I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 486: Splendid Lobster Sashimi

Is a splendid lobster that weighs almost seven pounds worth 50 yuan?

More than worth it! Totally exceeded, more than enough!

The purchasing power of 50 yuan ocean is about less than RMB750 in this era.

In other words, one piece is worth ten copper dollars, which is almost equal to fifty cents, which is slightly lower.

Not to mention 50 yuan in the ocean, even if it was 50 small yellow croakers, Lin Fang was willing to spend money to buy it.

"Okay, I agree." Lin Fang pointed at the shop with a smile, "My shop is right here, why don't you go in with me, sir?"

"I can't afford to be called Mr. or Mister!" The hawker blocked Lin Fang's movement of picking up the pole, "In Xiabaiyutang, just call me Xiaobai. I'll send this **** shrimp in, lest you accidentally throw me This **** shrimp was killed!"

"Alright." Lin Fang was as good as he was, and became the first shop.

"Hey, Xiao Hei, did you hear that? This man is called Xiao Bai! His name is Xiao Bai, and your name is Xiao Hei. Guess, is he your brother?" Da Mao narrowly winked at Xiao Hei.

"I can't..." Xiao Hei looked blank, "I didn't hear my father say that he still looks like a child? It can't be that he is carrying my mother and looking for a life outside, right?"

(╬)! ! !

Bai Yutang turned his head sharply, staring at Da Mao and Xiao Hei fiercely, "If you two keep talking nonsense, I'll cut your tongues off at night!"

"Cut! Who are you scaring?" Da Mao was not at all cowardly.

In the past, he and Xiao Hei were rootless piaoping, wandering in this ten-mile foreign field, bowing their heads when they saw them.

In addition, he is born with a villainous face, and it is impossible to find a serious job.

If it wasn't for the first robbery in their lives, they bumped into Lin Fang's gun, and then gathered up the courage to hug Lin Fang's thigh, maybe they would have lived a life where there is no tomorrow, and they would die on the streets.

Now, the two brothers have even bought a yard with some money in their pockets.

The confidence of speaking is much higher than before.

A hawker in the district wanted to cut his tongue in the middle of the night.

No, he doesn't even want to know where our brothers are staying at night!



Bai Yutang touched a bamboo basket in front of him, and suddenly there was a kitchen knife slightly longer than his palm. wiped his forehead.

The two people's bangs fell off, and Bai Yutang opened a window abruptly.

He casually stuffed the kitchen knife back into the bamboo basket, as if nothing had happened, and followed in Lin Fang's footsteps.

"Hey! What the heck, who are you frightening with a broken knife? Huh... whose hair is this..."

"My hair! Brother Mao, and you!"


Da Mao and Xiao Hei looked at each other, and screamed in surprise, as if they were running out, but they were stopped by Qi Ruizhu who was walking at the end.

"What are you two called!" Qi Ruizhu glared at them angrily, "Who told you not to keep your mouth shut? You deserve to be cleaned up! Hurry in, I have to tell the owner, this person is not an ordinary hawker! "

Bai Yutang's small movements could not be concealed from Lin Fang.

After he entered the store, he smiled and stood in the lobby with his hands behind his back, watching Bai Yutang enter.

After Bai Yutang came in, he glanced at Lin Fang and realized his weakness.

He simply stopped pretending. After putting down the pole, he took off his straw hat and tore off the black cloth on his toe, revealing a head of striking white hair.

"Since I've been discovered by you, I won't pretend!" Bai Yutang said proudly, "Yes, I am the Lin-level chef Bai Yutang known as the 'white-haired magic chef'!"


Neither Lin Fang nor Qi Ruizhu who followed in the door showed any shocked expressions.

Bai Yutang was embarrassed on the spot, a little overwhelmed.

Even a little doubt about life.

Why is it fat?

Is it because my name "white-haired magic chef" is not loud enough? Or is my reputation as a Lin-level chef not good enough?

Oh... By the way, the opposite is also a Lin-level chef, so it's fine!

"Cough!" Bai Yutang pretended that nothing happened, and coughed lightly, "What, Boss Lin, I admit that I made some disguises and deliberately designed a gambling game. Since you have found out, then I will say goodbye!"

What a joke! You're gone, what about my splendid lobster?

"Wait!" Lin Fang decisively stopped and stopped Bai Yutang, "The game counts."

"Ah?" Bai Yutang was greatly surprised, "You don't mind if I deliberately designed to trick you?"

"The design is real." Lin Fang smiled lightly, "It doesn't necessarily mean that it's tricking me!"

If this is all a pit for me, then there will be such "good pits" in the future, please feel free to come to me!

No... I'm already very rich, how can I still have such thoughts?

Shouldn't I be a loser every day?

If I don't work hard and lose my family, when will my 140 million silver dollars be spent?

Lin Fang couldn't help feeling a little melancholy when he thought of the securities stored in the secret room of his wine cellar, as well as those three rare treasures.

Don't talk about it, just the two boxes of big yellow croaker, I don't know when it will be finished.

There are still people who are rushing to send Splendid lobsters to pit themselves.

What is all this called!


"Boss Lin is so arrogant!" Bai Yutang was startled for a moment, then he was in awe, "Bai Mou really admires your heart and stomach! Since that's the case, let's get started!"

Please start my show?

"Da Mao, go to the wine cellar to get me a briquettes." Lin Fang just pondered for a while before deciding what to do with Splendid Lobster.

The splendid lobster, which weighs nearly seven kilograms, is at an exorbitant price level. If you don't make a lobster sashimi, it would be a real waste!

"Ruizhu, go get two wasabi trees and grind them for me."

"Xiao Hei, go and prepare the ingredients for me, chili, Chinese prickly ash, soaked sea pepper... Forget it, you go to my room, there is a cloth bag hanging there, you bring the cloth bag, and I will pick up the soaked sea pepper!"

Lin Fang decided to make a lobster sashimi, and then serve an authentic Sichuan-style pickled lobster.

It shouldn't be a waste... right?

This thought only appeared in Lin Fang's mind for a moment, and it was fleeting.

Having enjoyed the lobster feast, Lin Fang is no longer interested in the traditional methods of steaming, baking with salt, and mashing garlic.

No matter how you eat it, it's just the true taste of lobster.

Splendid lobster is the only type of lobster that can be used for sashimi. If you don't make sashimi, it would be a waste!

One of the sashimi has already been made, and the other one is a Sichuan-style pickled pepper flavor. Is it wrong?


Lin Fang's plan was decided, and he immediately started preparations.

Bai Yutang stood by the side in a daze.

Said about steaming, salt baking, garlic paste, etc. What do you prepare these materials for? Do you think I'm not a cook or something?

Although Bai Yutang had doubts in his heart, he refrained from making a sound.

The gambling game has been set up and the materials have been placed on the table. It would be inappropriate for him to stop him at this time.

Besides, if Lin Fang didn't do well, it was exactly what he wanted, and he had no reason to stop it.

Soon, when Lin Fang took out enough pickled peppers for use, the three people who were in charge of the attack also took their own materials and returned to Lin Fang.

Lin Fang quickly carved an ice knife and put it aside, then slaughtered the Splendid Lobster with a kitchen knife, and removed the shells.

After finishing this step, Lin Fang cleaned his hands again, and then took out the lobster meat and started to cook it with ice skates.

The lobster meat is quickly cut into slices as thin as cicada wings under the fast cutting of the ice knife.

And because of the low-temperature freezing effect of the ice blade, the slices of lobster slices also maintain the most delicious state.

The rest of the ice cubes will not be wasted. Lin Fang quickly waved his knife, cut the ice cubes into ice cubes the size of fingernails and placed them on a plate. With a wave of his hand, the lobster flakes in his hand fell on the plate piece by piece. On top of ice cubes, the delicious state has been maintained.

Put some cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, and basil leaves next to it as a side dish to reconcile the tastes of different people.

"Lobster sashimi, freshly prepared is the freshest." Lin Fang smiled and said to the people who were still stunned: "Everyone, come and try it. This is a splendid lobster weighing seven pounds, which is rare!"

"It's all said to be a lobster!" Bai Yutang muttered, but he still picked up his chopsticks and stuffed a piece of lobster into his mouth.

Served with freshly ground wasabi and a little soy sauce.

Putting this piece of lobster meat wrapped in dipping sauce into his mouth, Bai Yutang couldn't help covering his mouth, his eyes were shining, the delicious taste burst in his mouth, and his whole body fell into a state of ecstasy.

"God shrimp can actually be made into soup?" Bai Yutang sighed while chewing, "The divine shrimp I used to eat was such a waste! If I knew lobster dumplings were so delicious, I should have done the same!"

Naturally, eating one slice is not enough, you have to eat another slice.

"Huh?" Bai Yutang was taken aback by the entrance of the second slice, adding a little side dish, "Boss Lin, how do I feel that this second slice is better than the first slice? What's the point?"

"Sort." Lin Fang smiled slightly, "I put the lobster meat with the heaviest cold at the end, and the lobster with the mildest cold at the top. In addition, the ratio of wasabi and soy sauce is also very high. It's important. At first, the wasabi has a milder flavor, and then the flavor of the wasabi gradually increases. You can try another slice and it will feel different."

"Okay!" Bai Yutang followed his kindness and ate the third slice, "Hey... Boss Lin, what you said is actually true! This technique, this ingenuity, is indeed worthy of the Lin level, I admire it!"

"Master! Can we try it?" Da Mao kept swallowing his saliva from behind, and the saliva was almost dripping out.

It was just that Bai Yutang's deterrent power was still there. He didn't dare to push Bai Yutang aside, so he could only look at Lin Fang with helpless eyes.

"Of course!" Lin Fang couldn't help but smile, "Ruizhu, Xiao Hei, you guys come and try it too. This lobster sashimi is the best thing to eat right now. Eat this one first, let's make another one!"

After eating three slices of lobster sashimi, Bai Yutang already had a basic understanding of Lin Fang's cooking skills, but it was not comprehensive enough.

It's just knife skills and seasoning, but only a mere part of the five treasures of cooking.

He would like to see how Lin Fang controls the heat and cooks the lobster.

No matter how delicious the lobster sashimi is, it can't resist Bai Yutang's pursuit of culinary skills.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fang blocked his attempt with a single sentence.

"..." Bai Yutang was helpless, so he could only hold back his temper, continue eating lobster sashimi, and wait a little longer.

"I have to try it. How delicious is this 50-dollar Splendid Lobster!" Da Mao finally seized the opportunity and stretched out his chopsticks impatiently to learn how to eat Bai Yutang. The first slice was only dipped in seasoning. Just put it in your mouth.

"Wuuu... Good time..." Da Mao's eyes widened, "I'm here, this lobster is really delicious!"

Maybe it's because the lobster is really delicious. Da Mao can't speak Mandarin well, so he has a dialect.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the second slice, followed the example of Bai Yutang, put the lobster meat dipped in the sauce into the basil leaves, and then put some shredded cucumber and carrot, wrapped it up and stuffed it into his mouth.

I don't know if it's too delicious, or if I put a little more wasabi.

Da Mao shed tears.

After a long time, he let out a long breath, "My God, this Splendid Lobster is so delicious!"

"It's the divine shrimp!" Bai Yutang was also eating happily beside him, but when he heard what Da Mao said, he couldn't help but correct, "There is no such thing as a splendid lobster, this kind of shrimp is called the divine shrimp!"

Xiao Hei wanted a little benzene, but he didn't observe Da Mao carefully. When he stretched out his chopsticks, he just wanted to eat a little more. The first chopsticks caught several pieces of lobster meat. .

A full mouthful of lobster meat was stuffed into his mouth, Xiao Hei chewed it nonchalantly, and couldn't help covering his mouth.

"My mother!" Xiao Hei faltered, covered his mouth, and refused desperately.

It wasn't until he swallowed all the lobster meat in his stomach that he said a word, "Fresh! It's so fresh! I think my tongue was swallowed by me!"

Throwing out such a sentence, Xiao Hei didn't care to sigh, and hurriedly made persistent efforts, then picked up a large chopstick and stuffed it in his mouth.

Da Mao looked unhappy on the side and couldn't help correcting Xiao Hei, "Xiao Hei, that's not what you eat! You have to learn from Xiao Bai, look at me, hey, right! After dipping this lobster meat, put it in this In the vegetable leaves, hey, put some shredded cucumbers and carrots~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and stuff it into your mouth, hey! It’s so delicious!”

Bai Yutang: "..."

Why do I think, why are you targeting me?

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are so angry!

"Mmmm!" Xiao Hei kept nodding, then continued to go his own way, picked up a large chopstick, dipped some dipping sauce and stuffed it into his mouth.

You are right, but I don't listen!

What kind of vegetable leaves do ghosts want to eat? Just eat meat, isn't it delicious?

Da Mao: "..."

Chicken and duck talk, one sand sculpture!

Qi Ruizhu is a girl, and her movements are slower than those of Da Mao and Xiao Hei.

She didn't rush to eat, and her attitude was more restrained.

Even if I picked up a piece of lobster meat, I just dipped it in a little bit of the dipping sauce, stuffed it into my mouth, and then chewed it gently.

The temperature of the lobster meat processed by the ice knife is very low, and the entrance is cold.

But soon, under the effect of oral temperature, it returned to normal temperature.

The deliciousness of lobster sashimi is also perfectly released at this moment.

The collision of freshly ground wasabi and soy sauce has further enhanced the deliciousness of lobster sashimi.


After eating so delicious, Qi Ruizhu's happy eyes narrowed into crescents.

(The last chapter was a bit of a bug about lobster, which has been fixed.)

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