I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 1087: Stepping on Shaolin, punching Wudang

Dr. Yu talked about bwk hypnotic sprays that would not cause people to become addicted to drugs, and there is still a huge flaw in its production.

"Because bwk affects the chemical changes in the human brain, and the environment inside each person is different, this determines the great uncertainty of the effect of bwk."

"The most obvious problem is that bwk is not effective for everyone. When I left the research team, the productivity of the bw series was only 25%. Even if it evolved to the bwk model, the productivity seems to be only about 60%."

“The long-term data from the past shows that the effects of the bw series of drugs are very different for black, white and yellow people. For long-term smokers and drug addicts, the doses and formulas required to achieve hypnosis are quite different.”

"So I think, Ai Shuqiao let bwk flow into the hands of the fanatics of the animal rescue society, do you want to use their hands to help them experiment, and observe what kind of wind lang bwk can make in society?"

"Well... although it makes sense, isn't it too risky?" I said to Dr. Yu on the other side of the phone. "The United States has 004 and 005 such as f to stare at her. The National Security Bureau is not vegetarian. Let your hypnotic potions try to flow into the society, and of course you can get experimental data, but you will also receive unnecessary attention!"

Dr. Yu snorted. "I have the same doubts, but who knows what Ai Shuqiao thinks?"

I am pushing a shopping cart in the supermarket. I am using a Bluetooth headset to talk to Dr. Yu. It is convenient to liberate my hands. However, my long-standing habits still make me feel that I don’t feel comfortable when I call.

So I stopped the shopping cart and casually picked up a piece of merchandise in the promotional counter next to me, and while I was talking to Dr. Yu, I squeezed it.

"Hah, maybe Ai Shuqiao is not as smart as everyone thinks. She is so dead. It will take a long time for the Chinese government and the US government to jointly catch it..."

Eh? What is the product that I pinch with my hand? Feel super good! Because attention is not placed on it, so I just saw it with a corner of the corner of my eye...

When I saw what the things in my hand were, the smile on my lips solidified.

The dozens of female consumers who are picking underwear around the promotion counter are staring at me with a special contempt, and the smile of my mouth is obviously interpreted by them as smirking.

Nima! My arm flicked from the underwear shelf like a bite by a poisonous snake. At the same time, I was surprised to find that two of the female consumers who picked the underwear were my acquaintances, and they turned out to be the squad leader and the palace color!

The squad leader was especially disdainful about the behavior of "smileing the female bra" with a smile. She said with sarcasm:

"Because this supermarket is holding a underwear sale, I will come over with the color... It’s close to you and Xiaoqin, so I don’t think it’s strange to meet you, but I didn’t expect you to come. Picking underwear with us..."

“No!” I hurriedly hanged Dr. Yu’s phone and explained to the squad leader, “I’m not picking underwear! I just like to grab something when I’m on the phone! Let’s buy underwear. Also useless..."

"How is it useless?" The squad leader looked up. "You can buy Xiaoqin."

I suddenly laughed and pointed to the large bra that I had just scratched. "How big is the size of Xiaoqin? According to my visual inspection and hand test..."

Halfway through the words, I don’t say it down, because the squad leader’s anger is rising behind him, and the white justice devil is squirting out. It can be turned into a corrugated substitute in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Laola Euler gave me a punishment for the slashing fist and sent me a life.

That, visual and hand testing means that I just flipped through the underwear drawer of Xiaoqin this morning! But even if I say this fact, it will not improve the misunderstanding! And two years ago, I and Xiao Qin almost stole the forbidden fruit. I did touch the chest of Xiaoqin across the bra and tested it on her hand!

When I talked to the squad leader, Gong Caicai kept bowing her head and said that she was embarrassed to let go of a d-cup bra she had in her hand.

I think the underwear special counter is really not a good place for me to explain the misunderstanding. Under the hostile eyes of the female students, the aunts and the aunts around me, I pushed the shopping cart far and wide, and before the walk, I smiled at the squad leader and the palace. A bit.

Probably still angry at me "visually and hand-tested the chest of Xiaoqin", the squad leader snorted and did not politely bow down to me like Gong Caicai.

I just turned my head, and the smart contact lens on the left eye showed a line of chat with me:

"In the case that you didn't pay attention, I scanned a few bra models selected by Shusha. It can be inferred that Shusha's bust size should be a c cup..."

"Don't do that kind of boring scan!" I said, "I will have this situation next time, remind me quickly, let me not fall into awkward situation!"

Xiao Yin used her q version of the cartoon image to spit out the tongue in the lower right corner of the smart glasses and sold it, then jumped into the bottom of the screen and disappeared.

Now I have to wear smart contact lenses every time I go out, for good reason.

Since I spoke to the news reporters, I said that Yin and Yang Sanshou is the first fighting skill in the universe, and after I practiced to the fifth floor like me, I can have the special function of the unknown prophet. There are countless netizens on the Internet who express me. Hu blows the atmosphere, if you see me in person, you must dismantle my scam.

It’s hard to cover the water. Since the performance of “seeing the face and reading the name” is performed in the presence of so many people, it may be necessary to perform the performance in the future. Without smart contact lenses and the search engine for the small human flesh, I will reveal the stuff in minutes.

In fact, Xiao Yin search engine is not omnipotent. Generally speaking, only those "celebrities" who have data on the network can be found by Xiao Yin and feedback to me. Just come to the second grandfather of Dongcun, I am in any case. Can't guess the other's name.

Fortunately, Xiao Yin gave me a smart watch that has no solar energy function, but can charge itself by swinging the arm and absorbing the vibration of the sound. This means that as long as I move, there will be no shortage of electricity, even if I Too lazy to move, as long as you go to the aunts dancing square dance, relying on the volume of the music in the tweeter, you can also ensure that the smart watch is powerless.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, a little boy with a model of the airplane jumped up to me, looked up and saw my face and then stunned, then said cheerfully:

"Big brother, you are the martial arts master who knocked down the lion in the zoo! Is your kung fu learning at Shaolin Temple? Can you teach me?"

Although the other party is just a child, you can't take it easy. I know that I don't just represent myself, but represent the entire yin and yang sect.

So I used the blink of an eye to let Xiao Yin quickly search the online information about this little boy, while delaying the time with him:

"Wrong, the big brother's martial arts is not learned in Shaolin Temple. Since the grouping and commercialization of Shaolin Temple, there is not much fighting power left! The big brother's martial arts is the first yin and yang in the universe! Wait until you grow again. Bigger, just go to the martial arts museum opened by my older brother!"

Although I have not been very impressed with the Shaolin Temple in recent years, it is not specifically intended to be Black Shaolin Temple. It is only Shaolin and Wudang that have always been called the Taishan Beidou in the Wulin community. Since I have been the master of my master, I must take Wudang. Tai Chi Chuan all the way to the end, then the Shaolin Temple along with the Wudang faction I have to be black.

The boy is young and does not understand what is called group commercialization. He just asks the eye of doubt and plays with the airplane model and asks:

"Big brother, is the yin and yang distracted? Is this martial arts necessary to use the ipad as an attack weapon? Last night I learned the big brother's appearance and took my dad's ipad back and forth, and I was spanked by my father..."

I can't help but smash the waterfalls in the mountains. The children are really kind of learning, which shows how important the value-oriented role of the media is.

Just at this time, Xiao Yin returned me the search results.

I thought that there was no such thing as a boy on the Internet. The accident was that he was abducted by a trafficker at the train station last year. Fortunately, the train station staff intercepted him and successfully saved him. Let him three. After the day, I reunited with my parents.

However, thanks to this accident, his photos were searched for people's notices and local news, so Xiao Yin immediately searched his data using human flesh search.

I smiled and said with confidence:

"Zhang Xiaofeng's children, learning yin and yang, don't need to ruin the ipad, wait for you to grow up again, and learn to yin and yang in my martial arts hall, you don't have to worry about the traffickers at the train station. You can 狠狠揍they!"

The little boy was shocked on the spot, and even the airplane model in his hand forgot to play. He rounded his eyes and asked: "How do big brothers know my name? How do you know that I was abducted at the train station? ”

The index finger and the **** of my right hand are close together, so I pointed to my forehead in a deeper way.

"Because my big brother, I have practiced the yin and yang to the fifth floor! Once I enter this realm, I can perceive the changes in the aura of the heavens and the earth, and trace the source to see the past future of a person... this kind of monk in Shaolin Temple And the Wudang faction has no bulls and old roads! After you go back, you have to promote it for me. Our yin and yang are the first martial arts in the universe!"

At this time, the little boy’s mother rushed over from the cosmetics counter and saw that her son was talking to a stranger. The reaction was very fierce and the son was taken away, and the lesson was:

"How many times have you told me, don't leave your mother! Have you not remembered for a long time? What if you encounter a trafficker?"

Zhang Xiaofeng’s child replied with a smile: “Mom, I am not afraid! The big brother who knocked down the lion will teach me to smash the yin and yang! In the future, I will use the yin and yang to use the yin and yang to sell the traffickers, the Wudang’s oxen, and the Shaolin Temple’s vultures. Down!"

Hey! Juvenile, your integration ability is slightly stronger! Although I am quite vocal about Shaolin Temple, they are not juxtaposed with the traffickers! And I didn't know that the Shaolin Temple monk was a vulture (I personally banned this slogan, why I asked Xiaoqin), where did you learn the word "vulture"!

It didn't take long for Weibo to spread the news that "Yin and Yang Sanshou ** 骂 Shaolin Temple vulture trafficking population", I am not convinced that it is vengeful with Shaolin Temple...

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