I’m Not a Scumbag

: Back to Earth (The Finale)

Lin Fang flipped through the jade box and took out the smart core.


He pondered, he still had to find a suitable jade box, neither too big nor too small, preferably just enough to fit.


While playing with the box, Lin Fang touched a somewhat familiar box.


The box is made of wood, and I don't know when it was mixed with the jade box.


Lin Fang looked at it for a while and remembered that this box contained a piece of jade, a piece of colorful jade.


There are dragons coiled around the jade stone, each of which has a different shape.


Thinking of this, for some reason, the images of the dragons became more and more clear in Lin Fang's mind, and they came alive, as if they were about to burst out of his mind in the next second.


Lin Fang unconsciously clenched the intelligent core of his right hand.




I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lin Fang vaguely heard a small vibration.


The vibration was just enough for him to hear, but it didn't spread too far.


Lin put his head down and looked around, but found nothing unusual.


It wasn't until he clenched his palms and planned to continue looking for a suitable box that he realized something was wrong.


His palms are empty, his intelligence core is gone!


what's the situation?


Lin Fang was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly searched.


The smart core cannot be lost.


Although Lin Fang didn't like seeing that thing very much, it was still very important.


Not to mention that it contains the spiritual backup of the entire Spirit Race, it can open the passage of time and space with its energy, so that Lin Fang has the opportunity to go to a new world, he can't give up easily.


Buried and buried, after all, is also a backhand.


After all, the security and development of the Republic of China only lasted for decades.


When the war is over, human life is not as good as a dog, maybe the core of intelligence is a way out.


But now, the smart core is gone!


The bedroom is only so big.


The intelligent core is the size of a fist. How can such a big thing disappear?


If it wasn't for Chen Qingyuan's [Free Heart Cloak] still sitting here in Lin Fang, he would have wondered if this guy had moved his hands or feet.


After searching for a long time, he couldn't find it, so Lin Fang didn't bother to look anymore.


He folded his clothes and lay on the bed, thinking about all kinds of possibilities.


Thinking about it, I don't know what's going on, I felt a drowsiness in the haze, and Lin Fang fell asleep immediately.


Lin Fang was in a trance for a while, and when he regained consciousness, he suddenly realized that he was actually in a colorful space.


In the center of the space is a colorful meat ball.


Lin Fang glanced at the meat ball, but instead of walking over, he tried to leave the space.


Soon, a sense of detachment struck, and Lin Fang felt that as long as he concentrated, he would be able to leave this place very soon.


After a while, Lin Fang left in no hurry.


He walked around the space and found that the space was not big, and he reached the edge in a dozen steps.


The only thing worth noting is the ball of meat in the middle.


Lin Fang walked towards the meat ball, and before he could do anything, the meat ball suddenly opened, revealing images of dragons with different shapes.


These dragons kept swaying, like living creatures.


It was only when Lin Fang took a closer look that he realized that the position of the eyes of these dragons, each eyeball was pale in color, without the agility of living things, after all, they were just dead things.


The core of intelligence is wrapped around the center by some dragons.


Lin Fang also found that no matter which angle he looked at, the mouths of these dragons were always facing the core of intelligence.


In a trance, Lin Fang remembered the Nine Dragons Playing Pearl Shadow Wall in the Forbidden City.


The scene in front of me is very similar to that shadow wall.


If there is any difference, that is, the screen wall is flat, but the scene in front of you is three-dimensional.


What surprised Lin Fang even more was that the intelligent core, which he had held in his hand without movement, had undergone a wonderful change under the circumstances of Nine Dragons Playing Pearls.


The layers of lines on the outside of the intelligent core kept flashing light, as if the circuit was connected, and slowly became transparent, revealing the internal scene.


Inside the intelligence core, it was clearly divided into two pieces. One was three beast-shaped creatures entangled with each other. It looked like the Star Dragon Emperor and the Zerg Demon God were still fighting.


Outside the body of these three beast-shaped creatures, there are golden chains wrapped around them, and an electric light flashes from time to time on the chains. When the electric light flashes, the three-headed beast-shaped creatures will shake up unconsciously.


On the other hand, it was a golden cloud, with light spots flashing from time to time on the cloud, and every time it flashed, a seemingly real and illusory villain flashed above the cloud and then disappeared.


As he disappeared, three golden chains would penetrate the void and appear out of thin air around the three beast-shaped creatures, entangle them, and release an electric light, and the three-headed beast-shaped creatures would shake again.


Whenever the beast-shaped creatures stopped fighting, or the clouds stopped flickering and the dots of light popped out of the villains, the nine dragons wrapped around the intelligent core would roar.


Their eyeballs turned, their pale eyeballs turned pitch black, and eighteen pure black dim lights shot into the intelligence core, split into two sides, and blasted towards the three-headed beast-shaped creature and the cloud.


hold head high! ?3.


what! ?n.


Even though he couldn't hear any sound, Lin Fang could imagine how much pain the beast-shaped creature and cloud group suffered under the bombardment of these eighteen black dim lights.


At this moment, he still doesn't understand, what is the current situation.


Clearly, the Star Dragon Emperor and the Zerg Demon God fought to the death, but they were sucked into the interior by the intelligent core of the Spirit Race people.


Lin Fang wasn't sure whether it was the Star Dragon Emperor and the Zerg Demon God who took the initiative to enter, or whether they were sucked in by the intelligent core of the Spirit Race people, seeing that it was cheap.


He only needs to know that no matter who is designing, the person (beast) who designed it is self-defeating, but was restrained by the dragon and jade, and arranged a clear plan.


Just looking at the actions of the nine-headed dragon of the dragon and jade, it is clear that the Star Dragon Emperor will fight against the Zerg demon god, and let the cloud bombard these three giant beasts at the same time.


Whoever dares to be lazy, let's bang together!


Nine-headed Shenlong doesn't care who is lazy, just beat him together and it's over.


Lin Fang can be sure that now, this intelligent core is really safe.


He held it in his hand, and there was no hidden danger.


The question is... Is this considered to be in your hand?


When Lin Fang thought about this question, he suddenly realized that his spirit was connected to something.


After a little hesitation, Lin Fang connected.


Immediately, he discovered that what he was connecting to was a little imprint at the core of Shenlong Jade, and that imprint was exactly his image.


As soon as the two sides touched, Lin Fang understood.


This brand was left on the Divine Dragon Jade when the Divine Dragon Jade disappeared that day.


It was the day he dreamed of the real earth and the day he went home.


Because of this brand, Lin Fang can completely control the Dragon Jade Stone, and he can control the Intelligence Core again through the Dragon Jade Stone.


In other words, if he wanted to, he could easily traverse the new world without worrying about any trouble.


What are you doing through the new world? It's so tiring, it's better to stay in this Republic of China world comfortably.


Just when Lin Fang shook his head secretly and was about to launch the Divine Dragon Jade Space, a thought suddenly came to his mind.




Lin Fang suddenly remembered that the dragon and jade itself can connect people's inner desires and make people's dreams come true.


If the dream is to return to the real earth, with the blessing of the intelligent core, does that mean...


When Lin Fang thought of this, he was immediately excited, and he couldn't help himself.


Because he was too excited, Lin Fang withdrew from the Dragon Jade Space.


On the one hand, he needs to calm down a bit.


On the other hand, he needs to arrange a little.


In case he does return to the real earth and cannot return, everything here must be properly resolved.


If you can come back, let's talk about it.


One more thing, in case it's not the real earth, but another new world, bringing some gold and silver antiques and the like will always make the start a little better.


With such thoughts in mind, Lin Fang did not rush to cross.


He first went to the cellar of the winery compound, opened the secret room, and tried to see if he could bring the things back.


After a try, it actually works.


Although Lin Fang was pleasantly surprised, he was not surprised.


Since the intelligent core can be put in, it is not surprising that we can take in something else.


The only regret is that there is a weight limit, only five kilograms can be loaded.


Although it is possible to install more, Lin Fang has a vague feeling that if he installs more, he may lose some of it when he travels through time and space.


Lin Fang sorted it out, went to the outer packaging, and only took the rough diamond and the exquisite white jade thirteen-story pagoda, and the rest was used for the large yellow croaker.


Bearer bonds and emerald cabbage were left behind.


The emerald cabbage is too heavy. As soon as I put it in Lin Fang, I feel overweight, so I can't bring it.


Lin Fang didn't bring bearer bonds, in case he couldn't come back, and it was cheaper for those foreign banks.


Lin Fang intends to hand over these bonds to Sister Hua for her to handle.


The other thing is to give Qi Ruizhu a few yards, along with the deed of the shop and Xiaoyang Building. If he can't come back, I will leave these things to her.


In a short time, Lin Fang took care of these chores.


Sister Hua's side was okay. Lin Fang only said that he was going to go to a distant place to deal with something, and it was not safe to carry bearer bonds with him, so he persuaded Sister Hua.


On the contrary, Qi Ruizhu is more difficult to deal with.


I don't know if it's a woman's unique intuition. The moment Lin Fang pushed the contract in front of her, the girl looked at Lin Fang with an uneasy expression, and asked him with a weeping voice if he wanted to abandon her.


Lin Fang said it anyway, it took a full day to get Qi Ruizhu done.


As a result, the scheduled travel time had to be postponed again.


After solving the ending problem, Lin Fangxuan quietly left the Douhua Store one morning.


He found a hotel in a secluded place, opened a room, lay down on the bed, communicated with the dragon and jade, and triggered the intelligent core's traversal function.




Trance, trance, trance.


Confused, Lin Fang felt that he had passed through a bizarre tunnel.


There were various pictures flickering all around, and these pictures were particularly fragmented. Lin Fang was a little dazed after only watching it for a while. He simply closed his eyes and waited for everything to end.




"Old man, take a rest, you have a bite to eat, and I'll watch it."


"It's okay, I'm not hungry, I'll wipe the child's body again."


The voice was so familiar that even if he hadn't heard it for a long time, Lin Fang would not forget it.


"Dad? Mom?" Lin Fang jolted up and sat up, glanced around, and was a little surprised, "Why am I in the hospital?"


"You...you...you..." Dad Lin pressed his chest with one hand and pointed at Lin Fang with the other, unable to speak for a long time with excitement.


"Oh, you **** child, you scared your dad!" Lin Ma rushed up and gave Lin a few fists, and after the fight, she quickly hugged Dad Lin, "Don't be afraid, old man! Don't be afraid, old man! It's alright. ,It's fine!"


Lin Fang: "..."


Mom's punches were strong, and she didn't have any strength to take it away.


All right, this is really returning to the real earth!


Lin Fang took advantage of the interval between his mother comforting his father, closed his eyes and sensed it, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The connection with Shenlong Jade is still there!


What surprised him even more was that he could return to the Republic of China world.


However, this time travel exhausted the energy of the "intelligent core". If Lin Fang wanted to go back again, he had to wait for half a year.


Before finding another way to charge the "smart core", Lin Fang could only wait for it to recover naturally.


While Lin Fang was a little relieved, his thoughts moved slightly, and he tried to take a large yellow croaker into his hand.


He felt the palm of his hand sink. Lin Fang opened his palm and saw that there was a large yellow croaker in his hand.


"Fang Wen, you... are you awake?"


Hearing his father's question, Lin Fang quickly stuffed the big yellow croaker into the trouser pocket of his hospital uniform.


"Dad, how long have I slept? Why am I in the hospital?"


"You bastard!" Lin Ma glared at Lin Fang and scolded: "Why do you think you are in the hospital? You will die playing games! If it wasn't for your dad and I called 119, I would have smashed you open. The door of your house, no one knows you died in the house! The doctor said that you became a vegetable, you have been sleeping for fifteen days, and we all thought you would never wake up again!"




Lin Fang was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.


The world he first traveled through was pierced by the soul.


Come to think of it, that Earth Era World was originally a spiritual farm, a spiritual shelter for the spiritual race.


Lin Fang can only enter that world through the way of Soul Piercing.


Now that Lin Fang came back, he naturally returned to his own body in a vegetative state.


Lin Fang couldn't help but feel fortunate. Fortunately, he got the "intelligent core" and traveled back.


Otherwise, after a few years, even if he thinks of using the "intelligent core" to travel through, he may not be able to return to his body.


"Dad, Mom, I'm fine, let's get out of the hospital." Lin Fang didn't want to take it with him in the hospital for a moment, so he hurriedly said, "By the way, where are my clothes? I'll change and we'll be discharged from the hospital."


"This child, I don't know who to go with this impatient person!" Lin Ma babbled: "Wait, why are you panicking? Things haven't been cleaned up yet!"


Father Lin looked at Mother Lin, smiled and said nothing.


Lin Fang changed his clothes, remembering the scene he had foreseen in the Earth Era, and quickly stopped Ma Lin, "Mom, wait! We're already in the hospital anyway, you and Dad can just go and check your body."


"What are you checking, I'm fine!"


"That is, we two are so old, what is there to check? Our bodies, we know!"


Lin Fang just started talking, and the old couple began to take turns lecturing.


If it were left in the past, Lin Fang would definitely not persuade him because of his annoyance.


But now, no matter how the old couple disagreed, Lin Fang still wanted to persuade Dad Lin and Mom Lin to check.


In the end, the old couple couldn't resist Lin Fang, so they could only go to check.


After checking for a long time, Lin Fang was both sad and happy when he got the result.


Both the old couple have some problems with their bodies.


Ma Lin is better, but has a little stomach ulcer.


Dad Lin's problem is more serious. His gallbladder really has a problem.


No matter how far it goes, and if it drags on for a few months, surgery may not be able to solve the problem.


Fortunately, it was discovered early, as long as a minimally invasive surgery was performed, it could be solved without removing the gallbladder.


If it is a few months later, even if the gallbladder is removed, the problem will still spread to the bile duct.


But when something went wrong, Dad Lin was reluctant to perform surgery.


Lin Fang's persuasion was useless. He had no choice but to say, "Dad, if you agree to have surgery, I'll go on a blind date when you leave the hospital!"


"Really?" As soon as Dad Lin heard this, he was instantly refreshed.


"Of course it's true." Lin Fang vowed, "If Dad, you leave the hospital and I don't go on a blind date, then I'll be..."




Dad Lin slapped Lin Fang on the head, "You **** child, who made you swear? Okay, I'll do the surgery!"




Half a month later, Dad Lin was discharged from recovery.


Lin Fang was serious about his words. The day after Dad Lin was discharged from the hospital, he went to the gold shop to sell some large yellow croakers.


The price of gold that day was 376 gram, and a large yellow croaker could be sold for 11,750 RMB. Lin Fang sold some of it, and then used the money to become a member in a high-end blind date club.


Today, according to the news sent by the club, Lin Fang packed himself up and came to the designated blind date in advance.


This address was chosen by the woman.


Said to be an ordinary place to drink tea and chat, but it turned out to be a membership-only club.


Lin Fang reported the woman's phone number from the news push, and no one blocked the door.


There is no need to mention the splendor at the entrance, Lin Fang has seen the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and is not afraid.


It's that the body of this 30-year-old otaku can't compare to before, so Lin Fang is somewhat uncomfortable.


Even if he practiced Baji Xiaojia every day for more than half a month, he still couldn't compare to Lin Fu's body in other worlds.


Fortunately, the small belly has gone down a lot, and the body is only slightly fat, and the clothes are looser, but it is not obvious, and the person is still quite energetic.


"Sir, this way, please! This is the private room!"


"Thank you, sorry for the trouble."


Lin Fang thanked him and walked into the private room.


"Here? Let me introduce myself. My surname is Hu, Hu Qingchan. I'm 25 years old this year..."


"Hu Qingchan?"


Lin was relieved and jumped his head, looking up at the other side abruptly.


With an oval face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and a tall single ponytail, Lin Fang couldn't forget anything about this face.


Apart from Lin Fang's memory, the only difference between seeing this girl for the first time in the Earth Era was that she was as cold as ice, without the sunshine and youthful breath all over her body, she was exactly the same.


"Little Chan, it's good to see you again!"


"Sir, did you admit the wrong person?"


"Okay, let's get to know each other again, my name is Lin Fang, it's the first time we meet, please give me more advice!"

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