I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 974: Summer Snowflakes

Not long after coming out of the bathroom, "Batman Dark Knight" was over, and everyone was eating animal biscuits to relive the plot in the movie.

"Right, squad leader, are you not afraid of black mice?" Pooh suddenly asked, "In fact, the bat is like a flying black rat. You won't be afraid of it."

"I...not because of the shape of the black mouse, they have scruples on them." The squad leader hesitated and looked at Shu Zhe. "It was because of other reasons that left a psychological shadow. Even if the bat is really like a mouse, I don't." I am afraid of bats."

"Ah, there is a bat hitting the windowpane." Xiaoqin pointed in the direction of the window and cried in surprise.

However, the squad leader was not fooled, but said faintly: "The bat uses ultrasonic waves to judge the direction of flight, and the probability of hitting an obstacle is very low."

Gong Caicai was scared to cover his eyes and panicked his neck. "Don't let the bat come in, don't let the bat **** my blood."

"Don't be afraid." Viniyi said in front of Gong Caicai, "If there are things like bats, vampires, etc., I will use the method that Xiaoqin teaches me to kick it. If you play them, you can't take care of yourself."

At this time, the squad leader's cell phone rang, and she went to the balcony to pick up a phone call, and Pooh was wrapped around Xiaoqin to play Xbox game console with herself.

The squad leader didn't come back in 5 or 6 minutes. I curiously approached the balcony. I wanted to eavesdrop on who was talking to the squad leader. The result was just to catch up with the squad leader and finished seeing me coming over.

"Oh, Ye Lin, are you looking for something?" the squad leader asked on the balcony.

The breeze swayed her long hair, and this situation seemed to be the continuation of the conversation at the entrance to the Desi Church.

Because there were Pentaxes and Amy not far away, the squad leader and I simply said a few words and separated, and I was not interested in it.

"There is nothing." I muttered. "Just want to ask, have you been doing well during this time..."

The squad leader’s face showed a meaningful smile, some bitter and somewhat satisfying.

"I haven't had a big deal here. Everyday I just live a very ordinary life. I just... I am waiting for you to wake up."

"How do you know that I will wake up? I was in that situation, even if I have been a vegetative person."

The squad leader shook his head gently, and the hair fluttered. "I don't know why. In short, compared to the night you disappeared in Cui Songshan, this time I am more at ease, probably because I can often come over to see you. Well, when I go to the negotiation of the causal calculation program, she sometimes reveals your dreams to me..."

Hey, hey,,,,,.

Revealing my dreams... I know to the squad leader, I have done something evil in my dreams. The squad leader knows what I am doing and I am not angry at all. Because it is done in a dream, so it doesn’t matter. .

"Ye Lin, what's wrong with you, it seems to be very scared... The causal calculation program says that you lived in a dream with some people living a life of end, and you have fun, is that the case?"

Yu... I was shocked by the jump. It turned out that Xiao Yin only said it in general terms, and did not specifically mention the details.

"That...I have you in your dreams?" The squad leader asked his back with a little back.

"Not every dream I remember very clearly." I vaguely said, "But most of the dreams should have you."

"The causal calculation program simulates me... like me."

"Like, very much like, the person who often opens the skylight in the brain, the causal calculation program is not perfect, but like the squad leader, you are doing the same thing, the simulated effect is not much different from the real person."

"That is to say, there is also Pooh in the dream." The squad leader stunned. "I was actually simulated by the computer. This proves that I am a very boring person..."

"In the dream world of ice and snow, it is impossible to live by ‘funny’.” I comforted the squad leader and said, “Everyone relies on your command to overcome difficulties and obstacles again and again, and after the destruction of human civilization.”

"It seems that it is not a good word." After I was forced to wash out the "Wenqing" attribute by Xiao Yin, I was entangled in it because I used a less suitable word.

"I am directing everyone in the virtual." The squad leader thoughtfully said, "In addition to you, me, Pooh, and the incarnation of the causal computing program, who else."

"And the palace color, Amy and Xiaoqin were ruled out, maybe Xiao Yin didn't want me to meet the real girl and the righteous sister."

I did not mention that Xiong Yaoyue was replaced by Zhuangni in the later period. After all, I found out that the situation was wrong after pushing Xiong Yaoyue, and Zhuang Ni would replace it.

“Is there no Xiaozhe?” the squad leader asked. “In the virtual world designed by Xiao Yin, another one I don’t have a younger brother.”

"That..." I could hardly say, "In the virtual world, the squad leader and Shu Zhe were separated in the accident and have never seen him again."

In fact, according to the logic, Shuzhe Jiujiu in the virtual world is hanged, but I don't want to say this, let the real squad leader touch the scene.

"This way... Another one is really unfortunate," the squad sighed. "After losing the news of my brother, I can still remain calm and rational. Maybe I am stronger than that."

In fact, I think the strength of the squad leader on both sides is the same. The virtual squad leader has accepted the fact that his brother died, and I only tell the real squad leader that she and her brother are "lost."

"Squad leader, before I woke up, I promised you something virtual."

"Hey." The squad leader bowed unexpectedly, maybe my expression was too serious.

"She hopes that her younger brother in the real world, as well as herself, can live a happy life, and I promise to take care of you for her."

The voice did not fall, I was surprised to find that the sporadic snow fluttered from the window, but now it is midsummer.

When I looked at it, I found out that it was the scattered catkins in the winter city of "June Snow". It was my rush to see the wrong.

However, this beautiful misunderstanding made me feel that I had a glimpse of the virtual world.

I heard my sincere statement, the squad leader was not psychologically prepared, but took a step back.

"Virtual me, isn't Xiao Yin playing it, how can she make this request to you?"

After thinking about it, I guessed it:

"Xiao Yin is not an omnipotent **** in my dream world. She relies on my subconscious mind and various data to perfectly simulate the squad leader. When Xiao Yin’s ability to control my dreams weakens, In other words, it affects the virtual data bodies that she has created. The data bodies interact with me according to the pre-set properties. It really has the illusion of talking with the monitor.

The squad leader's face was slightly red, probably thinking that I had a lot of words with her virtual one, and there was a feeling that I was prying into privacy.

"You... there should be no bad things about virtualizing me."

"No, I am a gentleman, how can I do that kind of thing?"

Fortunately, I am really respectful of the squad leader in the dream, otherwise it is impossible to answer so fast, so emboldened.

",, die, cry and confess your weak, then die."

The scream of Winnie's game came from the living room.

The squad leader glanced in the direction of the living room, then shook the phone in his hand. "Yes, it was the phone call from Zhuang Ni. She asked me where I am. I said it, and let her come over and pay you." Apologize, but she won't come."

"It's nothing, it fits her character." I tried to pretend to say nothing. "She has a bad relationship with Xiong Yaoyue. She hates all men. If she is brought, it will destroy the atmosphere of today."

"Ye Lin." The squad leader said very hard. "I know that you are still angry with Zhuang Ni. After all, she was instructed by the causal calculation program and made an accomplice who was stunned for 18 months, but can you Listen to me, don't use your power to retaliate against her."

Hey, "My power" refers to some people like Amy and Pentax. I never thought about using them to retaliate against Zhuang, even if I don't forgive Zhuang, I don't need to rely on others to punish her. Let's go.

The squad leader continued: "Actually, in addition to Zhuang Ni, the causal calculation program also arranged for others to place dream sync headphones. Her plan is to have multiple insurances. Even if Zhuang Ni does not do it, you may not escape this robbery."

This is consistent with the consistent style of the causal calculation program, which minimizes the variables to get the results she wants most.

"In the midst of your coma, Zhuang is very hard at self-learning programming, and asks Fang Xin to write a virus to attack the causal calculation program to weaken her control over your dreams, although it can't return you to the real world. The credit was pushed to Zhuang Ni, but Zhuang Ni did have a force."

"So... can you look at my face and let Zhuang Ni a horse, if the future causal calculation program is re-applied to you, Zhuang Ni is also one of the important guarantees for you to get out of trouble..."

As if thinking that his request was too much, the squad leader slightly lowered his head without confidence.

" Needless to say, if the squad leader asks you, I can forgive her for the time being."

"My promise in the virtual world is to take care of you and Shu Zhe for that person. Since you have asked me for this matter, I have no reason to agree. From now on, as long as Zhuang Ni does not come to invade me, I don't invade her either..."

"No, this sentence is a bit awkward. In short, it is ‘people don’t commit me, I don’t commit crimes’, so you can rest assured that the squad leader.”

"Thank you." The squad leader breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought that Ye Lin would wake up to Zhuangni in the first time after waking up. After sleeping for 18 months, you seem to be mature and tolerant..."

"H." I laughed. "Tolerance is not necessarily. There is a little bit of maturity. I have lived in the dream of civilization and destruction for several years, and I have done something that adults can do..."

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