I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 467: Say 2 more words if you can speak

Text Chapter 467 If you can talk, just say a few more sentences

Under Qi Ruizhu's eyes, You Dehua sandwiched a piece of pork belly.

Some people only like to eat pork, and some people prefer to eat plum vegetables.

You Dehua is different, he loves both.

In particular, I like to sandwich a piece of pork belly and wrap it with dried plum vegetables to serve with rice. If it is paired with a head of raw garlic, it will be simply beautiful!

He sandwiched the buckwheat wrapped in dried plum vegetables on top of the rice before he remembered that he didn't ask for garlic in advance, "That... girl, can you give me some raw garlic? I like to eat fatty meat with garlic."

"Immediately!" If Qi Ruizhu asked for money from You Dehua at a different time, today is different, she agreed in a crisp voice, and immediately took a head of raw garlic, broke it up and handed it to You Dehua, "Sir, eat, go on!"

You Dehua: "..."

"Okay! I'll tell you right after I eat it!" After a dry laugh, You Dehua understood what Qi Ruizhu meant, took a bite of the pork belly with vegetables and the rice.

The fried pork with plum and vegetables, one bite, the gravy splattered, and the mouth was full of fat, tender and juicy meat.

The addition of dried prunes and rice can well neutralize the possible greasy and increase the sense of satisfaction.

At this time, You Dehua already wanted to sigh comfortably.

But still not enough!


You Dehua took a bite of raw garlic, and his expression changed again.

As if to say, this is the smell, and I am deeply intoxicated.

The pungent raw garlic tingles to remind the mouth of its addition, and then merges with the gravy for a more palate-stimulating, blissful aroma.

As the old saying goes, eat meat without garlic, half of the flavor.

Raw garlic is especially suitable for pairing with fatty meat with three layers of five flowers. Whoever eats it knows what it tastes like.

Old gluttons like You Dehua are willing to join the "Cooking Association", not for money or other reasons, but to find more and better gourmet restaurants and eat more delicious food.

The bigger gain is the combination of these seemingly inconspicuous ingredients.

"Huh..." After chewing the food in his mouth, You Dehua swallowed it reluctantly, and then he let out a breath, "It's delicious! It's really delicious! Don't make the food with fat meat, it will make me feel fat if it is delicious. It's not greasy. Your buckwheat is described as fat but not greasy. I think this is simply offensive. The gravy is thick, melts in your mouth, and the taste is full of layers. It's simply the best buckwheat I've ever eaten. !"

Well done young man! Diners like you who are willing to tell the truth are the most popular with us!

Hearing such generous praise, Qi Ruizhu almost jumped up with joy.

She looked back at Lin Fang, who laughed and shook his head, feeling a little embarrassed, but thinking that these words were all in praise of Lin Fang, which was the greatest affirmation to him, Qi Ruizhu immediately ignored these little things.

"Sir, try the bean curd again!" Qi Ruizhu continued to persuade the meal attentively, her face full of anticipation, "Our family's bean curd is also delicious!"

"Good! Good! I'll eat it!" You Dehua was a little dumbfounded.

I've seen people who persuade tea, I've seen people who persuade wine, I've learned a lot today, and there are people who persuade food!

Fortunately, in this small gourmet restaurant, every snack was outstanding, and Yu Dehua was willing to be persuaded to cook.

People who work hard, people who work hard, and people who don't work are not people. done!

You Dehua picked up a piece of bean curd, dipped it in the dipping plate, put it on the rice in the bowl, the soft bean curd shook a few times, red oil, and transparent juice slowly flowed down from the bean curd to moisten it. rice.

Compared with the salty and fragrant clear oil dish, he prefers the spicy and delicious red oil dish.

For people who can't eat spicy food, there will always be a lot less fun in the world.

Fortunately, Chinese cuisine is extensive and profound, and will compensate them elsewhere.

You Dehua has no regrets about not being able to eat spicy food. He not only likes spicy food, but also heavy spicy food, so he ordered more chili peppers.

After admiring it for a while, You Dehua picked up the bean curd wrapped with rice and stuffed it into his mouth, savoring it carefully.


Just a little squeeze, the bean curd spreads in the mouth, and the bean fragrance is enhanced by the chili pepper and various seasonings, and the taste is amazing.

Especially when paired with rice, it is salty and spicy, but any excess will be accommodated by the broad-minded rice, and the mouth only needs to enjoy it.

Regardless of gender, age, or age, no matter how picky you are, in front of this delicious food, you can find a choice that suits you.

A small bowl of bean curd rice is simply God-given food!


"Absolutely!" You Dehua couldn't help but knocked on the table lightly, looked back at the blackboard to confirm, "It's incredible! You only sell such delicious food for only 20 copper dollars! You are not opening Canteen, you are opening a shantang!"

"You're so right!" Qi Ruizhu nodded again and again, "I persuaded our boss, I said it wouldn't make money, but he didn't agree and insisted on selling it for such a cheap price. I was afraid that others wouldn't know, so he picked it up himself. What 'promotion' does the pole carry to the wharf to let those poor people know that we have cheap and delicious food for sale here. Hey! Our owner is so kind, we really can't do anything about him!"

She said there was nothing she could do, but her face was full of pride.

Is it not her luck to follow such a good boss who is so good to outsiders?

"Boss Lin, you are this!" You Dehua was in awe, and pointed his thumb at Lin Fang, "I really didn't expect that Boss Lin has such a bodhisattva heart, it's amazing!"

"Oops! Whoever doesn't have eyes, stepped on me!"

"Pain! Pain! Get up, you!!"

Lin Fang: "???"

While You Dehua was speaking, some familiar scolding and screams came from outside the door. Lin Fang was a little distracted, but he couldn't hear what You Dehua said. question mark.

Lin Fang didn't think much about it, nodded at You Dehua with a smile, and walked outside the door.

In the corner by the door, Da Mao and Xiao Hei were huddled in an inconspicuous corner beside the door. I didn't know if they had been lying down for too long, or if they were freezing enough at night, they couldn't get up because of the shivering.

Coincidentally, a vegetable seller passed by the door carrying two baskets of vegetables. Fearing that he would encounter the ugly truck parked in front of the door, he leaned on his side, held the basket, and carefully tried to squeeze through.

This will inevitably lead to poor vision.

He first stepped on the little black foot, then panicked, then his feet were unstable, he stumbled, and then stepped on the big hairy leg, this time was good, and even more panic, he jumped straight forward, and the whole fell to the ground. on the ground.

Not counting the others, the two baskets on their shoulders were also scattered, smashing on the three people, and the vegetables fell to the ground.

Da Mao was about to throw aside the vegetable vendor who had smashed on him, and happened to meet Lin Fang, who was going out to see the situation.

"Then what..." Big Mao helped him up decisively, and patted the dust for him, "You're too careless? We two brothers are lying here, why didn't you look at it? What about?"

"I'm sorry! Two masters, it's because I don't have long eyes..." The vegetable vendor stood up, but his heart was still hanging. "I'm not going to compensate the two masters, I should be damned!"

No wonder the vegetable hawker was trembling.

There are two big hair and small black, one is five big and three thick and full of flesh, and the other is described as a wretched thief.

No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a good person.

Like this, you don't need to write "bad" on your face, you know the guy who is not easy to mess with. Usually it's too late to hide, but now it's better. Not only did it hit him right, but he even stepped on it and smashed it, causing harm to people. Enough.

"Look at what you said!" Da Mao patted the other side, and the other side shrank his shoulders in fright, so he quickly explained, "What are you hiding, I'm not hitting you, I'm just joking with you! It's okay, we The brothers are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, I don't blame you, just go."

Seeing these two brothers, Lin Fang turned around and entered.

"Lin Ye! Lin Ye! Don't go!" Da Mao grabbed Xiao Hei, who was squatting on the ground and hadn't woken up, and quickly chased after him.

"Oops! Oops! My dishes, my dishes!"

Lin Fang looked back and saw that the big hair and the black were running in a hurry, not looking at their feet.

Yo? Interesting hey!

Lin Fang stopped now, turned around, and stared at them with interest, planning to see what they were going to do.

"My brother, let's go..."

"Go... Go!" Da Mao looked at Lin Fang and smiled awkwardly, "Give me your knife."

"Brother Mao, Brother Mao, it's not like that, it's not like that!" Xiao Hei hid the knife behind his back with a look of panic, "We can't kill someone just because he stepped on a few dishes of others, right?"

"Kill your sister!" Big Mao pulled Xiao Hei angrily and snatched the knife from his hand, "I'll take our knife as it, so that people can lose money!"

"Take it as a knife?" Xiao Hei was stunned for a moment before screaming, "Ah! Brother Mao, I can't take it, I can't take it!"

"Then do you have money to pay?"


After a while, Da Mao lost the money with Da Yang, which was exchanged for a knife, and left two baskets of vegetables with uneven quality.

Knowing that the two brothers had nothing to pack, the vegetable vendor kindly gave them the basket.

The two brothers stood in front of Lin Fang holding a large bamboo basket.

"Lin Ye, are you still recruiting people in this store?"

"No way!" Qi Ruizhu jumped out from behind and stared at the brothers, "You don't look like good people, don't scare our guests!"

Big Mao and Xiao Hei couldn't help touching their faces, then looked at Lin Fang again, wanting to cry without tears.

"Look at what you say!" Xiao Hei was angry, "If I was as handsome as Lord Lin, would I still not be able to eat?"

"Although you don't look like a good person, your words are quite pleasant." When Qi Ruizhu heard Xiao Hei compliment Lin Fang, her heart was sweeter than honey, and she helped him to say something, "Master, this person looks okay, Aren't we going to buy a brewery? Or, take him as a brewer?"

"You changed your mind so soon?" Lin Fang felt a little amused, "Didn't you just worry about them scaring the guests?"

"Is he ugly?" Qi Ruizhu was a little embarrassed, but insisted, "But if you are ugly, you have to eat, and he doesn't look like a bad person, otherwise, why don't you leave him alone? ?"

"Okay, then he will stay." Lin Fang nodded in agreement, "I will give you a piece of ocean for a month if you don't cover it. As for the place to live, you can find your own way."

"A piece of ocean, it's a bit small..." Big Mao smacked his lips, "I can't drink a few drinks."

"I'm not keeping you!" Qi Ruizhu rolled her eyes, "If you want to keep us, why don't you, hum!"

"Ah?" Da Mao was dumbfounded, "No... We brothers are together! Xiao Hei, tell the boss quickly and keep me too, a piece of ocean... No! I'll do half of the ocean too! "

"That's okay, you stay too." Lin Fang held back his smile, "If you don't cover food or not, I'll give you half a piece of ocean a month."

"Okay... let's do it." Although Da Mao was able to stay, he couldn't help muttering in a dejected voice, "Half a piece of ocean can only be exchanged for 150 copper dollars, what can I do? It's 30 yuan for a night in the stinky Datongpu. Where's the copper dollar!"

"Brother Mao, you're stupid!" Xiao Hei whispered to Big Mao, "The owner told me that we will open so many for the time being. If we do well, the wages will definitely go up. After passing this village, there will be no such store. This thigh, let's hold it tighter!"

"makes sense……"

"Ruizhu. Get them something to eat."

"Okay, the owner!" Qi Ruizhu agreed crisply, and led Da Mao and Xiao Hei into the store, and one of them gave them a bean curd rice.

Among the brothers, Da Mao has more right to speak, and usually the money is in his hands.

When I came to Shiliyangchang for half a month, I didn't earn a single penny of money, and I usually cleaned up quite cleanly.

The two were squatting and standing outside the store before they lay down before dawn. After tossing around for a night, they were supposed to be quite embarrassed, but they were not very dirty. It was also because Da Mao always loved to lead Xiao Hei to wash in the bathroom~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ It costs 30 copper dollars to stay at the Chase shop for one night, and only 30 copper dollars to go to the bathhouse to take a bath and drink a belly of high food. By the way, it only costs 30 copper dollars to sleep a night. Of course, he is willing to take Xiao Hei to take a bath.

"You eat pads first."

"Thank you ma'am!"

"Who is it called Big Sister?" Qi Ruizhu glared at Da Mao, "You are about to be my father, call me Big Sister, and I will be called old by you! My name is Qi Ruizhu, don't be silly!"

"Sister Ruizhu, I'm not that old. I'm only 23, so I can't be your father!" Da Mao felt aggrieved, can he blame me for looking anxious?

"Have a meal!"



"Eat it now!"

When Qi Ruizhu patted the table, both Da Mao and Xiao Hei were frightened.

"This is for dipping!" Qi Ruizhu was angry and funny, and pointed at them, "Have you seen this dipping plate? Douhua is delicious only after dipping it!"

"It's delicious without dipping!" Da Mao couldn't help but said: "It's sweet and tender, it melts in the mouth, and it's very fragrant, especially delicious!"

"Hmm!" Qi Ruizhu snorted from her nostrils, but her face became much better. "Of course I know it's delicious without dipping, but it's even better with dipping, isn't it? Dipping!"

"Okay!" Da Mao and Xiao Hei shivered for a while, and quickly dipped them into their mouths.


"This is too delicious!"

This time, the two brothers knew why Qi Ruizhu had to dip them into a plate before eating.

The beancurd dipped in the dipping saucer is indeed not the same taste as the original beancurd.

Delicious is not a little bit!

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