I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 1060: Yaowu Yangwei

I stepped on someone's desk and stared at the main entrance of the classroom with the hooligans. After a while, someone finally came in.

The first one came in. He looked like a very weak and thin boy. After he entered the door, he suddenly found out that I was standing in the underside of the podium, and immediately turned his head and sweated.

I didn't dare ask who I am, with today's expression of the end of the world, I went down to my seat and looked down at the book.

Oh, it seems that the effect is better than I expected. My rogue mode brings the boy’s fear as if it was pointed at the black hole by the assault gun. I didn’t necessarily have this skill two years ago, and sure enough. Is it the addition of bald head?

I didn’t see all the students in the high school (3) class being indifferent to me like Xue Bajun. I found my confidence and waited for the target to appear.

Next, I entered the classroom with two girls who were together. They had talked and laughed about what they were talking about, but when I saw that I stood there, I immediately closed my mouth. They felt that I was not afraid to describe it. It is like a shudder from the depths of the soul, as a humble human sees the horrible evil **** Cthulhu.

Of course, they sneaked away from me, circled a big circle, and sat in their seats to whisper.

It’s really lucky. The students who came here are not my acquaintances. If they come, they must ask me why I have to stand here. I will explain them to them.

The students who come here are a man and a woman. They seem to have a good relationship alongside each other, but when they see me, the faces of the two people are red and white, and even the classrooms dare not enter, directly to the corridor. Where to go to shelter from the wind.

Deserve it, whoever makes you fall in love at a young age, I decided not to develop a romantic relationship with anyone before I graduated from high school, but to study hard for the rise of China. You are not taking me as a model. China It is all that you have not achieved communism until now.

After five people (except for the school), after accustomed to come back to the classroom every morning to speak English, Jiang Qian, who showed his superiority, finally led his three pursuers and stepped into the classroom door.

It’s just right, let’s show you the mysterious king’s tyranny. I am the iron-blooded wolf, and I have the same bald head as Ji Chunhua’s teacher. The threat is not to climb the Everest. .

Because President He Qimei asked to wear school uniforms on campus whether it was a semester holiday, except for those who dared to take the world, all the other students wore school uniforms. Jiang Qian and her four people were no exception.

Jiang Qian has a face of a melon, a shawl, and her eyes are always with the spirit of the prom princess. It seems that if someone invites to dance at the ball, it is the most heinous crime under the sun, but if you To invite her to dance, she will be very proud to reject you, as if not to show her noble origin and natural beauty.

In all fairness, Jiang Qian can be regarded as a tall black long straight beauty, but from the point of view of anime works, her character setting and squad leader Shusha repeated, and all aspects are inferior to Shusha, no wonder she 嫉妒Shusha is dying.

For example, the three boys who gave Jiang Qian the follow-up of the stars, the long-term looks and the decent, the average and Sun Yu are flat. If the appearance is too ugly, Jiang Qian will not allow them to keep their prices. Only three people exude a self-made, slick, slick, and everyone thinks they can become Jiang Qian’s one-third of her boyfriend, and she is not ashamed to be proud.

I think they have the potential of traitors. If the Japanese devils call again, they may be able to fly at least, and at least they can mix a good citizen card.

The four men of the three men, the gang, used to walk in the classroom. However, when they saw the desk, I was all stunned.

Jiang Qian took a breath, which seemed to be a very insulting expression.

His boyfriend No. 1, boyfriend No. 2, and boyfriend No. 3 were also shocked. They were at a loss and forgot how to deal with it.

In the end, it was a boyfriend who had more responsibility (because he spoke first, so I called him the number one). He reached out and pointed at me and yelled with the greatest courage:

"You...who are you, how dare you do in the classroom of our class... do this kind of thing."

I am in the same position, sneer:

"This is your classroom and my classroom. I am the Ye Lin adults who officially transferred to China today. I am doing this..." I glanced at the shoes that I stepped on my desk. "I want to be good at you." The prestige of the people, let you dare to confront the squad leader of our original 28th."

"Just... even if it is a demonstration, there is no need to expose that thing."

On the 1st, my boyfriend squinted and removed his gaze from me, as if I would look at me more and his optic nerve would rot.

I smiled and said: "Why, I haven't even seen this muscle. You weak chickens, this time I know that I have strong self-powered hands."

My boyfriend didn't know where to come from, but he almost shouted out to me: "Muscles can also be exposed and can not be exposed. Even if you are a 'strong chicken', you should not be in a public place in the classroom... ..."

"Yeah, yeah." Boyfriend looked at me on the 2nd, and said, "It has been rumored that the bald head Ye Lin is the brother of Amy’s half-brother, who became a vegetative person two years ago because of some kind of accident. I just woke up recently. Some girls think that Amy is so beautiful. His brother is not much better. He still has a small expectation. I didn’t expect Ye Lin to have such a good metamorphosis."

"Hey, your mouth is clean, who is abnormal." I raised the fists of the war.

Boyfriend screamed on the 2nd: "You are not exposed as a metamorphosis." But he is obviously afraid of swearing, hiding behind other people.

After the four people helped me to quarrel with me, several students who had just entered the classroom, especially the two female students who came in, whispered louder. It seemed to be pointing at me, and I could hear it by chance. Words, which seem to have the word "exposed devil".

What are you bullshit, my eyes swept them so that they were scared to kneel on their desks, don’t be because the legendary demon person is very similar to my body, so I am a dew person, I want to I was stunned by the underwear thief.

At this time, my boyfriend took out his mobile phone and used the camera to face me.

"Even if you are Amy and her brother, Qingzi High School has received many donations from your mothers, but if you are photographed by me, you can't explain it to the school. I advise you to pay attention to your image..."

"Jokes." I sneered at my eyebrows. "I started this image from junior high school. What happened to me? You dare to say that I am like a monk. You dare to look down on religious people."

Boyfriend No. 1 was heartbroken and said: "Which is this religious person, if you know your head is naked, don't show it, use the monk to describe it, you are the Buddhist."

"Hey, what do you mean by this kid?" I patted my knees impatiently. "In short, what I want to tell you today is, from now on, I am not allowed to work with the squad leader, or I Isn't it a good man and a woman, seeing my muscles, and when you have it."

Boyfriend No. 1, boyfriend No. 2 and boyfriend No. 3 were all silently stunned by me. The expression was unwilling and embarrassing. It was probably shocked by my stunned anger. I am really amazing.

Jiang Qian didn't talk to me from beginning to end. Until her three prospective boyfriends failed to negotiate with me, she barely calmed her emotions and said to me with a gloomy face:

"Is Shusha letting you show it here, not just to me, but to other classmates in the class."

"It's not Shusha, it's my own idea." I denied. "But there is no difference. My strength is here. Besides what you see, other people see what it has to do."

Jiang Qian extended his hands and pressed the button on his temple, which made it difficult to set the channel:

"I thought that I allowed three boys to pursue me at the same time. The idea was already pioneering. I didn't expect to encounter such a pioneer to the level of shamelessness. Zhuang Ni is also, Cao Gonggong is also... You are quite a metamorphosis in your 28th. ”

"Thanks for the prize." I sneered ironically. "Zhuang Ni doesn't comment for a while, Cao Gonggong's guy... He is my apprentice. In addition, the five tigers of the criminal department respect me as the boss. Now you know that you are actually isolated in the second year of the second year. No help."

At this time, Gong Caicai, Xiong Yaoyue and Xiaoqin walked outside the classroom at the same time. Xiong Yaoyue walked in front. Her son was the highest among the three, so I saw me on the desk at first sight.

"I rely on, Ye Lin, what are you doing?" Qiong Yao was awkward, and hurriedly ordered Xiaoqin: "Let the eyes of the color be covered."

However, Xiao Qin did not listen to the command of Xiong Yaoyue. Instead, her hands blinded her face, and the low voice came from the middle of her finger:

"How is Ye Lin's classmates, obviously promised to show me only one person..."

At the same time, Gong Caicai inadvertently sneaked in my direction, immediately fell into a petrochemical state, and there was no time to make any screams in the throat. The whole person dumped to the side. Fortunately, Xiong Yao’s hand quickly lifted her.

Hey, this situation seems to have met before, it is a bit like the scene when Gong Caicai accidentally saw the A film in the VIP building for the first time. But what can be similar to the A film on the spot, why the palace color will faint, small Why do you want to lick your face?

Finally, Xiong Yaoyue’s screaming cracked my confusion:

"Ye Lin, you can't wear your underwear, small jj... No, big jj is exposed, you can see it clearly from your shorts."

I was shocked when I heard this. I looked down, and I took it. It was really soft and not hanging. I wondered that I suddenly felt that Shuzhe’s underwear was not so good. It turned out to be simple. Is it exposed?

It’s a shame, not only in front of Jiang Qian, but also in front of other new students for a long time. The first impression I gave to my new classmates is not only a big bad guy, but also a madness.

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Special note: The story of this chapter was adapted from the real thing of the scrap iron when I was a child, and the big sister who was filthy eyes of me was sorry...

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