I'm not a theatre god

Chapter 679 Why must it be me?

"This...this is..." Li Qingshan stood there like a sculpture.

He knows why this flag is so big... because only such a big flag can sign these hundreds of names, so that each of them can clearly leave traces on the oath, so that everyone in future generations can All clearly seen.

These words seemed to contain some kind of power, impacting Li Qingshan's soul. He didn't know who wrote this or what it meant,

But at this moment, Li Qingshan was shocked.

Grandma moved out of the house little by little with a cane. She stood next to the flag, pointed with the tip of the cane to the wildest dark signature in the center of the "Pioneer Declaration", and said tremblingly:

"My dear grandson...this is your ancestor."

Li Qingshan's eyes followed his grandma's guidance, and a name jumped into his eyes:

——Li Chengwei.

An extremely ordinary name seemed to have some kind of magic power at the moment, grabbing Li Qingshan's attention.

"Our ancestor... was a hero! A long time ago... he took a large number of people to build the railway and never came back. These words were all written by him..."

While talking, grandma took out another extremely old diary from the bottom of the box and handed it to Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan opened it subconsciously.

Judging from the previous pages, the timeline of this diary is after the catastrophe. The owner of the diary, Li Chengwei, took his family into the Hongchen Base to take refuge. Most of them were about the environment of the base, how to settle down, and how he Trivial matters of psychological counseling for wives and children...

But when Li Qingshan rolled to the middle, the situation began to take a turn for the worse.

【……June 23】

【I saw flaming meteors falling from the sky;】

[Everything happened so suddenly... When I came to my senses, all of us were transferred to a strange place. They said this was a small world created by Lord Hongchen. They said that the base was undergoing a nuclear attack and the situation was very unpleasant. wonderful. 】

[I'm a little confused. Didn't it mean that the human civil war has ended long ago? How can anyone still launch a nuclear bomb? Moreover, isn’t Lord Hongchen already asleep? 】

[I asked a few friends around me, but they didn’t know what was going on. The staff at the base were also busy and had no time to answer my confusion... I was very uneasy. 】


【June 24】

[Overnight, everyone seemed to have changed... Some of them said that there was a nuclear attack outside, and food and water were running out. Many people were going crazy to grab supplies, and it was useless for the staff to maintain order. Everywhere It was all in a mess, and two lunatics even wanted to search our belongings, which frightened A-Zhen and A-Yi and made them cry all night. 】

[But I don’t understand. If the supplies run out, everyone will starve to death here sooner or later. What’s the point of grabbing a little food now? In the face of disaster, have their sanity been eaten by dogs? 】

[It wasn’t until the young man named Yao Qing took action that the chaotic situation settled down. 】

[This Yao Qing is very powerful. He has means, strength, and can appease people's hearts. I heard that he is also Hongchenjun's younger brother? But it doesn’t seem to be a kiss... Well, I feel like the look in his eyes when he mentioned Mr. Hongchen is not right. I smell the smell of gossip... I’ll ask about it when I have time. 】


【June 25】

[One piece of good news and one piece of bad news. 】

[The good news is that the supplies have not been completely destroyed, and there is still enough for us people to use for a while; the bad news is that the originally laid boundary train tracks were blown up, and supplies from other realms cannot come in, and the communication tower seems Something went wrong... If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before we starve to death. 】

[Hongchen Base seems to be looking for volunteers to repair the railway tracks, but there is nuclear radiation everywhere, and they say it is almost impossible to come back...]

[So, are they looking for people to voluntarily die? 】


【June 26】

【I have insomnia. 】

[It’s not cold in the small world, and no one is making any noise tonight. Even the fourth child next door, who always snores all the time, is rarely quiet... Are they thinking about what they said during the day like me? 】

[I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid of pain, and I'm totally unwilling to risk radiation to build railway tracks... But my son and daughter, they are really cute. 】

[If no one builds the road, then everyone can only wait here to die together. In the worst case scenario, I even suspect that they will eat each other in the end. Isn’t that how human nature is? 】

[I don’t want my son and daughter to become other people’s food, or to eat other people… In this case, someone has to stand up, right? 】


【June 27】

[I talked with the young man named Yao Qing, and he promised me that he would do his best for my children to live a happy life. 】

[I thought about it last night. If our sacrifice can bring peace and happiness to future generations and give them a home they can rely on, then my life will actually be worth it? 】

[Okay, I admit that I am still scared, and my legs are still shaking... But we seem to have no way out. At least in front of our children, we have to be tough guys, right? ! They must know that their father is a hero and a pioneer in saving the world of mortals! 】

[Yes, I’ve thought about it! 】

[We all have parents, lovers, and children; our blood and will are continued by others, and we can protect the people we care about. If that's the case...]

[Why should I be the one who survives? ]

The diary stops abruptly.

Li Qingshan looked at the last sentence and couldn't calm down for a long time.

He grew up in Liuzhen since he was a child, and he didn't know the history of the Red Dust Realm or even the Red Dust Base... It was not until this moment that he realized that everything they enjoy now was exchanged for the blood and lives of their ancestors.

He is the descendant of the pioneers.

"My dear grandson, you are so proud!" Grandma grinned, "You should know in the future... Our ancestors are heroes who defended the country! Just like the Yang family generals in the libretto! Very majestic!"

Li Qingshan was silent.

The withered leaves swirled in the breeze, and the blood-stained green clothes quietly looked at the flag on the ground that had been through the years, motionless like a sculpture.

He looked at the three wild and determined words "Li Chengwei", and the hundreds of signatures densely packed around and extending outward. In a trance, figures holding high flags and walking towards the nuclear ruins without hesitation appeared in front of Li Qingshan...

Because of their sacrifice, the Red Dust Realm can exist.

Li Qingshan actually doesn't like the Red Dust that much. In the past few years of performing in Liuzhen, he has seen too much darkness and unspoken rules. He has seen endless desires in this city, but this is his home... It is the shelter that their ancestors gave them with their lives!

Whether it is a nuclear ruin or a fake Red Dust, where can those who live here go if they leave here?

The Wuji Realm is very strong, and the Red Dust Realm has little chance of winning. Most people can only hide to save their lives... But,

Someone has to stand up, right?


Under the distant sky, a raging flame suddenly ignited, like a sea of ​​red dragons, the scorching heat and bright red dyed the distant clouds red.

Thick smoke was rising, and countless creatures were wailing.

That was the direction of the Red Dust Main City.

"Old gentlemen..."

Li Qingshan clenched his fists unconsciously, and he muttered to himself,

"Their war is coming again."


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