I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 1092: Lifeguards are under great pressure

"Ha ha ha, admire, the swimming skills of the nobility are not right for the people. The dead man and the maid have nothing to say."

After Amy got into the water, she fluttered in a position similar to the freestyle. The water splashed high, but she was basically not moving.

I am going to go, Amy's swimming posture is super ugly, this is not a dog planer, Amy's swimming technique is taught by Obama.

Awkwardly waving his hands and feet back and forth, although there is a cute force in the eyes of Lolita, but it does not reflect the swimming skills "aristocrat" where, according to the classical Chinese textbook, it is "stop adding laughter."

Standing on the shore, Pentaxus covered his half face with his hand. "It’s because Miss Amy’s swimming posture is too ugly. There have been several advertising contracts that have been blown up, but Miss Amy still has no self-knowledge. ”

Dr. Yu habitually put a filter cigarette in his mouth, but did not ignite. At this time, he said: "If I didn't know it beforehand, I would definitely think that this little girl was drowning..."

I watched Amy Sa, like a joy in the water, at least not sinking, my heart was dumbfounding.

Amy, you want to compare Xiaoqin to this level. I think you should worship Xiaoqin as a teacher to learn to swim again. Your amazing swimming technique will not only make advertisers stunned, but even go to the public swimming pool. Swimming will not work, because when you first arrive in the deep water area, you will be mistaken by the lifeguards to think that you are drowning, and even bring you to rescue you.

"Amy is not afraid, I will save you."

I just thought about it in my heart. Xiaoqin swam in the direction of Amy like a swordfish and shouted: "Show your head out of the water and take a deep breath."

Well, Xiaoqin didn't know that Amy's swimming posture was like this, and she thought that the other party was drowning.

Amy was very dissatisfied with nature, and when she slammed the water harder, she yelled at Xiaoqin: "The maid is hiding from you, my swimming technique is good, and who is drowning."

"Of course, you are drowning." Xiaoqin took a breath and reached out and grabbed Amy's arm. "Amy, you can't swim and learn slowly. Why can't you think about it?"

"Shut up, who can't think of it, I will swim, I will swim."

I’m worried that Amy’s dangerous Xiaoqin is really anxious. “You’re swimming, have you seen swimming like drowning?”

Then I couldn't help but say that holding Amy's wrist and dragging her to the shore, the strength of Xiaoqin is much larger than Amy (the specific ratio is [7 Palace color] than [0.5 Palace color]), swimming technology is also better than Amy. A few high-order, so Amy, although struggling, still can not escape the fate of Xiaoqin dragged ashore.

Although this is a misunderstanding, I don’t think I can blame Xiao Qin, because if I want to give Amy a unique name for swimming, I tend to name it “Help”, because I don’t know it. From afar, 100% would think that Amy is drowning.

"The maid sings you to stop, I am happy to swim, hehe..."

In the process of being rescued ashore, Amy instead sipped a few mouthfuls of water because she struggled and spoke loudly. This is more in line with the characteristics of the drowning person.

Amy Ping, who was exhausted and filled with water, placed it on the edge of the pool. Xiao Can was next to him, eagerly leaning over to check Amy’s condition, and Amy’s eyes were ignorant, and a pair of tired I don’t like the expression.

"Amy, Amy, you don't care, if you are not feeling well, don't drink some water."

Amyton was so angry that she sprayed a small fountain from her mouth and shot Xiaoqin.

"I have been drunk by you so much water, you still let me drink water, cough... You must be my beauty, and I am afraid that I am my brother's sister, so I want to kill me, Pentax, where is Pentis, throwing the maid to the basement to feed the crocodile."

Pentax will certainly not execute Amy’s order. He shrugged and smiled: “Xiao Qin is also kind, Miss Amy, as I have reminded before, your swimming posture is really strange. Although it can indeed float on the water..."

"Well, Phines, you also said bad things about me, see if I don't..."

Amy jumped up from the ground, but her feet were all water stains. When she stood unsteadily, she fell into the pool.

In fact, with Amy's "life-saving flow" swimming skills, she did not have much problem when she fell into the swimming pool, but Xiao Qin next to her worried that she would drown again, her eyes clasped her waist with her hands.

"Let me go, who will allow you to touch me." Amy was very unfriendly and gave Xiaoqin a punch. Although Xiaoqin had a strong anti-strike ability, but this time it was slightly frowning, maybe Sensitive parts were attacked.

I saw Amy struggle in Xiaoqin's arms and went over to help Xiaoqin to appease Amy. When I thought of it, Amy miraculously broke away from the arms of Xiaoqin, if I was not mistaken, Amy seems to have screwed it toward the chest of Xiaoqin, which makes Xiaoqin take a step back.

After pushing Xiaoqin away, I don’t know what Amy thought. Maybe it’s just for the sake of Qi Xiaoqin. She directly plunged into my arms and used her golden wet hair to lick at my chest. go with.

"Oh." I smiled and stroked her head, not careing that my shirt was getting wet.

Suddenly I found an apricot fabric at the feet of our brothers and sisters.

Hey, what is this, how it looks good.

I was shocked to see it again.

I am going to go, this is not Amy's bikini bra, why is it falling on the ground, is it just because Amy is struggling too hard, so that Amy in my arms is not completely vacuumed in the upper body.

Nima, now I feel that Amy is not only using my head on my chest, it seems that there is something slippery and soft in contact with my six pack abs.

Amy, are you still a little fucking, you will not know if your bikini bikini has fallen, even if you are confused, we are brothers and sisters, there are three people around.

I immediately blushed, and subconsciously pushed Amy away, but after thinking about it, if I pushed Amy away, her upper body would be seen by Dr. Yu. (Peng Ruos does not matter, I bet Patricks Now my eyes are staring at my ass).

"Is the touch very good." Amy, who knew I found this, looked up and looked up, with a kind of charm that didn't match her age, and asked at the corner of her mouth.

I haven't figured out how to answer, and Amy used her slender fingers to draw circles around my chest.

"Brother, it's better not to go back to the boys' bedroom this evening. Let's do something happy together."

Enough, when you look at your brother, Amy, you must have been brainwashed by the evil American imperialism education.

Despite being a successor to the proletarian revolution, I must despise American imperialism, but at the same time I have to admit that Amy’s face is so beautifully and delicately red, and because it’s tightly attached to me, it’s hard to squeeze out. The pink chest that came to me made my heart beat faster, and there was a feeling that I was about to pull off.

"Hey, my brother, why don't you talk, are you hesitating? What can hesitate? Isn't that the most beautiful girl you have ever seen?"

Yes, I should not hesitate. How can I hesitate to face the temptation of my sister? I should immediately refuse it.

In order to show my determination to refuse, and to prevent my sister from restricting me to this level, I gnawed my teeth and pushed Amy into the swimming pool.

"Oh." Amy couldn't help it. The splash of water might make her drink a few more mouthfuls of water, but her swimming posture was ugly, but it didn't really drown, and it quickly floated up.

I saw Amy's bare upper body obscured by the sterilized blue pool water. I took a sigh of relief and told Xiaoqin to go down and help Amy wear the bikini bra.

Xiaoqin observed in the vicinity, and finally found that Amy actually swims, but her swimming posture is too drowning, so she is not too anxious, step by step from the ground to pick up a bikini corset, jump into the water to help Ai The rice was put on.

Although I can't say that Amy is a naked body, but let Xiaoqin come to wear her bra, she is still reluctant, very uncooperative, but no matter whether it is on land or in the water, Xiaoqin is more than Ai. A few times the strength of the meter, Amy's chest armor finally returned to the original place.

"Well, my brother, you dare to push me into the water." Amy shouted as she splashed the water. "I will not forget, I will not forgive you. You must lick my feet to show his guilt."


At this time, the electronic door of the indoor swimming pool suddenly opened, and I took a 12-point defense to look around. If I came in with a loli control stalker who wanted to see Amy's three-point swimsuit, then I would not say anything. Pulling his feet up drown him in the pool.

However, it is not a person but a dog that is close to the electronic door.

To be precise, it is Obama.

And Obama is not coming in from the outside, but is going out from there.

Nima, Obama has a pair of underwear in his mouth. It is stolen from the locker room when everyone is not paying attention. It’s Xiao Qin’s or Amy’s. In the end, it’s absolutely not allowed to take it out and go with some followers. Exchange food.

I rushed over and grabbed Obama's tail. Obama was shocked and his underwear fell to the ground.

"How can you change this dog?" Peng Peisi came over and picked up the underwear from the ground. His eyes were clear and he had a judgment. "Miss Amy likes this dress very much, and you use the dog." After the mouth was smashed, I had to put it in the pulverizer."

Seeing Obama appear, Amy said excitedly in the water: "Fast, throw Obama in, I want to play with it in the water."

Obama seems to understand the words of the little master. I heard that Amy is going to torture himself in the swimming pool. It scares his neck and immediately runs outside the door.

"Catch it," Amy shouted. "It's so disobedient. It will not only punish it for swimming, but also punish it for the US President Barack Obama to accept the ice bucket challenge. Who will let Obama be named?" Now, I want to prove to everyone that my dog ​​is braver than the US president."

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