I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 403: coming soon

Nothing bothers the second master. Lin Fang told the police about Xia Xuejian's household registration and identity. The two imperial policemen readily agreed to help, and drove them to the household registration section of the police station, where he entered Xia Xuejian's identity information. .

A moment later, Xia Xuejian followed Lin Fang out of the police station with a strange look, dangling around with the newly acquired ID card and household registration book.

She said, "Is it that simple? Am I an official player now? I won't be wanted, right?"

Lin Fang couldn't help laughing and laughing: "The ID card is not fake, of course not!"

Xia Xuejian asked again: "Then what about Dr. Shen and the others? They won't continue to be wanted, will they?"

Lin Fang touched his nose and shrugged, "I don't know."

Xia Xue glanced at Lin Fang and said, "Don't you have the authority? Check it out and you'll know."

Lin Fang touched his nose again, and said, "My permission is a consumption-type permission. Every time I use it, it will consume permission points. This world is a growth-type world, and I take the path of aura recovery. Under extreme circumstances, I can grow into a The world of prehistoric mythology. Are you sure you want me to check?"

Xia Xuejian shook his head decisively and said, "Forget it! Let Dr. Shen and the others seek their own blessings! Anyway, it's just a game, the big deal is to die and start over."

Lin Fang: "..."

The words are true, but they illegally invoked the system permissions, because Lin Fang did not deal with it immediately, and has been marked as a malicious player by the system master. I am afraid that the problem will not be solved by dying.

Unless, Lin Fang is willing to run a few more times and take them to solve the identity problem one by one.

Of course Lin Fang didn't want to do such a troublesome thing.

Anyway, it's just a game, it'll be fine if you die a few more times.

Lin Fang said, "Xuejian, can you open your personal panel?"

"No, I tried it as soon as I came in... eh... it seems to work again!"

Xia Xuejian replied subconsciously, but as her thoughts turned, the personal panel popped up automatically.

Player: Xia Xuejian, human.

Level: 1 (0/100).

Bloodline: mortal.

Occupation: None.

Exercise: Empty.

Magic weapon: Empty.

Divine Ability: Empty.

Merit (karma): 0/0

Inventory: Empty.

Main quest: Stop the sage from revival/help the sage revive.

This is a world where spiritual energy is recovering. The existence of myths and legends is about to return, and the fate of mankind is in your hands. It is your choice whether to stop the sage's recovery, use the human way to sage the way of heaven, change your life against the sky, or help the sage, use the way of heaven to make people worthy, and obey the fate of God.

Xia Xuejian told Lin Fang about his personal profile, and Lin Fang's profile changed accordingly.

Creator: Lin Fang, Yuanshi.

Creation point: 9968.

Level: 1 (0/100).

Bloodline: Yuanshi.

Occupation: Creation.

Exercise: Not selected.

Magic weapon: Not selected.

Divine Ability: Not selected.

Merit, Karma: 999, 999, 999, 999/0

Editing (Publishing) Tasks: None.

Inventory: Empty/full.

Lin Fang glanced over and immediately found that his personal panel was very different from Xia Xuejian's.

His panel is not an ordinary player panel, but a creator panel.

The race and bloodline are all from the beginning, but the merit is only a little short of the full value of one trillion.

Lin Fang was very curious as to what effect this merit had, so he couldn't help but click on it.

Merit: 1. Blessing. 2. Relief. 3. Eliminate industry. 4. Not turned on.

There are four functions of merit. The first is to act on one's own bravery and diligence, the second is to eliminate disasters and disasters, and the third is to reduce karma and avoid karma. The fourth function is limited to the world level and has not yet been unlocked.

Lin Fang's number is not a full-class tuba, it's better than a full-class tuba.

Not only can you use the authority to abuse vegetables in various novice villages, but you can also use the task publishing authority to play various games.

Lin Fang smacked his lips and said, "Xuejian, can we consider a wave of public testing?"

Xia Xue gave Lin Fang a blank look and said, "What is the public beta! Now this virtual world is completely different from what we imagined. All our preset permissions are gone. Now only you have permissions, or consumption permissions! If we don't have complete assurance, we can't open to the outside world, otherwise, we will only make wedding dresses for others!"

Lin Fang disapproved a little, so he edited a "kiss" task and threw it to Xia Xuejian.

Xia Xuejian immediately received a prompt: "Ding, Lin Fang, a single dog who has never enjoyed the taste of love, has issued a kissing task to you, and needs you to kiss him so that he can feel the love in the world.

Quest reward: Merit: 499, 999, 999, 999, Experience: 50,000, Favorability: 10,000, do you accept it? "


Seeing the backhand, Xia Xue nodded, and gave Lin Fang a blushing look, and said, "What are you doing? Nonsense! Why are you a single dog? Humph! Huh...how can you issue a mission?"

Lin Fang shrugged and said, "Don't ask, asking is permission."

Xia Xuejian pondered for a while, and her eyes lit up. She said, "Baby, what's the matter with your permission to issue tasks, is it also a consumption type?"

Lin Fang shook his head and said, "Not all of them. The part I offered was transferred from my inventory and needed to be consumed, but the experience and favorability were not consumed."

Xia Xuejian directly ignored the question of favorability, nodded and said, "Although you can only provide experience points without consumption, it's not bad. In this way, you can give me a mission that only provides experience and try it out."

Lin Fang was as good as he was, and immediately re-edited, changing the "Kissing" mission to only provide experience, with an experience value of 50,000.

Xia Xuejian accepted the quest, kissed Lin Fang, submitted the quest to complete, successfully received 50,000 experience, and the level rose sharply, directly to level 20, and obtained two talents.

They are:

Talented and intelligent (spiritual), comprehension is extremely high, and Taoism below the spiritual level can be mastered in a short while.

Ordering a group of females can naturally gain the favor and trust of the same sex, and it is easy to be convinced by the same sex.

She asked suspiciously, "Baby, is the highest experience only 50,000?"

While Lin Fang nodded, he looked at his panel thoughtfully.

When Xia Xuejian just submitted the task, he also got 50,000 experience and his level was also raised to level 20.

Just before he could see the benefits of his upgrade, he received a system prompt.

"System prompt: Player Xia Xuejian has been upgraded to level 20, the aura recovery will be accelerated, and the system will be shut down for maintenance. Please choose a safe place to go offline. Downtime maintenance countdown: 10 minutes."

Lin Fang couldn't help but cursed secretly, dragged Xia Xuejian and ran to the nearby hotel.

Now that it's too late to go back to the rental house, I can only find a nearby hotel to get off the assembly line safely.

Xia Xuejian was pulled by Lin Fang. Although she was a little unclear, she did not refuse.

When she arrived at the entrance of the hotel, she blushed and struggled for a while, saying, "Baby, it's not very convenient here, isn't it? Although no one sees the things we do in the game outside, the body will still have a strange reaction!"

Lin Fang said in surprise: "The system needs to be updated, and we will be notified to go offline. We just go to the hotel safe room to go offline. What kind of reaction will there be?"

Xia Xuejian said in surprise: "Ah? Is it just offline? Why do you want to be offline..."

Lin Fang nodded and said, "Yes, it's just offline. Didn't you receive a system prompt?"

Xia Xuejian shook his head vigorously and said, "No, what's the hint?"

Lin Fang touched the phone in his pocket, and could not help but secretly said: Master, you are a real dog!

Obviously, the mobile phone is an important prop in the virtual world. Without this, ordinary players are really like blind and deaf people who can only run around like flies without their heads.

For most players, the first thing to enter this game is to solve the identity problem, and the second thing is to save money to buy a mobile phone.

With a mobile phone, this game can be played normally.

Wait... If that's the case, why not just sell mobile phones in the game?

When Lin Fang's thoughts turned to here, his eyes darkened, and he was kicked out of Taiyi's world.

He took off his virtual glasses, stood up and glanced around, and the first testers woke up one by one.

"I'm going, I can't activate the permission, I'll be hit by a car when I go in, can you believe it?"

"I was by the river when I went in. I didn't know what was going on when I activated the permission, so I fell into the river and drowned!"

"I was killed by a falling object..."

"What kind of ghost game is this, a hundred ways to die?"

Complaints, complaints, and scolding are intertwined, and it is obvious that their gaming experience is extremely bad.

"Come on, you only died once, what do you call it? Do you know how miserable I am? After I entered, I just called the authority, and it was dark before I woke up. After waking up, I went to the hospital, saying that it was a stroke and paralysis. The smell of death by suffocation when the oxygen tube was pulled out.

When I went in for the second time, I became my son. I didn't give up and invoked the secondary authority again. As a result, when I was going to issue a death certificate for myself, I slipped on the stairs and fell into a vegetative state. In a daze, I heard my wife say 'unplug the oxygen tube'!

After experiencing the taste of death by suffocation once again, I became my wife again, and I invoked another level of authority. This time, I had a big belly. Finally died of hemorrhage! "

Until researcher Lu Feng told his experience, the whole laboratory was quiet.

Everyone looked at him with indescribably strange expressions on their faces.

"Cough... Then what, Brother Lu, it stands to reason that I should show some sympathy to you, but I don't know why, but I can't help but want to laugh, I'm sorry... Haha...hahaha..."

As the man smiled, there was laughter everywhere in the lab.

Lin Fang couldn't help but sympathize with Lu Feng, this guy is really not an ordinary leader.

After his maximum authority was blocked, he tried the secondary authority again, and then he was blocked and tried the third level authority.

The result is that each death is worse than the other. First he becomes his son, then he becomes his daughter-in-law, and he is also his wife. I don't know what identity he will become if he dies again.

Shen Yibo said at this time, "Everyone, be quiet and listen to me!"

When the crowd quieted down, Shen Yibo said, "Aside from your unpleasant gaming experience, how do you feel about our virtual world?"

"very good!"

"Great, very realistic!"

"Very real, I really thought I was dead!"

Among the messy responses, someone raised their hands high, constantly signaling that they had something to say.

Shen Yibo glanced at each other in surprise and said, "Guo Xiaofan, what do you want to say?"

Guo Xiaofan said: "I found that if I didn't call the permissions, the game experience was actually quite good. First, I was caught by the police, and I was treated as a homeless person to get an ID card. Then I found a construction site to work, earning After the first paycheck, I went to... ugh, it was a great experience anyway! It was great!"


"What's the matter? How can it be great?"

"Guo Xiaofan, can you be more cheerful, half-talking, believe it or not, I'll kill you?"

Shen Yibo glanced thoughtfully at Guo Xiaofan's movement to cover up somewhere, pointed at him with a strange expression on his face, and said, "Guo Xiaofan, ah Guo Xiaofan, I really belong to you! Come here for me!"

Guo Xiaofan not only didn't move forward, but backed away: "Don't do it, Dr. Shen, it's a shame!"

Shen Yibo scolded: "Why did you feel ashamed just now? Come here for me!"


Guo Xiaofan walked awkwardly in front of Shen Yibo, wondering if he was too nervous and almost fell flat.

Shen Yibo waited for Guo Xiaofan to come over before he said, "Okay, besides Guo Xiaofan, who else played the game normally after the first attempt to invoke the permissions failed?"

Unexpectedly, at this time, two more people raised their hands.

Shen Yibo nodded and said, "Come here too, tell me what you all did."

Two researchers came over separately.

"My initial experience was similar to that of Researcher Guo. After I got my ID card, I went to the restaurant to work for others. After earning some money, I went to buy brushes and drawing paper, and painted portraits for people on the street. Earning money is a small matter, the key I'm in a good mood. My old dream was to be a painter."

"After I got my ID card, I saw that there was a singing talent application on the street. It was free, so I tried it out. I wanted to be a singer when I was a child. If I hadn't been kicked out inexplicably, I would still be singing now. Woolen cloth……"

Shen Yibo: "..."

Are you doing game testing, or are you going to realize your dreams?

There is not much useful information, but you have piles after piles of useless information!

Shen Yibo couldn't help pinching his eyebrows, giving him an indescribable headache.

"follow me!"

He greeted the three researchers, came to Xia Xuejian's side, and said, "Mr. Xia, Dr. Lin's work has been done very well, and the completion of the virtual world is higher than I imagined. Even if I know that it is a fake It's a shame that we can't control this world..."

Xia Xuejian smiled slightly and said, "That's not necessarily true."

Shen Yibo said, "Huh?"

Xia Xuejian waved to Lin Fang, and when he came over, he smiled and said, "Because of some accidents, we have lost control over the virtual world. Fortunately, Dr. Lin still retains certain authority. , but you can also issue tasks to us, so that we can be one step ahead of others. By the way, have you opened your personal panel?"

Except for Shen Yibo, the other three researchers raised their hands.

Shen Yibo said a little embarrassedly: "After rebirth, I also tried to invoke the permission again, but I was chased by the police with police dogs. I patronized and ran without thinking too much, until I gave up resistance and failed to open the personal panel. ."

Xia Xuejian smiled and nodded, not blaming Shen Yibo, but continued: "You have all opened the personal panel, you should know that this virtual world has main quests, we can choose to obey the sky, or choose to defy the sky. Change, there is no doubt that this is the faction choice, and there will definitely be faction confrontation missions in the future.”

Shen Yibo asked the details in detail, thought for a while, and said to Lin Fang: "Dr. Lin, there are only four world evolution directions for the main program design of the software department, but what President Xia just said doesn't match the design. Was it related to the accident?"

Lin Fang nodded and smiled bitterly: "It may be related to the virtual laboratory. When I was evolving the world, I touched the Azure Dragon Constellation..."

"Then have you seen a tall..."

Shen Yibo's eyes were wide open, a flash of horror flashed across his face, he said half a sentence subconsciously, but he swallowed it back, he coughed twice, and said, "No wonder! No wonder!"

Xia Xuejian said to Shen Yibo, "Dr. Shen, do you think now that our virtual world can be opened to the outside world?"

Shen Yibo nodded vigorously and said, "I think so! But... I still suggest that Dr. Lin's virtual world is just a transition. Once we develop another virtual world, we must replace it as soon as possible... By the way, Dr. Lin, your virtual world Do you have a name?"

Lin Fang touched his nose and said, "It's called Taiyi."


I'm afraid it's a bit difficult...

There are many coincidences in the evolution of Taiyi World. Even if Lin Fang is asked to build another gourd in the same way, whether it can be made or not is still a matter of choice.

Another one, Lin Fang didn't dare to get another one.

There seems to be a problem with the Zhoutian Star Chart. Every change seems to be sending a signal to the high-level world.

Shen Yibo built a virtual laboratory once~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lin Fang evolved Taiyi World once.

In addition, there was an extraterrestrial visitor outside the 307 ward of Qishan Hospital.

Lin Fang did a simple calculation, and suddenly found that the small world he was in seemed to have inexplicably connected with the three high-ranking worlds.

At present, the good news is that it seems that it is not easy for the existence of these high-level worlds to enter this world. It needs to pass some specific coordinates and some specific rituals.

What Lin Fang is not sure about is whether these high-ranking worlds can only come in by means of possession. Currently, there is only an isolated case of extraterrestrial visitors outside Ward 307, so he is doubtful.

Another uncertain question for him is, do these high-level worlds know of each other's existence? What is their relationship with each other?

What Lin Fang was sure about was that although the appearance of Taiyi World was an accident, it was also related to a certain high-ranking world.

Regardless of whether it is a projection of a high-level world, or it has absorbed the rules of a high-level world, when Taiyi World reaches its limit, some means of countering the high-level world will definitely be born.

If these means can be brought out...

Maybe there is still salvation in this real world.


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