I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 351: I didn't want to do bad things

"I'm not really a scumbag (

When we returned to Jincheng, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Tomorrow is Thursday, so Lin Fang could choose to take a day or two off before reporting to the law firm, but considering that he was going to report to school on Saturday, he decided to go to the law firm first and hand over the work.

The moment he stepped on the land of Jincheng, Lin Fang stretched out unconsciously.

Although Beijing North is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time after all.

Lin Fang is still more used to staying in Jincheng, the food capital where he has lived for many years.

Life is alive, eat and drink two words.

After staying in Beijing for so long, Lin Fang has no opinion on other things, except for the food, or prefer the food of Jincheng.

No spicy three-point flavor, one spicy to 100%, or Jincheng's heavy hemp, heavy spicy hot pot is more delicious.

Thinking of hot pot, Lin Fang felt an involuntary secretion of saliva.

He took the subway decisively, went to the vicinity of District 5, walked a short distance, and got into a community.

There is a mom-and-pop shop here that has been open for many years, and runs a Chuanchuanxiang, which obviously tastes better, but because of the business philosophy, as the actual representative of the five-zone Chuanchuan, others have taken the name and opened a chain.

Not a regular customer, or a friend brought it, it is difficult to find this gourmet restaurant in the community.

The butter at the bottom of their pot is mellow and has its own fragrance.

Their skewers are made with real ingredients and fresh ingredients.

The most distinctive feature of their house is the double pepper dish mixed with oil dish and dry dish. The oil dish is served with hot millet, and the dry dish is served with dried sea pepper. If you are not used to double pepper dish, you can choose to use oil dish or dry dish. Dip the dish with water.

Lin Fang pushed the suitcase to the waiter and asked him to take care of it. Seeing the waiter agree with a smile, he dragged the suitcase and went to the storage room. He ignored it and went to get the ingredients by himself.

In Jincheng or the entire Sichuan-Chongqing region, hot pot, maocai, chuanchuanxiang, and bobo chicken can all be classified as one cuisine.

There is a saying that: hot pot is a group of people's maocai, maocai is a person's hot pot, the summary is quite in place, and most of the relationship between hot pot and maocai can be summarized in one sentence.

The only thing missing is that Maocai is not dipped in water.

Chuanchuanxiang is to put most of the hot pot ingredients on a bamboo skewer, how much the guests eat, and how much they take, put them in the pot and cook them. When eating, pick up the bamboo skewer and dip the ingredients into the water to enjoy.

Some ingredients that cannot be worn, such as duck blood, brain flowers, etc., also need to be ordered individually, but they are usually placed on plates of different colors and prices. When checking out, the settlement is based on the plate.

Bobo chicken is similar to Chuanchuanxiang, and it is also an ingredient worn on bamboo skewers. The difference from the first three is that it is boiled and ready to eat, usually served with a dry plate.

Lin Fang eats chuanchuanxiang, his favorite is beef, and then squid, duck intestines, chicken gizzards, tofu skin, quail eggs, potato chips also like to take some, but usually he will take half of the beef.

He ordered two dipping sauces, put the ingredients into the pot, took a sip of Jincheng's unique heated Weiyi soy milk, and sighed comfortably.

There are many brands of soy milk and peanut milk on the market. Lin Fang has drunk them all, but he always feels that these brands cannot keep up with the taste of Weiyi, especially in autumn and winter. After heating, Weiyi is a perfect match for hot pot.

Just as the skewered incense in the pot was about to heat up enough to be eaten, Lin Fang was about to feast on it when his phone suddenly rang.

Lin Fang thought it was Hu Qingchan or Yan Bingyue calling, but ignored it, took a handful of beef, and shoved the meat into the bowl one by one.

Put some in the dry dish and some in the oil dish.

Put a piece of beef dipped in dry ingredients into your mouth, the meat is tender and juicy, the fresh beef is full of spicy and numb pepper, pepper noodles, and this numbness is neutralized by the mellowness of crushed peanuts , mixed together, greatly enhance the taste of beef.

One sip, just happy.

Then put a piece of beef covered with oil into the mouth. The beef is wrapped in sesame oil, minced garlic, coriander, and millet. The sesame oil is cooled, the coriander is fragrant, the minced garlic is delicious, the millet is spicy, and the sesame oil is fully mixed. The flavors of the three seasonings are perfectly integrated into the beef.

Take this one down, it is the world of fireworks!

After eating two pieces of beef, Lin Fang unconsciously took a sip of the warm soy milk, and the spiciness in his mouth faded away, leaving only the rich and mellow soy milk, just one feeling: crispy.

At this time, Lin Fang took another piece of beef dipped in oil and rolled it twice in the dry ingredients. This is the third way to eat skewers in the five zones: double peppers.

Lin Fang picked up the beef that had been soaked in oil and dipped in dry ingredients and put it in his mouth. This piece of beef, mixed with two flavors, raised the numbness and spicyness to another level, and it was so delicious that it made the scalp tingle. .

After three mouthfuls, Lin Fang sighed slightly, and had to take out his phone from his pocket, intending to see who was so persistent.

The phone has been ringing until now, and I haven't heard it until now. It broke and rang again, and it broke and rang again. It really disturbed Lin Fang's mood to eat.

He glanced at the screen and was stunned for a moment. It was actually... Meng Zuer?

Lin Fang couldn't help scratching his head, answering...?

After a little hesitation, Lin Fang pressed the answer button.

"Okay you Lin Fang, if you don't answer my phone again, I'm going to scold people! I'll scold this little **** drinking milk bin to death!"

"You scold...Cough cough, I mean, don't scold Ni Bin, didn't I answer the phone?"

Lin Fang originally wanted to tell Meng Zuer to scold him casually, and he was about to hang up the phone. Who knew that Meng Zuer almost flickered his waist when he made a call, and hurriedly held the phone that almost fell to the ground, and quickly changed his tone to a gentle tone. .

Meng Zuer seemed to hear that Lin Fang was in a hurry, and after a long laugh, he said, "Okay, then I'll forgive him. Little brother Lin, where are you now?"

Lin Fang glanced at the fragrant Chuan Chuan and said, "I'm eating out."

While I really want to eat, I have to bite the bullet and have an awkward chat with my brother's sister. This feeling, let alone how uncomfortable it is.

Meng Zuer's tone suddenly became excited, and he kept asking: "Where to eat? What to eat? Is it delicious?"

Lin Fang: "..."

Where to eat, what to eat, whether it is good or not, what does it have to do with you?

If it weren't for the fact that you are super cute, I really don't want to care about you!


Lin Fang coughed lightly and said, "A corner of Jincheng, I told you that you don't know, the Chuan Chuan Xiang is very delicious. It has been open for decades, and the taste has always been very good. It is my favorite. Favorite family Chuanchuanxiang."

Meng Zuer said in an unusually determined tone: "I want to eat too, send me a location!"

Lin Fang: "???!!!"

Lin Fang was puzzled at first, then surprised.

He reacted suddenly, Meng Zuer would say that, there is only one possibility...

"You are also in Jincheng?"

"That's right! Not long after I got off the plane, I'm still on the airport highway. Don't interrupt, send me the location quickly!"

Lin Fang: "..."

I'm about to burst!

As long as I go back to Jincheng later, I can pretend that I am still in Beijing. You have nothing to do with me in Jincheng.

But now...

Lin Fang just hesitated for a moment, but Meng Zuer on the other end of the phone was not happy.

"Little brother Lin, you're going a little too far! I was just curious about what you were eating. I wanted to eat a little bit, but you hesitated! Don't you like...don't like to eat with me?"


Lin Fang replied affirmatively: "Sister Zuer, don't mess with me! The last time I took you to eat a fatty rice roll, you had stomach cramps and almost scared me to death. Anyway, I can't afford the responsibility!"

Meng Zuer snorted softly and said, "You don't have to be responsible! Besides, it was an accident last time! It has something to do with my usual eating habits. I don't eat so finely now, and there will be no such thing as last time!"


Lin Fang couldn't help touching his nose, feeling a little flustered.

When a person is willing to change his living habits for himself and get out of the comfort zone of the past, in a sense, he has gone beyond liking and has the possibility to go further.

It is impossible to say not to be moved, but Lin Fang still feels that he is not used to it.

The biggest difference between Meng Zuer and other girls is that she is a popular star, a popular fried chicken who has gradually risen to the top through various means of additions to film, television, song and variety shows.

Being with a girl like this, even if it's just a friend, requires all kinds of disguises.

If he became her boyfriend, Lin Fang couldn't even imagine how much pressure it would be.

He became a small internet celebrity for a few days because of a few videos of Weishi.

The feeling of being recognized, ridiculed, and approached by others, it's not bad to try it occasionally. If it was like this every day, Lin Fang felt that he couldn't stand it.

Lin Fang hesitated for a moment before saying, "Sister Zuer, you don't need to change your eating habits, right? It's not worth it..."


Meng Zuer interrupted Lin Fang impatiently and said, "I have the final say on whether it's worth it or not, but you have the final say. Oops! Why are you so long-winded? Hurry up and send me the location, I'll go to the city in a moment. Now, if you are later, I have to go to the city center, hang up!"



Lin Fang looked at the phone that hung up, feeling a little complicated.

Why are girls in this world so cute?

Each of them is so excellent, and they are all so good to him.

How should I refuse?

I really don't want to reject you, but I only have one...

Lin Fang sighed, sent Meng Zuer a WeChat location, and then said, "Sister Zuer, wait for me near this middle school, I'll pick you up, the location of the community is difficult to find, you can't find it."

"Okay, little brother Lin, my sister loves you, alright! It's not far away, look, I'm here!"

Lin Fang: "..."

Looking at this WeChat reply from Meng Zuer, Lin Fang always felt that she was taking the opportunity to tease herself, but there was no evidence.

After turning off the fire, Lin Fang decided not to eat for the time being, and waited until Meng Zuer arrived. She was not far away anyway. The point was that he didn't have time to eat. He sent a WeChat message before Meng Zuer had eaten two bites. If he didn't reply, it would be troublesome. .

Meng Daxing came directly with a WeChat call, and it was a video call, and Lin Fang was very big.

There was no taste to eat left and right, so he simply chatted with Meng Zuer one after another and waited for her to come over.

In just ten minutes, Meng Zuer sent Lin Fang another WeChat message, along with her current location.

"Little brother Lin, little brother Lin, come and pick me up! I'm here! It's freezing cold, why is Jincheng so cold at night, it's much colder than Modu!"

"almost there!"

Lin Fang took a few steps, thought for a moment, then turned back, called the waiter, and said, "Brother, please take out my suitcase, I'll pick up someone with some clothes, the table will not be accepted, we'll be right back ."

The waiter nodded cheerfully: "If you want, pick up your girlfriend, wow? You are so careful, your girlfriend must be pretty!"

"Cough cough..."

Lin Fang coughed twice, wanting to say that he and Meng Zuer were not boyfriend and girlfriend, but after thinking about it, there was no need to explain, so he replied with a smile, "It's really pretty."

"Hahaha... Get it! Get it!"

The waiter laughed twice, happily helped Lin Fang take out the suitcase, watched him take out a piece of clothing, and then closed the suitcase before helping him to put it away again.

Lin Fang quickly ran a few steps, left the community, and came to the nearby middle school.

For convenience, Lin Fang positioned Meng Zuer on the side of the middle school. The actual location was very close to the community. Basically, he came out of the west gate of the community and walked a few steps to see Meng Zuer.

Lin Fang didn't see anyone waiting at the reserved location.

Lin Fang decisively initiated real-time location sharing for Meng Zuer, and then said on WeChat: "Send me a selfie of your current selfie, and then follow up with real-time location sharing. I can see where your specific location is."

Meng Zuer didn't connect the first time, but asked curiously: "Why send you a selfie? I'm wearing a hat and a mask now, which is inconvenient! Besides, my selfie is not particularly good-looking, I don't want to send it to you, Ugly!"

Lin Fang: "..."

I'm about to burst!

Do I care if you look good or not?

I just want to know what you're wearing now so I can recognize you!

Forget it... my heart hurts!

Lin Fang thought about it and knew that Meng Zuer was wearing a hat and a mask now, and his features were already very obvious. It didn't matter if he took a selfie or not, so he said: "Forget it, it's ok if you don't take a picture, you can connect to the real-time location sharing first. , I'm coming to find you."

Meng Zuer made a displeased voice and said, "Humph! You are killing me! Are you impatient? Brother Lin, you were not like this before! You don't like me anymore!"

Madam, I never liked you before!

At most, I want to go up... up the mountain to fight tigers.

Lin Fang touched his nose, sighed, and replied, "Sister Zuer, can we pick it up first?"

Meng Zuer continued to reply: "No! You have to tell me why you want me to take a selfie, say, do you want... to do bad things?"

Lin Fang: "???"

Sister, is your brain opening a little crooked?

Which eye do you see, I'm doing something bad with your selfie?

Are you **** or badass?


I never thought of doing bad things!

Lin Fang felt that Meng Zuer might be a little bit over the top and he was on the fence, so he had to walk forward and explain: "Sister Zuer, I didn't want to do anything bad. It's not too late, I'm worried that I won't recognize you. , you send a selfie, so I can identify it by the characteristics of the clothes?"


Meng Zuer was about to cry, and said with a sobbing voice: "Little brother Lin, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and you don't even recognize me! You are too much, you are really too much! I am so kind to you, you To even forget what I look like, woo woo woo..."

Lin Fang: "???"

No, sister, who of us is too much?

Should I say you are an actor?

I haven't even shouted, you're acting now?

Lin Fang felt that he was really stupid and should not answer Meng Zuer's call.

If you don't answer the phone, you won't have so much trouble.

But now, he can only bite the bullet and find someone, while comforting Meng Zuer: "Sister Zuer, don't cry... don't... uh, you're crying like nothing! Are you happy?"

Lin Fang stood at the entrance of the middle school and clearly saw that Meng Zuer was standing under the street lamp, the mask was pulled to her chin, chewing a lollipop, holding the phone in his hand and jumping wildly with laughter.

Obviously, Lin's response on WeChat made her very happy.

At this moment, Meng Zuer hadn't noticed Lin Fang's approach yet, when she saw the news from Lin Fang, she coughed twice, cleared her throat, took out the lollipop in her mouth, and pretended to be very sad: "Little Lin Brother, how can you say that to me? I'm so sad, so sad, you really hurt me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll tell you, I'm angry, sad, and those who can't coax me Kind, woo woo woo..."

call out!

Meng Zuer sent out the news and continued to laugh happily.

Then Lin Fang posted it, and said faintly, "Sister Zuer, you don't look like you're sad."

"Where? Where? Where am I not acting... uh..."

Meng Zuer raised his head sharply and found that Lin Fang was standing in front of him. He couldn't help laughing dryly. He quickly put the lollipop into Lin Fang's mouth and said, "Don't be angry. , don't turn your back on me!"

Lin Fang: "I..."

It was too late to say that she didn't want to eat, Meng Zuer had already stuffed the lollipop full of her saliva into Lin Fang's mouth which had not had time to close.

Don't say, this lollipop tastes a little different...

Bah Bah!

Lin Fang interrupted the thoughts in his mind, took out a lollipop, pointed to Meng Zuer, and said, "Aren't you afraid of being recognized if you don't wear a mask?"

In the first few meetings, Meng Zuer pretended to be ingenious every time. Obviously, he had a very original opinion on the matter of not being recognized.

This time, he only wore a peaked cap, and ran to see Lin Fang with a mask, which seemed a bit rough.

"It doesn't matter, it's so dark, no one can recognize it!"

Meng Zuer waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "Let's go, take me to eat something delicious! You are still running out to eat so late, it must be delicious, don't want it, I want to eat it too! I'll give you the luggage, help I take!"

Lin Fang looked left and right, and found that there were no unsightly people nearby, so he nodded, took the luggage from Meng Zuer's hand, and led her into the community.

Vaguely, a flash of light flashed a few times in the distance, but no one noticed this scene.

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