I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 956: Average distribution

The next day, I asked everyone where the robot with the AM word on the shell came from. The answer is:

That is the props used by the super-large-scale enterprise AM company to collect the living resources. When they were at the refugee point, they competed with the survivors for resources. Although they would not attack humans, they would ruthlessly take away the necessities of survival, so they suffered Extensive disgust, basically seeing them will fire directly.

Who said that it would not attack humans. Last night, the AM spider robot kicked me. Is it because I am afraid that I will shoot at it, so I will start with it.

"Since there are big companies like AM, why no one wants to get in touch with them, just because the environment is sinister, you need the survivors to work together."

"Someone tried it." The squad said with a sigh. "Unfortunately, although the AM company is large, there are no human employees to survive. Only the arachnid robots are doing nonsense collection of living products. This is not for us. Second to the trouble of the mutant beast."

Today's main agenda is still to carry the survival package back to the bunker, in addition to go to the forest in the north to cut down firewood, although the lower level of the bunker does not need ignition and heating, but still need to boil water for cooking.

For a few months, the days are spent this way.

I gradually learned to use AK47. Since the 10-year-old boy of the Myanmar guerrillas can learn, then I have no reason to learn.

Among the mutant beasts, we have experienced mutant wild boars and mutant grizzly bears. Compared with ordinary beasts, they not only grow in volume by 3 to 40%, but also are full of crystal-like barbs. When they see humans, they will attack wildly.

However, I and the squad leader, Pooh three three guns, not to be in danger, often the squad leader can use a bullet to shoot the enemy and end the battle.

Because I am so hard that "the spirit tends to be stable", Gong Caicai no longer follows the mission of everyone, staying in the bunker to cultivate her mushroom garden, and working as a full-time internal staff, which makes the work efficiency of the field team greatly improved, our activity radius Also expanded.

As the radius of the activity expanded, we were able to collect more survival kits. Compared to the past, our daily food gradually became “luxury”, although the squad leader always pretended to keep things like canned food. Grain is always a bitter, and life has improved a lot.

When I was in school in the 28th year, I often heard that people were ill-fated and discussed "what is happiness." In fact, under conditions of extremely scarce material conditions, human beings are particularly prone to happiness.

I can't describe my excitement and satisfaction when I found a bundle of chocolates from the survival bag and gave it to everyone. Nowadays, every time I cut the survival package, it seems to me to be a lottery lottery. Of course, it has also appeared. Useless things, such as cordless phones.

Even if there is no unexpected gain, after a hard day, I will soak in the hot springs below the bunker, relieve the fatigue of the body, and feel very refreshed. Happiness is really something that is at your fingertips.

But every time I feel happy and happy, I feel a little bit worried. It is not because of suffering or loss, but with happiness and joy. It is often a slight tingling. It appears on my arm, but the skin does not have any Alien, no matter who you ask, you can't get a satisfactory answer.

"You don't want to mutate." After listening to my situation, Pooh said with a big sigh, "If you want to eat people after you mutate, I won't give you a meal, but I will also reward you with a shuttle. If you have What is the unfulfilled wish, just say it to me now, so as not to leave regrets."

In fact, I have no more detailed information about the sting on my arm.

Whenever I encounter a happy event, the sting will appear on time, but not always. If the two happy things are close, the sting will only appear for the first time.

It seems that I am in an online game, and the "stinging" skill has a cooling CD.

The relationship between me and the squad leader, Pooh, and Gongcai Cai is basically the same as that in the 28th. It can only be said that because I live together every day and unite for survival, I am closer.

The relationship between me and Xiao Yin is generally neither hot nor cold. The memories of her in my mind are always in the form of fragments.

Her body is very beautiful, but this kind of beauty brings me an indescribable feeling. I can't imagine why I have so many memories of her physical entanglement. I recently thought of doing it with her every night last night. Those who make people blush, and what she said to me.

"Do you like me, but I like you very much."

"I started paying attention to you when I was very young. It’s only about 6 months... I can say that I fell in love with you when I was less than one year old."

"Don't be afraid, nothing in this world can hurt you, I will always make you so happy."

"My body... is stronger than it seems, you can be wilder."

I can't explain my beast behavior, as if I lost my mind at a fixed time every night and will not recover the next morning.

"You like me when you are 6 months old." When the faint morning light shot into the bunker shooting hole, I asked Xiao Yin lying next to me. "Don't say that you are precocious and scared, you are not a year." Did you get them before the squad leader, you were not a refugee point with us, you can't know me when you were young."

"But I smelled your smell." Xiao Yin smiled and ate, holding my face and kissing my lips. "If it is the smell of a sweetheart, I can smell it no matter how far apart, you The smell is summer hay, very special."


Once, I and Pooh went to the boreal forest to cut down the wood. She accidentally said that she missed the mouth. The voice of Xiao Yin and I was often sent to the lower level of the bunker. The squad leader said that he was helpless, but said: At least In this way, Ye Lin will not be born in the mission.

If I am satisfied with Xiao Yin, I won’t attack you. Is this what it means? Plus, Xiao Yin is stubborn and stubbornly likes me, so the squad leader simply sent a good pass.

"I don't understand." After cutting off a thick pine tree with a fire axe, I stopped working and discussed with Pooh. "The squad leader is not always very sacrificed, even if I am really 365 days old. During the estrus period, the order of the team is seriously damaged. The squad leader should also accompany me to sleep, and should not be pushed to others."

Whether it is in the 28th or in the present world, I will not care too much about speaking with Pooh. Anyway, she doesn't care more than me.

Pooh leaned on a tree and snorted for a while.

"The squad leader is probably for fairness."

"Oh." Pooh's answer surprised me.

"What's weird." Pooh continued. "You really thought that like your dreams, let's go to school in that twenty-eight. There are 45 people in the class, 26 girls and 26 boys. It has been more than a year. We have not seen other survivors, you are the only man we can reach."

"It is said that the more people face the crisis of survival, the more humans want to leave their descendants. The reason why you estimate your estrus every day is also this. In fact, 14 years old is also the time when girls are springing up. In the absence of the right to choose, everyone likes you. Strange……"

"Really." I can't hope to look at Vinnie. I just said that it is equivalent to a confession. Pooh is not blushing at all.

"Of course it is true." Pooh smiled. "If I have an irreplaceable role in the team like Xiao Yin, then I might even occupy you. If the squad leader and Xiao Yin compete for you, then Letting the team centrifuge away from Germany will also undermine the tacit understanding between us, so that there will be a situation in the present, and the squad leader is probably not willing to take that step."

"What step are you referring to?"

"Ha ha ha." Pooh laughed loudly and shook the snow on the pine branches. "It's the 'Harem' of your man's thinking. The squad leader has always been a very fair person, no matter what he found. Survival materials will be equally divided, but you have only one man, can't cut into 4 copies, if you want to split, you have to let you take turns to be your bedding."

"The word bedding is also..."

"In short, Xiao Yin strongly urges you to monopolize you. Instead, he gives the squad leader an opportunity not to assign you. As a result, your vesting rights have been determined. You should not have a conflict for scrambling for you."

I am temporarily unacceptable for myself to become the target of four girls.

"Hey, what do you think about it, I think it’s a pity that the squad leader didn't mean you to 'average'."

"No." I replied, "I just think that the words you said to me are too organized, not quite like what you usually say..."

"This is not a 'normal'." Pooh struck a punch on the pine tree and then sat down against the trunk. "The environment will change people. Every day there are too few recreational activities. I have to be bored and crazy... Ye Lin, you have a folding military shovel in addition to the fire axe, dig a pit in the snow, bigger."

"Digging a hole." I am awkward, "Do what you do."

Pooh smiled and took out a box of condoms from his pocket. "As long as the pit is deep enough, it can prevent the wind and snow. If we put the coat on the bottom of the pit, we can do something happy without being disturbed." ”

Seeing me hesitating, Pooh found the folding shovel from my backpack and dug up the pit.

"Bastard, only you a man is great, you don't want to do a pit, wait for a while, you will be able to block a little snow."

Looking at Winnie's hair in the snow, I don't know if it is time to help or stop.

After a while, a rectangular snow pit was dug, and the ground was exposed at the bottom. Pooh took out the rain-proof silk from his backpack and laid it on the ground. It seemed that she planned for a long time and had already prepared for it.

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