I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 915: Nightmare reappears

Xiaoqin lived in the squad leader and seemed to force the squad leader to be her girlfriend to prove that she was a man.

Childish, your thinking is still in the 80s. In this year, girls also have girlfriends, just like boys can have boyfriends.

The squad leader wants to push Xiaoqin unsuccessfully. I really can’t stand it. I said to Xiaoqin:

"You can't prove that you are a man. Isn't Chun brother so flat, chest, throat, and the like, in the "physiological health" class, is not called secondary sexual characteristics? It’s still the most important thing about the first sexuality. You don’t have it below...”

I originally wanted to say "you don't have a small jj underneath", but because the squad leader is present, for the sake of civilization, temporarily change to "you don't have that underneath."

After she was drunk, she didn’t care. She put the trousers of the sports uniform from the position of the belt and opened a slit. After a quick glance, she immediately showed an angry expression:

"Hey, where did you go, it was stolen by you,"

Steal your sister, can that thing be stolen, or say, you mean the socks that you used to pretend to be small jj when you were young.

In any case, it is not appropriate to leave the little celery, which is considered a boy, in public. After the squad leader resumed his senses and stopped the bicycle, he gave me a wink and then suddenly began to tickle the waist of the celery and let her Suddenly, I took the opportunity to rush to catch Xiaoqin's hands.

Xiaoqin, whose hands were restrained, once tried to resist, but under the dual effect of alcohol and pressure, she opened her mouth and yawned exaggeratedly. The body leaned back and fell asleep on the squad leader. .

I looked at the squad leader and didn't know how to deal with Xiao Qin who fell asleep with a cute smile, for fear that she would be violent after she woke up.

After discussing it, the squad leader took Xiaoqin to the back seat of the bicycle. I pushed the car and moved aimlessly.

"Squad leader, wait a minute, you have to go back to study last night." I said to the squad leader, "It is better to go back to school first, wait for me to handle the small celes, and then ride the bicycle back to you."

The squad leader shook his head. "No one is helping at the back, Xiaoqin will fall, and what is going on with her..."

I said that Xiaoqin had a sexual cognition disorder once again. This time, it was quite thorough. I even mentioned that Xiaoqin was posing as a boy and I was playing, but I didn’t say that I was only unilateral. Only.

"No wonder I was in the shower at Xiaoqin..."

The squad leader probably remembered the thing that was originally bathed in Xiaoqin's house, and then was forcibly visited by Xiaoqin to open the bath towel. At that time, the squad leader thought that Xiaoqin's eyes were like "boys," but I mentioned it in front of me. It’s hard to be embarrassed, so I won’t say it when I’m halfway.

As she spoke, Xiaoqin, who was kneeling on the back seat of the bicycle, suddenly woke up. Her unscrupulous eyes, unmistakably, said that her behavior was a sleepy, good guy.

Like the Olympic gymnastics performance, Xiaoqin held the bicycle seat with both hands and used it as a fulcrum. He bent forward and made a forward roll, and suddenly jumped to the front of the bicycle.

"Oh, I thought I was asleep, and the two said so many intimate words... shameless."

Xiaoqin said to me and the squad leader in a tone of temptation.

"Where is this intimate..." I scratched my head.

"Xiao Qin, you wake up, you are a girl." The squad also shouted.

"Shut up, watery Yanghua." Xiaoqin pointed to the squad leader and deducted the incredible description on the head of the squad leader. "I want to leave the squad, you give me honestly, don't seduce the wild donkey, don't give I am wearing a green hat."

Well, the squad leader has no reason to seduce me, or to seduce me is not the style of the squad leader, and how the tone of your speech is like having the squad leader be his wife.

The squad leader was naturally embarrassed by Xiao Qin.

"Chen Qin, you calm down, I know a few kinds of hangover recipes, can I go back to school with me, or go to Ye Lin's house."

The distance from the subway station to the school is similar to that of my home, even closer to my home.

"Well." Xiaoqin was furious and his eyes turned red. "I just said that I have to go. You are going to go to his house with the wild donkey. You guys, you guys, you wait, I If you are caught, you will be immersed in a pig cage."

In other words, the bully is really a tradition of thought. The old feudal lynching of the pig cage is actually born in modern times.

Obviously, I was worried that I and the squad leader would "adultery". Xiaoqin turned and ran to the narrow alley. I don't know what to do urgently.

"Squad leader, go back to school." I set off to chase Xiaoqin, and said to the squad leader, "You also saw it. After Xiaoqin was drunk, the thoughts were messy. I will follow her until she wakes up. Too much useless."

"I have to do this too..." The squad sighed after taking the bicycle from me. "I have to go back to maintain the discipline of self-study. You are optimistic about Xiao Qin, don't let her out."

"It doesn't matter." I waved to the squad leader to reassure her. "I grew up together with Xiaoqin. I have probably touched her mode of action, and I will never let Xiaoqin out." After all, is the future sister of the..."

Said this on the mouth, I kept on foot, and quickly chased up along the back of Xiaoqin.

Running will sweat, and sweating will wake up, I was originally playing this kind of wishful thinking, thinking that Xiaoqin in my pursuit, will soon be restored into a "good-hearted childhood sweetheart cat maid."

However, when I met a non-mainstream youth who was sitting on the ground and almost scared the urine, I raised a bad feeling in my heart. I asked him what happened. He told me with awkwardness. One girl took the beer she had just bought from the convenience store and almost kicked his egg.

This is...what situation, Xiaoqin, are you an avatar doctor? Do you know the personality of your little bully, know how to find a drink to maintain your existence? You can change your body for more than an hour, if the whole bottle Beer is being drunk by you, so don’t think about restoring your daughter’s heart today.

I followed Xiao Qin and traced it to the ruins of a demolition building.

Xiaoqin is not too elegant for the girl, kneeling in the middle of the ruins, pulling the broken bricks with wooden sticks, but fortunately she did not wear a skirt, otherwise the posture will be fixed.

Looking at the ruins, I couldn’t help but remind me of the childhood. At that time, every summer, the children of the big yards must catch each other and fight, and the ruins are the best place to catch the screams, following the public’s courtship call, 扒When you break the gravel, you may catch a "black general."

The little bully naturally participated in the battle with everyone, but it may be that she has no patience, and the tricks she caught are not so powerful that she was defeated several times by my beggar, so in order to retaliate, she told me not to At home, I put a wild cat in the window of my house, and then I raised a few scorpions in the cans, and I was eaten by the wild cats with only legs left...

When you think about it, you are angry. What are you doing now, are you catching it? But now it’s autumn. You don’t know the saying: “Autumn grasshopper can’t be a few days away”.

Suddenly realized that this kind of bug that is black and smashed may also belong to the "Vim" that Xiaoqin is afraid of, but after the drunkenness, Xiaoqin awakens the personality of the little fighter, and even the fear of men is not cured (because she I think that I am a man), and natural Wim is no longer afraid.

This piece is only the block where the ruined wall is broken. Except for me and Xiao Qin, no one comes. Unlike the early years, the parents are no longer worried about the children coming to this place, playing dangerous games like catching bugs. Now they are at home. The kids have countless computer games to play with.

"Xiao Qin." I slowly approached her from behind. "Are you enough? If you have enough, go home. After two days, it will be winter. There will be no embarrassment here."

Xiao Qin did not listen to me, and continued to use a wooden stick to open a large piece of red brick.

"Who said that I was looking for you, I am obviously looking for you, I am going to put it in your neck collar..."

With the unique laughter of the drunkard, Xiaoqin picked up a red and black shackle and walked toward me with wicked faces.

Nima, such a big embarrassment, even I am a little scared, let me leave it to me, its family found it disappeared, how worried.

"Don't come over." I made a defensive posture. "If you really want to put it in my clothes, I can be rude to you, I... I will grab your chest." Believe it or not."

"It’s all men. It’s important to be caught by your chest, and you have to catch it.” Xiaoqin shook his hands and swayed indifferently. I felt that I was crying when I was wronged.

To be right, unlike the palace color, your chest is so small, I want to catch it really hard, and I have to be careful not to let it fall in my collar.

Since I was a child, I have been watching the episodes of "Journey to the West". I have always had a psychological shadow. For me, it is a poison similar to a snake, but Xiaoqin is lifting his tail with a heavy weight. It is grasping its "seven inches", so that it can neither fight back nor get out.

"Stop, don't hold that thing." I stopped Xiaoqin from approaching. "What is the girl holding a big cockroach? You are not like a girl at all."

"Bastard, I am not a girl at all." Xiaoqin was drinking a bottle of beer and her face was redder. Her right hand was rubbing her cockroach and her left hand was patting her chest. "I am a man of righteousness."

"Men and your sister." I said, "You just saw the girl-developed bra that I wore. Will the man wear it?"

Xiaoqin was struck like a body. "That... how could it be a bra? It’s just because I am too strong, so the vest looks small."

Still refuse to admit the reality, it seems necessary to remind more people to know Xiaoqin.

"Hey, even if you forgot a little bit of things for a little further, what should happen this morning should still remember, why did you chase the robber this morning, not to get my reward, because if you can With 10,000 stars, I will make you my girlfriend again..."

In the last half of my sentence, Xiao Qin’s face was almost bleeding.

"Hu, nonsense, how much do you feel good about yourself, even if you retreat 100 million steps, if I am a girl, I will never look at you, and I will not participate in any star list reward activities. When the monkey plays."

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