I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 424: soul creation

Huang Linlin pouted, as if she did not agree with the old man's words, but she resisted and did not refute.

It can be seen that she has a sincere respect for the old man.

The old man glanced at her, laughed, and did not continue the topic.

Concepts are the hardest things to change.

Saying it lightly has no effect, and saying it too deeply hurts people.

The old man simply stopped, his eyes fell on Lin Fang, and he nodded with a smile: "The old man is prosperous, and when he is prosperous, he will be destroyed. The old man follows the rules and works conscientiously all his life. Old man, I was forced to bear a burden on my body. Little friend, you are a little late!"

Fang Qisheng's persuasion to Huang Linlin was too light, but to the point, although Lin Fang agreed, he couldn't help but secretly slandered it.

Even a hairy girl like Huang Linlin has the idea that the mixed-blood spirit clan is still her own. It is conceivable that they have the same idea, but I don't know how many people there are.

Lin Fang has also received 16 years of basic education, from elementary school to university, history education runs through it all the way.

Opening the history books, Lin Fang got the biggest experience that he must first unify his thinking in anti-war.

Whether it is a reform or a peasant uprising, they eventually fail. The fundamental reasons are these two points.

Fang Qisheng is undoubtedly the leader of the pure-blooded spiritual clan. Even if he is not the supreme leader, he is probably a spiritual leader or something.

But this one is too soft.

If it's just a kind old man next door, there's nothing wrong with his performance, but he has a heavy burden on his shoulders...

Lin Fang didn't expect that when he was complaining to himself, Fang Qisheng suddenly stared at him and said something inexplicable.

The implication, why does it have the meaning of being rude?

"???" Lin Fang pretended not to understand, and said with a smile, "Old man, did you recognize the wrong person? I'm just a newcomer to the club. Why can't I understand what you said?"

Fang Qisheng laughed again, did not speak, and shook his body slightly, 216 soul sand particles emerged from the halogen door above his head, and they were bright like diamonds, all of which were dodecahedrons. Become a Fang Qisheng.

After showing it like this, Fang Qisheng said: "Our Spirit Race takes the name of spirit, and we don't rely on a body that can be discarded at any time. You see, this is the true face of our Spirit Race."

Huang Linlin took a peek at Lin Fang, and then she said angrily, "Grandpa Fang, what are you doing? Be careful to scare people!"

Both Fang Qisheng were laughing, and they said to Lin Fang meaningfully: "How could Xiaoyou be frightened, his true appearance is much stronger than me, even if ten of me add up, it is not enough. He punched."

Lin Fang was indeed a little frightened. He originally thought that he could condense the sand of the soul and the body of the soul. There were too many coincidences in it.

Along the way, it is Shen Yibo's diary, which helps him a little bit, but more often, it is an accident again and again.

Besides Lin Fang himself, it was the first time he saw someone who could release soul sand and condense the soul body.

However, in Fang Qisheng's words, the soul body is the true form.

Fang Qisheng didn't wait for Lin Fang to deny it, and said, "Don't rush to deny it, little friend, our spiritual race is rooted in the soul, so our method of reproducing the next generation is also different from other creatures. Do you know that our spiritual race, in addition to spiritual Come on, there are other means such as soul creation?"

Lin Fang: "???"

Grandpa, don't jump and talk!

If you want popular science, just start honestly from 1, 2, 3, 4, and skip over without talking, okay?

I don't even know what a soulmate is!

Lin Xin complained and immediately shook his head: "To be honest, I didn't even know that I was a pure-blood spirit race, and I don't know anything about what you said."

Fang Qisheng turned his head to look at Huang Linlin, frowned slightly and said, "Xiao Linlin, could it be that you didn't explain anything to your little friend?"

Huang Linlin glanced around and said to him, "Hey, I don't seem to have anything to do yet, Grandpa Fang, you should have a good chat with this newcomer first, I have to get busy, it seems to be a very important thing. What's going on!"


Huang Linlin smeared oil on the soles of her feet, and left as soon as she said it, but she disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"This child!" Fang Qisheng shook his head, his true appearance and his physical movements were the same, and it was a little strange in Lin Fang's eyes.

Fang Qisheng noticed this, hehe smiled, his true appearance dissipated, turned into soul sand and fell into his body again, he then said to Lin Fang: "Little friend, come here, sit here, I know you have many questions. Don't worry, we still have a lot of time, I'll tell you slowly."

He raised the scepter in his hand and stepped forward lightly, and several bookshelves slid open to the left and right, revealing a reception room.

Another sofa and coffee table slid over, and tea trays, hot water, and unknown brewed beverages fell one by one.

Fang Qisheng walked in front and greeted Lin Fang to take a seat together.

When Lin Fang sat down, Fang Qisheng stretched out his hand and pointed at the teapot. The teapot flew up and poured a cup of fragrant spiritual tea. He pushed it forward, and the teacup flew to Lin Fang.

Fang Qisheng said: "Try our spirit clan's specialty, soul-suppressing spirit tea. This is a good thing, and it produces very little. If I hadn't mastered a birthplace, I wouldn't be qualified to drink it."

Lin Fang followed his kindness and took a sip of the soul-soothing tea in front of him.

The seemingly hot spirit tea was only warm at the entrance, and it turned into a stream of heat. It seemed to flow down the throat, but there was a surge of spiritual energy that reached the eyebrows and turned into countless stars, nourishing Lin Fang's soul.

Vaguely, Lin Fang could even feel his soul cheering.

"nice one!"

Lin Fang couldn't help but praised and drank the spirit tea in the cup in one go. Then, without waiting for Fang Qisheng to help, he poured another cup himself, and he didn't return the teapot.

When Fang Qisheng saw this, his eyebrows couldn't help jumping.

After a while, he finally smiled and said, "Little friend really has a real temperament, hahaha..."

Fang Qisheng smiled without embarrassment. With a wave of his hand, the tea pot placed in the corner of the coffee table flew straight up, slid to the corner, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lin Fang watched the tea pot fly away, turned his head to look at Fang Qisheng, and said, "Master Fang, what does this mean?"

Fang Qisheng laughed dryly and said, "It's nothing! It's nothing! If you don't dislike it, just call me Uncle Fang. That... let's talk about business, isn't the little friend curious about what is true and what is illusion? How did it come about?"

"Not curious."


"I'm joking. Uncle Fang has something to say, don't beat around the bush. I don't know anything, I don't know anything, I'm just a pure newcomer, I'm not complaining, your newcomer training work is really bad. It's reasonable. Said, anyway, there must be a newcomer training class, specifically for people like me to literacy science."

"There was originally..."

Fang Qisheng smiled helplessly and said, "But Xiao Linlin, she forgot and brought you directly to me."

Lin Fang shrugged and said, "That's not up to me!"

Fang Qisheng nodded and said, "I really can't blame you. Then I'll just help you with popular science first. The bodies of our Eldar people are just shells, which are usually prepared. We give birth to descendants, and there are two types: spiritual **** and soul creation."

"Spiritual **** is similar to other six-dimensional beings. It is the fusion of souls, which is conceived by feeling, and the next generation is born. This method has a long pregnancy period, and it is common to be pregnant for three to five years. If the soul is not about to decay, in order to give birth to the most outstanding Bloodline, no Spirit Race people are willing to do this."

"Soul creation is relatively simple. Usually, it is to capture a planet suitable for the birth of low-dimensional life, and through technical means, copy all the data of this planet, and then import these data into the soul of a certain Spirit Race person."

"However, because of different purposes, there are two modes of soul creation, one is called the creation of the positive side, and the other is called the creation of the negative side."

"The creation of the sun, it is the Spirit Race who is imported into the data who knows everything. He knows that his soul will be used as a mother's nest to incubate the next generation. All his knowledge and all memories will be in the process of creation. As a nutrient absorption, his true nature will be concentrated and concentrated until an explosion occurs at a certain moment, leaving only one true spirit, and the other soul sand grains will be scattered into the planet. Under the catalysis of long years, new ones will be born. life."

"These beings have gone through countless reincarnations and various trials, and finally, under the guidance of the set program, they condense the sand of their souls, condense their true appearance, and walk out of the mother's nest to become a new pure-blooded spiritual race."

"The creation of the dark side is that the Eldar who was imported into the data does not know what it is. He will be infused with a fake memory, and he will think that he is doing research, or that he is creating the world, or that he is saving the tribe. Each memory is different, but the purpose is the same.”

"What we hope is that this clan who was imported into the data can be reincarnated, return from the mother's nest, and live another life. He is still himself, surpassing himself."

"As long as the clansmen who are selected to be created by the negative side have extremely excellent talents, they are very optimistic about the clansmen."

"Xiao Linlin has a special talent. She can sense every pure-blooded spirit who has experienced the creation of the soul and has come out of the mother's nest, so she is the leader of all pure-blooded spirits."

"Some of these pure-blooded spirits agree with our philosophy and are willing to fight for the free cause of the spirit race, and eventually become our partners. Some of these pure-blooded spirits do not agree with our philosophy, and they prefer to gain their own freedom, even if they are exploited by the demons and zerg. don't care."

"But in fact, most of them ended up being parasitized by the Demon Zerg, and they became the nutrients for the Demon Zerg to raise the next generation."

"Little Linlin doesn't know this, she just thought that those pure-blooded spirits were contaminated by the demon zerg, and they are essentially our clansmen. Therefore, she always opens her mouth to fight, never knowing, what we experienced, is A brutal war."

"Of course, not all the clansmen we are optimistic about can come out of the shadow creation, and there are some accidents, which led to the clan who came out from the shadow creation, not the clan who imported the data, but his soul split and born a brand new life."

"But no matter what kind of new life it is, it is our pure blood Eldar. There is no doubt about that."

Therefore, Xia Wanxue is actually a pure-blood Eldar whose data was imported.

And the so-called Earth Era is a creation of the negative side.

This kind of creation is not one, not several, but countless!

The Spirit Race people really played a great game of chess!

Lin Fang took a deep breath and looked at Fang Qisheng, wondering if he should believe what he said.

Fang Qisheng didn't rush, he smiled and waited for Lin Fang to settle his mood, then got up and said, "If you don't believe me, come with me."

Seeing what he seemed to be showing, Lin Fang thought about it, then got up and followed.

Fang Qisheng pointed forward with the scepter in his hand, and a seemingly ordinary wall cracked to both sides, revealing a room.

The room is extremely vast, it seems to be located in the depths of the starry sky.

Walking into the house and looking back, except for one door, there was no other room in sight.

After walking out of the door, what you see under your feet is no longer a road, but an endless starry sky.

In this vast room like the universe, there are countless fist-sized planets floating in the air.

These planets are of different colors, but most of them are pure white. Out of a hundred, only one is a black planet.

They are like countless satellites dotted in the starry sky, each revolving around their own orbits and running slowly.

Fang Qisheng pointed to these satellites and said, "Little friend, please see, each of these planets is a hatchery for our Spirit Race people, and each one is a creation place. The white ones are the creation places of the yang side, and the black ones are the creation places of the yin side. People, we don't really lack, all we lack is time!"


Incredibly shocking!

If every planet represented a world like the Earth Era, then there would be countless Earth Era gathered in this room!

At this moment, Lin Fang felt that his cognition, his three views, were being severely impacted again.

This method of the Spirit Race people is simply terrifying!

After all, Lin Fang has also seen the means of Xinglong people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Xinglong people spend a lot of effort, at most it is to give birth to a planetary life.

The Spirit Race people don't have such great power, but they found a new way, but they made great use of their racial characteristics, their soul characteristics, like farming, grazing countless worlds!

Yes, it is the most outstanding bloodline that is born from spiritual communication.

Isn't the thing created by the soul the common name for farming? Short name: Cannon Fodder!

Fang Qisheng said that there is no shortage of people in the Spirit Race, but only time.

What is the cannon fodder used for? Isn't it just to buy time?

Lin Fang looked at the vast starry sky in front of him, and at the fist-sized miniature planets hanging in the starry sky, his heart froze for a while.

"Uncle Fang, why do you say we are short of time?"

Lin Fang endured and didn't ask Fang Qisheng why he wanted to show him all this, what purpose he had, but instead asked another question.

Fang Qisheng said with a wry smile: "Because the Demon Zerg is simply a bug, a bug aimed at our Spirit Clan, their combat power is not really strong, but they can directly parasitize our true face, but we ourselves can't detect it, we can only Use other means to screen!"


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