The carbon-based creatures present, one man and three women, all said that they could not understand Xiao Yin.

"110 is the answer, even if the 8-year-old child knows that the alarm call is 110, these three figures will contain clues to defeat the black holy baby."

"It is o (gt; _lt;) o, the virtual squad leader is absolutely a group with the squad leader. She is not for the purpose of transmitting information, just to let A Lin have reason to touch the squad leader. It is unfair, to two-to-one too. Oh."

Xiaoqin’s complaint made the squad leader face a black line, but she did not argue with Xiao Qin.

"Will it refer to the alarm calls from all over the world? The alarm calls from Japan and South Korea are also 110, but the United States is 911..."

"Hong Kong's alarm call is 999." Xiaoqin intervened in order to show his own knowledge. Her father is a Hong Kong native. I know this is normal.

Zhuang Ni's memory is so good that she is so horrifying that she said slowly: "The alarm call is strange, the alarm call in Argentina is 101, the alarm call in Hungary is 107, the alarm call in Sweden is 112, the call from Switzerland. Yes 117, the Finnish alarm call is 10022..."

However, it is very thoughtful to consider the squad leader's obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is reported in the order of numbers from small to large.

"It's not a worldwide call, it's just 110." Xiao Yin decided. "Because Zhuang Ni just listed, the world's alarm calls are confusing. There is no unified clue to let us arrange them. The guideline for delivering messages is to be streamlined, and I believe that 110 is the number she has carefully chosen."

"So we only got the idiom of ‘snake and add' and the number ‘110’.” I asked, “The information contained in the snake is quite a lot, but 110...”

Xiao Yin laughed. "A Lin, the information that adds to the snake is not only the ones we have said, but it is the same as the 110."

I was amazed: "It’s also a number to add a snake." Xiaoqin muttered to the side: "I am not ashamed to call Ye Lin’s ‘A Lin’. The nickname of Lin Zi is not what you can call.”

Xiao Yin ignored the mutter of Xiao Qin and continued to explain: "The idiom of painting the snake is very clear that the 'snake' without the foot is the correct answer. The number it represents is -4, which means we should subtract four feet. ""

The squad leader Shen Shen said: "110 minus 4 will get 106, 106 is the real message to be conveyed."

"Not bad." Xiao Yin replied, "As a computer, I am sensitive to the number 106, because in many cases it will lead to network connection and display 'error code 106', which represents a certain degree to some extent. 'Failure', I believe that the number passed to the virtual squad leader is a string of code, and this code can trigger the system failure of Black Baby, so that the virtual squad leader can 'rebellion' success."

"It makes sense." Zhuang nodded after taking a sip of black tea. "But this 'destruction code' can't be 106 itself, or it's too short, too easy to be experimented out, even if the letter leaves a black box. Just in case, it is impossible to set such a simple instruction code."

"This is where the virtual squad leader has a good heart." Xiaoyin blinked. "The words that she interfered with the black sacred baby basically contain more than one meaning. I originally thought that the third sentence was the first. The sentence does not contain information. These four sentences are arranged in strict accordance with the order of 'rejection-implicit-reject-hint', but after I repeatedly replayed the recording, I found that the first sentence should not be included in the virtual squad leader. In the suggestion, the noise appeared at that time but it was not frequent enough. It should be that the virtual squad leader had just started to interfere from the inside of the black box. The next three sentences were the hints she wanted to give us."

The first sentence is that Black Holy Baby refuses to answer "Where is my child?", the second sentence gives the idiom "Draw a snake", the third sentence is to refuse to protect us, the fourth sentence is "110", small Yin only showed you the processed text version, and hidden the things that I might have children. Otherwise, I must light the gunpowder barrel of Xiaoqin. The squad leader and Zhuang Ni will be shocked.

Xiao Yin showed the text version of these four sentences through Zenny's notebook screen and stopped the cursor on the third sentence.

"I don't make any guarantees. You should guarantee your own safety. Amy's bodyguards are enough. The president of Qingzi High School is not less likely to donate money to the Golden Shield Foundation who sacrificed the police. Even if you ask the police for help, maybe you can ask for help. Will also get reinforcements."

"This sentence we used to ignore also contains hints." Xiao Yin pointed out, "Fortunately we have already got the number 106, and the rest is just looking for the final 'destruction code'."

"That means you must find out the violations in the third sentence." Xiao Qin frowned. "This sentence does not seem to have any big problem. I did donate to the Golden Shield Foundation, so Dongshan City Most police officers have a good relationship with my family..."

When Xiaoqin spoke, Zhuang quickly tapped the keyboard and searched for the relationship between 106 and the words "safety", "bodyguard", "high school", "principal", "treat", "sacrifice", which looks It's a stupid way, but it's actually quite smart.

Xiao Yin’s eyes on Zhuang Ni’s eyes are very appreciated, which probably means that they are doing the same thing.

Finally, Zhuangni stopped searching, and the search page was still on the "106" and "Foundation" keywords.

The first link is [SCP Foundation: SCP-106].

After clicking the link, a very scary rotten zombie picture appeared on the right side of the page. After a second of Xiaoqin, it was probably to scream and scream in order to emphasize his girl’s identity. The squad’s brow also bounced slightly. Zhuang Ni was not affected at all, but instead explained it super calmly:

"SCP Foundation is a 'collective creation relay novel' for global sci-fi enthusiasts. Any eligible article can be included. The main description is that SCP is a secret organization dedicated to hosting various supernatural individuals in the world. These individuals are collectively referred to as "housing" and numbered, 'SCP-106' refers to the 106th containment."

When I was in junior high school, science fiction fan Niu Shili had popularized the SCP Foundation, but I didn't write science fiction. I always felt that it had little to do with me.

The former Satanist and mystic Zhuang Ni knew the SCP Foundation. I was not surprised at all, and the squad leader and Xiao Qin had never heard of this weird name before.

The text of "SCP-106" is a long description, and the picture is also horrible. SCP-106, alias "terrorist old man", is usually a highly rotten human old man who has the ability to wear walls and likes it. As a prey attacking humans in the 10-25 age group, the victim will be corroded, digested and miserably killed by a black mucus substance.

"This thing looks a bit similar to the image of the Black Baby." I said, "The Black Holy Baby is also such a black stuff. It takes a long time to stare at it, and it is easy to cause mental pollution..."

Xiao Yin suggested: "It is also very interesting to like to attack 10-25 years old prey. Ye Lin, you are mostly 16 years old, just in this age group. Does this suggest that SCP-106 represents the black holy baby to a certain extent? ""

In the story of the SCP Foundation, most of the monsters are “uniformed” or “have been subdued”, and the jargon is called “accommodation,” and SCP-106’s containment method reads:

SCP-106 is housed in a locked room consisting of lead-lined steel that must be blocked in 40 identical layers of material, each of which must have a lot of material between them. At 36 cm intervals, the support frames between the layers must be randomly arranged, and the room must be suspended with ELO-IID electromagnetic support at a distance of no less than 60 cm from any surface.

The second-level containment site should consist of 16 spherical "rooms", each filled with a different liquid and filled with random support frames and support surfaces. The second-level containment site should be equipped with a lighting system that makes it In the accommodating area, it is possible to always fill the light of not less than 80,000 lumens at all times without the intervention of a person, and the two accommodating areas should be kept for 24 hours without interruption.

Even without the reminder of Xiao Yin, I know that in this lengthy two paragraphs, I only need to pay attention to the numbers except "106".

40, 36, 60, 16, 80000, 2, 24.

Connected is 4036601680000224.

This time there is a "destruction code" look. Is this the secret that can be subdued by the virtual squad leader?

I sighed: "Fangxin actually hides the destruction code in the publicly available relay science fiction novel. Perhaps the idea of ​​SCP-106 is his own submission. The room that can trap SCP-106 contains a string of 403,660,168,000,224. This is the destruction code is not running, or it is a 'cage code'."

"It's not it." Xiao Yin only used one second to deny, "I tried to type 4036601680000224 into the memory, but there was no abnormal effect. I originally set the code to deal with my betrayal, so This string of code should work for me too."

"Use it in two paragraphs." Zhuangni suggested, "The words "Second-level shelter" are mentioned in the text of SCP-106, so we can try to divide the string into two paragraphs. Contains 403660, the second-tier containment contains 1680000224, what happens when you enter the memory in sequential order."

"There is still no impact." Xiao Yin replied, "I have already tested it. I have enough reason to believe that this is not the final code, otherwise I will not rush to use it myself, obviously '110' and ' Just like painting a snake, it has multiple meanings."

Zhuang Ni took a shot with her hands and suddenly realized: "Binary, 110 contains only 1 and 0, and 403660 and 1680000224 are binary respectively..."

"It is 1100010100011001100 and 1100100001000101100010011100000." Xiao Yin continually said two big numbers against humanity. "If you input them in order, that is, similar to keyboard strokes and then hit enter, I don't know what will happen to me." The impact, I have to deal with it, or I am self-defeating, I will defeat myself before defeating the Black Baby."

"Do the worst, get ready to escape to the Internet again, as if you had escaped from the death of the Black Holy Baby last time." Zhuangni suggested, and as if drinking, looked up and drank the black tea in the cup, placed in The slender fingers on the notebook keyboard are like a battle, and they have played 20 spirits.

"I will work with you to defend against possible blows, try not to let you suffer misfortunes." Zhuang Ni's lips dyed by black tea showed a meaningful smile. "After all, you are a woman who has been sleeping with me... ..."

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