I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 933: The keyword is six

"Oh, Ye Lin brother, you are just right, help me take care of my sister, I have to call to order takeaway."

Shu Zhe said after opening the door to me.

Shu Zhe, who has to cook a instant noodles, and who has to do it for others, can only solve the problem of food for himself and his sister by ordering a takeaway.

"What is your sister doing now?" I put a bag of oranges bought at the street on the table. "Is it still a fever?"

"The body temperature has slightly receded, now around 38 degrees, but there is still a headache, lying in the bedroom."

Shuzhe sat down on the phone in the living room and prepared to take out the takeaway.

"Right, Ye Lin, you haven't eaten yet, then I'm three-person, but it's up to you to pay, no problem."

"Hey, you really have to go in the eyes of money. It’s cheaper. You can order the jars downstairs. It’s better to eat the pizza than the hard-boiled pizza.”

I took a hundred bucks from my wallet and handed it to Shu Zhe. "If you stay, you will give the money directly to the takeaway brother. Don't forget to return it to me."

"Received." Shu Zhe quickly picked up Chairman Mao. "But Ye Lin brother, you are also very good at it. You have to change your point. You have super money at home, one hundred and eight. Ten pieces should not care at all."

I didn't mean to listen to this, but there was a slightly weak voice in the squad leader's bedroom:

"Ye Lin, are you here? It should be late self-study time. Don't always skip school..."

"Squad leader, can I go in." I knocked on the door procedurally.

After getting the permission of the squad leader, I walked in, and then I saw the squad leader wearing blue water pajamas covered with thick quilts on the bed, weakly facing the pillow and looking at me.

The squad leader's face is paler than usual, but the long hair behind the head does not show the clutter that the person who stayed in bed for a day, that is to say, the squad leader should still get out of bed today, and then lie back because of physical reasons.

Although the current squad leader is not very energetic, he still sits half-hearted for courtesy and leans back against the bed to talk to me.

"I'm sorry." After I closed the door, the squad leader actually apologized to me. "I went home late last night. Xiaozhe asked me what happened. I will kidnap you and Gong Caicai." Tell him about it..."

"It's nothing." I dragged the chair next to the study table to the bed and sat down. "This is not absolutely confidential..."

"But..." the squad leader bit his lower lip. "I had a fever at the time, but I still don't know. Xiaozhe asked me why I would send a helicopter to save people. I was confused. Actually telling you about Amy and his biological brother and sister, tell him..."

No wonder Shuzhe just said that my family is super rich. He said that it is not the home where I opened the adult goods store. If I compare it carefully, Shu Zhe’s attitude towards me is better than that of the previous days... He is pondering from me. Here is the benefit, this financial fan.

Although this matter was a little troublesome for Shu Zhe, the squad leader was told by his brother when he was sick. Shu Zhe is really not a thing. If your sister is sick, can't you see it? Don't hurry to help my sister. Looking for a doctor to ask for medicine, instead of smashing the ground and inquiring about the news, the squad leader’s illness is even heavier. Just an ordinary cold, the squad leader will not take time off.

"It doesn't matter, let him know, you know." I comforted the squad leader. "You must be jealous that he should not talk to people."

The squad leader nodded. "After I was a little awake, I immediately let him make a guarantee that he was not talking about people. And looking at him, I don't want this to be known by more people."

That is natural. Shu Zhe thinks that I am a hidden local tyrant. This rare creature is of course more enjoyable by his own monopoly.

I asked the squad leader's condition, and after chatting with her for a while, Shu Zhe ordered the jar to be taken out, but the squad leader said that he had no appetite for us to eat first.

"Let Shu Zhe eat it outside." I said, "I am not particularly hungry. Anyway, the fast food such as crock can be hot on the fire. It doesn't matter if you eat later."

"Then I ate." Shu Zhe replied in the living room. "I am a young man who is growing up. Let's talk slowly... Yes, my sister may not have the energy to eat. Ye Lin brother, do you want to feed? My sister is eating."

"No... no." The squad leader hurriedly refused as if he had heard something very serious.

"Are you embarrassed?" Shu Zhe said uncomfortably outside. "I will finish eating back to my house anyway. I can't hear you doing anything. Ye Lin brother, take good chances."

The words said that the squad leader was full of blushing, and it seemed that the fever was more serious, and the emotions whispered coughing.

Shu Zhe learned that after I was a biological brother and sister with Amy, I obviously worked harder to promote my relationship with her sister. This is completely regarded as a local tyrant. He can't wait to have a local brother-in-law.

I inadvertently showed contempt on my face and was seen by the squad leader.

"Hey, Xiaozhe, he always thinks about getting something for nothing, and he especially likes to compare with people. It’s my education to be a sister."

"Don't talk about this." I thought of the pistol in my pocket at this time, so God said to the squad leader secretly: "I came here to visit you, and second, I will give you a present. You should like it." ......"

"Gift." The squad leader was obviously not mentally prepared. She folded her hands on the lower abdomen. She was very nervous. "Why, why give me a present."

I reached into my pocket with one hand and shot the gun. "I feel that you are the most suitable owner after I see it. Although it is not legal, it doesn't matter..."

"What does it mean to be inconsistent with the law?" The squad leader seemed to be afraid that I would pick it up. "Is it our age or..."

"It’s also related to age." I angered. "The squad leader will definitely get this thing in the future. Now it’s only a few years ahead of time. You will be at home with peace of mind."

Because the squad leader’s future volunteering is to be a criminal police or a special policeman, he must be equipped with a gun in the past.

But the squad leader seems to have misunderstood what I meant. She must have thought that I would give her a real gun in any case, and thought it was something else.

"Why, why do I feel relieved when I get it." The squad leader asked not very convincedly, "Why do you think that one thing will make me feel at ease."

"Because this is a very special thing." In order not to let Shuzhe hear it outside, I slightly lowered my voice. "This kind of gift is very rare. I guess I can only send it once in my life..."

"I want to drink water." The squad leader pointed to the cool cup on the desk and suddenly ordered me to pour water on her, as if to relieve tension.

After drinking a large glass of water, the squad leader slowly handed me the empty cup, and then my eyes were fixed on my pocket, as if there was a horrible cannibal monster.

After thinking about it for a while, the squad leader seemed to understand something.

"Ye Lin, I heard that people are at a critical juncture, or if they just survived, they will make some impulsive and irrational things. You were kidnapped yesterday, and you think too much..."

"Oh." Although I was kidnapped, I didn't feel that I was threatened by a lot of life. Because there were a lot of people who used to return to the enemy, and there was a poisoned blue butterfly poisoning, my Psychological tolerance is getting higher and higher, and I don’t think that I was alive and dying yesterday.

The squad leader still persuaded me with a heavy heart: "Like the development of this TV series, don't appear among us... cough... We are too young..."

"Hey, squad leader, you absolutely can't think of what I want to give you, don't say it seems like you have already guessed it." I held the pistol handle and kept it in a state of no introduction. "This thing is normal, You can only have it in ten years, but it’s good to have fun too..."

"I would rather wait ten years later." The squad leader pulled me a few inches away from the bed, and the legs were curled up under the quilt. "If you take it out now, I will definitely not accept it... No, I It will definitely be rejected, which is not legal or reasonable at all."

"Hey, the squad leader, you must have guessed wrong." I can't smile. "It's really not legal. Whatever the reason, it depends on who is the reason... It's better to give you some tips. Targeting the heart can cause fatal injuries. ......"

"It’s too exaggerated to say, it’s not so powerful.” The squad leader did not know why he denied the power of the gun.

"The squad leader, you guess, the next tip is the number six..."

"Isn't that a hexagon?" The squad leader was offended, as if I had looked down on her IQ.

Hexagon, I am talking about a police revolver with six bombs. Is it that the squad leader thinks that the cross-section of the revolver's magazine looks like a hexagon? I don't pay any attention to it. Always put it. When it is approximately circular...

“It’s not quite like a hexagon, it’s about circular,” I said.

The squad leader was silent and didn't talk, and his eyes looked at the sun rising outside the window, seemingly considering serious things.

"You have to take it out." She only reopened after half a sigh. I don't know if it was because of a cold, and the scorpion sounded a bit hoarse.

"This, I took it from home, it was extremely nervous along the way, and then let me take it back, it is a bit..."

I am telling the truth, in China, holding the guns across the market, it is really bad for the heart.

The squad leader sighed, and she had a different kind of affectionate beauty in her illness.

"Do you really think that you know enough about me? When you were kidnapped yesterday, you thought about doing this."

I scratched my head inconspicuously. "I really did not get rid of my kidnapping. Although I didn't think about it at the time, I felt that this thing is not yours..."

"Non... I am..." The squad leader repeated these words, as if chewing on the meaning of it, the flash of red on the cheeks did not know whether it was caused by the lesion.

"Yeah, this thing should be valuable in your hands." I added, this sentence made the squad leader shocked.

"I know that you have participated in the filming of some film and television works, but... shouldn't it be used for more meaningful things?"

“Pictures.” I sighed. “It’s nothing to do with film pay. This thing is something that can be met and not available. Even if you want to buy it, there is no place to buy it.”

“How can I have no place to buy it?” the squad leader wondered. “Not every big mall has...”

"Hey, the squad leader, are you living in China with the same yuan? This thing is not something you can buy if you buy it... I can get it by chance."

"Is it a family biography." The squad leader began his own strange speculation. "Although I heard that foreigners have this tradition, but the Chinese..."

"What the squad leader is saying, although it is really a system for you, the baby that is passed down with your family..."

"I don't want to." The squad leader shook his face again. "Ye Lin, you are too self-proclaimed, such a big thing, when I am sick... cough..."

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