I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 370: their own life

"I'm not really a scumbag novel ( Find the latest chapter!

In a flash, a few days passed after returning from the amusement park.

While sorting out his thoughts, Lin Fang lived his last year of college campus life step by step.

It's just that he relived the ordinary college life in his imagination, which was doomed to miss him.

In the scandal with Meng Zuer, Meng Zuer's side was snuffed out, but his side became more and more intense.

The freshman students are fiercer than each other. If the dorm aunt downstairs is not strong enough, they can fill Lin Fang's dormitory.

Even, Lin Fang's work and rest were clearly touched by them.

Whether he got up early for a run, went to the cafeteria at noon, or went to the library in the afternoon, he could not escape the pressing tactics of the freshman students.

On this night, there was a lot of noise downstairs, and another school girl who was carried away by the impulse of love, placed a heart-shaped candle pattern in Lin Fang's dormitory, held a megaphone, and confessed to him in the moonlight.

"Senior Lin Fang, I announce you..."

Lin Fang stood in front of the window, looking downstairs in the middle of the burning heart-shaped pattern, a freshman in a white dress, and sighed: "The biggest stumbling block in the struggle of men is women! I like it, it's really annoying!"

The three roommates, who were looking at the diorama with their heads hooked, all shuddered.

He Naibin and Luo Zhanglang, who already had girlfriends, were fine, but they couldn't stand the sourness, so they could find their own baby for comfort.

It's just that Li Jianfeng, who is still single after suffering, can't help but get angry when He Naibin and Luo Zhanglang look at him with sympathy.

"Look at what! I've been on hand recently... No, I've been putting out too much recently, and I need to cultivate myself. Those loves that say break up at dawn are not suitable for me, I need to concentrate on my studies! I think Brother Fang is right, women are men. A stumbling block on the road to struggle!"

He Naibin: "Hehe..."

Luo Zhanglang: "Hehe..."


Lin Fang closed the window, closed the curtains, picked up a book, sat back at the desk, and continued to read.

Seeing this, He Naibin threw the phone on the bed, pulled up a chair and sat next to Lin Fang, and asked curiously, "Brother Fang, you are in a wrong state, why are you holding your books every day since the first day of school? Look, I read the textbooks for the freshman year at the beginning, the sophomore year two days ago, and the junior year again today. Say you are good at learning, no, say you are pretending, it's been almost a week, what's your situation? ?"

Lin Fang stared at the book, flipped through the pages quickly, and replied, "Review and prepare for the exam. Consolidate the knowledge you have learned in the past few years, apply for graduation, and then take the graduate student test of Professor Qian."

Originally, Lin Fang planned to enjoy his last year of college life.

He has tens of millions in his hands, a little salted fish, and this money is enough for a lifetime, but he just indulges for a year, so he doesn't have to worry about anything at all.

It's just that the plan can't keep up with the changes, and a week has passed in a flash, and the offensive of the freshman girls has continued unabated.

Lin Fang had no choice but to change his plan.

The struggle plan is ahead of schedule, and the arbitrary youth plan is stillborn.

After all the calculations, Lin Fang still ignored his attraction to little girls, and he was helpless.

Lin put a video of the sand sculpture roommates on his Weibo account. Originally, he wanted to make the three guys make a fool of himself, and then used comments to laugh at them.

Who knew that the message below the video, from the first floor, went to Java.

"Wow...Lin Fang, it turns out that this is your WeChat account, follow it! Follow it! You are so handsome, I want to announce you!"

"Followed! Ask for mutual relations!"

"Lin Fang, you scumbag, my mother is not big enough, or your **** is not big enough, your face is not beautiful enough, or your bed is not coquettish enough, you are scumbags with so many little hooves with ordinary appearance and ordinary body, but not enough. Come on scum, send me a private message, and I'll teach you a lesson!"

"Fuck, are the Weishi videos upstairs so spicy? No, I have to prepare some nutrition express!"

"Don't you realize that Lin Fang was super calm when he played these extreme projects, and he didn't even shake his hands? I'm not talking nonsense, I think it's necessary to take my kryptonite and give him an appraisal!"

"Senior Lin Fang is already very powerful. Otherwise, how could Meng Zuer like him? He is a superman!"

"Wow! Senior Lin Fang is a good man, I love love, please flop!"

"The lobster feast tour group came to report, Lin Fuhao, please show us the lives of your rich people!"

"Xia Xue saw the goddess support group coming to report, Lin Fang, we support you and Xia goddess together, and cut off all ties with other women!"


Lin Fang joked that the purpose of the three roommates was not achieved, but the number of fans on the Weishi account soared.

Even the people who knew him because of the lobster feast and the late-night tryst Xia Xuejian video also followed Lin Fang's Wechat account because of these videos, and frequently sent him private messages, all kinds of harassment.

As if overnight, Lin Fang discovered that he had really become a big or small internet celebrity.

The follow-up impact of the scandal with Meng Zuer continued, and it has been fermenting until now, and Lin Fang has been somewhat troubled.

Fortunately, these troubles are still limited to the campus for the time being, only limited to the madness of the freshmen.

Therefore, Lin Fang simply planned to break the situation violently, graduate early, and go directly to graduate school.

Qian Hongkang had given Lin Fang the exam questions a long time ago, that is, going to Ding Taihang for an internship. As long as he successfully passed the internship, he would accept Lin Fang as a graduate student, that is, a postgraduate student.

In other words, Lin Fang could just go to the door to report.

I just don't want to forget everything I've learned before leaving the school, and plan to take advantage of the time before the law exam to review my undergraduate knowledge again.

The result was somewhat beyond Lin Fang's expectations, his memory was not very good.

Just flipping through the book once, the things learned in the previous life are immediately recalled from the deep memory, and then occupy a reading position in the shallow memory layer, as long as it is triggered by a keyword, it can be recalled at any time.

Even if it is something that he has never learned, he will quickly memorize it first, and then use it by analogy.

For nearly a week, Lin Fang has built a corner of his brain library, at least in terms of undergraduate knowledge in law.

This kind of knowledge increases little by little, and the feeling of being able to call it flexibly is not ordinary.

In the last life, Lin Fang was fortunate enough to meet such a super scholar in high school. At that time, he called him "monster" just like everyone else.

Unexpectedly, in this life, Lin Fang was finally fortunate enough to become the person he "hated the most", that monster!

That's why Lin Fang stood at the window just now, and said with emotion: Women are his stumbling blocks.

After all, it's cool to learn knowledge, and it's cool to be with girls.

The more girls he knows, it will greatly occupy and compress the time for Lin Fang to absorb knowledge, adding endless troubles to him.


He Naibin glanced at Lin Fang in surprise, and said, "Do you want to take Professor Qian's postgraduate exam? His graduate student is not easy to take the exam? I heard that there are more and more divorce lawsuits now, and the "Marriage Law" was an unpopular a few years ago. It's hot now. Professor Qian's postgraduate threshold is not as high now!"

Lin Fang: "Uh~www.wuxiaspot.com~!"

After hesitating for a while, Lin Fang decided not to answer He Naibin's question.

Whether he answered that he has been guaranteed graduate school, or that it is not difficult to take the postgraduate entrance examination, it seems that it is not very good.

Forget it, Jinyi night walk, then Jinyi night walk, it's not good to hit your roommate too much in the same night, it will make them doubt their life.

When He Naibin saw that Lin Fang was really reading books, he couldn't help but pouted. He had no interest in the postgraduate entrance examination, he just wanted to help his parents spend money hard. There will be more and more, which is very frustrating.

Fortunately, He Naibin now has a girlfriend named Sun Yulu, and the two of them broke down together, which relieved him a lot of pressure.

He Naibin glanced back at Luo Zhanglang and Li Jianfeng, trying to pull them to play a few kings, but found that one of them was searching for part-time jobs online, and the other was researching a dating website.

Seeing this scene, He Naibin couldn't help but rolled his eyes fiercely.

He first ran to grab Luo Zhanglang and said, "Zhang Lang, what's your situation? We are already senior year, and your internship unit has not been implemented yet? After a little internship, you can sign the contract if you are satisfied, no Satisfied, when you wait for the school to recruit, you don't have to worry about no unit asking for it, right?"

Luo Zhanglang turned around and smiled at He Naibin, scratched his head, and said, "The internship unit has been implemented, but I didn't go. I ran takeaways and errands for a while, and I found that it was quite profitable. I'm just thinking now, Can you do something else in the spare time of delivery?"

He Naibin: "???"

He Naibin, who had a question mark on his face, came back to his senses, looked at Luo Zhanglang in shock, and said, "Isn't it, Xiaoqiang! You are a dignified graduate of 985, and you went to deliver food? What do you think?"

Luo Zhanglang laughed again, and said, "I didn't think much about it, I just think it's good to deliver food and run errands. As long as you run fast, you don't have to bear so much pressure on seniority, and you can quickly get into the fifth industry in other industries. salary a year later.”

Lin Fang turned his head and said to Luo Zhanglang, "Zhang Lang, that's true, but the ceiling for food delivery is very low, you only have so much time in a day, no matter how hard you work, the number of orders received in a day is still the same. There is an upper limit, and this upper limit is likely to be the lower limit after five years of career choices for law majors."

Luo Zhanglang nodded and said, "Brother Fang, I have also seriously considered the issue you mentioned. It's not a shortage... I'm not thinking of other ways? I plan to find a part-time job besides delivery. do it."

Li Jianfeng, who was looking at the blind date website, interrupted at this time: "Then you go to the starting point to write a book. I often read novels at the starting point. It costs a thousand dollars for a month of reading and a reward. I see those great writers, all of them are very good. It’s good money, and the book is stinky and long, and many people applaud it!”

Lin Fang's brows jumped, feeling an inexplicable malice shrouded in him, and he couldn't help but say: "Jianfeng, I heard: persuading people to study medicine, the sky is struck by thunder; persuading people to study the law, thousands of swords are cut. I heard that the starting point The authors who wrote the book all have no hair, are still fat, still have kidney deficiency, and have a bad waist. When persuading people to write a book, how do you want to die?"

Li Jianfeng gave a jerk, and said slowly, "Isn't it? Are the great gods who started writing books so miserable?"

Lin Fang shook his head and said: "The great **** must be a beautiful wife and concubine singing every night. Ordinary authors are so miserable. I heard about an author named Baoxiang, especially miserable. Basically, it is equivalent to being a traitor for 45 years, and 49 years. I voted for the fruit party."

Li Jianfeng thought about it for a while, then nodded in agreement, "Then Zhang Lang, you should stop writing books..."

"No! I want to write!"

Luo Zhanglang's eyes were bright, he held Li Jianfeng's hand tightly, shook it a few times, and said, "Jianfeng, thank you so much! I found that delivering food and writing a book at the starting point are a perfect match! Mobile phones are very smart now. , I can take advantage of the gap between food delivery and write a book by voice!"

Lin Fang glared at Li Jianfeng fiercely, expressing his strong condemnation with his eyes.

Persuading people to write books is a trump card that claims to persuade people to study medicine + study the law.

Li Jianfeng shrank his head, and while smiling at Luo Zhanglang, he expressed his helplessness to Lin Fang: Brother Fang, I just said casually, who knew that Zhang Lang was serious!

Lin Fang didn't know how to persuade Luo Zhanglang. He knew why Luo Zhanglang went to deliver food, and why he had to find another part-time job.

From the moment Luo Zhanglang opened his mouth to borrow money, Lin Fang knew that Luo Zhanglang had encountered difficulties, and they were still very difficult. Otherwise, Luo Zhanglang would not have opened this mouth to himself.

It's just that Luo Zhanglang didn't say it himself, and Lin Fang couldn't ask. He kept waiting until the senior year started. Luo Zhanglang didn't say what difficulties he encountered. Make money by delivering food.

If it wasn't for Luo Zhanglang speaking himself today, Lin Fang wouldn't even know that during the holiday, Luo Zhanglang did not go to practice, but went to deliver food for two whole months.

The money Luo Zhanglang borrowed was repaid when Lin Fang went to Beijing.

At that time, Lin Fang didn't care too much, but now he realizes the bitterness behind the money that Luo Zhanglang returned.

Obviously, Luo Zhanglang's problem still hasn't been solved, but his choice is to take it upon himself.

Lin Fang had communicated with He Naibin several times about this matter, and they both felt that as long as Luo Zhanglang spoke up about the problem, the two of them, even Li Jianfeng, might be able to handle it easily.

But Luo Zhanglang just didn't say it.

Brother Tie Hanhan, who chooses to take care of everything on the stall and doesn't want to trouble others, Lin Fang didn't know whether to praise him or scold him.

Lin Fang turned his head and stopped participating in the discussion. He stared at the book in his hand, but his mind was slightly distracted.

He Naibin, like the previous life, is a prodigal rich second generation. The biggest dream in life is to become a civil servant, taking advantage of the country while helping his parents lose their families.

Lin Fang remembered that in the last life, He Naibin changed his girlfriend faster than he changed his clothes. He Naibin didn't have a fixed girlfriend until the world traveled.

He Naibin in this life is still a prodigal madman, but he has Sun Yulu, a girlfriend who also likes prodigals. The problem is that Sun Yulu's family seems to have more money than He Naibin's family.

I don't know if the two of them will work together to destroy the family of He and Sun while they are alive.

Compared with the previous life, Luo Zhanglang's life also took a ruthless turn and embarked on a different path.

At least Lin Fang never thought that Luo Zhanglang would really go all the way with Jiang Wenwen to the present.

He did not discriminate against Jiang Wenwen's former occupation, but felt that Luo Zhanglang and Jiang Wenwen's knowledge gap was too great, and the three views were different, and it might be difficult to have any common language.

What surprised Lin Fang was that Luo Zhanglang was actually able to put down the face of a 985 undergraduate student, ran to deliver food, and thought about writing a book at the starting point. The distance from Jiang Wenwen.

I don't know if this is a lost horse...

As for Li Jianfeng, the difference from the previous life may be that in addition to being in love all the time, he also started the idea of ​​a dating website, and I don't know if he really wants to get married.

Maybe Li Jianfeng is really used to the love that Tianliang said about breaking up, or maybe he can't learn to please girls, no matter what kind of character or style he gets along with, on two dates at most, he will break up with them.

In the last life, He Naibin also introduced countless girlfriends to Li Jianfeng, but the last one was unsuccessful. Instead, He Naibin followed behind to comfort the young ladies who were introduced and wipe his ass.

Lin Fang thought about it, and suddenly realized that the life paths of the three roommates seemed to have already been planned.

He Naibin went further and further on the road to ruin.

Luo Zhanglang put down his posture and planned to deliver food during the day and write books in his spare time and at night.

Li Jianfeng's love + blind date, it seems that if you don't fall in love vigorously, your life will not be complete.

Although everyone has not graduated yet, their life paths have been quietly made choices.

And myself...

Lin Fang regained his senses, glanced at the book in his hand, and couldn't help but smile.

If you have a good brain and a good body, even if you don't rely on those ex-girlfriends, you can still reach the pinnacle of life.

And now what I need to do is to build the brain library completely, and then get rid of the farce pursuit of the freshman girls downstairs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Downstairs in the boys' dormitory, the roommate of the girl in white gently He pushed her and whispered: "Ellie, why don't we go... It's been so long, senior Lin Fang hasn't come down, he even pulled the curtains, he must have refused, it's embarrassing to stay any longer. !"

Ellie, the girl in white, shook her head and said, "I don't! What's so embarrassing, as long as I'm not embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed! I have to keep shouting! Besides, I'm pursuing the person I like, and there are What's so embarrassing, it's more courageous than those who don't dare to say it themselves, but also point to others!"

It wasn't because she forgot, or there was a hint of intentionality. Ellie didn't turn off the megaphone. Everything she just said was transmitted through the megaphone in her hand.

In the crowd of onlookers joking and laughing, some girls turned and left silently. They were the kind of people Ellie only dared to point, but did not dare to say love loudly.

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