I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 415: observation, expression, star dragon

As for the coordinates, a star map will probably be attached, right?

If those guys were in the same universe as the real Earth...

Lin let go and stretched forward, "Bring it."

little boy:"……"

A trace of fluctuation rushed to Lin Fang's eyebrows.

"Don't refuse, these are the coordinates!"

Why should I trust you?

Even if it is the soul body, this is still the core.

The body is used to store the soul, and the soul is used to store... the true spirit, that is, the core thinking?

Although Lin Fang wasn't quite sure about this, he was still cautious.

He grabbed the wave, opened his mouth, and threw it in.

"It's okay, it's soft, it's a bit like cotton candy, but it's not too sweet."


The little boy looked at Lin Fang resentfully, this is my soul, it's not real cotton candy, and of course it's not sweet!

Realizing that Lin Fang was able to devour souls, the little boy unconsciously took a step back.

Don't say that Lin Fang is just his creator, not even his own father, it's too dangerous, stay away from him!

Swallowing the soul silk released by the little boy, Lin Fang determined the world coordinates of the Dragon Head Man, and could not help but be silent for a moment.

It was an array of six astronomical numbers.

Even though Lin Fang has made up for other subject knowledge for a long time, he is still a liberal arts student.

The inherent thinking made him feel the deep malice from the little boy.

Lin Fang said quietly: "Come and explain to me why there are six numbers?"

The little boy glanced at Lin Fang and sighed: "You are definitely the weakest and stupidest creator I have ever seen, if not... Forget it, forget it, let me tell you. The first column represents the dimension of high objects. , the second column represents the spiritual dimension, the third column represents the time dimension, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth are the positions of relative length, width, and height, respectively. Therefore, it is a six-dimensional coordinate."

Lin Fang: "..."

I really want to kill him!

Lin Fang took a deep breath and said, "I know the three-dimensional, four-dimensional, and time dimensions. What I want to ask is, what is the spiritual dimension? How to explain the high-material dimension?"

The little boy covered his forehead and said, "Do you only understand the fourth dimension? Don't you know the fifth dimension? Space is the horizontal axis, time is the vertical axis, and speed is the vertical axis. Don't you understand?"

Lin Fang: "..."

I really want to kill him!

Lin Fang tried his best to restrain his emotions and said, "Can you explain it briefly?"

The little boy said generously: "Okay, I'm leaving anyway. Let's take it as a reward for you, cough... Actually, I don't know much, I know it from the information reflected in the void. I'm all retellings, you understand if you understand, don't ask me if you don't understand!"

Seeing Lin Fang grinding his teeth, the little boy stepped back decisively.

Keep your distance for safety!

The little boy said quickly: "Simply put, the four-dimensional space of motion is the five-dimensional space. You treat the four-dimensional space as a whole, and if you pull it and run, it represents the five-dimensional space! If time is also a kind of motion, then the five-dimensional space contains the five dimensions. The movement of sports. Don't ask me, just understand!"

Lin Fu nodded and said, "Okay, then tell me what is the spiritual dimension."

The little boy pointed to himself, then pointed to Lin Fang, and said, "You don't think that where I am and where you came from, are in the same dimension? I am not here for a bunch of chips. Accommodating. Simply put, you can come in because the expression of me and the world is observed, forming an entry channel."

Lin Fang said with a sullen face, "Talk about the point!"

The little boy hurriedly said, "The point is, it's over if you treat us as hell!"

Lin Fang: "..."

According to you, the underworld is six-dimensional, and the heaven is seven-dimensional?

So no matter how much we try to find traces of the existence of the underworld and heaven on earth, we can't find it?

Wait... I can't be led astray by him!

Lin Fang didn't think about the interaction between reality and mythology. He only focused on the key points. He only knew that there was a world outside Taiyi World, and there was another world outside, that is, the world where the aliens who came to ward 307 of Qingcheng Hospital were located.

If you use the saying of a little boy "by being observed, you can enter", doesn't that mean that because Xiong Xiaoxiao's two best friends playing with the pen fairy is an expression? This led to being observed and entered?

never mind!

Lin Fang didn't think about it so much. First, he simply regarded the little boy as a thing in the underworld, and then asked, "What about the higher dimension?"

The little boy glanced at Lin Fang and said, "You are really in a hurry. To remind you, the spiritual dimension is not unique. Well, since you want to ask about the high object dimension, then I will tell you that the high object dimension is superposition. The entire world of interaction between the fifth dimension and the spiritual dimension is regarded as a piece of paper, and then countless sheets of world paper with different expressions that are born from the origin and go to different possibilities are stacked together, which is the higher object dimension."

Lin Fang thought for a moment, then said: "That is to say, according to the classification of online novels, urban powers are considered four-dimensional, and urban rebirth is five-dimensional? Urban aura recovery is six-dimensional, if these books are all the same protagonist, the same background. , the same author, but wrote countless possibilities in a mess, even if it is a high-dimensional dimension?"

The little boy smiled like an old father and said, "You're not too stupid!"


According to you, all the writers of online novels are the creator gods! In their writings, countless worlds are being born, uh... unfinished, eunuchs, that is not the **** of creation, but the **** of darkness, creating and destroying at the same time.

Lin Fang couldn't think about it, so he asked directly, "Then how can I get there?"

The little boy didn't speak, he silently took out a piece of paper, folded the paper in half, rolled it into the shape of a Mobis ring, put an ant on the paper, and showed it to Lin Fang.

Lin Fang understood the little boy's suggestion, but he didn't care.

The enemy can come, and I can go too!

It's a big deal, ascending dimension!

In the past, I needed to use the Taiyi helmet to get in, but now...

Lin Fang glanced at the Taiyi World under his feet, thoughtfully.

The evolution process of Taiyi World itself is an observation behavior.

Even if Lin Fang didn't actually do anything, the observation itself was creating the world.

Other players need to use the Taiyi Helmet to enter the Taiyi World, because the Taiyi Helmet is a medium, and the Taiyi World can be expressed as a game.

Players can enter the Taiyi world through the cognition of "game".

Even if Taiyi World is the real world, players can still easily enter it.

If there are other worlds that are successfully observed, and they are also expressed as games, there are mediums similar to Taiyi helmets, and players can also successfully enter.

From this point of view, even if the author of the online novel was not creating the world, he observed that world in a dream, and then expressed it through words, so as to be recognized.

And when these novels are modified and adapted by games, that is when players begin to contact or enter these worlds.

If the player's anger and complaints affect subsequent animation production, or use bugs to change the direction of the game.

Who's to say that those real worlds won't be affected?

Observation, expression, cognition, contact... change or subversion!

Perhaps the human beings on earth are very small, and in the eyes of intelligent creatures in the high world, they are like reptiles.

But as long as we observe it, even if it is a god, I will kill it for you!

Lin Fang's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he vaguely had a vein in his heart.

Perhaps, to solve the problem of visitors from outside the sky, you don't have to rush over to fight and kill.

Taiyi World is a perfect example!

However, think carefully, there are no isolated cases, if you can find a similar world, perhaps, the problem of aliens can be perfectly solved.

Lin Fang was very excited, he flicked his fingers, and a green light fell on the Mobis ring folded by the little boy.

The Mobis ring and the ants turned ashes in an instant.

Lin Fang said to the little boy, "Let's go, let's help you solve the remaining problems."

The two came to the original place together, somewhere between the Yellow River and the Huai River.

After landing, the little boy looked at Lin Fang and said, "Tell me when you're ready..."

Lin Fang smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to prepare, just come."

The little boy looked at him worriedly, and persuaded: "Let's get ready. If you can't get it right in a while, you can run, but I want to finish it."

Lin Fang looked at him, opened his mouth, touched his teeth, and said, "How about I grind my teeth first?"

The little boy froze and shivered.

I can't afford to offend this kind of soul-eating guy!

The little boy stretched out his hands to the sides, muttering something in his mouth.

Lin Fang heard it in his ears, and there was a vague sense of familiarity.

After listening to it twice, I immediately remembered that when the Taiyi world evolved, when the dragon-headed people offered sacrifices, this was the prayer they recited, right?



The earth trembled violently for a few times, and the ground suddenly began to bulge. At first, a small lump was raised, and soon the lump became larger and stretched to the size of a mountain, and it was about to explode violently.

The little boy hurriedly stretched out his hand and pointed forward, purple clouds appeared out of nowhere above the mass, and thunder condensed.


A thunderbolt fell, hitting the mass.

But the mass just stopped for a moment and continued to expand.

One after another, the purple thunder smashed down, but it only delayed the blasting of the mass a little.

"Hurry up and help me!"

"Gorgeous and flashy!"

Lin Fang shook his head slightly, jumped straight forward, and got into the mass.

When passing through the mass, there was a sense of blockage. Lin Fang just thought of it, and all the soul particles all over his body flashed, and he went in.

Inside the mass, a guy with a dragon's head and a human body is trying to be honest.

From the outside, this lump looks like a big bulge.

From the inside, the mass was a sticky filamentous layer, which tightly wrapped him.

The dragon-headed man kept pushing out, trying to break these things.

Lin Fang stood in front of the dragon-headed man, less than his ankles.

Seeing Lin Fang coming in, the dragon-headed man just glanced at him, then ignored it and continued his movements.

Lin Fang didn't stop the dragon-headed man's movements, he just leaned over, tapped his ankle, determined the opponent's material, and jumped straight into the air, slammed his head into the opponent's leg, trying to take a big bite...

As a result, Lin Fang was very disappointed.

The dragon-headed man's legs are hollow, except for the outer layer of skin, which is still firm, and there is only a faint smoke inside.

Lin Fang followed the dragon-headed man's legs all the way up, and soon felt a slap from the outside.

Every time the dragon-headed man strikes with great force, he doesn't seem to worry that his actions will damage his body.

Lin Fang quickened his speed and kept going up.

Soon, he rose to the position of the dragon-headed man's heart, but it was still an empty shell.

Lin Fang continued to go up and came to the position between his eyebrows, and only then did he find the righteous master.

It was a sphere that kept spinning.

The entanglement of black and white is somewhat similar to the spherical world that Lin Fang saw in the fourth perspective.

However, in terms of size, there are too many differences.

This ball was only half the size of Lin Fang, and it was slightly bigger than the boy who was too easily transformed, but it reached the waist of Lin Fang's trousers.

"hold head high……"

Lin Fang heard a furious roar from outside, and immediately felt a strong wind blow.


The **** actually pierced through the skin of the dragon-headed man and stabbed in.

Lin Fang dodged casually, his eyes fixed on the black and white ball.

More and more fingers pierced the skin and inserted it.

This dragon-headed man is probably going out of his way, and would rather self-mutilate than catch Lin Fang...

Do not!

He may not be a dragon-headed person...

Lin Fang avoided the attack, his eyes locked on the black and white ball, and he couldn't help but smile.

"How can I describe you? The world...or...the thief?"

"Go away! This world is mine, or I'll eat you!"


A wave popped from the black and white ball, and Lin Fang grabbed it and threw it into his mouth.

"Eat me? Hehe... There is a fishy smell, but it tastes okay, a little chewy, similar to shredded squid!"

"Star Reversal... You are a Star Reversal! No..."

The black and white ball suddenly spun rapidly, and was about to break through the air, but was hugged by Lin Fang in his arms, opened his mouth and bit it.

"Ah... ah..."

The fierce screams not only vibrated in Lin Fang's ears, but even came out of his heart.

Lin Fang was always indifferent, he thought he was eating an octopus ball and swallowed it.

"Star Rebel, the Star Dragon Emperor will not let you go..."


Crack! Crack!

Lin put it down, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it.

After a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a black and white ball half the size of him was swallowed by him.

The 365 grains of soul sand flickered slightly, and the black and white **** were swallowed by Lin Fang so raw, they disappeared without a trace without even a bubble.

Having experienced the experience of devouring Zhou Tianxingchen, Lin Fang now has no psychological barriers to doing such a thing.

Zhou Tianxingchen is a projection, and it is also the embodiment of some kind of soul, and the existence of black and white **** is similar.

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The Star Dragon Emperor is probably the leader of the dragon-headed group, or the king. If they want to come down from the high-ranking world creatures, it seems that they can only use soul projection or possession.

This feeling is a bit like players in the real world logging into Taiyi World. Although they entered Taiyi World through Taiyi helmets, whether they were killed or swallowed their souls, it would not cause any damage to their bodies. too much impact.

At most, there are a few days of lack of energy.

If you really want to solve the problem, you still have to go upstream, or enter their world, or... observe and express their world!


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