I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 436: Void War Room

When the mission was completed, Lin Fang didn't even have time to say a few words to the Naru King Ada Yajido. The entire team of five people was covered with a layer of white light and disappeared in place.

The moment the white light enveloped his body, Lin Fang clearly felt a sense of restraint.

He didn't feel this sense of restraint when he was thrown to the alien planet before.

But at this moment, he felt very clearly.

Even Lin Fang felt that as long as he vibrated his soul and body, he could easily break free from the bondage.

However, the consequence of doing this is that everyone else will be teleported away, but he will stay on the alien planet.

Lin Fang knew that the reason for such a change was that his soul and body had improved, and it was also a gift from the body of the earth era to his soul.

In a short moment, many thoughts flashed in Lin Fang's mind, and in the end, he chose not to resist this restraint.


There was a faint sound in his ear, and through the white light that blocked his sight, Lin Fang sensed that his body passed through a door of light, a door of light that spanned time and space.

The space changes, and at the other end of the door of light is an egg-shaped room.

The ceiling at the top of the room is dotted with twelve light sources. When not staring at it, it seems to be a very bright light. If you look carefully, it seems to be stars, which are extremely dazzling.

If the strength is not enough, the eyes will even be shaken and unable to hold back tears.

Even if they are stronger, they can only vaguely see the outlines of their planets, and they cannot be seen for a long time.

The floor of the room is like some kind of hard shell of chitin, and the touch of walking on it is obviously different from the ground.

Hetos, who was wearing a knight with nailed riding boots, felt even more obvious. Every time his riding boots came into contact with the ground, there would be a crisp and unfamiliar slamming sound.

It's not pleasant to the ears, but it makes people panic.

At the edge of the room is a black fog, which can't be seen through, can't see through, I don't know what is hidden in the black fog, but it is vaguely terrifying.

In the center of the egg-shaped room is a holographic projection sand table with an area of ​​nearly one hundred square meters.

On the sand table are the large and small buildings of Alien King City, and the tears on his face are still dry. He holds the warrior Yaji and looks at the Naru King Adayaji in surprise. He goes down to the corner of the king city, and looks through the dilapidated window of the house. A naru hair-headed boy who came out, all of them must be seen.

When Lin Fang saw this holographic projection sand table, a flash of surprise flashed across his face.

Sure enough, every move of his team on the alien planet fell into the eyes of the spirit clan Hu Qingchan!

Lin Fang turned his head and stared at Hu Qingchan, who was sitting on top of the holographic projection sand table, sitting on a huge goose egg-shaped seat with his legs crossed, gently shaking his toes, and quickly withdrew his gaze. .

In the earth era, there is a woman who is exactly like her and is his ex-girlfriend.

And here, the two are just two strangers who are far apart.

She is a pure-blooded spirit race, a direct descendant of the so-called spiritual intercourse, born noble.

However, he is a mass-produced spirit clan cannon fodder, a Gu worm smuggled out of the spirit farm, born to be humble.

Even if the Earth Era really had something to do with Hu Qingchan of the Spirit Clan, Fu Hao of the Spirit Clan, Huang Linlin of the Spirit Clan, or even other blood descendants, Lin Fang didn't want to explore it.

All fates start from the Earth Era, and it simply ends in the Earth Era... right?

Lin Fang lowered his head and didn't look at Hu Qingchan, but Hu Qingchan, who was sitting on the sand table and couldn't stop shaking his toes, was aware of it. He glanced at Lin Fang, who just lowered his head, and frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

"Everyone, welcome to the Void Command and War Room. You have successfully passed the test of Instructor Hu, and now I have the honor to stand here. I am proud of you."

Lingzu Fu Hao clapped his hands, aroused the attention of the five team members standing at the bottom of the holographic sand table, and said, "Now, Instructor Hu and I have a clearer understanding of your strength. Now I want to ask , Does anyone feel uncomfortable and want to return to the place of creation?"

"Me!" Hetos was the first to raise his hand, and he asked with a look of surprise: "Can I really go back? I didn't want to come out. If the priest had not forced me to break the wall, I would I don't know how happy I am now! If you can, please send me back!"

"Of course it's true." The Spirit Race Fu Hao gave Hetos a meaningful look, then glanced at Lin Fang and the others, and asked, "Who else of you thinks the same as him and wants to go back to the Creation Land? ?"



Just as Lindani tried to speak, he was interrupted by Lingzhizi with a cough. Lingzhizi noticed something was wrong, but he did not dare to say it explicitly, so he could only vaguely remind Hertos, "Hetos, you are not loyal! After all, we are all teammates who have been through adversity together, so you left us so cruelly? Why don't we fight together again, it's really unbearable, can't you go back?"

"No!" Hetos didn't understand Lingzhizi's suggestion, and he shook his head vigorously: "I still like the peaceful life of Creation Land. A peace-loving person like me is really not suitable for fighting. I think I should go earlier. It's better to go back. Thank you, this instructor, take me back!"

Lin Fang quietly watched the conversations of these people, subconsciously pulled away from himself, and looked at it again with the vision of his soul.

Seeing this, it is yet another scene.

There is no problem with the Void War Room, just as it shows, with a ceiling inlaid with stars above its head and a chitinous floor below its feet.

It's just... If you look through the black fog at the edge of the room and continue to look out, you will find that what kind of room is this, it is clearly a huge beetle that is tens of thousands of miles across the void.

The body of this beetle is looming, and it is walking around the space star.

Seeing this scene was enough for Lin to feel at ease, but what shocked him even more was... the four members of the team, except for Lin Stani, had three strange long worms that were nearly two meters long on the back of their heads!

These Zerg all have eight limbs, and even the ninth limb has begun to grow, which is second only to the Demon Twelve that Lin Fang has seen.

It's so heartbreaking...

Lin Fangqiang held back his breath. When he was in Alien, he clearly observed it with his soul vision. At that time, he didn't see any problems with these teammates at all.

How did they come to the void war room inside this giant beetle, and they showed their tracks?

Lin Fang thought about it, most of it has something to do with the promotion of his soul and body, or the spiritual network shrouded in the entire alien planet.

The existence of the spiritual network interfered with Lin Fang's soul vision.

And the promotion of the soul body also increased Lin Fang's soul vision level.

Thinking back carefully, Lin Fang remembered that when he was in a huge cube room similar to a different-dimensional killing array, he had used his soul vision to probe, but he only swept over the Lingzhizi.

At that time, they were all fine.

Thinking this way, Lin Xin's head trembled slightly.

The interference of the mental network can be ruled out.

But this result is even more shocking!

Although there is no way to make an accurate judgment due to insufficient information, just passing some clues and some pieces of information is enough to make Lin Fang go on the right path.

Then here comes the problem...

Are these Zerg spies lurking within the Spirit Race, or are they actually the Spirit Race and the Zerg have already reached a tacit understanding and cooperate with each other in acting?

If Lingzhizi and the others are Zerg spies, it may mean that some spiritual farms have been breached by Zerg from within.

Lin Fang was more willing to believe this guess, after all, he had a similar experience.

The eight-legged zerg who dragged him to smuggle time and space from the Earth Era tried to seize the authority of the Earth Era and control the entire world. The purpose seems to be to leave the spiritual farm as Lingzhizi and Hetos. .

Lin Fang is not clear what other benefits this method has, but at least Lin Fang can see that, whether it is the Spirit Clan's payment or Hu Qingchan of the Spirit Clan, they have not been able to see through the identity of these people's Zerg.

If the Eldar hadn't colluded with the Zerg...

If the Eldar and the Zerg have reached a tacit understanding, then there is probably another possibility.

A possibility that makes people ponder and feel terrified from the inside of the soul.

In other words, what Lin Fang sees at the moment is just what others deliberately let him see. This is a drama that others have rehearsed countless times, and has deceived countless ignorant Xiaobai.

It's better to be quiet than to move, let's take a look.

Lin Fang put away his soul vision and suppressed the idea of ​​persuading Hetos.

Lingzu Fu Hao raised his right index finger, nodded twice, and said with a smile: "Last chance, if anyone wants to go back, I can send you back together, if there is no one, you will not be able to go back in the future. , are you... sure?"

"Cough... Instructor, I won't go back."

"I haven't had enough waves yet, so I don't want to go back to the birthplace of Lao Shizi!"

"I...I...I'm not going back, right?"

Seeing that Ling Zhizi and Ji Yeliao both chose to refuse, Lindani had to follow the crowd.

"What about you?" Lingzu Fu Hao kept smiling and nodding, his eyes finally fell on Lin Fang.

"No return."

"Oh?" Lingzu Fu seemed to have just recognized Lin Fang, his face was slightly surprised, but he didn't say anything, just nodded and said, "Okay, since that's the case, then I regret to send this person first. gone back."

"Xiao Wu, it's time for dinner."


As soon as the Spirit Race's good words fell, a round hole suddenly appeared under Hetos's feet, and he fell down.

Countless small white beetles drowned him in an instant.

Crack! Crack!

"Ah... help, I won't go back, I won't go back, let me go... Boss Lin! Daoist Lingzhizi... Ji Yeliao... Ah, help..."

The sound of the beetle biting and the voice of Hetos calling for help came out together, and it kept echoing in the void war room.

Even if Lin Fang knew that the Void Command War Room was inside a giant beetle, he was terrified at the moment.

Who knew that there were actually worms inside of worms!

And listening to the Eldar's good tone, these little bugs seem to be part of the giant beetle, so the way this giant beetle eats is to release a large number of small bugs to swallow the food?

Just thinking about it, Lin Fang couldn't help but get goosebumps.

The current situation is getting more and more confusing.

The Spirit Race drove the giant beetle, but the Zerg wanted to sneak into the Spirit Farm and escape from the Spirit Farm with the help of the identity of the Spirit Race cannon fodder.

Lin Fang really didn't know what medicines were sold in the gourds of both parties.

Forget it, forget it, I think it's better for me to watch a play!

There were people on the left and right who had nothing to do with him. It was really not worth Lin Fang's efforts.

Hetos's voice slowly decreased, and when he was almost dead, his body suddenly exploded, and a two-meter-long eight-legged demon worm jumped out of the round hole. Each with two sharp thorn feet, full of sharp teeth, and a huge crustacean creature nearly three meters high.

It was still dripping with foul-smelling mucus, roaring and rushing towards the Eldar.

"Bitch, I'm going to kill you..."

The spirit clan Fu Hao glanced lightly at the crustacean creature that rushed over, "Xiao Wu, you actually let this guy run away and punish you for halving your food this month. Next time, I'll starve you for a month!"


There was a pitiful whimper in the air, and a larger round hole suddenly appeared under the crustacean creature's feet.

Several tentacles popped out, wrapped around the eight limbs of the crustacean creature, and dragged it in.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

More small black beetles poured out, instantly submerging the carapace creatures.

The Crustacean looked stronger than Hetos, but this time, it lasted for a shorter period of time.

After a few moments, it was devoured by the little black beetle.


Lingzu Fu Hao clapped his hands and greeted everyone, "Okay, the anxiety factor has been eliminated, then let's talk about business."

"Introduce myself, I'm Instructor Hu's lieutenant Fu Hao, you can call me Fu... Forget it, you can just call me lieutenant!" Fu Hao seems to want to introduce himself in detail~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But because of her surname, she could only give up in annoyance.

"You have all received recruit training. Even if you haven't received recruit training, you should have read the newcomer's manual. The unlucky person who hasn't even read the newcomer's manual, I think, should not appear among you..."

Lin Fang: "..."

Shut up for me!

I'm the unlucky **** you call me who hasn't even read the rookie handbook! I would like to ask, is it still time to make up the class now?

Just when Lin Fang wanted to ask a question, Fu Hao said again: "However, it doesn't matter if you haven't read the newcomer's manual. You just need to know that the survival of our Spirit Race is very difficult, for the sake of future generations and the future of our Spirit Race people. , we must fight the Zerg to the end! The key to the fight is the false **** statue on the floating island inside the star ring! I need you to get rid of it!"

Lin Fang slightly raised his brows and pressed the idea of ​​asking questions.

Speaking of which, this is the second time someone has told him that.

It's just that Fang Qisheng's puppet avatar told him last time, but this time, it seems to have been replaced by a real person from the Spirit Race.

Can't stop repeating this statement, so speaking, the statue on the floating island, could it be the key to the struggle between the Spirit Race and the Zerg?


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