? Humph!"

After Yan Bingyue got her breakfast, she threw the back of Lin's head and turned to slam the door.


Lin Fang pressed the door of the room, glanced at Yan Bingyue, and said with some doubts: "I remember that you didn't seem to be wearing this one yesterday, didn't you bring a change of clothes, and the clothes were all delivered to the school? ?"

"You remembered wrong!"

Yan Bingyue's eyes were a little flustered, but she quickly calmed down and drove Lin Fang away: "Oh, don't you still have work to do? Hurry up and go, I'm going to take a shower!"


Seeing the closed door, Lin Fang touched his chin, thoughtful.

If it wasn't for the coincidence that he came here, looking at Yan Bingyue's formation, it was obvious that he was preparing to go out.

She obviously didn't bring any luggage, but she changed into a neat sports suit. There were several computers in the room for no reason. Even if Lin Fang didn't have a brain, he knew there was something wrong.

"Forget it, it's none of my business anyway."

Lin Fang shook his head, thinking that it would be better not to meddle in his own business. Since Yan Bingyue was hiding it from him, she naturally didn't want him to know that the next door grandma Liu lived to her eighties without disaster and illness, because she didn't like to meddle in her own business. .

After returning to his room to take a shower, Lin Fang cleaned himself up and was about to call Hu Qingchan. Unexpectedly, her call came first.

"Baby, are you up yet? I brought you breakfast and it's downstairs in your hotel. Should you come down or should I go up?"


Early in the morning, is this really good?

Lin Fang pressed his eyebrows and said quickly, "I've already packed up, and I'll go downstairs immediately!"

"Well, then come down..."


Lin Fang could hear the loss in Hu Qingchan's tone, but he pretended not to notice, agreed decisively, and hung up the phone.

These ex-girlfriends really don't have a fuel-efficient lamp.

When Hu Qingchan sent Lin Fang back yesterday, the distance was kept very good, and Lin Fang thought that this trip to Beijing would save a lot of worry.

Unexpectedly, Hu Qingchan didn't know who to learn from him so badly. He killed the carbine the next morning, obviously preparing to give him a chance to give him a chance to take advantage of the rising sun, his yang energy, and his vigor and blood being so strong. Cook cooked rice.

If it wasn't for Hu Qingchan's neglect, she didn't take advantage of last night's opportunity to find out Lin Fang's room number.

Thinking of Hu Qingchan's oval face of Yixiyi's sullen brows and affectionate brows, and of her willingness to let him do whatever, Lin Fang felt a little uncontrollable, so he ran into the toilet and washed his face with cold water fiercely. clam down.


Looking at the face in the mirror that was about to get sick, Lin Fang of course knew how much he couldn't resist the temptation. If he stayed in Beijing for too long, something might really happen.

There is only one solution: get Xu Yingshan's case as soon as possible and return to Jincheng!

Lin Fang cleaned himself up again, and when he came out of the hotel, he saw Hu Qingchan's grand SUV at a glance.

As soon as he got into the co-pilot, Hu Qingchan handed over the food box, a glass of still warm milk, and a box of cheesecake, and she smiled and said, "You eat first, I'll drive slowly, don't worry, I'll make an appointment in the morning. I'll meet you at Xu Yingshan, just on the way, I'll tell you about the situation. Don't leave it, I know you don't like sweets, but if you don't eat sweets in the morning, you will lose concentration! "

"All right……"

Lin Fang reluctantly agreed. He was still wondering why Hu Qingchan prepared him a cake for breakfast, and he didn't like it.

Knowing that he doesn't like to eat, I specially prepared it for him, and the reasons are very good: the brain needs more sugar to wake up in the morning, and the next work needs to invest more brain power, salty food to supplement physical strength, sweet food to supplement brain power, no problem!

Lin Fang couldn't refuse at all.

He could only bite the bullet, take a mouthful of cake, a mouthful of milk, and eat silently.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fang's eyes lit up after taking a bite of the cheesecake. He looked at Hu Qingchan in surprise, and said, "This cake... It's actually quite delicious, where did you buy it?"

"Delicious, right?"

Hu Qingchan smiled sweetly and said, "I know you don't like sweets, so this cake is a low-sugar cake that I carefully selected, and because of the addition of half-cooked cheese, the taste is very good, sweet but not greasy, it is the most suitable for you. As for where to buy it... Confidential!"

Lin Fang shrugged and had no choice but to stop asking.

The half-cooked cheesecake melts in your mouth, and the sweetness is just right for Lin Fang. After taking a bite of the cake and drinking a sip of warm milk, even if Lin Fang has already eaten breakfast, he still enjoys the happiness of eating this kind of food.

Because it was too delicious, Lin Fang wiped out all the cake and milk after a while. He reached out and grabbed the food box, only to find that the cake was gone.

Lin Fang put down the food box regretfully, stretched his waist and said, "I'm full, Qingchan, tell me about Xu Yingshan's situation."

"Wait a moment……"

Hu Qingchan took out a tissue from the storage box next to her, wiped the corner of Lin Fang's mouth lightly, and said, "You have something dirty on the corner of your mouth, let me wipe it for you..."

Her finger movements were very gentle, whether it was intentional or unintentional, the moment she helped Lin Fang wipe his mouth, her fingers brushed the corner of Lin Fang's lips inadvertently.

Her soft fingers felt a little cool, and when they slid across the corner of Lin Fang's lips, it seemed as if they had passed through his heart. They were cold and itchy, causing him to unconsciously sway slightly, wanting to open his mouth to bite her. finger.

I don't know if Hu Qingchan was dodging intentionally, or he closed his hand unintentionally.


The good feeling only existed for a moment, just because Hu Qingchan continued to concentrate on driving and disappeared.

While Lin relaxed, he felt a little regretful and glanced at her unconsciously.

Just almost, just almost bit someone's finger.

At that time, I am afraid that it will not be able to explain clearly with a single "accidental".

Does that count as unrequited love, or does it count as a desire to get back together?

Just thinking about it, Lin Fang felt that it was difficult.

Just when Lin Fang lost his mind, Hu Qingchan said, "After taking you back to the hotel yesterday, I made an appointment with Xu Yingshan and agreed to meet him today. I know almost everything I need to know. We are now About him, mainly to help him do some psychological construction.

If I don't give him a little more courage, I'm worried that the moment he sees He Wanting, he will collapse immediately! "

Lin Fang: "..."

isn't it?

Lin Fang felt that he had overestimated He Wanting enough. Unexpectedly, Hu Qingchan would give him a critical blow in the blink of an eye.

A man, facing a woman who was sorry for him and almost sent him to prison, still needs the help of others to do psychological construction before he has the courage to face her.

What method did this He Wanting use?

Hu Qingchan noticed the strange expression on Lin Fang's face, and couldn't help but smile, and said, "Do you think what I said is a bit exaggerated? When you see Xu Yingshan, you will know that I am not exaggerating, but have tried to understate it as much as possible!

Did you not see how Xu Yingshan behaved when we accompanied Xu Yingshan to court for the first time. I feel that he is almost no different from those addicts, the only thing is that others depend on drugs, and he depends on Wanting Ho! "

real or fake?

I read a lot, you can't fool me!

Lin Fang felt that the more Hu Qingchan said it, the more outrageous he was. He felt that he still reserved his opinion and would make a judgment after seeing Xu Yingshan and He Wanting with his own eyes.

Hu Qingchan tilted her head slightly and glanced at Lin Fang, saw his disapproval, smiled slightly, and did not continue to say anything.

Not to mention Lin Fang, even Hu Qingchan himself, when he just took over the Xu Yingshan case, why would he want to believe it?

I have to say that in this world, some people have some surprising special abilities.

Hu Qingchan didn't drive fast at first, because he wanted to take care of Lin Fang. By now, he had already finished eating, so she naturally didn't need to slow down. Half an hour later, she parked the car outside the door of a tea house.

If Hu Qingchan was asked to choose, she would prefer to choose a coffee shop.

It's just that the location was chosen by Xu Yingshan, so Hu Qingchan couldn't say much.

Originally, the client needed her encouragement. If Xu Yingshan was hit in some trivial matters, it might make him lose a little more courage. To be on the safe side, it would be better to aggrieve himself first.

Hu Qingchan and Lin Fang followed the waiter into a private room, and the waiter sent the two to the door and walked away without asking them what they were drinking.

Lin Fang was a little sullen at first, but when he entered the door and saw Xu Yingshan's true face, he was startled, and immediately understood the waiter.

The information clearly states that Xu Yingshan is forty years old, but the man sitting in front of Lin Fang ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is more than forty years old? This must be at least fifty years old, right?

His temples were white and his eyes were as black as if he had been punched twice.

He was wearing an upscale-looking, but wrinkled suit without a tie.

Although the other person was sitting, he kept rubbing his hands anxiously all the time, and from time to time he took a breath of snot that didn't exist. It could be seen that he was inhaling just out of a habit, not that the nasal cavity was really dirty.

His reaction made Lin Fang unconsciously flash a proper term: withdrawal reaction!

Looking at Xu Yingshan's current appearance, it is really difficult for Lin Fang to distinguish him from an addict.

Lin put down his consciousness and turned his head to look at Hu Qingchan, but saw that she nodded to him.

Hu Qingchan whispered: "He was not like this before the first trial. After the first trial, his mental condition began to deteriorate a lot. Our law firm also specially hired a psychiatrist, and after many efforts, he realized the seriousness of the problem. sex, let him agree to counterclaim."


Hu Qingchan sighed slightly and said, "Because the client is in this mental state, we are also very worried that if he really appears in court again, it may further deteriorate his mental state, so we thought about whether it can be settled out of court. …”

This He Wanting is really harmful... uh...

Lin let go of his consciousness and wanted to put all the blame on He Wanting, but after a second thought, He Wanting and Xu Yingshan were lovers, and the relationship had lasted for a full ten years. Obviously, a slap would not make a sound.

After thinking about it, when Lin Fang looked at Xu Yingshan again, his eyes were different.

Poor people must have something to hate, but I don't know if this result is what you expected...


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