I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 452: The steamed pork ribs is delicious

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Lin Fang waited for Sanzhu to eat a few spare ribs, and then he reminded him that it was delicious.

"Three notes, try sweet potatoes."

"Lin Ye, do you have to eat it?" Sanzhu said with embarrassment, "When I was a child, my family was poor, and all I could eat was sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes in the morning, sweet potatoes at noon, and sweet potatoes at night. We have a saying 'sweet potato rice, sweet potatoes' Mo, I can't live without sweet potatoes', I feel sick when I eat sweet potatoes now, I don't want to eat sweet potatoes, I want to eat meat..."

"You can also not eat it." Lin Fang smiled dumbly, "I think it's bad. Now is not the era when you are tired of eating rice and white noodles and want to eat coarse grains."

"Lin Ye, stop joking! Even if I eat a good thing like rice and white noodles, I won't get tired of it!"

"Ha ha……"

Lin Fang glanced at Sanzhu, not wanting to speak.

So, ah, the evil old society! Look at what people are forced into.

I actually want to eat rice and noodles for a lifetime!

"It's time for me to go." Lin Fang glanced at Sanzhu, "You watch here, don't let people steal it. Each person can only eat one bowl, otherwise it's not enough. When the girls are done, you remember Let them **** craft. Remember not to steal, especially sweet potatoes!"


Who do you look down on?

Sanzhu waited for Lin Fang to walk away, then rolled his eyes.

Others may steal sweet potatoes, I bet three times, it is impossible to steal sweet potatoes in this life! I'm sick of seeing it!

Sanzhu pouted and ate the ribs happily.

The steamed pork ribs are so delicious!

If the ribs are cooked for a long time, it will be very bad, and the meat will lose its taste after a piece of wood, even if it is meat, it will not taste good.

Ke Lin Fang didn't know how to do it. The meat flavor of the pork was perfectly preserved, and it was still able to retain the soft and tender taste while ensuring the softness and deliciousness.

It feels like the ribs were picked up right after they were placed in the pot, but in fact it was steamed for an hour!

"Huh..." Sanzhu sighed, looking at the steamed grid that was being warmed by a small fire, "I really want to eat another bowl!"


"No, I can't betray Lord Lin's trust in me!" Sanzhu gave himself a slap, dispelling the idea of ​​stealing it, and looked at the remaining sweet potatoes in the bowl, he hesitated for a moment, took a piece, small took a bite.

Just one sip, Sanzhu's eyes brightened to an astonishing degree.

"My god, this sweet potato is too delicious!" Sanzhu looked at the sweet potato on his chopsticks in disbelief, and swallowed the whole piece of sweet potato in one bite.

The soft, glutinous and sweet sweet potato absorbs the oil and umami of the ribs, making it unbelievably delicious.

Sanzhu had eaten sweet potatoes for more than ten years, and he felt like vomiting, but if this piece of sweet potatoes went down, he felt that the sweet potatoes for these years had been eaten in vain!

The memory of eating roasted sweet potatoes for the first time is back!

Do not!

I feel happier than the first time I ate roasted sweet potatoes!

The three-note chopsticks kept picking up pieces of sweet potatoes and stuffing them into his mouth.

tasty! Ahhh!

Delicious! Ahhh! Ahhh!

At this time, Sanzhu finally understood why Lin Fang asked him to try sweet potatoes, and why did he tell him that sweet potatoes are the essence of this "steamed pork ribs".

Sure enough, it is the essence, it is really better than the ribs!

Unknowingly, Sanzhu ate half a bowl of sweet potatoes, but still felt unsatisfied.

He subconsciously set his eyes on the steam grid, and after a while, he slapped himself with tears streaming down his face.

"Let you blow each other's air!" Sanzhu regretted it at the moment, "If I swore that I didn't say it at the time, I'm afraid Lord Lin wouldn't have specially reminded me to stop eating sweet potatoes, so I can eat it openly and honestly. Some sweet potatoes?"

It’s okay to have never tasted the deliciousness of steamed pork ribs.

I have tasted this delicious food, but my heart is not satisfied, but I still have to stay here and don't let others steal it.

Three notes feel extremely painful.

Especially the aroma of steamed pork ribs penetrated into his nose through the steam grid.

The three notes can even imagine the soft and glutinous taste of the ribs, and the taste of the fat and thin ribs that will burst into the mouth in one bite. Fragrant and delicious.

After eating ribs, if you eat another piece of sweet potato that is full of fat and umami, it will feel like heaven.

Sanzhu can't imagine why such a simple combination of two foods can burst out such a huge amount of energy, seduce his greedy worms, and he can't calm down for a long time.

"It's too painful!" Sanzhu rubbed his stomach, forcing himself not to look at the steamer, or something would really happen.

The newly recruited chef and assistant chef looked at Sanzhu with strange eyes, feeling that he was a lunatic.

These people knew Sanzhu, but they didn't even know who Lin Fang was, that is, Sanzhu followed, so they didn't stop Lin Fang from cooking in the back kitchen.

It's just the combination of pork ribs and sweet potatoes that makes them feel inexplicable and almost can't help laughing.

This kind of strange combination, even the apprentice who has just entered the kitchen industry will not try it.

How can such an expensive thing as spare ribs be cooked with a cheap food like sweet potatoes?

Just because of this method, the chef and the helper looked down on Lin Fang by three points.

They never thought that Lin Fang was the new celebrity who defeated Du Changhai in the kitchen show yesterday.

It's funny to say that they originally admired Lin Fang's reputation, so they chose to take refuge in Zhihualou.

But where did they expect that Lin Fang was standing in front of them, and they didn't even recognize him.

After all, the technology in this world is not developed enough, and the dissemination of information mainly relies on newspapers and rumors.

They can know so quickly that Lin Fang easily defeated Du Changhai with a "boiled fish fillet", or it was because the "Cooking Juice Association" had influence in Shiliyangchang and even the whole world.

Three-note eating steamed pork ribs with a face full of intoxication, in the eyes of these people, it is completely unseen in the world.

One of the chefs named Zheng Dake happened to fry a plate of spareribs. He divided a small bowl and handed it to Sanzhu with a look of pity, "Dude, you have suffered, and you haven't eaten anything good, so I don't blame you. Come and **** craft."

I haven't eaten anything good?

Sanzhu looked at the bowl of roasted pork ribs that had been shoved into his hands with a confused expression, forcibly suppressed the emotion of clasping the bowl on the opponent's head, holding the spirit of not wasting, and stuffed a piece into his mouth.

"It's so salty!" Sanzhu almost spit out the ribs, "How much soy sauce did you put in? The fishy smell of pork was not removed at all, did you not blanch the water? The heat is not bad, Soft and hard are suitable, but at the end, the essence of the bone, why can't the bone be bitten off?"

Reluctantly ate the ribs in his mouth, Sanzhu quickly returned the small bowl to Zheng Dake, "Chef Zheng, forget it. I just tried Lin Ye's fairy cooking, you just give me this, it feels like You are feeding me pig food, eat it yourself!"

I put a bowl over your head, do you believe it?

Zheng Dake's squinting eyes almost turned into peanuts. Although he is not a titled super chef, he is also a ninth-grade chef. He can become a titled chef with just one kick.

The roast pork ribs he made was a specialty dish, and it actually became pig food for him in Sanzhu's mouth!

It's just too deceiving!

"Sanzhu, don't be too rude! You just haven't eaten anything good!" Zheng Dake is also not good-tempered, "Why is Lin Ye not Lin Ye? Just the one with no hair on his mouth just now. Maotou boy, what delicious food can he make? Besides, I saw with my own eyes that he steamed sweet potatoes and spareribs together. Since the ancestors preached, we have not done this in our kitchen! It must be unpalatable to death. It's gone!"

Isn't it true, it's only been three hundred years since sweet potatoes came in.

Large-scale planting is also the time of the former Qing Dynasty.

The so-called prosperity of Kang and Gan is probably the prosperity of eating sweet potatoes.

Not to mention that Huangming was ruined by Qingliu, the sweet potatoes that came in in the 21st year of Wanli (1582), not to mention the heartland, even if they were planted in several border provinces, they could support a resurgence.

Sanzhu doesn't know if there are any of these, but he only knows that he grew up eating sweet potatoes, and his biggest wish is to eat rice and white noodles. If he can eat meat, he will be happier.

After following Sister Hua for more than ten years, the three bets can be considered to have realized the ideal of eating meat every day.

Although most of them were leftovers left by the guests, they didn't lose any money.

Zheng Dake said that the three notes were nothing else, and he recognized it when he was bored.

Saying that he has never eaten anything good, especially the food that Lin Fang makes is unpalatable, this is absolutely unbearable!

"Wait for me!" Sanzhu snorted angrily, picked up a clean sea bowl, opened the steamer, and shoveled a large piece. , stuffed it to Zheng Dake, "You can taste it yourself before you talk!"

"Just taste it, the pork has a stinky smell, and it's not clean at all. I don't believe it..." Zheng Dake picked up a piece of spareribs and was not in a hurry to eat it. He sniffed it **** the tip of his nose.

suck... suck...

strangeness! I can't!

Zheng Dake heard and smelled it, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

"Strange, why is it not fishy at all, but..." Zheng Dake really couldn't say the praise.

But the full meat aroma reflected on the tip of the nose is really mouth-watering.

He never knew that the pork could be so greedy when it was ready.


Zheng Dake couldn't hold back after a moment, and swallowed the ribs in one bite.

The first thing that comes into your mouth is the softness and softness of the rice noodles. The rice noodles soaked in oil are especially delicious when eaten alone. In an instant, Zheng Dake thought about more than a dozen ways to eat rice noodles with the staple food.

The taste of rice noodles has just faded away, and the soft and rotten ribs come one after another.

The ribs that Lin Fang chose were not pure lean steaks with fat shaved off, but the kind of rib that was specially selected with fat.

There is fatty meat to eat, which is the best delicacy for the poor who lack meat.

But for a chef like Zheng Dake, who is not short of meat, the fat is too greasy, and he is not interested in eating it at all.

This "Steamed Pork Ribs" made by Lin Fang changed Zheng Dake's deep-rooted concept as soon as it was exported.

This "Steamed Pork Ribs" profoundly explains what it means to be "fat but not greasy"!

Not only fat but not greasy! It's more delicious because of the fat!

The soft and glutinous fat exploded in the mouth, the gravy and oil wrapped the soft and rotten filamentous lean meat, and then mixed with rice flour and slowly melted in the mouth, Zheng Dake couldn't help sighing comfortably.


Even if Zheng Da tasted the steamed pork ribs made by Lin Fang with a nit-picking attitude, he had to admit that Lin Fang really mastered this dish.

The pork ribs don't have any stinky smell, they are full of meat flavor, especially the ratio of fat and lean meat is just right, so that the pork ribs melt in your mouth and at the same time, you can eat full of happiness.

What's even more incredible is that when you eat it, the ribs are still very soft and tender. After a little chewing, it turns into juice. If this is paired with steamed bread and rice, it will make people happy!

“It was delicious! It was so delicious!”

A single word of admiration is enough to describe Zheng Dake's mood at the moment, and he used three progressive words in a row to express his mood.

Sanzhu looked at him with a smug look on his face, feeling indescribably comfortable all over his body.

"How about it, Master Lin's craftsmanship is awesome, right?"

"It's really awesome!"

"You said, I have eaten the steamed pork ribs made by Lin Ye, can I still eat what you made? Who makes it bad?"

"I made it unpalatable!" Zheng Dake apologized to Sanzhu with a wry smile on his face, "I'm sorry, Brother Sanzhu, what I made is really a pig in front of the steamed pork ribs made by Lin Ye. Food!"

"Bah! Bah!" Sanzhu spit two saliva, "I'm eating, don't say such disgusting things. Let me tell you, it's not the ribs that are really delicious, but the sweet potatoes below! Master Lin said. Yes, that's the real essence!"

"This is the essence?" Zheng Dake picked up a piece of sweet potato~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can't you? Brother Sanzhu, it's not my suspicion, this sweet potato is something that poor families eat, and it can't be served at all. "

"Yes, it's eaten by poor families." Sanzhu nodded and admitted, "I grew up eating this stuff when I was a child, but you don't see who Mr. Lin is? Can he make the same thing? Even if it's a bunch of stuff. Earth, a handful of grass, he can make a fairy taste! You try it, and you won't regret it!"

"Then I'll try..." Zheng Dake tried to eat a piece of sweet potato with doubts.

Soft, sweet, oily and fresh!

Zheng Dake opened his eyes wide and looked at the sweet potatoes in the bowl in disbelief, "Is it really sweet potatoes that I just ate?"

What kind of fairy smell is this?

Zheng Dake originally thought that the ribs he just ate were the best thing he had ever eaten in his life.

Who knows that he will be slapped in the face in the next second. It turns out that this humble sweet potato is the real good thing.

"This is too delicious! How is it possible?" Zheng Dake took another piece of sweet potato and looked at it for himself, "Isn't this a sweet potato? Sweet potatoes can't be so delicious!"

"Hey!" Sanzhu was even more proud, "I said it all, Master Lin is unparalleled in cooking. With his wonderful hands, everything will become particularly delicious!"

The facts are in front of him, and Zheng Dake has to admit that although there is something to boast about in the words of Sanzhu, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Lin Ye you said, shouldn't it be Lin Fang Lin who defeated Du Changhai's special chef in the kitchen battle?"

"Yeah, didn't I say it?" Sanzhu looked at Zheng Dake with a strange expression, "Isn't this common sense?"

What a common sense of God!

Zheng Dake looked at Sanzhu with a tired look on his face.

If I knew that the steamed pork ribs were made by Lin Fang, I wouldn't accept it!

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