I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 951: Unfamiliar world

A huge chill, swept away from the consciousness of drifting away from the four springs and eight wilderness.

I seem to have lost my sense of time, and like the river of time flowing through my translucent body, leaving something and taking away something.

How long has it been, I have drifted in the sea of ​​consciousness, after a few days, months, and years.

Or, it has been centuries.


As if returning to the sea from the icy deep sea, I smothered a breath of air to enrich my dry alveoli.

It’s strange, not a salty sea breeze, but a faint snowy mint scent that poured into my nose.

After I took a nap, I slowly recovered my body's consciousness. My gaze and the back touch showed that I was waking up on a soft bed.

After waking up from a long sleep, I was puzzled to find my pillow, and I put a pair of pure white underwear on the lace side.

It is full of elasticity and delicate touch. From this, you can imagine how charming the fragrant hips wrapped in this small underwear.

The brain flashed slowly, and last night I enjoyed the footage of this little beautiful buttock.

Hey, hey,.

How can I have this kind of memory, I obviously have been sleeping for a long time before I can wake up, why do I remember the thing I did last night.

There is a petite little girl who can be said to be a primary school student. I slept on a bed with me. We both wore a blanket. I didn't wear anything under the blanket. It is estimated that she is the same.

I trembled and turned my gaze to her, not understanding what was going on.

The thin, white-skinned hands and feet that she barely exposed from under the blankets, as well as the youthful and youthful body, made it difficult for me to understand why I had a memory of animalism on her body.

This white skin, like fine porcelain, slightly shows the tender red fingertips and knees, and the childish ground lying down on the bed is a scene in the painting.

"You don't have to look at your face, it's already an idol level."

I said to myself, and then I immediately felt a great fear.

What happened, I know her, her figure does give me a familiar feeling, but I can’t remember it, I can’t remember it anyway... Why do I think of the word “idol”? Scared,

"You are awake..." The girl around me seemed to have heard my movements. She was very reluctant and hoped to stay in bed for another 10,000 years. Her hands supported her face and left the pillow.

A silver hair hangs down from the shoulder like a curtain, and the length looks like the appearance of someone's double pony tail.

As for who is "someone", I can't think of it. Once I search in the depths of my memory, I will feel the dull pain of hangover.

In addition, the girl's hair is silver that is hard to see in real life. Every hair is like sterling silver. It spreads smoothly on her shoulders, and is reminiscent of the Milky Way in the sky.

"Who are you?" I asked slowly, "Where am I."

She didn't answer me immediately, her expression was still hidden in the shadows, and occasionally a cute low laugh.

At this moment, my heart is up and down, this scene is too surreal, so that after I finished the girl turned around, her face may not have the psychological preparation of the five senses.

However, I probably saw more Japanese horror comics. She quickly turned to me and didn't have any horror pictures worthy of my exclamation.

But it is still an impressive and beautiful Loli face.

Pure eyes do not contain any smoke and fire, and it is a pure gold pupil, shining from the light of heaven.

The long eyelashes are like bluegrass, the nose is small and cute, and the pale pink mouth is open and close in front of my eyes.

"A nasty guy, you obviously did that to me for several consecutive nights, even the names didn't remember."

She said to me with dissatisfaction, the voice is sweet and unusual, with a full fairy tale color, at the same time, people feel that if she sings high songs, in the sorghum can be higher than the aurora hanging above the North Pole.

This face does not see the ethnicity it belongs to, is it a mixed blood, but I am afraid that only the mixed blood of humans and angels can make such a stunner.

I can't help but bite my lips and meditate. What she said is "the kind of thing that has been done to her for several days in a row."

There is indeed a plausible memory in the brain. After she was face to face, I could even recall that she was under the pressure of being under my body, but the memories were like a mist, not very real.

Hey, did I get Alzheimer's disease at a young age, and if these memories are true, then I am not a virgin now, but, my part of the memory is like the debris, can not be organized, .

Just as I was puzzled, she suddenly sneaked in front of me like a civet, sneaked into my face at a very close distance, and the golden eyes seemed to have the magic to **** people in.

I subconsciously turned my gaze away, because she is now in a prone position like a cat, and has moved more than half of her body out of the blanket's coverage. The slight bumps on the chest and two pinks are covered by my lingering light (okay) I admit that I am still watching).

"Ah~~~~~" The small loli of the silver-haired gilt hit a big yawn, almost biting my nose, and then she said to her cheek that she just woke up:

"Don't you tell me to call me "Xiaoyin"? I forget my name every time... As the last man on the earth, you are really pretentious, super self-centered."

"Wait, wait, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc., etc.," I shouted. "What do you say, I am the last man on earth, what happened to other men, ""

As I asked and looked at the surrounding environment, this is a hemispherical cement building. From the perspective of sunlight, it seems that some buildings are underground, much like a bunker.

In this bunker, which is only about 30 square meters, the bed shared by me and "Xiaoyin" takes up a lot of space. In other places, emergency food, medicine box, and excavation are arranged in disorder. Tools, knives, bows, and dozens of submachine guns shaped like AK47.

I can't help but think of the documentary I have seen before. The AK47 invented by former Soviet weapon expert Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov was rated as the most stable firearm in harsh environments. Although the person is an American retired military officer, he admits that if he is placed in a completely strange, similarly different place, the preferred firearm is AK47.

On the left and right sides of the bunker, there are two stone stairs deep underground. It seems that we are only in the uppermost space of the bunker, and there may be holes in the next.

"Your brain still didn't wake up from the shock." Xiao Yin sat up in bed and pulled the corner of the blanket to cover her body slightly, but the reason was only because of the cold, not because of shame.

"My brain... I have been shocked." The turbid mind couldn't tell what I saw and heard. I looked at Xiao Yin, who was draped over the blanket, waiting for her to dispel her doubts.

Xiao Yin flatly opened her mouth and looked at me with a kind of "dressed you". She shook a finger and said:

"In fact, not only men, but all human beings in the world have been extinct by aliens. You and I are the last human beings. Therefore, you must shoulder the heavy responsibility of continuing the race. You are often lost in memory after the bombing. Fortunately, I am taking care of you. ......"

"Don't be kidding." I yelled. "Although my brain is now like a paste, how can aliens invade this kind of thing, how can it happen in my life? The chances are too low, aliens. What is it for the invasion of the earth?"

Xiao Yin's hands spread, and did not care about a blanket falling from her shoulder, let me see her again.

"Who knows it, it seems that the aliens have heard that eating the humans after roasting can cure the genetic bald that has plagued their race for many years..."

"So do you think of human beings as 101 births?" I raised the blanket and covered Xiaoyin's head. "I don't believe what you said. If this is the background of the last days, rely on you." The body, it is impossible to survive alone, there is still room to take care of me, who are you?"

"Damn, you found it." Xiao Yin, who was covered in a blanket, said in a voice that became dull. "I thought I could have been ignoring you for a while."

I hurriedly picked up the corner of the blanket and let her head out, waiting for her to say the following.

"Oh,." Xiao Yin showed her face and grimacing after she showed her head. Because they didn't bother each other, I didn't force her. I had to wait for her to play and then stop the child's temper.

Seeing that I didn't respond to her ghost face, Xiao Yin probably felt bored, so the endorsement generally couldn't afford to say to me:

"Human civilization is indeed ruined, but it is because the alien invasion or the military research of a certain country is out of control, and it has not been decided until now... As for how many people survive, no one knows, maybe there are tens of thousands of people. Maybe only five of them live in this bunker."

"Who are three other people besides you and me."

As I asked, I went down from the bed and put the four-corner shorts I found at the end of the bed on my body. Of course, the whole process was back to Xiao Yin.

"There is nothing to hide." Xiao Yin's golden pupil only left a line in the middle of the squinting eyelids. "You didn't sway the glory last night and let me appreciate it. I woke up and forgot all about it." ”

I ignored her, but I saw a magazine with a wrinkled cover under the bed, "Winter Mountain Travel Guide."

"You are also a native of Dongshan City." I asked Xiao Yin behind me.

"Dongshan City." Xiao Yin said with a sneer, "You mentioned the strange city again. Since you saw the travel guide, you have turned over and said that you have lived in that city... We obviously live in underground bunkers when we are born. What is the experience of living in the city? You just listen to what people have said about the city."

There was a huge inexplicable panic in my heart, and I hurriedly picked up the travel guide and flipped it.

“The Lake District has been renovated... The Emperor’s Building has been completed... The Tianwang Temple and the Seen Temple have a long history...”

The familiar and unfamiliar headlines flashed before my eyes.

Just at this time, a military girl carrying the AK47 pushed the door out of the bunker. She smashed her shoulders and the crystal white snow on her long black hair. Then she saw that I only wore a boxer standing on the edge of the bed. There was a contemptuous expression.

=== separator line ===

As you can see, "I" finally reached the second volume after the 950 chapter. If there is any doubt, the scrap iron can not be spoiled. It is better to talk about the popular role list.

The book friend "Big Love Bear", knowing the name is a supporter of Pooh, and strongly recommends that Pooh be included in the harem and voted 600 votes.

In contrast, the squad leader's support rate has been high, and the "Qi Gong Zhi Yin" 1000 votes allowed the squad leader to open a lot of the newly approached Xiao Qin.

The new book friend "Jianmu Guixue" voted for Amy's 300 votes to see the drama of "Brothers and sisters x". To be honest, I think I want to see the scrap iron myself...

Overall, the growth rate of the top five support votes is relatively stable. The rankings are squad leader, Xiao Qin, Gong Caicai, Amy, and Xiong Yaoyue. There are no major changes to break the current situation.

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