I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 434: palace, crown

Adayaghi walked out without saying a word.

Since you can't argue with one hundred words, then don't argue.

Naru people, if you use your brains or play tricks, you're done.


Ji Yeliao followed, keeping his pace, keeping the speed at which the knife could be placed on Adayaji's neck without cutting his throat. He was a little anxious, "Are you going to die?"

Adayaghi replied in a loud voice, "I want to prove my innocence!"

Lingzhizi dropped a "painting the ground as a prison" talisman and fixed it on Adayaji. No matter how he moved, he could only stay where he was and couldn't leave, so he sneered and said: "Naru, your brain Broken? We are the enemies of your Naru people, who want to kill your king. It is only natural for you to do bad things, why do you want to prove your innocence to us?"

"How can your magic affect me? My armor isn't broken yet!" Seeing that he couldn't leave, Adayaghi stopped walking, and turned his attention to Lingzhizi.

Lingzhizi rolled his eyes, "I'm not using magic, it's Taoism, Taoist talisman, do you understand your Taoist talisman?"

"I don't understand!" Adayaghi immediately shook his head, "Can I learn?"

Like your grandma's legs!

Lingzhizi threw Adayaghi a big white eye and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

However, he understood why Leifa was ineffective against the alien warriors in the first place. It turned out that the root cause was the bronze armor worn by these alien warriors.

The bronze armor on their bodies can avoid the damage of Daoist attacks, but it is invalid for auxiliary Daoists that have no damage ability.

"No more arguing." Lin Fang chuckled and called a few people to gather, "If you have any other cards, take them out. Let's play them directly. Adayaji, how far is it from the palace?"

"If we leave from the back door, there is a road leading directly to the palace." Adayaghi pointed to the back of the statue, "It's not very far, it's more than a kilometer, and it will take a few minutes."

Everyone: "..."

Lingzhizi couldn't help but jumped up and gave Adayaghi a slap, "Is there something wrong with your brain? Since there is a back door, why didn't you tell us we can go through the back door, and insisted that we go through the front door and be besieged by others?"

Adayaji looked aggrieved and said in a muffled voice, "You didn't ask!"


Lin Fang touched his nose and sighed to himself.

Originally, I wanted to fight all the way. Haosheng showed off his martial power, and by the way, tested his limits, and whether Bajiquan could receive stronger bonuses after his soul was upgraded.

Of course, it would be great if we could force out the cards of those guys by the way.

such a pity!

"Big man, are there any locker rooms in your temple?"

"Yes, over there."

Since Adayaghi's brain is really not very good, Goshiko decided to ask about everything that he could think of, but unexpectedly, he really asked something.

Under the leadership of Adayaji, the group first found the dressing room of the temple priests, and then found several black priest robes with hoods, and everyone put them on. If Adayaji is willing to help cover up, this time it will be considered a Going out the front door is not so abrupt.

To be on the safe side, they decided to leave through the back door.

The six people left the back door of the temple and set foot on the stone road leading to the palace. They soon encountered a group of patrolling soldiers.

These soldiers are in groups of five, holding spears and maintaining an attacking posture. The beast swallowing cannons on their shoulders are also ready to be activated, ready to fire at any time.

Seeing Adayaji and the five black-robed priests behind him, the soldiers immediately put away their spears and stomped on the ground, making a muffled "dong" sound.


All the soldiers saluted them by hitting their hearts with their fists.

Adayaji nodded slightly, then ignored them, and led Lin Fang and his group to move on.

Lin Fang soon discovered that the density of patrolling soldiers around the stone road leading to the palace was obviously denser than that of other streets in the royal city, but the strange thing was that these people were all walking around the stone road, and no one would pass by the stone road.

Obviously, this seemingly ordinary stone road is not for everyone.

As they moved forward, the frequency of encountering patrol squads became more and more frequent, but no matter what these patrol squads were doing, they would stop, put their spears on the ground, beat their hearts with their hands, and salute them.

When they walked to the palace, Ling Zhizi finally couldn't help but ask: "Big man, do you have a high status among the Naru people? Why do so many soldiers pay tribute to you?"

Adayaghi shook his head and said, "What they respect is not me, but you... the clothes on your body."

Hearing the first half of Adayaji's sentence, Lin Xin was very startled.

After listening to the second half of the sentence, in addition to being speechless, I also wanted to give him a slap in the face.

This guy not only has a bad brain, but also has a problem with the way he speaks.

Is there such a sentence?

Lingzhizi asked again, "We wear ordinary clothes, right? Why do these soldiers have different attitudes when they see us?"

Adayaji said with a solemn expression: "Priests are servants of the God of War, who have dedicated their lives to the God of War, and they deserve to be respected by all of us. Apart from the royal family, only priests have this road leading directly to the royal palace. Qualified to go."

Why didn't you say these words earlier?

Lingzhizi gritted his teeth. If he hadn't already entered the palace, and there were more palace guards standing around him, he would have jumped up and slapped Adayaji **** the head.

He now knows that Adayagi is not stupid at all, but has no brains at all, and can't tell what the point is.

Soon, after walking the red carpet in the palace, the group came to the throne.

A naru who is more than half the size of Adayaji, wears a crown, even if he sits down, he is slightly taller than Hetos, resting his chin with one hand, sitting on the throne.

His nose is also much larger than that of Adayagi, and his skin is fairer, like ivory.

"Adayaghi, my child, haven't I asked all the priests to leave the royal city and go to a more secure holy place? Why are there still priests staying in the royal city, and you still bring them into the palace?"

"Father, they are not priests, but aliens who came to kill you."

"Oh? You're here to kill me?" Naru King Yaji looked at Lin Fang and the others in surprise, and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, interesting! Are you like them? My child!"

As Naru King Yaji snapped his fingers, the palace guards on both sides brought out a few ice sculptures and placed them aside. The frozen mixed-blood spirits still kept their expressions and postures, sneering, or proud, or insolent.

Through the vision of his soul, Lin Fang clearly saw that the parasitic Zerg behind the head of the mixed-blood spirit race were all more than one meter long, or six or eight-legged. only bug.

These powerful Zerg have almost no resistance, they were easily frozen and turned into vivid ice sculptures.

Adayaji was not surprised at all, but shook his head solemnly and said, "No, father, they are different, they will definitely kill you."

Naru King Yaji waved his hand and let the surrounding palace guards disperse. He got up with a big laugh and said, "Okay, then come on, but I hope they are stronger and can really kill me! Don't be like those As weak as a worm, I was frozen to death before I could move my hands or feet, and it didn't make any sense. But before that, everyone, please allow me to have a few words with my children."

After a pause, Naru King Yaji said to Ada Yaji: "My child, you need to know that it is not these assassins who want to kill me that threaten the lives of our people, but the unknown terror outside the sky. If my life is taken by you It is a relief for me to take these people away, but it is a great pressure for you. All the hopes of our Naru people fall on the shoulders of your brothers!"

"Father, I know!"

Adayaji nodded heavily, "Please rest assured and hand over the burden to me, now I am a rank 6 berserker, among all the royal bloodlines, I am not the first to advance, but I am the youngest. The shortest time!"


Naru King Yaji took a close look at Adayaji and nodded in relief: "Yes! Not bad! You are very good. Since that's the case, you will inherit my crown!"

He pulled out the crown on top of his head. Below the crown were eight thorns that were still wriggling. As the crown was pulled out, a large amount of blood was drawn.

This crown is actually covered with thorn spikes. Once worn, these thorn spikes that are still squirming will penetrate deeply into the wearer's head. Unless the wearer voluntarily pulls it off, the crown will always be worn. On him, it never falls off.


At this **** scene, the irritated Lindani took two steps back, his little face full of fear.

Naru King Yaji watched Adayaji solemnly take the crown and put it on the top of his head without hesitation. He let the thorns pierce his scalp and shed bloodstains without changing his face. He couldn't help but nod again with a smile.

"Adayage, you are really my good boy. I never considered passing the throne to you, so I named you Adayage, just to hope you can live in peace and stay away from the cruel fate that the throne bears. But I didn't expect that the last position is still yours, I hope your mother won't blame me."

"Father, even if mother knows, she won't blame you. She will only be proud of me. Naru people have no cowards!"

"Hahaha...Okay! From today onwards, you are the Naru King Adayage, and I'm just an ordinary warrior Yaji!"

The warrior Yaji nodded at Naru King Adayaghi and came to Lin Fang with a relaxed look.

He has already unloaded the burden on his heart and can die calmly.

Unlike ordinary alien warriors, he can see more through the crown of thorns he wears.

Ordinary people just felt the earth shake, but Yaji clearly saw the whole process of the alien star being captured by the space ring.

Even, Aggie had already received the verdict on his destiny from the space star ring.

Kill the intruder, or be killed by the intruder.

What's even more terrifying is that the fluctuation of the soul with the arrival of the judgment of fate also allowed him to see his future.

The arrival of intruders is endless, and every time he kills all the intruders, day and night, until his life comes to an end.

If he chooses to refuse, then what awaits him and the entire race is to be completely crushed, turned into the most basic nutrients, and put into the nutrient pool of the space star ring.

Such a future is extremely hopeless.

The warrior Yagi is already old, and he is no longer the strongest Naaru warrior who was brave and diligent back then.

He didn't know how many times he could fight, whether he would be unable to hold on at one time and kneel down to beg the intruder for mercy.

Taking advantage of the courage and the willingness of his youngest son Adayage to take over the throne, the warrior Yaji decided to let his life bloom once and to end his life as a warrior in the most glorious way.

"Stranger, I hope you can kill me with your strongest combat skills!"

The warrior Yaji made a solemn request to Lin Fang, "I will not release water, that is an insult to you and me. I hope to die under your strongest combat skills, and I hope you will do your best to make Otherwise, you will die!"

"Don't worry, old man, I will let you die by my sword!"

"Ronin, why don't you brag, this old man will definitely die under my thunder!"

"Hey! Wild Taoist priest, I think you've forgotten that your thunder method is ineffective against these Naru warriors!"

"I X..."

The argument between Ji Yeliao and Lingzhiko ended with Lingzhiko's defeat for the first time.

He couldn't help but glared at the warrior Yaji. The bronze armor pattern on the opponent's body was more complicated and the workmanship was more exquisite. Obviously, the level was higher than that of the Naru King Adayaji, which also meant that the opponent's bronze armor demon Free effect is better.

No matter how precise and powerful Lingzhiko's thunder technique is, it is useless to hit the warrior Yagi.

"Don't worry, Daoist, it doesn't matter if you don't, at least I and Linsdani are still here, we are a good match~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We will definitely be able to type out your share, trust me, in the end this The old man will die under my hammer!"

Hetos took out his silver hammer and purple shield and struck it hard.

Lin Stani glared at him fiercely, and pouted: "Whoever wants to match you, I want to help Boss Lin, not to help you!"

Lin Fang smiled dumbly. He didn't expect that the team members' desire to fight was quite strong, and he didn't know if he saw the hope of completing the mission, so he decided not to hide it, and then he became more active.

Glancing at the team members, Lin Fang nodded at the warrior Yaji, "Don't worry, King Naru, we will definitely do our best!"

The warrior Yaji shook his head and said: "I am no longer the Naru King, the Naru King is there now, I am just an ordinary Naru warrior, I hope today is my last battle, and my most brilliant Please don't let me down!"

Lingzhizi couldn't help but said: "I said, old man, you are dying, why are you still so arrogant? Don't worry, even in the face of Adayaji's sincerity in helping us lead the way, we will definitely It will make you die!"

"Hehe, hope!"

The warrior Yagi smiled lightly, tapped his fists lightly, took out two bronze spears, and was ready to go.


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