I'm Numb, I Mistake My Best Friend For A Blind Date

Chapter 68 Little Things, Don't Bully Aunt Qing.

A war full of tens of millions of players.

Jiang Yang had no other choice.

It is also impossible to allow players to continue playing on the major maps.

Only the version prepared later.

Modify some special maps and use them for these energetic players to fight.

Fortunately, there is an AI to clear the bug, otherwise it will be too late.

The brother of the program group frantically typing on the code to change the map data.

Chen Guang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his eyelids twitched, and suggested to Jiang Yang.

Director, the map won't be available until midnight at least, should we make an announcement first?"

Jiang Yang shook his head and refused. Now that these players are all jealous, who cares about the official announcement?

"Wait for the map to be made, make an announcement fifteen minutes in advance, and then directly use Ai to throw these players in."

Hearing this, everyone in the game department sighed.

After all, who would have thought that such an accident would happen.

Tens of millions of players fought.

This scene is simply off the charts.

When the game department urgently prepared the map, the game was already full of wars.

More and more players were involved.

Jiang Yang looked at it with a headache.

At this time, Aunt Qing sent a message and asked about the situation.

"Are you sure you can handle it? If not, please shut down the server temporarily."

At this time, you must choose as soon as possible.

If you wait any longer, it will be a complete mess.

"Don't worry, the new map is being modified, and all these players will be brought in when the time comes."

"Aunt Qing, you go back first, don't wait for me."

Jiang Yang smiled wryly and shook his head, let's prepare for the whole night tonight.

Seeing Jiang Yang's reply, Aunt Qing secretly rolled her eyes, and replied angrily:

"I'm the big boss anyway, is this the right time to sneak around?"

"Okay, you guys continue to pay attention to the situation, I'll get someone to prepare a midnight snack for you, the hotel next door has opened rooms, if you can't hold on, let them go to rest first.

Helplessly smiled and put down the phone.

Lock these player IDs with Ai.

Send it straight in when it's poured.

In the middle of the night.

Brother of the program team, finally changed the map.

"Director! The map is ready!"

"How do we do it?"

Brother Program's eyes were so tired that he could hardly keep them open.

Hearing this, Jiang Yang suddenly regained his energy, patted his face, stood up 05, and said:

"For the final test, in the game, an announcement is made to give players fifteen minutes to react.

"Lan Ying, you are responsible for sending the colleagues in the programming team to the hotel to rest."

Immediately, the entire game department became busy again.

At this time, in "World of Warcraft", the battle is still raging.

Although it was already late at night, there were still nearly 20 million players involved.

"Full Server Announcement, due to war and killings, void creatures that feed on killings have been attracted. After fifteen minutes, all players who are fighting will be forcibly descended to the void plane. "

An announcement made the battlefield strangely quiet for a while.

Then, they started beating again.

No one ignored this announcement at all.

You can still play with another map.

So, fifteen minutes later.

More than ten million players were teleported to the void plane at the same time.

Immediately, the many maps that had been fighting all night finally quieted down.

On the map, not a single wild monster remained.

All kinds of herbs and materials are not left at all.

The players watching the battle subconsciously took a breath when they saw this scene.

Good guy.

This really sucks up the map.

On the other side, the player who was teleported to the void plane was stunned for a moment, and quickly began to familiarize himself with the environment.

Fear of being attacked by opponents.

Unfortunately, what was waiting was not an opponent, but a void creature that traveled through space.

Countless ferocious behemoths crawled out of the void one by one.

"Fuck, what the hell is this?"

"My san value is about to drop.

"Let's kill these turtle grandchildren first."

"Hey~ The void crystal that fell, what is it for?"

"I just went to the warlord to check, the void crystal can be exchanged for equipment below level 30.

"What? You can still change equipment?"

"Jian Sun on the opposite side, stop fighting for an hour, and treat these monsters!"

Gradually, after some players got access to equipment and advanced materials.

Word spread quickly.

So the fighting started to subside.

Countless players are like locusts, killing the void creatures.

After all, in front of equipment, all grievances and grievances are empty.

As a result, the Alliance and the Horde, occupying half of the map clearly, began to spawn void creatures.

Seeing this scene, many people secretly regretted it.

"It's a pity, I thought Xingyun was planted this time."

"Yeah, tens of millions of players fight each other. If it develops offline, it will be a lot of fun."

"After all, the war has just ended, if so many players are provoked, the federation will decide to intervene.

"Xingyun's Jiang Yang, the accident is too old, a new map, maybe it can increase some popularity."

"Indeed, if it were me, I guess the server would be shut down for maintenance."

A huge war gradually disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally resolved smoothly.

The colleagues in the game department, seeing this, also leaned on the chair a little bit exhausted.

"Made almost had an accident."

Chen Guang's eyes were swollen, and his tone of voice was still trembling.

Lan Ying on the side nodded in agreement, "It's too dangerous, we must pay attention in the future, the guidance of public opinion in the game.

The crisis this time reminded Tian Family.

This game involves hundreds of millions of people, and even a little bit of a situation is fatal.

If it weren't for Jiang Yang's handling of it properly.

"Warcraft" is expected to be a serious blow.

Jiang Yang closed his eyes and rested for a while, then stood up again, paying full attention to the changes in the game.

Finally, four hours after the void plane was opened.

Void creatures are spawned.

The players happily took the crystals and went to exchange for supplies.

Then, many players went offline one after another.

By this time, the sky was already bright.

A new day has arrived.

Seeing that things were going smoothly, Jiang Yang couldn't help but stretched his waist, looking at the few remaining colleagues who were still persisting.

"Lin Le, ask people from other departments to help send the big guy to the hotel next door to rest."

The spirit has been tense all night, and these guys almost have no strength to walk.

After speaking, Jiang Yang yawned and walked towards Aunt Qing's office.

He couldn't hold on anymore.

open the door.

She saw Aunt Qing lying on the table, her little Qiaoqiong's nose was slightly closed, and her red lips were slightly parted, snoring softly.

Jiang Yang stepped lightly and came to Aunt Qing's side.

With a gentle expression, he gently brushed the broken hair on the fair face behind Yurun's ears.

Then, he stretched out his hand through the bend of his fleshy legs, and hugged Aunt Qing by the waist.

The movement on her body made Aunt Qing wake up.

She opened her misty eyes, and when she saw that it was Jiang Yang, she obediently lay down in her arms.

"Have you dealt with it?"

Aunt Qing muttered lightly.

"Well, it's done, let's have a good sleep.

Jiang Yang said softly.

Aunt Qing rubbed her hands in Jiang Yang's arms reassuringly, sleepiness welled up in her phoenix eyes again.

Last night, Aunt Qing was also busy all night.

The logistics were great.

It is estimated that it was after dawn that he fell asleep on the table.

It was so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open.

Put Aunt Qing on the bed.

The softness of the blanket made Aunt Qing let out a pleasant hum, and then subconsciously got into the blanket.

Jiang Yang looked a little funny.

It looked so cute.

Jiang Yang washed up briefly, then yawned and got into bed.

It seems to feel a familiar breath.

Aunt Qing groped her way into Jiang Yang's arms and rubbed her hands until she found a comfortable sleeping position before she smiled in satisfaction.

Jiang Yang's hands froze for a moment, with a strange expression on his face.

This time, it's really not bad for him.

It was Aunt Qing who did it first.

Seeing Aunt Qing's cute appearance, Jiang Yang couldn't help but lowered his head to kiss Aunt Qing's soft red lips lightly.

Aunt Qing suddenly frowned slightly, her muttering tone was somewhat angry.

"Don't bully Aunt Qing~~"


Jiang Yang couldn't help chuckling, how could Aunt Qing be so cute?

With Aunt Qing in her arms, she fell asleep happily.

A new day has arrived.

The heat brought about by the chaos of tens of millions of players that lasted almost all night last night ushered in an explosion instead.

In the beginning, it was just the emotion of the players.

After all, this kind of collective event is the easiest to establish a sense of identity, and many players talk about it.

They all looked excited and passionate.

"It's a pity for those who didn't log in yesterday, the scene just exploded."

"It's so cool, I killed five Horde players yesterday."

"A scuffle of tens of millions of people is so hot-blooded, it may be difficult to appear in the future."

"Those who didn't participate would never be able to imagine the passion of that scene at that time."

"Haha, if it wasn't for the fact that the government has released a new map, it is estimated that this war is not over yet.

"I'm so regretful, yesterday I was persuaded by others to dig treasure in "Heroes of War".

"Pfft, laughing dead, earning pocket money to go to "Warcraft", being a life player, or moving bricks, isn't it much better than that war discipline?"

There is a heated discussion online.

After calming down, there was not much hatred between the two camps.

On the contrary, there is more inexplicable sympathy.

After all, together they created, the greatest player war of all time.

Under the guidance of Xing Yun, these public opinions are developing in a benign direction.

But in the afternoon.

Under the organization of caring people, many alarmist drafts began to spread on the Internet.

"Please be vigilant, "Warcraft" is a malignant game. It is well known that the war has only stopped for 20 years, and people have finally come out of the pain of the war."

""Warcraft" is unscrupulous and provokes tens of millions of hatred, which is worthy of vigilance...

Driven by the black hands behind the scenes.

On the direct flip, not the fanning person, began to abuse.

And many game companies, seeing this, did not hesitate to add insult to injury.

This public opinion came too fiercely.

Let Nebula be a little caught off guard.

Then when they contacted them, when these media retracted the manuscript, they simply ignored it.

Now, everyone knows.

This is someone who is engaged in the Nebula Group.

And the energy is not small.

Wait until the afternoon.

This black public opinion tends to become more and more terrifying.

During the period, Jiang Yang was woken up by a phone call.

When hearing the whole story of the incident, Jiang Yang was a little helpless.


Are people pigs?

The 'War of the Century' had just ended, and these players were in a frenzy.

The media pops up at times like this.

Isn't this suicidal?

Jiang Yang yawned and replied directly:

"Go to the game and post an announcement, saying that "Warcraft" has been reported to provoke public hatred, and it will be urgently maintained for 15 minutes, and the supervision system will be upgraded."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yang hung up the phone directly, went back to the room, and continued to sleep with Aunt Qing in his arms.

Hear Jiang Yang's approach.

Everyone who was anxious like ants in a hot pot suddenly became enlightened and understood what to do.


With the announcement of emergency maintenance came out.

The players who were still immersed in the bloody battlefield last night were directly stunned.

Why is it stopping to maintain the dry wool?


"According to the official statement, last night we had a fight with the tribe, and it was raised to the level of provoking hatred among the people."

"Mad, are you crazy?"

"How about playing a game and loving each other?"

"A group of people who receive money to do things. I read the drafts of these media, and they are all similar."

"++Brothers of the alliance, let's shake hands and make peace for the time being, and get rid of these bastards first!!"

"Okay! Brothers, don't engage in tribalism first, and go to the 710 of these **** media first."

Soon, "Warcraft" has not been officially closed for maintenance.

Countless players went offline directly.

Then, below the relevant articles published by the media on major platforms.

Countless players came.

"An asshole who collects money to do things."

"When I fight with tribal players, I won't be brain-dead and develop into reality. (Alliance players check in"

"Brothers from the Alliance upstairs, what you said is really good. Horde players are the best."

"Brothers who support the alliance upstairs, [Horde players check in]"

"Brothers, I made a website to record all the media that published the press release, and the articles published by these media will be treated as fake news in the future.

"Like one, send the URL."

The media, which has always controlled the mouthpiece of public opinion, watched the counterattack of so many players.

They were all dumbfounded.

When will our media talk no longer work?

And it was kicked back.

Many quick-responsive media quickly deleted articles and blamed temporary workers.

Unfortunately, it's almost

These media that took money to issue press releases have been recorded by the players.

The trend of offense and defense reversed.

This level of excitement has made many people who eat melons feel addicted.

At the same time, the unity of the players of "Warcraft" made many rumors self-defeating.

I saw that many media outlets withdrew their drafts.

The people of Xingyun Group couldn't help but let out a bad breath.

This is simply the newspaper of the present world.

How arrogant she was before, how embarrassing she is now.

In the end, after the maintenance of "Warcraft" was completed, the public opinion war gradually subsided.


I slept for almost a day.

The exhaustion from staying up all night gradually dissipated, and Aunt Qing only felt soft and comfortable all over her body.

The red lips parted slightly and yawned slightly.

The next moment, Aunt Qing shuddered, and her drowsiness went away.

Opening his eyes, he saw that he was walking into Jiang Yang's arms.

Aunt Qing couldn't help being stunned.

Trying to recall the previous scene.

She remembered that she seemed too tired and fell asleep on the table, and then Jiang Yang seemed to come back.

He hugged her back to the bed.

Then, the little bastard seemed to kiss her?

A vague memory flashed in my mind, and Aunt Qing's beautiful eyes were suddenly filled with shy anger.

Pull Jiang Yang's troubled hands out of his shirt.

He gave Jiang Yang a hard look.

He just raised his jade feet and was about to kick him, but Jiang Yang looked exhausted.

Aunt Qing couldn't bear it anymore.

Angrily, she kicked him lightly on the stomach with her toe.

"The little heartless ones know that when Aunt Qing is not in good spirits, she can bully Aunt Qing vigorously.

There is a smooth and soft feeling on the belly.

Jiang Yang hugged subconsciously.

Rubbing Aunt Qing's soft thighs with her face, she slept even more soundly with a smile on her face.

Aunt Qing:

Seeing Jiang Yang's sleepy and sweet appearance, Aunt Qing held his forehead feebly, wondering why the little bastard fell asleep.

Can you be so rascal?

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