I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 432: One more punch

Lin Fang's skeptical eyes were undisguised, even if he didn't need to say it, the alien warrior could understand it.

"Please don't doubt the promise of the Naru people!" The alien warrior glared at Lin Fang, "We Naru people are born warriors, and we are keen to develop stronger combat skills. For those who rely on combat skills to defeat us, Each of us Naaru will give the highest level of respect!"

Is it so urinal?

All right, you say yes.

Lin Fang touched his nose and said, "I just used Bajiquan, an ordinary boxing technique."

"Ordinary boxing?"

It should be regarded as ordinary boxing, right?

Baji, Taiji, gossip, and Xingyi are all well-known boxing techniques in the earth era. It's okay to fight ordinary humans, but it's a question mark whether it can break defenses against extraordinary humans.

At most, these boxing techniques can be drawn into the level of martial arts, but they are not enough for low-level martial arts.

Low martial arts, at least there must be a little inside, such as "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife", "Seven Injury Fist", and "Bone-turning Cotton Palm".

In Zhongwu, you must have a lot of internal strength, such as "King Kong's indestructible magic", "Jiuyang Zhenjing", and "Great Movement of Heaven and Earth".

Gao Wu, then he has to have strong internal power, "Eighteen Palms for Subduing Dragons", "Fingering Magical Powers", and "Six Meridians Divine Sword".

Lin put all these martial arts in his mind, and said again with great certainty: "It's just ordinary boxing!"

The alien warrior didn't care about the pain on his body, and he got up with a grunt. The expression on his face was very exciting at the moment. The drooping elephant trunk was straight up on the top of his head. I don't know if he was too surprised or too angry. .

It took him a while to digest the strange emotions in his heart, and he said faintly: "One punch knocked me down, even if I wanted to commit suicide at the time, it wasn't that I was incapable of resisting. Your boxing skills didn't respond to me. Knock me down before coming here is already the strongest boxing technique I have ever seen. But you say it is... ordinary! I want to fight for the reputation of the Naru people, please accept my challenge!"

Lin Fang shook his head and refused, "What's the point of fighting the inexplicable fight? I won't do anything that's not good."

"If you agree to accept my challenge, in addition to telling you my king's location, I can also tell you a secret passage that leads directly to the interior of the king's city!"



Are you sure you are really a Naaru, not an Eldar, or a spy of the Zerg lurking among the Naaru?

Lin Fang glanced strangely at the alien warrior in front of him, and couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

The alien warrior raised his head and reported his family with a hint of pride: "Introduce yourself, a member of the Naru royal family, the youngest son of the current Naru King Yaji, Ada Yaji!"

Feelings, you are cheating! It's your father who is the one who's in the hole!

Lin Fang was convinced that Adayaji really knew a secret passage leading directly to the interior of the royal city.

After confirming the identity of the other party, Lin Fang was still a little suspicious of the other party's intentions, "You trust us so much? Are you not afraid that the news of betraying the clansmen will help us? In case we sneak into your king's city secretly, and know your king's location, put What if your king is killed?"

"The Naru people are born to fight, and the king is the strongest naru warrior. Facing challenges, the king has no reason to escape. Even if you don't catch me, you catch others, as long as you ask where the king is, they will tell you the same. If they know that you are going to challenge the king, they will try their best to help. Therefore, I have not betrayed the clan, nor have I betrayed my king! However, if you want to know the secret way, you have to promise me first!"

have to!

It's amazing!

Lin Fang is now convinced that Adayaji really intends to tell them the location of King Naru, and also sincerely intends to provide information about the secret passage.

"bring it on!"

"I need to pick up my weapon." Adayaghi looked at the bronze spear slanted on the ground, "Our Naru people's combat skills are all on the weapon. If there is no weapon, my combat effectiveness will be weakened by at least six. become!"

"Okay, you can go pick it up." Lin Fang nodded slightly, it would be a bit more difficult for the opponent to hold a weapon, but that's it.

The several changes in the soul sand have pushed Lin Fang's strength to a level that he doesn't know much about himself.

Even in terms of level, the Spirit Race world is a high-dimensional world higher than the Earth Era and Taiyi World, but what Lin has mastered in the lower-dimensional world, the core rules are universal.

After all, the ways of using energy such as technology, magic, Taoism, and martial arts may be subject to different restrictions in different worlds due to different rules.

But the soul is different.

The power of the soul is really powerful, no matter how the rules of the world change, it cannot restrain the soul.

A strong soul is the fundamental guarantee of the multidimensional world.

Lin Fang uses Bajiquan. From the perspective of power level, it is only higher than the first-level attack skills of boxing and sanda, and belongs to the second-level national martial arts.

But with the blessing of his powerful soul power, he couldn't take it lightly for a long time.

So before Adayaji committed suicide, the fist that Lin Fang suddenly leaned over made him unable to fight back, he didn't react at all, and was thrown to the ground.

Adayaji didn't know Lin Fang's confidence, he just thought it was because he was too careless, and in order to defend the reputation of the race, he launched a challenge without hesitation.

Now that Lin Fang was standing in front of him, Adayaji believed that he would be able to block Lin Fang's tricks with his hard work.

Even if there is only one move?

The Naru people are a natural fighting race, and the beliefs of the Naru people cannot be tainted!

"No!" Lingzhizi stopped Adayagi who was trying to pick up the bronze spear, "Brother Lin, are you a little too careless? This Naru is still quite strong. He is completely two people with weapons and without weapons. , when he was holding a weapon, he and the junkies of Ji Yeliao could be divided into five or five!"


You mean, I'm taking advantage of people's dangers?

Lin Fang glanced at Lingzhizi, smiled, and said, "It's fine. The big deal is that there is a secret way to enter the city. Don't we still have a secret weapon, Linsdani? Let her put a few more spells, let's go directly Reckless is the same in the past.”

"..." Lingzhizi was speechless for a while, and he seriously doubted whether someone had lost Lin Fang's halo of wisdom.

How can a good leader take the lead, and now it has become a virtue with those scumbag teammates?


Is this a problem that can be solved with a few larger spells?

Seeing that no one could stop him, Adayaji decisively picked up the bronze spear, waved his four hands, and shouted, "Lula!"



Holding a bronze spear, Adayaghi really changed a bit. His eyes were firm, his fighting spirit was high, and a layer of copper-green mist appeared all over his body because of his aura.

His speed has also increased a bit, and it is actually faster than when he stepped on the delta aircraft.

Adayaghi felt the difference himself. He found that he seemed to have broken through the limit and had been promoted from a Predator to a Berserker.

I'm stronger, does that mean...

At this moment, Adayaghi suddenly had more confidence. He felt that he should not set his goal on the low level of catching Lin Fang's few tricks. honor!

No one can beat the Naru!


Ji Yeliao originally just leaned against the tree with his arms in his arms to eat melons, but now his eyes narrowed, he straightened up unconsciously, and put his hand on the handle of the knife, ready to come to the rescue at any time.

Ling Zhizi was even more maddened in her heart, her face suddenly changed, and she almost didn't write the word "to finish" on her face.


On the other hand, after Lin Stani had taught Hetos a lesson, she finally felt a lot better. She grabbed Hetos, who was only about 20 centimeters long, like a doll, and took him to release a few to Lin. People walk past.

It was very uncomfortable for Hetos to be caught, thanks to the fact that many of his superimposed states were still lasting at the moment, otherwise, he would be grabbed roughly by Linsdani, or he would end up with a broken arm and broken leg. .

"Linstani, can you put me down first, and I can walk by myself?"

"No, you are too short!"

"Actually, I have auxiliary spells to speed up. If you let me down, I can keep up."

"No, you're too short!"

"Then you make me bigger. After I grow bigger, my legs will grow!"

"No, it just ran out and needs to be cooled down. It's not much changed now. You can go for a while."

Hertos: "..."

The two of them walked like this, bickering at the same time, and came to the woods on Lin Fang's side.

As soon as they approached, they saw Adayagi let go of Lin.

That speed, that power, is completely unmatched by those alien warriors before.

Lin Stani subconsciously threw Hetos aside, and was about to release a big spell for Lin Fang.

Who knows...

Adayaji rushed over faster, and flew out faster!


Lin Fang was not in a hurry, his vision changed, watching Adayaji rush over slowly, he just smiled to the side, leaned back, and suddenly pushed his shoulders forward.

Almost like a gourd, Tie Shan leaned in, Lin Fang put it into Adayaji's arms and pushed him out again.

It's like a repeat of the scene when Adayaji committed suicide.


The Adayagi were all knocked into the air, and only then did they realize that they had lost.

How complacent he was before, how uncomfortable he is now.


what is this?

From rank 1 apprentice warrior to rank 2 warrior, to rank 3 hunting warrior, rank 4 hunting warrior, rank 5 predator, to the newly promoted rank 6 berserker.

Adayaghi has been struggling all the way, and has repeatedly won among his peers, not relying on the blood of the royal family, but relying on hard work to become the leader of the younger generation.

It is even possible to become the youngest 7th revenge God of Wind and a warrior as powerful as his father Yagi.

But he couldn't catch Lin Fang's punch.

This huge blow made Adayaghi hit the tree and slowly slide down like a picture to the ground. After a long time, he was still unable to recover.

Lingzhiko, Jiyeliao, and Lindani: "I'll go!"

The three companions, who were all ready to attack, pressed the movements on their hands at the same time, and looked at Lin Fang incredulously.

"Brother Lin, how did you do it?"

"Boss Lin, are you that strong?"

"Boss Lin, you are so strong!"

Lin Fang touched his nose and looked at the three of them in surprise, "It's just ordinary Bajiquan, where is it stronger? If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Really? Then I want to learn!"

"Wild Taoist, you are a magician, learn ass! Don't talk about whether you can learn it or not, even if you learn it before you rack your brains, can you use it to melee someone? If you want to learn it, I have to learn it well. not good?"

"Go away! You bastard! You don't care what I use it for, I want to learn it anyway! Do you understand if you don't overwhelm you with art? Forget it, you bastard, you know a fart, this is handed down from our ancestors. The wisdom, anyway, I want to learn!"

"I'll learn too! I'll learn too! The Taoist priest is right, Yiduo doesn't overwhelm you!"

Lin Fang: "..."

Yes, you can learn if you want. I will teach as I learn.

Anyway, you can't beat my power, you can't blame me!

At this moment, Lin Fang has also figured out that his boxing technique is ordinary, but his soul is not ordinary, his vision is not ordinary, and the way he looks at things and the means of exerting force are also not ordinary.

Hey, I've tried my best to keep a low profile, but I'm still exposed, too bad!

Lin Fang was very suspicious that Hu Qingchan of the Spirit Clan had the means to monitor them.

Whether it's the spiritual network that Ji Yeliao mentioned before, covering the alien planet, or the nameplate they wear, it may become her surveillance method.

Then, the things that Lin Fang exposed, whether it was Dao Talismans or boxing techniques, had already been reported and placed on the desk of the Spirit Clan Hu Qingchan.

But there was no way, Lin Fang also wanted to keep a low profile, but he was forced to be too good, so he exposed it.

"Cough cough!"

Perhaps it was because Lin Fang was too indifferent to Bajiquan, and once again stimulated Adayaji, he had already lost his eyes, and his face was ashes as he planned to sit for a long time.

Hearing these people's conversations, he couldn't hold back and coughed a few times to remind them of his existence.

"You won, foreigner! I will honor my promise and tell you where my king is and where the secret passage is! It's just..." Adayaghi hesitated for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Still nothing Holding back, "Can I also learn boxing with you?"


"no way!"

"You alien, you look pretty ugly, and you think it's weirdly beautiful!"

Lin Fang looked at Lingzhizi, Ji Yeliao, and Linsdani who were excited with a surprised look, and said, "It's just an ordinary boxing technique, what is there to cherish, since he wants to learn, there are not many of him. One."

"Brother Lin, we are in Alien, and he is an Alien! If you teach him boxing, what if he attacks us?"

"Although wild Taoists are usually unreliable, I agree with this sentence!"

"That's right! That's right!"

Lin Fang pointed to the sky with a smile, and said, "Don't forget, we are just passing by, just here to carry out a mission. No matter how powerful the aliens are, can they escape their grasp?"

Seeing the direction of Lin Fang's finger, Ling Zhizi, Ji Yeliao, and Lin Stani all stood silently together.

It's not just that the soldiers of the opposite **** can't escape, how can they escape?

They are just birds or insects trapped in the hands of those people, struggling to survive.


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