I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 334: I may be the godfather of eating and broadcasting

When Lin Fang saw Shi Wencheng, more than half of the big stomach competition was over.

The two chatted for a while, and there was not much time left.

The Big Eater competition usually takes several forms, time-limited, weight-plug and rally, and some mixes.

For example, this time, it was a mix of rallying and weight plugs. Not only did you have to persist until the end without vomiting, but you had to be the one that ate the most among the remaining big stomach kings to win the championship.

Eating all the time for five hours may be a torment for ordinary people, but it's really not a big deal for gluttons.

Even an ordinary person meets a good friend whom he has not seen for a long time and chats while eating, drinking, and five hours can easily pass.

Only in five hours, eating all the time, becoming the one who eats the most, it is a little difficult.

This time, the big stomach king competition, the specifications are already quite high.

Not only did various micro-video celebrities come to help out, and all kinds of passers-by punched in frantically, there was also a live recording by Beijing North TV Station, which would be edited after the event and broadcast in the food show.

As the specifications go up, the strength of the contestants naturally rises.

Fortunately, although Shi Xiaolu people are small, their metabolic ability has swept all opponents.

With the last ten minutes left, Shi Xiaolu had already eaten the twenty-fourth pizza, about half a catty per pizza. She had eaten a full twelve catties, nearly six kilograms of food.

The total weight sounds terrifying, but compared to her powerful digestive ability, it's just a small test.

In comparison, the pressure is even worse than when she attended the lobster feast.

After all, the main ingredient of pizza is flour, which belongs to grains. A normal person can digest it completely in two hours at most. Shi Xiaolu’s metabolic capacity is six times that of ordinary people, and his digestive capacity may be much higher than this figure.

Even if she eats it all the time, even if there are other ingredients such as cheese, chicken, beef, bacon, and vegetables in the pizza, to her, it's just a drizzle.

But Shi Xiaolu's other opponents don't have such a terrifying digestive ability. Even the strong man who eats the closest to Shi Xiaolu has only eaten the eighteenth pizza, less than nine pounds.

That's it, it's already surpassed his best record in history. He feels that the food has filled the stomach sac, stuffed the esophagus, and his eyes are about to reach the throat.

As for the first?

Ha ha……

The strong man sneaked a glance at Shi Xiaolu, and there was still a flash of exclamation in his eyes.

You know, at the beginning, he was leading all the way. Relying on the crazy momentum of swallowing thousands of miles, he had eaten six pizzas in less than an hour, not only established the lead, but also successfully scared off several opponents, let them play abnormally.

In the eyes of a strong man, such an inconspicuous little man as Shi Xiaolu is a cannon fodder and should have been eliminated a long time ago.

It's a pity that this little guy, who eats slowly, actually came from behind.

From the bottom to the top ten, to the top five, until finally surpassing the strong man, and then...


The strong man couldn't help sighing. Since Shi Xiaolu won the first place, he has been pressing on his head so hard that he can hardly breathe.

Twenty-four pizzas, twelve pounds... no! It's already the twenty-fifth pizza. How can such a young girl eat so much? Isn't there any strange disease?

Or, is there actually a gluttonous monster hidden under her tiny body?

It's no wonder that the strong man's attention is not enough. It's really not much time until the end of the game. What's even more uncomfortable is that Shi Xiaolu's lead is too big, so he has no motivation to continue.

If it weren't for the big stomach king who was ranked third, he had already eaten sixteen pizzas, which was a certain threat to him. The strong man really wanted to throw the pizza in his hand and love whoever he was.


"Okay, the game time is over. Players, please put down the food in your hands, swallow the food in your mouth, don't vomit, and don't waste food. Otherwise, we will cut half the pizza to two pizzas as appropriate according to the rules of the game! "

Damn, it's so cruel!

The strong man who felt that the food had reached his throat originally wanted to secretly spit out the food in his mouth while no one was paying attention. You know, he was choking the time and ruthlessly stuffed a small half of the pizza in his mouth.

It can be regarded as a cocoon at the moment, he can only endure the discomfort in his mouth and chew hard.

The odious thing is that there is a referee standing in front of the strong man, and he doesn't care about others, just staring at the strong man alone, making him want to lose a little weight, his cheeks are almost sore.

The other players also made similar moves, but they were all just small moves. They were not as blatant as the brawny man, who actually stuffed a small half of the pizza in his mouth.

No wonder the referee must have kept an eye on the brawny guy. It was the third player who broke out suddenly in the last ten minutes, eating the seventeenth pizza and part of the eighteenth pizza in one go. .

It can be said that the key to the runner-up competition lies in the last bite of food in the strong man's mouth.

If he swallowed it, he was runner-up, and if he spit it out, he was third... No! It may even be fourth or even fifth!

For a while, the third, fourth, and fifth big-bellied men who stopped moving all looked at the strong man with anticipation, and cheered him silently in their hearts.

spit it out!

spit it out!

spit it out!

When these people arrived at the back, they may have seen the sign that the strong man really vomited.

After the strong man heard it, his heart was ruthless, and he stopped chewing at all. He rolled his eyes and swallowed the food in his mouth abruptly.




Three consecutive laments came out from the mouths of the three big-bellied men, looking at each other with a hint of admiration in their helplessness.

It's a werewolf!

After eating the big stomach king competition, it has nothing to do with enjoyment, and even a terrible torment.

Over the years, in various big stomach competitions, there are not a few people who have suffered from various stomach problems, and even died on the spot or choked to death.

This strong man is so cruel to himself, he really deserves the second place!


With the sound of a gong, there is no suspense about the runner-up's ownership, and the game is completely over.

It was just when the awards were announced, except for Shi Xiaolu, who walked briskly, like a normal person, most of the remaining runners-up stumbled, and even the runner-up winner did not recover after sitting for a while, and was still supported by others. It barely managed to receive the award.

Seeing the unbearable performance of these contestants, the scene almost turned into a sea of ​​joy, and the audience laughed, but also all kinds of ridicule.

Even if someone saw the hard work of the big stomach kings, they couldn't make any sound.

For most people, it's just to join in the fun, they don't bother to pursue more deep things.

You said that the big stomach kings worked hard, and I worked hard myself.

It's like someone who's not being human for the first time.

Shi Xiaolu was accompanied by Shi Wencheng to receive the award. This time the competition was relatively high, but the prize money was not too high, only 100,000 yuan, which was not as high as the prize offered by Ren Xiaotian at the lobster banquet.

However, this is quite high in the country.

Ren Xiaotian's private match can only be said to be a special case.

In this regard, Shi Wencheng has done a special investigation and was able to take back the custody of his daughter. His wish for many years has been fulfilled. Naturally, he is very fond of this only daughter, and can't wait to help her pick the stars and the moon To make up for so many years of debt, although he did not want Shi Xiaolu to participate in any big stomach competition, he still did some research with all his heart.

What Shi Wencheng thought was that no matter what, as long as her daughter was happy, if this was the way to go, at least she should be put on the horse and given a ride.

It’s a pity that the results of the survey were not satisfactory. The Big Eater’s competitions are not young or old, but very few of them are on a scale. In particular, very few are willing to offer bonuses. Instead, they are more willing to offer free orders, meal coupons or is an in-kind reward.

There are not many fools in business.

There are still a lot of tricks here.

So after Shi Wencheng learned about this, he knew that this was not a bright road, so he began to persuade Shi Xiaolu to tell her that studying was the right way.

With the investigation data in front of him, no matter how disappointed Shi Xiaolu was, he could only silently accept this reality.

This was the gentleman's agreement between the two fathers and daughters. Before the summer vacation was over, after participating in the last few competitions, I would go back and study hard.

Accompanied by Shi Wencheng, after receiving the after-tax bonus, Shi Xiaolu heard that Lin Fang was also at the scene. She directly stuffed a bunch of bonuses, prizes, and certificates into Shi Wencheng's arms and swept around to confirm that Lin Fang was there. After letting go of the figure, he rushed over regardless.

"Brother! Hug!"

Seeing Shi Xiaolu jumping into his arms, Lin Fang felt a little guilty and glanced at Shi Wencheng subconsciously.

The little girl is young and ambitious, and she wants to be Lin Fang's child bride.

At other times, he can laugh and agree twice, when he is coaxing a child, even if he has heard it.

But now that Shi Wencheng was at the scene, if Shi Xiaolu said a few more words, Lin Fang was really worried that he would not be able to wash himself if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Fortunately, Shi Xiaolu said very little, and there was only one movement to hug Lin Fang when he rushed over.

Lin Fang hugged the very small Shi Xiaolu with one hand, touched her head, and unconsciously asked a few words about her recent situation.

"How are you doing lately, are you tired?"

Maybe it was because he wanted to say too much, and he didn't know how to express it for a while. Shi Xiaolu took out his mobile phone and typed: "Brother, I'm so tired! The Big Eater competition is too difficult! There are many places to run, and many competitions are still very small. , Dad and I ran for a month, almost all over the country, and only made a few hundred thousand!"

Lin Fang: "..."

This kid is really annoying!

Food and drink plus national travel, what else do you have to work hard for?

Do you know that you earn more in a month than I do in a year?

Fortunately, although my salary is low, I don't rely on my salary to eat, I have free soft rice...cough!

Lin Fang simply followed Shi Xiaolu's words and said, "The Big Stomach King competition is indeed not particularly profitable, and it is not as good as live broadcast. In addition to many fans' reward, you can also sell all kinds of delicious snacks or All kinds of fresh..."


What was originally said casually, Lin Fang thought about it carefully, but felt that this matter was really troublesome.

The shelves of the studio over there have been erected, and several rooms are divided into categories, each with its own target audience, except for the eating and broadcasting, but it is still blank.

Once a big stomach king like Shi Xiaolu joins, it will be even more powerful to deal with.


Lin Fang patted his forehead and smiled selflessly: What do I think she is doing!

They have already broken up, and I still think about her all the time!

He likes to mention a bunch of ex-girlfriends after crossing over. Lin Fang doesn't have the slightest impression of breaking up, so naturally it doesn't matter whether he is sad or not.

The breakup between Fu Hao and him was a very new first time for Lin Fang.

At first, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Anyway, there are many ex-girlfriends and countless spare tires. If there is a need, just pull one and turn it into a regular.

The funny thing is, the memory of the body, the sensibility that is born, often interferes with Lin Fang's calmness from time to time, reminding him of the beauty of the good, the good of the good, the good of the good...

Especially the little fox with a tail that time, don't be too emotional!


What kind of feeling is this, this is clearly adultery!

Lin Fang shook his head vigorously, suppressing all kinds of sneaky attempts to control his big head, and stopped the conversation.

He just said it casually and didn't take it seriously.

Shi Xiaolu has already agreed to Shi Wencheng. After the summer vacation, he will go back to school and study hard.

He does not mean that.

After Shi Xiaolu heard the words "live broadcast" and "eat broadcast" from Lin Fang's mouth, she decided to search it on her mobile phone for the first time. Pull away slowly.

There are many special analysis posts about the benefits of eating and broadcasting. Shi Xiaolu just flipped through a few, and he already knew what he knew.

After searching for the qualities that food and broadcasting needs to have, and the possible risks, Shi Xiaolu found out that these are not a problem at all!

What a big eater game!

What really suits me is to be a food broadcaster!

Shi Xiaolu's eyes brightened the more she looked, and after she made a decision in her heart, she put away her phone and smiled happily at Lin Fang: "Thank you, brother!"

Lin Fang: "???"

what the hell?

no need thank me?

Lin Fang didn't know it, but with a few words of his own, Shi Xiaolu opened the door to a new world, giving her the intention to set foot on a new outlet.

Before he could ask further questions, Shi Wencheng came over, and he patted Shi Xiaolu's head both fondly and helplessly, and said, "Have you forgotten your father when you have a brother? Look at you, you didn't take any of these things. Also, the organizer needs you to take some pictures and sign some fans or something."

Fan autograph?

Lin Fang couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, there are quite a lot of routines from the organizers. It is indeed rare for a small stomach king like Shi Xiaolu. It works well, and it is indeed a good explosion point.

As for fans, Shi Xiaolu definitely doesn't have any. She does have Weibo and Weishi, but she has not opened a WeChat public account. Weibo has almost no fans, and the Weishi public account has many likes. She has only a few of her works. shadow.

Shadow is a literal word, it's really a shadow, the kind of video shot with a mobile phone against your own shadow bouncing under the light, accompanied by a cheerful or funny BGM, and it was uploaded.

Therefore, Lin Fang believed that these fans must have been found by the organizer, so he didn't care.

Shi Xiaolu was very reluctant to give up Lin Fang, but he had to cooperate. He had already received the bonus, so he couldn't just take the money and do nothing. This was also a predetermined process.

Surprisingly, Lin put it aside, thinking that after the group photo, Shi Xiaolu would be freed, and it was unlikely that anyone would ask for an autograph, but the reality was that several fans were rushing to get autographs.

Some people even asked Shi Xiaolu for a Weishi account, and when she was going live.

When Lin Fang heard from Shi Xiaolu's mouth that she reported her Weishi account and promised to start the live broadcast some time later, he suddenly felt a little panic.

isn't it?

Is the deer really going to be a food and a broadcaster?

Shouldn't it be my fault for this?

no no! How could it be me?

The deer must be joking... right? Yes, just kidding!

She is just to deal with those fake fans, it must be!

Lin Fang quickly convinced himself, and no longer cared about it.

But after a while, when Shi Xiaolu followed Shi Wencheng to find Lin Fang and was about to invite him to dinner, Lin Fang saw Shi Xiaolu's bright eyes, and could not help but secretly screamed: Oops!

This meal, he was a little afraid to eat.

If Shi Wencheng knew, he would have managed to persuade Shi Xiaolu to stop taking the road of the big stomach king competition and go home and go to school with peace of mind. In a blink of an eye, Lin Fang helped her open the door to eating and broadcasting~www.wuxiaspot.com ~Let her be the king of the big stomach on a live webcast...  

Lin Fang felt that Shi Wencheng might have poisoned the wine and let him die on the spot.

So when Shi Wencheng proposed to invite Lin Fang to dinner, Lin Fang chose to refuse with a straight face: "Mr. Shi, I have accepted your request, so I don't need to eat. Besides, Xiaolu has just finished attending the conference. The stomach king competition, eating is already very supportive. We can't let him eat and let him watch it, right? It's not suitable!"

Lin Fangman thought that his answer was very fitting. Who knows, Shi Xiaolu rubbed his belly, raised his hand and said, "Brother, I'm hungry again!"


Lin Fang glanced at Shi Xiaolu, as if looking at an alien.

He really wanted to say that this little girl was joking, but he turned his head to look at Shi Wencheng, and saw his affirmative fatherly smile, Lin Fang realized that it was actually true.

Perhaps because he was worried that Lin Fang would not believe it, Shi Wencheng also explained: "Lawyer Lin, don't be afraid, Xiaolu is not a monster! Well, the doctor also explained it to me, he said it is normal... "

Normal ghost!

Lin Fang couldn't help but want to roar.

"The doctor said that the deer is a retaliatory nutritional intake after long-term malnutrition. In the past, this child has always restrained his appetite, and his body has always been in a state of minimum metabolism, which can only guarantee the minimum requirement of the body's survival.

During this period of time, her nutrient intake channels increased, which slowly returned to the normal metabolic level, so she would be hungry very quickly. After this period of time, it slowly returned to normal. "

Although what you said is very scientific and reasonable, I am still frightened!

Lin Fang touched his chin, he didn't know what to say.


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