I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 444: grab breakfast too

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"Mr. Lin..."

"No need to send!"

"Mr. Lin! I didn't mean to send you..."

"Let's go."

Hu Xiaochan chased after a few steps and couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Lin is really an interesting person!"

When Lin Fang returned to the "Zhihua Building", Sister Hua was at the door again.

It's just that this time she wasn't trying to solicit customers, but was deliberately waiting for Lin Fang.

Seeing Lin Fang approaching slowly, a fascination flashed in her eyes.

Under the night light, he was wearing a blue long gown with one hand behind his back. Every step he took was leisurely, steady, and attractive.


"Sister Hua? Are you soliciting customers?"

"Yes... no, I am... ah... yes!"

Sister Hua was a little flustered, and her most eloquent tongue seemed to freeze at this moment. She stammered for a long time before finally deciding what she wanted to say.

"Sister Hua, you are busy, I'm a little tired, I'll go back to rest first."

"Go! Go and rest!"

Sister Hua breathed a sigh of relief, she was already satisfied when Lin Fang came back.

If I could be twenty years younger... no! Even if she was ten years old, she was willing to fight against her face and chase after Lin Fang, but the age gap between the two was too big, so she could only look at his back, lock all her love in her heart, and bury it in the depths.

Lin Fang walked through the attic corridor, and the little Er who met him on the way nodded and bowed at him, greeting him attentively.

"Mr. Lin is back?"

"Hello, Mr. Lin!"

"Do you want hot water, Mr. Lin?"

Facing the enthusiasm of everyone, Lin Fang smiled and nodded in response. When he finally walked back to his own small room, his face was about to freeze, so that he had to rub his face hard for a while after sitting down. The face is his own.

Lin Fang sat at the table and tried to communicate with Soul Sand, but he never responded.

He tried to visualize the void again, and what responded to him was darkness and silence.

It's like a world with only a body and no soul.

Anything related to the soul is banned by certain rules and cannot be entered.

"Impossible!" After thinking about it for a while, Lin Fang shook his head gently, "If there is no soul to come in, it is impossible for me to remember the many worlds I have passed through along the way. My memory should also be blocked."

"Knock knock!"

Just as Lin Fang was thinking, there was a knock on the door, he recovered and sat upright, "Please come in."

Wang Ergou pushed in the door, smiling all over his face, "Mr. Lin, the hot water you want!"

Lin Fang was stunned for a moment, then reacted and nodded with a smile, "Thank you Brother Wang, I almost forgot."

"No thanks! Hey, no thanks!" Wang Ergou was very happy, he waved his hand and said, "Don't call me Brother Wang, just call me Ergou, I'm used to being called by my name, you only call my surname, I really I don't understand that you are calling me."

"Okay, then I'll call you Brother Ergou!"

"Can't afford it! Can't afford it!"

"There's nothing to be unworthy of. We are born as human beings. Everyone is equal. It's a matter of course to call you a second dog."

"Ah, what's that... Mr. Lin, you're busy first. I still have work to do, so I'll go out first."


Wang Ergou ran out of Lin Fang's room in embarrassment, helped close the door, took two steps and then froze in the corridor.

"Brother Wang...hehe! Brother Ergou...hehe!"

Being called by Lin Fang like that, Wang Ergou was indescribably happy.

He has never been so respected in his life.

The simple word "brother" made him imitate, but it made him happier.


The next morning, after a simple wash, Lin Fang came to the small courtyard where the kitchen was located, moved around a bit, and punched.

The long-lost boxing practice gave Lin Fang a new experience.

Every move and every form was only a small frame of eight extremes when practicing in the Earth Era, but when you practice it now, you have a different feeling.

Wuji stance, fierce tiger hugging his head, overlord saluting... Twelve-road and eight-pole stances, after dozens of punches, when Lin Fang stood on the spot, a faint heat flowed through his body.

A trace of white air was steaming above his head, gradually converging into a cloud of mist.

Lin Fang didn't notice the change in his head, he just felt the feeling in his body carefully, and he was very surprised.

After the last trace of heat disappeared in his body, Lin Fang grabbed the towel on the side, wiped his sweat, and washed his hands before entering the kitchen.

Fresh melons, fruits and vegetables, freshly cut pork and ribs, chickens and ducks that were put into cages, newly laid eggs, fish and shrimps that were just caught and spitting sand in a big tank, every ingredient was newly purchased Not enough, refill the empty kitchen.

Lin Fang picked up a fresh cucumber, washed it briefly, and broke it into two pieces. The rich cucumber fragrance came to his face.

This rich and fresh taste was something Lin Fang had never experienced in the Earth Era or the real Earth.

In those two worlds, agriculture has already been industrialized, and the amount of off-season fruits and vegetables produced in batches is huge, which makes it shameful for people to have enough vegetables and fruits in every season.

As for the taste, you can no longer crave too much.

The fresh cucumber in Lin Fang's hand tasted even more fragrant than the ten cucumbers in the two worlds of the Earth Era and the Real Earth. He took a bite, only to feel the fragrant and slightly sweet juice bursting in his mouth, crisp and refreshing. The taste of cucumber itself has already brought a sense of happiness to life.


Lin Fang ate the cucumber in a few mouthfuls. First, he took out a ball of old noodles and shredded them and put them aside to soak them. Then he took out the soybeans soaked last night and ground them in a stone mill.

There is a small stone mill in the kitchen. Originally, there was a special helper to serve it.

It is to keep grinding beans, cooking soy milk, ordering tofu, and serving a small stone mill all day long.

After the soy milk juice flowed out, Lin Fang put the beans into the pot and boiled it. At this time, the old noodles were almost soaked, so he just took out the flour and kneaded the noodles together with the old dough.

After the noodles are finished, they are put in a large clay pot to wake up and ready to serve. At this time, the soy milk has almost boiled.

Scoop up some soy milk for a while for breakfast, and use the rest to order tofu.

When Lin Fang finished ordering the tofu and was about to take a break and make a few cold dishes, he was surprised to find that the noodles were almost ready, and he had already met his requirements.

"how come?"

Lin Fang felt a little strange. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the dough. The dough was concave. The slight deflation sound and the elasticity of the dough all told him that the dough was very good and could be used for frying fried dough sticks and steamed buns. .

It stands to reason that this side should be left to stand for eight hours at least, and it will only be half an hour at most.

Lin Fang didn't know what to do, he was thinking about something, and his hands kept moving.

First, heat the oil in a pot, then cut a piece of dough and knead it for a while, roll it into a thin and even dough, choose a suitable position to cut the knife, choose two sliced ​​dough and stack them together, with chopsticks in the middle Press a mark and throw it into a pot with the right temperature of oil.

The fritters swelled up one by one and took shape very quickly.

Ten minutes later, when Lin Fang sealed the fire, he had already obtained two large plates of fried dough sticks.

Someone outside the door probed his head and looked into the kitchen, "It's so fragrant, is Mr. Lin frying fritters?"

Lin Fang looked back and saw a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old girl standing outside the door. She had a long braid and was dressed plainly, which was completely different from those of the girls who specialized in drinking.

"You are……"

"Lin Ye, my name is Qiao'er, I'm Miss Linglan's maid, Miss Linglan got up early today, and Lao Shen, who set up a stall on the street, didn't set up a stall, and the girl likes to eat his fried dough sticks. I originally planned to report back to the girl directly. , I smelled the fried dough sticks more fragrant than Lao Shen's fried ones, so I came in and asked."

"If you want to eat it, just take a few and go." Lin Fang smiled, "I made these fried dough sticks and soy milk and ate them myself. There are many. I will ask Sister Hua to deduct it from my salary."

"Pu Chi..." The long-braided maid couldn't help but snickered, "Lin Ye, where did you come from? You just cook some food, how can you deduct your wages? Sister Hua has never been a stingy person, let's People in the building don’t want money for food. As long as it’s not wasted deliberately, they don’t have to give money, but if something is wasted, then compensation will be made according to the price.”

"Is that so? I see." Lin Fang nodded. "Hurry up and bring fritters to your girl so she doesn't get hungry. Will she drink soy milk? If you drink it, you should also scoop up two bowls and send it over. , find a plate and decorate it with sugar, she can control the sweetness."

"Okay, thank you, Lord Lin!" The long-braided maid agreed crisply, and she quickly filled her hands with soy milk and fried dough sticks and left.

After a while, the long-braided maid came to the door of Linglan with soy milk fritters.

"Girl, the fried dough sticks are here. Master Lin fried them. It smells delicious. I also brought two bowls of soy milk, which Master Lin cooked himself!"

"I won't eat it!" Ling Lan scolded impatiently: "Little Bell, you're a bitch, aren't you? How did I explain it to you? I don't eat fried fried dough sticks, so you fool me like that? You Say, are you trying to sleep on the ocean I gave you to fool me with something that doesn't cost money?"

"Girl, you can't say that!" Xiao Lingdang was very aggrieved, "Old Shen didn't set up a stall today, I asked the old man Wei who was selling Chaos next to him, and he said that something happened to Lao Shen's family, and he couldn't set up a stall for the past few days! I was worried that girl, you were hungry, so I rushed back in a hurry. When I passed by the kitchen courtyard, I happened to smell the aroma of fried dough sticks. I smelled more delicious than Lao Shen's fried dough sticks, so I asked Lin Ye for two. Girl, try it!"

Snapped! Whoa!

The sound of cups falling to the ground came from the room.

"If you don't eat it, take it for me!" Ling Lan scolded angrily: "Take all the **** soy milk fritters to feed the dog, get in here and kneel for me! It's hard to teach you a lesson, you're afraid you'll forget me. It's your master!"

"Yo! Who is this, who screamed and screamed in the early morning?" The door next to it was opened, and a woman with disheveled hair and a bold dress leaned on the door frame, "Isn't this a little bell? Are you girls scolded?"

"Hello, Miss Lanzhi!" Little Bell squeezed out a smile, greeting another red-card Lanzhi leaning on the door frame.

"What is it?" Lanzhi said angrily, "I was sleeping soundly, but I was abruptly woken up by your master and servant. You should eat and drink early in the morning. What's the power?"

"The girl wanted to eat Lao Shen's fried dough sticks, but Lao Shen didn't have a stall today. I took Lin Ye's fried dough sticks from the back kitchen. The girl said that I was fooling her. But the girl didn't even try it. Lin Ye's fried dough sticks smelled real. It's delicious!"

"Hey... it's really fragrant." Lanzhi shrugged and smelled the aroma of fried dough sticks, but she didn't care that she didn't wash up, she reached out and grabbed one from the tray held by the small bell, "Kake."

"Miss Lanzhi...that's our girl's breakfast!"

"What's the matter? She doesn't eat it anyway, so why should I eat two bites?" Lanzhi chewed the broken fritters while fighting with the little bell.

"Huh! These fried dough sticks are delicious!"

The fritters are of uneven size, one end is thin and the other is thick, the thin end is crispy and the thick end is soft.

This fried dough stick is very natural from crispy to soft.

If Lanzhi hadn't glanced at the tray in Little Bell's hand, and the fritters on it all looked like this, she would have thought that the fritters were fried inadvertently to look like this.

Now she can be sure that all the fried dough sticks were deliberately fried like this by Lin Fang.

The thin end of the fried dough sticks is crispy and slag, and when you take a bite, you can squeak, squeak, and your mouth is full of fragrance.

The thick end of the fritters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is soft and salty. After two bites, you can't help but want to drink something, which is another kind of enjoyment.

After Lanzhi finished eating the crispy half of the fried dough sticks and the soft half, she happened to see two bowls of soy milk on the tray in Xiao Lingtang's hand. She rudely copied a bowl and took a gulp.

"Gudu!" There was no time to put sugar in the soy milk, there was only the original flavor of soy beans, but I don't know what happened, but the original flavor of soy milk was so delicious.

"Delicious!" Lanzhi's eyes lit up, she put half of the fried dough sticks in her hand into the bowl, dipped it and stuffed it into her mouth. Soymilk and fried dough sticks, the natural CP, meet at this moment, and the joy of delicious food is doubled in an instant. .

"It's so delicious!"

Lanzhi's happy eyes narrowed, she never knew that soy milk and fried dough sticks could be so delicious.

"Miss Lanzhi, that's our girl's breakfast..."

Little Bell stomped her feet in a hurry, but Lanzhi is another red card in the building, and her status is not comparable to a little girl like her. She has nothing to do but worry.

"What about your girl's breakfast? She doesn't eat it anyway!" Lanzhi took a mouthful of fried dough sticks, a mouthful of soy milk, or a mouthful of fried dough sticks dipped in soy milk. It's better to cheap me. If she wants to eat, let her go to the kitchen and get it!"


"Who said I didn't eat?"

The door of the room was suddenly opened from the inside, and Ling Lan stopped Lanzhi, who wanted to grab the fried dough sticks from Xiao Bell, "Lanzhi, you slut, if you want to eat, go to the kitchen and get it yourself, why are you bullying our Xiao Bell?"

"Cut! I just don't know who blocked the door and didn't open it!" Lanzhi pouted and drank the last sip of soy milk, "I just reluctantly went to the back kitchen and asked Lin Ye for some food!"

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