I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 936: Witchcraft stronghold

The squad leader still didn't come to class the next day, but listening to Shu Zhe said that her cold is better, and it will return to normal at the latest tomorrow.

I took the strange address that Zinni gave me. I don't know if I should go see it after school.

Zhuang Ni was routinely absent today. Even if I sent her a text message, I didn't get a reply. It seems that only when she went to the place she designated, it is possible to know "What is Ai Shuqiao doing with my blood?"

I suspect that Zhuangni is ignoring me. Even if she allows Xiaoqin to go there, she doesn't have to wait for us without a trap. The Science Happiness Teaching has not found out what my blood sent, and Zhuangni found it.

However, people's curiosity is difficult to suppress, so after the end of the self-study, I confirmed that Xiao Qin does not have to worry about going home (because Auntie is busy working late to come back), and with Xiao Qin, the strangeness provided to Zhuangni The address is gone.

On the way, I told Xiaoqin about the recent blood donation to Ai Shuqiao, because she was hiding from her, mainly because she didn’t want her to know that I had a viral heart disease. Now my heart disease has been cured and blood donation has been done. The density is not as high.

"Why should I take the blood of Ye Lin's classmates." Xiaoqin knew what he was worried about in the future. "Amy's mother is actually a vampire. Must drink the blood of a man to survive."

Vampires like to drink virgin blood, right if Ai Shuqiao is a vampire, because I can be sure that my father is a human, so I am the legendary vampire and human descendants, the day walker adults, ah ah Unknown forces have come up. I was a super strong person who could ignore the sun, the cross, the garlic and the holy water.

The time for the end of the evening self-study was already very late. Together with the consumption on the road, when Xiao Qin and I arrived at the designated location of Zhuang Ni, the sky was completely dark. The moon that was not too round was hung on the night sky. Hey, hey.

"There is no one here." Xiaoqin looked puzzledly. "The address on the card is like a club, but this block has obviously been removed. It is just two days before we fight... No, The place to play is very similar."

Yes, it’s a bit similar to the place where you have a big fight with me to play with me. It’s obviously a half-demolition area. Even if there was a club in the past, it’s now a disability. Brick shingles.

"There is a cellar." In the end, it was Xiaoshen's eye. She found an iron well cover in the middle of the broken brick. I held the ring and wanted to open it from the outside, but I couldn't move it. It must be from inside. Locked up.

At this moment, my mobile phone suddenly rang, and after opening it, I found a new text message: "If it is you, knock on the door according to the rhythm of 3, 2, 1."

Sure enough, Zhuang Ni was hiding in the cellar. After I hit the cover in the way she told me, I only heard a slamming inside, and then the cover was opened from the inside out.

"Come in." Zhuang Ni stepped on the stone ladder to greet us.

I rub, Zenny, what is this dress, it’s not strange to be black from head to toe. The problem is that you are not a dress, but a black robe like a wizard. Even a hood, just take a pen. Can pretend to be a staff, cosplay into the role of "Harry Potter".

"Oh." After seeing Zhuang Ni, who was covered in a black robe, Xiao Qin immediately covered her mouth and smiled.

"Laughter and laugh." Zhuangni said with a slight anger. "If I don't come in, I will close the door."

I and Xiaoqin followed Zhuang Ni, stepping on the stone steps with a small surface area, step by step to the bottom of the cellar.

"Is there any problem with ventilation?" I hesitated before I closed the cover. Zhuangni pointed to a normal burning candle on the wooden table, which proved that the oxygen was sufficient, and I closed the cover with a little peace of mind.

The area of ​​the cellar is not very large. There is a wooden table in the center of the bottom that has been used for many years, but there is no antique value. The table has five candles in the shape of a pentagram, which is burning quietly and strangely, behind the wooden table. There are four chairs of the same texture, and the other spaces are full of large and small cardboard boxes. It seems that the boxes contain very scary witchcraft items, such as animals and human skulls, as well as mummified handcuffs.

"Compared with the science happiness education, Zhuang Ni is more like a cult scene." Xiao Qin said softly in my ear.

"Sit down." Zhuang Ni pointed to the direction of the table. I and Xiaoqin sat opposite her, and the five candles in the middle of the fire were moving, like some kind of creature.

"Where is this?" I looked around and could not help but question.

Zhuang Ni took a breath and was not a fresh air. "It used to be the witch club of Dongshan City. But as you can see, the building above was demolished. This cellar can't be supported for a long time. It's a pity. Thick aura..."

"It's thick carbon dioxide." I couldn't help but vomit. "Where are you in the Witch Club besides you, do you feel that you have a special function? After the club is demolished, they will fall down." Scattered, only you are the most poisoned, so you still harbor it in the cellar."

"There is a cemetery nearby, which is very suitable for worship." Zhuang retorted, "But even if you told you that you don't understand, my current problem is that it is facing demolition, and the witchcraft supplies that the club has accumulated for many years will be Nowhere to store, you need to find a new place like a warehouse."

"Wait." I interrupted. "You told me not to tell me, what kind of research is my blood used for? How do you start discussing these witchcraft supplies now? Dismantled, witchcraft supplies can be taken home by a few pieces per person. You should have many like-minded 'sisters' in the witch club."

"Don't mention them." Zhuang Ni slammed on the table, causing the flames of the five candles to shake at the same time. "They all have no determination to dedicate themselves to the dark cause. The club is still fine, once the club is gone, Actually, I said, 'The game is tired, just dissolve it,' and even 'find a boyfriend, I have a date tomorrow', and all of them no longer hold a worship ceremony with me."

Nonsense, I said in my heart, it is estimated that other members of the Witch Club are older than you, and this career will definitely become their black history, and some people will go black like you.

Xiaoqin looked left and right in the middle of the carton box and finally frowned and asked: "Hey, you won't find me and Ye Lin to help you move."

Zhuang Ni looked at Xiao Qin with a kind of appreciation of "Xunzi can teach". "Yes, I am not physically strong, so I need two of you to help me move, a total of twenty-two boxes. please."

"Please, your sister, it is an empty talk that flicks me over, then take me as a coolie, no wonder you make me call Xiaoqin, because you know that Xiaoqin is also very energetic, so that she can improve together. Moving efficiency is right."

"Zhuang Ni, you are too much." Xiaoqin and I are enemies, and said with enthusiasm, "Ye Lin is a very kind person, because he is always deceived by you, so he is becoming more and more unbelievable. Someone else."

Well, I have been deceived by the bully more than everyone else. Xiao Qin, you are not qualified to blame Zenny.

"I didn't deceive you." Zhuang Ni put on her hood and made her face more mysterious under the candlelight. "I just traded with you. You just need to help me transfer these witchcraft supplies to science." Happiness teaches the staff quarters and gives me the right to use a room. I will share the information I know with you."

"Hey, you know what science is about to teach." I was surprised. "What do you want to do when you move your witchcraft supplies to their staff quarters, do you frame them, and the vicious competition between the cults?"

“It’s too vicious to do this.” Xiaoqin stood up and accused Zhuang Ni. “Ye Lin’s classmates are hard to mix the right guardian law, so that the science of happiness and education can be on the right track, thus creating a happy life for us in the future. You actually want to destroy it..."

Xiaoqin, your fucking, with me, the original purpose of breaking into the science of happiness, has already been forgotten by you in Java.

"I don't have a special sense of good or bad for science happiness." Zhuang said coldly, "I just know that you are right there, and it is not difficult for me to have a staff dormitory for witchcraft. Although I can go to the hotel room in my relatives, it is not suitable for storing witchcraft supplies..."

Is science happiness teaching appropriate? Professor Bai, who is scientifically founded, sees so many messy witchcraft supplies, and does not know what kind of expression will be on his face.

But in the end, science happiness education is not open to my family, so letting Zhuang Ni there not have a great influence on me. I hold the idea that "other children's children don't feel bad", and I get with Professor Bai. When he contacted, Professor Bai also spoke, because Zhuang said that he would "share information" with him, so he arranged a staff dormitory to Zhuang Ni as a warehouse.

The location is in the corner of Su Qiao's room. I don't know if Su Qiao knows that the evil tactics including the human skull are placed next door.

When I was together with Xiaoqin, I sealed all the carton boxes with tape and then moved to the outside of the cellar. Professor Bai sent us a light truck, but because the drivers are their female members, the main physical activity is still I am doing with Xiao Qin.

I am a man, of course, I can't let Xiaoqin do too heavy work, so Xiaoqin just picks up the box at the exit of the cellar and then hand it over to the female driver on the truck's cargo compartment, carrying the box to go back and forth up and down the stairs, both I did it alone, which made me sweat a lot.

"The smell of a man." Zhuang Ni, who supervised my work in the cellar, said in a cover.

"Don't be content." I taught her, "I believe that I don't want to move you, just call the police uncle to catch you. I have an acquaintance at the police station."

"Don't brag." Zhuangni pushed the candle on the wooden table. It seems to set fire to the evidence that she had been active in the cellar. "The horse officer you know, thinking about it every day, is the right thing to do." You dare to call him, I said that these witchcraft supplies are yours, and the witch club is also built by you.

"Yes." I took the last carton and walked up the steps. "Then I am the leader of your witches, but the other witches have left because of the club demolition. Why are you only leaving, you are my beauty?" The color is left behind."

"You are not allowed to marry the beauty of Ye Lin." Xiao Qin shouted on the top. "If you have a boyfriend, go find one yourself, don't hit Ye Lin's idea."

"What the **** is it?" Zunni ignited all the tables and chairs, and then walked out of the cellar behind me.

"Smelly dead." While walking, I commented on my sweat.

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