I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 1282: It is better to give birth to a baby.

"The wise man is working hard, the fool's labor, I will not be as stupid as the scorpion in the style competition." Zhuangni replied, "There will be no need for me to use physical strength, even if I am ruled by the rules, I will use Tian Ji’s way of horse racing guarantees the final victory.”

Although Zhuang Ni also wants to win the victory in the style competition, but certainly I do not want to win, she has no children missing.

"So, Ye Lin, you finally didn't ask if there would be any projects in the match." Xiong Yaoyue said, "I don't know the game of a specific project. I don't know what it is. If there are more sports, then it would be fine."

“There may not be a lot of formal sports.” I analyzed, “The 24th floor of the Imperial Building does have a gym and gymnasium, but the volleyball and basketball games are too time-consuming. Ai Shuqiao does not have this patience. I think at most. There will be some small projects like shooting..."

"I can also give me the shots." Xiong Yaoyue gave me an "OK" gesture. "I shot very well in street basketball, but I have to ask you for a game like riddles and idioms." ”

"The head is a little dizzy." Xiaoqin stood up from the front of the fireplace with her forehead. She patted the shoulder of Xiong Yaoyue. "Help me look at the squad leader, I am going to the bathroom."

Is the dizziness caused by the alcohol in the French dessert, or is too close to the fire to be stunned? In any case, after the small celery washed the face back, the expression became normal (comfort).

"Ah o (≧v≦) o~~ It turned out that the body was a little uncomfortable. It is much better now, but Alin just said that you have a child."

"Just talk about it." I was thinking about it. I was going to try to find out how everyone would react if I knew that I really had children. So I cautiously said: "Recently, there are no film critic who criticize China’s youth movies. If you don’t fall asleep, you should give birth to your child. If... just if you are, if my age is really a father, what do you think?”

The girls’ eyes were all attracted at once, and even Obama turned his head to say “you say shrimp”, which made people extremely suspicious that it is a soul traverser. Only the mic is not a calm cat. reaction.

"Is the other party pregnant because he shakes hands with you?" Zhuang Ni was so disgusted that she was trying to pull back in the chair. "You are just a humanoid sperm group that will walk..."

You are the egg group, don't describe me as disgusting, and even if the woman shakes hands with the sperm group, as long as she doesn't use the hand DIY, there is no danger of pregnancy.

"You are 16 years old now, and the other party is only 16 years old." asked Xiong Yaoyue.

I have a serious face: "It’s a social psychology test, and the age of the other person is 16 years old."

"Then you can be too much." Xiong Yaoyue snorted. "The 16-year-old girl is going to be a mother. How much psychological pressure is it? It is better to have abortion in my opinion..."

The squad leader has been condensing his eyebrows and did not express his views. At this time, Obama sat cross-legged, three flowers gathered in the top, five hearts in the sky, a pair of Yuan Ying period masters, the bones of the fairy wind, it grinned to my mouth and spoke:

"The fetus is too hurt to be angry, or it is more reasonable to put it back. You can't get it, I can do it for you..."

"Wang Youmei, Xiao Qin, don't play with it behind Obama. It's not good for you to play with this double spring."

When I was poked into the trick, Xiao Qin not only refused to admit it, but also quickly jumped away from behind Obama, pointing to Obama and criticizing him: "You bad guy, why are you not keeping the animal track, it is impossible to meditate like a person, Don't tell strange words to Ye Lin."

"The gun is better..."

After thinking about the half-day squad leader suddenly came up with such a sentence, scared the cold hair on my back was erected.

"I am irresponsibly letting a teenage girl get pregnant and let her give birth to a child. It is an unforgivable crime to think. If I find someone around me doing this kind of thing, I can’t help but use the shotgun. Give him a lesson."

Hey, the youth film becomes a murderous piece. The squad leader is hurting his arm or still hate it.

"That... don't say so absolutely, in case the hero is accidentally let the heroine get pregnant." I started to defend myself. "He may not know anything, but also a victim..."

Five sword-like eyes instantly shot at me, including Obama (it is estimated that Obama was hurt by Xiao Qin), it seems that my "victim" is probably touching the public.

"I really didn't misread you." Zhuang Ni sneered. "You are the scum, the 10,000-year cow dung in the Arctic permafrost is more valuable than you."

What is a metaphor, and no matter what, 10,000 years of history will become more valuable. If you freeze it in the Arctic ice, it will become a primitive research specimen after 10,000 years.

Xiong Yaoyue made a nap. "I don't want to have a buddy who will 'carelessly' let me get pregnant. Ye Lin, don't make a joke, don't think that you are a victim. It's really disgusting. If you don't want the other person to be pregnant, Don't be out at the time."

Before the words were finished, Xiong Yaoyue’s ear was stunned by the squad leader. She was so painful that she had shouted for her life. There was such a talent in Cao Gonggong’s class. Even if the squad leader did not specifically understand it, he also knew the meaning of many inferior vocabulary.

"In this hypothesis, is the woman voluntary?" The squad leader licked the ears of Xiong Yaoyue and turned his face to ask me.

"Probably voluntary." Ai Shuqiao should be the money to buy the other party to be my mother's mother. It is estimated that no means of coercion is used. Otherwise, it is difficult to guarantee that the mother is willing to give birth to the child.

"If the wood has already become a boat, then you assume that the male lead should be the protagonist's wife." The squad leader said his opinion slightly. "Do yourself responsible for your own affairs. Don't have so many excuses, give your child's mother a complete Family to redeem."

I hurriedly said: "Although the woman is willing to do so, the man is not willing to do so. Is the man responsible for this situation?"

Xiong Yaoyue was shocked: "Hey, is the man being raped by the woman, and deceiving people, they are all 16 years old, and the woman should have no physical strength."

She said that she was still comparing the muscles of herself and me, as if she was estimating the possibility of being raped, and quickly reached a negative conclusion.

"That... also the woman is not 16 years old, 20 years old is also possible..."

When you think about it, Ai Shuqiao is not likely to choose a woman who is as old as me to be a mother. In her 20s, she should be more suitable for pregnancy.

"The boring assumption." Zhuang Ni can't listen. "Slag, are you being yy yourself being invaded by older women? I have heard that there are many royal sisters in your collection of H comics. It seems that Sure enough, it’s better to look at what it is, know its character, and it’s more insecure than a woman who is older than you.”

The girls in the room only had the squad leader’s birthday bigger than me. She listened to Zhuang’s saying that she subconsciously tightened her collar.

"Hey, who told you that I have collected H comics." I glared at Zhuang Ni. "That is my home sale, not my personal collection."

"I'm sorry, I accidentally said that I missed my mouth..." Xiong Yaoyue apologized for the hair in the back of his head. "When you moved, I used to help Xiaoqin, and then found a dozen copies under the bed in your room. Comic book, Yu Jie has more works..."

The squad leader clenched his lips, and the eyes cast on me contained the resentment of hating iron and steel and the defense of facing the color.

Xiao Qin once again took Obama's front paw from behind and used the latter as a whispering puppet.

"A Lin is really too much. Some comic pages are still stuck together, which really makes me sad."

Zhuang Ni and the squad leader’s contempt was even deeper. I quickly explained: “It’s not my reason why the pages are inseparable. The comics are under my bed because they are all defective.”

"Yes, yes, don't be too demanding for Ye Lin." Xiong Yaoyue finally jumped out to help me talk. "It’s normal for a boy like him to look at H. It’s not that H is a royal sister. I I remember some of them are Loli..."

Lying in the trough, are you helping me or harming me? I heard that I saw Yujie to H comics. The squad leader only despised me and disguised me. Now I am looking at me with the eyes of the criminals.

Thanks to Amy's sudden intrusion, it broke the embarrassing situation on the scene.

"Hey, who allowed you to arbitrarily smother the pet with this lady, and the servant is also my own, without my consent..."

Halfway through the words, Amy was surprised to find that Obama was facing himself with a squatting posture, and looked at the red dust.

"Master, in fact, I am a smart creature living on the cantilever of the Cygnus Nebula. I finally got in touch with the parent star today, so I will leave the earth and thank you for the steak you have fed me over the years..."

"Don't play with my dog." Amy rushed over and punched Xiaoqin's head. "You are the alien creature living on the earth, give it to me, in order to win in the style competition, I will be Your coach, tell you what projects are possible."

"You know the specific project." Xiong Yaoyue and I were overjoyed. "How do you know."

"I don't know, but I can guess." Amy put her hands on her chest and made a great look. "Mom has held a kind of celebration in the company, so the used rides may have been used. It will become a competition project, and training for these projects in advance will always hit the cat with one or two dead mice."

My gaze touched Amy and suddenly found that Amy’s blue eyes were hidden and caring for me. She also understood that I really wanted to know the specific information of the child, but did not win in the style competition. Shu Qiao will not tell me kindly, the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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