I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 885: The relatives of the rabbit

In McDonald's, Gong Caicai was asked by me to ask about the bust. She was immediately blushing.

If there is no virtual question in the Heartbeat Q&A, I am afraid I will not be so shameless when asked about it.

Anyway, I want to verify that the answer simulated by the causal program is different from the real person.

Of course, I know that this is very rude. I didn't see that I used the phrase "Is there a shameless boy who asked you" in the question?

"Yes, yes." After a few seconds, Gong Caicai seemed to be afraid of me, and replied in a hurry. "In addition to Ye Lin, there are other shameless boys who asked me... No, I am not saying that Ye Lin is shameless, sorry, please forgive me."

Gong Caicai has been nervous and incoherent.

Oh, the answer to the different questions is different. In the Heartbeat Q&A, I asked directly about the number of measurements of Gong Caicai, and the virtual palace color did not give me the answer because her mother did not let her say it.



I no longer touch the food in the plate, but the color of the palace with my hands on my knees. I lowered my head and said a number to me.

No, tell me the bust data, isn't your mother not letting you talk to the boys?

Is the causal calculation program simulating the error, or because I have a different way of asking questions, so I got the answer unexpectedly.

I saw a shocked expression on the opposite side, and the palace color was red like the face of Fuji Apple almost exploded.

"Really only 79, should be only 79, I am not a bad child lying, absolutely no more than 80, please believe me, I have worked very hard to make it smaller, the biggest reason for participating in the Science Happiness Seminar is for this... ..."

I am very anxious to explain to me.

If you feel shy, you can not tell me, and look at your panicked expression, you know that you must say that the number is small, in fact, more than 80, it has already exceeded 80, 79 is the first data or The data of the second day, the junior high school, we have not had a physical examination.

Even if you are really 79 now, as a junior high school student who is shorter than Xiaoqin, the rest of the body is not fat, but has a bust of 79, which is quite exaggerated. Although you are troubled by the wind, you have been working hard. The chest is reduced, and even participated in the Science Happiness Seminar for this purpose, but in fact, there is no effect, only the psychological effect makes you believe that it has been reduced to 79.

Compared to the true bust of Gong Caicai, I care more about why she told me the data.

"Color, don't want to say, don't need to say it, I have written a letter of guarantee to you, to ensure that you will not bully you."

"I, I am not good at rejecting others..." Gong Caicai sighed sadly. "And Ye Lin only said in the guarantee that he would not beat me, did not say that he would not bully me..."

For these two reasons, I told me that the bust data of the shrinking water is so weak that it is really worrying. I don’t know if the inspirational theory of science happiness teaches her a little help...

At this time, Xiaoqin came back from the bathroom. She looked suspiciously at the night outside the glass door and frowned. "We seem to be followed by people. It is a person from the Science Happiness sect, because I and Ye Lin. The classmate just joined the meeting, so I can’t worry about it.”

"This... must be mistaken." Gong Caicai raised the face that had not faded, and defended her love for the science of happiness. "White Professor will not let people do that. We are not religious, it is a Scientific organization."

"Yes, definitely not a person from the science happiness sect, Xiao Qin, you can sit down."

Because of my support for her statement, Gong Caicai did not care that I referred to the “Science Happiness Seminar” as “Scientific Happiness Teaching”. In fact, many members also swear by the seminar as “Scientific Happiness” and “Scientific God”. Teach, even if Professor Bai corrects them, they will not change.

After eating McDonald's and sending the palace color to the bus home, I told Xiaoqin: The person who followed me was the bodyguard sent by Ai Shuqiao. The codename I gave him was "Ninja Turtle" because Ai Shu Joe needs me to break into the inside of the scientific gods and steal the causal calculation program, so I specially arranged for people to protect me.

In fact, compared to the causal calculation program, Ai Shuqiao is more concerned about my blood samples, but since I have concealed heart disease from Xiao Qin, I can't mention the regular blood donation, even if I was seen by Xiao Qin, Dr. Yu was smoking me. The blood, I will also say that it is a normal step required for routine physical examination.

Upon hearing my explanation, Xiao Qin only relaxed the defense.

"I was originally responsible for protecting Ye Lin's classmates. This Ninja Turtle is quite powerful. The action is quite agile. When I came out from the bathroom, I just noticed someone monitoring. I looked back and saw only one turtle outside the glass door. `The head flashed over..."

"Hey, don't use this acronym. Don't give me the nickname of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I will put all the parts of his body on the prefix of 'Turtle', especially the head. I won't mention it later. That word, otherwise I will buckle you stars."

Xiaoqin touted his mouth. "It is obvious that Ye Lin’s classmates first said that they are turtles. Now they blame me. But this ninja turtle is a bit strange. He was sent to protect Ye Lin’s classmates. Why don't you keep an eye on Ye Lin, who is eating fast food, but I want to stare at me on the bathroom, is he a color turtle, Ye Lin, if this color turtle is indecent to me, you can I want to beat him with me."

"Hey, can you beat him alone?"

Although the other party is an adult, if you need to work together with Xiaoqin, it is definitely a master, at least reached the rank of Ren Aunt.

It seems that Ai Shuqiao is not awkward. It is disgusting to me when I hired a 2B private detective like Maori Kogoro. This time she finally sent a guy with a bit of skill. It should be transferred from the US headquarters. Before I came to China, did I live in the sewers of New York...

After sending Xiaoqin to the subway station, the time has exceeded nine, but I am not ready to go home, just send a text message to my dad, and then go to the VIP booth of Qingzi Academy to find Dr. Yu.

Amy has been asleep with a toy dolphin in bed. I didn't disturb her. I found Dr. Yu in the underground lab to prepare for staying up late.

The purpose of course is to let Dr. Yu check if there is a software back door for the "Heartbeat Q&A" application that Professor Bai has installed.

After learning about the application of this application, Dr. Yu was very curious. He did some testing and told me that the application code is extremely simple and contains no traps inside.

"In addition to virtual chat, you can do other things." Dr. Yu pointed to the portrait of Professor Bai on the application interface. "You should also be able to request predictions for specific things, such as the next two-color ball number... ”

"Dr. Yu, don't be a fan of money." I vomited. "If you can accurately calculate the winning number, Professor Bai does not have to create a cult to swindle money. Are you sure this application is safe?"

“The application is safe.” Dr. Yu pushed Google’s multimedia glasses. “But it must be run in the backdoor mode of the phone. The backdoor mode is unsafe and will be eavesdropped. You must be careful. ”

I nodded and did not tell Dr. Yu that Ai Shuqiao’s conspiracy to steal the causal calculation program has been known by Professor Bai, and my current identity is more like a double-faced spy, neither for Ai Shuqiao. Do our best, and don't work hard for the science happiness. Just wait for the two of them to show the flaws first. I will follow the trend and achieve my own goals.

At this time, the rabbit was forced to move to Dr. Yu with the coffee, and for the first time, there was a little assistant robot.

"Beep, good kind code..."

Forced the rabbit to say something unclear, seeing the color of doubt on my face, Dr. Yu explained to me:

"I force the rabbit to have networking with my Google glasses. I just let it independently check the security of the heartbeat question and answer code. Because these codes have some similarities in the programming habits and the core program of the rabbit, so the rabbit is forced. I feel that these codes are very kind, just like human beings have met their relatives."

"Hey, "Heartbeat Q&A" was written by Professor Bai. The core program for rabbits is written by you. The habits of two of you writing programs are similar."

Dr. Yu is embarrassed to scratch the untidy hair:

"You may know that Professor Bai is a senior programmer, so his son Fang Xin inherited some of his father's programming habits, and Fang Xin is a college student. I am not a programming expert, so the mental illness of Fang Xin is not too great. When I asked him how to write the core program of the intelligent robot, he spent the night in the library and gave me the ready-made six kilobyte code, because the code is really wonderful, everywhere is the pen I have been keeping it, and now I have finally come in handy, and based on it, I applied it to the rabbit."

In other words, the core program of the rabbit is from the letter of the party letter, no wonder the rabbit is everywhere to show neuroticism, its original kernel is designed by the neurological patient, and Dr. Yu how you are going, pharmacology The finer than the brother-in-law King Klinger, the computer specialization is better than the younger brother Fang Xin, are you the legendary "three repair players", the talent points are randomly assigned to the three talent trees, no one is proficient, but fortunately you The brain surgery is doing pretty well...

On the second day of Teacher's Day, nothing went up and down.

Teacher's Day gift is in the morning I am going to school, avoiding the danger of being broken by Gong Caicai.

The whole class before the start of each class stood up and shouted "teachers happy holidays." It also touched the hearts of some educators, especially the thin and thin class teacher Yu, who did not take any prizes. The pens and diaries that the palace confetti handed over were just as excited as the "Advanced Teacher of the Year" award.

On Wednesday, I got the news from Dr. Yu, from Ai Shuqiao.

Ai Shuqiao doesn't care what method I used to break into the science of happiness. She is a person who only pays attention to the process of not paying attention to the results. I heard from Dr. Yu that I not only entered the science happiness education, but also directly became Professor Bai. The assistant, which made her happy.

In order to reward me, Ai Shuqiao fulfilled her previous promise and arranged for me to meet with the detained Su Qiao to determine that Su Qiao was “basically” safe and sound.

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