I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 1266: Dignity is concerned

"Hey, the human body is really too weak, and it has to be transformed into a machine prosthesis."

Dr. Yu took the medicine box and checked the squad leader's injury in the coffee shop. After drawing the conclusion of the minor fracture, he immediately began selling his own human transformation plan to the squad leader.

The squad leader who was laid flat on the long sofa made a very helpless expression.

"Dr. Yu, can you not make a joke? I want to be a criminal police officer in the future. How can a machine prosthesis be qualified for work?"

"What, you can't look down on my biochemical prosthesis, my research direction is to create a semi-human and semi-mechanical superman, how can you make you unable to do the simple work of the criminal police."

Dr. Yu said that he was dissatisfied and fixed the squad leader's right arm. He was a daring artist, but in Lin Yumeng, this doctor seems to be quite unreliable.

"Half-man and half-machine." Xiong Yaoyue was immersed in contemplation. "Is it like the mechanical shackles in the "Fullmetal Alchemist"? It seems to be quite powerful. If there is such a powerful thing, I also want to install one..."

"The squad leader, is it still hurting?" Gong Caicai worriedly put it in front of the sofa and looked at the squad leader who was receiving medical treatment in tears. "I blame me for shouting, or the squad leader will not be injured..."

The squad leader’s right arm was fixed by a special plastic splint and then hung around the neck with a bandage. It was full of casualties seen in TV dramas, but the squad leader was able to withstand the pain and squeezed a glimpse of the palace color. Smile.

"It feels much better than just now. You don't have to be too self-blaming. It has nothing to do with you. It is an accident."

"It's not an accident. I was drunk and drunk." Xiaoqin went down with her head and smashed the rubber band of her little scorpion, so her short hair restored her appearance.

Confused with his eyebrows, he admitted the mistake to the squad leader very seriously.

"The squad leader is all my fault. If I didn't fly the table, there would be no chain reaction behind me. You can swear me a few words."

While talking about Lin Yumeng, who was closest to the squad leader, he seemed to wait for the squad leader’s mother to scold himself.

Lin Yumeng had to speak, and the squad leader blocked his mother’s words.

"Mom, don't blame my classmates, Xiaoqin is not like this. It's all because of drunkenness. Just now Dr. Yu said, my fracture is not serious. I can recover after a period of rest."

Lin Yumeng looked at her daughter and forced her anger. She turned to Xiaoqin and asked: "I will not pursue you for the fracture, but you have to tell me if you like my daughter, are you? I also want to trick my daughter into the lily road."

"No, no." Xiaoqin was asked to panic, stuttering and saying, "I don't like the squad leader at all, but I hate it... No, I can't say that I always hate it. The squad leader also has some advantages. In short, maybe I am a little I like it a bit... but it’s by no means like that, that, Aunt Lin, do you understand?"

"I understand what it is." Lin Yumeng's facial features are all wrinkled together. "I only know that these students around my daughter are all abnormal. I definitely want to bring Salsa to Shanghai."

Dr. Yu stopped the medical kit at this time and took a picture of his white coat.

"Although Shusha's fracture is not serious, I advise you to let her stay for a while, it is best not to run around, even if you want to take her to Shanghai, I have to wait until the fracture has recovered."

"Yes." The squad leader didn't want to go to Shanghai. He took the opportunity to say to his mother, "The so-called 'a hundred days of hurting bones'. I am not going to leave Dongshan City within three months. I am going to become a criminal police in the future. People, if they leave behind the sequelae, they regret it."

Xiaoqin suggested next: "Squad leader, it is better for me to find Zhao Dafu of Zhao's Orthodox Hospital and help you to see it. Zhao Dafu's ancestors are all experts in the bones. From my grandfather, I have a good relationship with them. Anyone with broken bones is looking for them."

"That is." I added, "When my arm was broken by someone in junior high school, it was Zhao Dafu who showed it for me. It has recovered quite well so far, and it has not been hurt."

I said that I swayed my right arm and said that everything was not affected.

"Zhao's Orthodox Hospital." Dr. Yu also nodded. "They are still quite famous in Dongshan City. The profession has specialization. I am not a specialized orthopaedic doctor. Shusha, you let them look at it more securely."

"Give it to me." Xiaoqin vowed to promise, "I will invite Dr. Zhao to come over to the squad leader for medical treatment. With the friendship between the two of us, even if he is busy, he will be asked to come out."

"Thank you in advance, then." The squad leader lay on the sofa and gave Xiao Qin a relieved smile. "The right arm is very important to me. I will rely on this hand to take a gun later."

Xiaoqin, who was thanked by the squad leader, was particularly embarrassed. She blushes and tweaks her fingers.

"It's all... my fault. The squad leader thank you for what I did. In short, I will definitely let the squad leader's arm return to its original position. If it doesn't work, I will cut my arm down to you."

"You don't need your arm." Zhuang Nii said with a big sigh. "Your height is so much different from the class leader, the arm is naturally short, and the squad leader has obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is impossible to allow his arm to be long and short, if necessary. If I do, I will give my arm to the squad leader. After all, is this a more profound physical combination?"

Lin Yumeng had a lot of grievances against Xiao Qin and Zhuang Ni, but at this time they heard that they did not hesitate to cut their arms to give to their daughter, and the mood was slightly relieved.

"You two have to learn Yang to break the arm." Dr. Yu was overjoyed and turned to ask Xiao Qin and Zhuang Ni. "Is there any interest in installing the mechanical prosthesis I made? The precision and output horsepower are guaranteed, whether it is a bomb. The piano is still using the mysterious iron sword method."

Xiaoqin pouted. "Since Zhuangni said that my arm is short, then only she needs to break her arm. Dr. Yu, you can install it for her alone."

Zhuangni snorted. "If the mechanical prosthesis can launch anti-tank missiles that track male testicles, I might consider installing one."

Hey, if you want to destroy the testicles, you can't use anti-tank missiles at all. Not to mention the testicles. Even the testicles will not stay.

"The bark is bark."

A series of American accent dogs screamed. If I didn't get it wrong, the dog should be Obama.

"I heard that Katyusha was broken. Ha, the model lady who was crying so much can't miss it."

After Xiaoqin, Amy also came in from the back door of the coffee shop. She led the increasingly fat Obama. The double pony tail was slightly scattered by the wind outside, but it showed a slightly wild beauty.

Amy, who was gloating in the disaster, immediately stunned her disappointment as she saw the calm squad leader on the sofa.

"What? Fracture is still this serious face. It’s really awkward. I think Katyusha is mostly cold and cold..."

The word "sexually cold" has not yet been fully exported, so I quickly slammed Amy's side and grabbed her mouth, so as not to make Lin Yu dream better.

"Waffles, waffles,."

To my surprise, the people behind Amy not only had Pentax, but also French chefs with aprons and white hats. He also learned a few Chinese after spending a few years in China. Just the accent is not very authentic.

The oily French chef was a very amiable uncle on weekdays, but his expression was terrible at this moment, and the unsewed Japanese knife he took was quite awkward.

I remember that this knife was a gift given by a French chef to a Japanese master after learning puffer fish dishes. Unfortunately, when the French chef used it last time, he was suspicious that others said that the dishes he cooked were not good. Japanese knife cuts the abdomen.

"Ms. Lin doesn't eat the hearty breakfast I made, but come here... here is a microwave-heated waffle."

Lin Yumeng had a lot of waffles on the table. For Lin Yumeng, it was just a necessary calorie to fill the stomach. For the French chef, it was a matter of dignity and death.

"My cooking has been insulted, I am not alive, long live the Emperor."

The French chef is not a Japanese militarist, but he is so shouting when he sees the Japanese cutting abdomen in a lot of film and television works. It is like learning how to sit on the floor and open the clothes to reveal the belly. Prepare the Japanese knife for self-disruption.

Lin Yumeng has never seen this kind of battle, and can't understand why he doesn't eat the breakfast made by the French chef. The French chef is not dead.

"It's a shame." Amy commented. "The long Japanese knife can't cut the belly. When the Japanese cut their abdomen, there is a special short knife. As a chef, even the cut belly is so unprofessional. I know that I won't let my mother know. Hire you."

"Ah, ah, I want to let my blood splash on the waffles, I want to curse all the waffles in the world."

The French chef was very emotional. He held up his Japanese knife and pointed his belly at tears. Lin Yumeng was so scared that he quickly reached out and blocked:

"Slow, really just because I didn't eat the breakfast you made, I don't want to die, I really just have other urgent things..."

"The Emperor Waffle."

The French chef couldn't hear what Lin Yumeng was saying. He shouted the slogan and decided to slap himself. Fortunately, Pentaxus grabbed his wrist from behind and took the knife cleanly.

"Pierre, calm down, you have tried to commit suicide 12 times this year, on average once a month, and the 13th time is still until next year."

“Hey.” In order to be safe, Pentos inserted the Japanese knife into the floor three inches, and the knife reflected the French chef’s no-business silhouette, and it took a long time to stop.

"Oh, it’s awkward."

Japan’s knife is three inches into the ground, I don’t know why it scared Obama (maybe related to Amy’s saying that he wants to kill Obama and eat meat), it suddenly broke away from Amy’s **** and rushed toward his front. past.

Lin Yumeng was undecided. She had just witnessed the French chef almost committing suicide. Now she saw a frightened huskies rushing towards herself. I couldn’t do it in a panic, and I stepped on Obama’s tail.


Obama was so painful that he opened his mouth reflexively and revealed a fangs.

"Hey," someone was bitten.

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