"Little brother, I really need your help, she is really... oh my god... squatting on me again!"

"She already knows that I have investigated her, and now I'm doing it myself, come here!"

"It's just downstairs in the company, I really don't dare to go down, something is wrong with her."

Liu Qingwu's voice rang on the phone, with a bit of deep helplessness and trouble.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Su Hao raised his eyebrows and agreed quickly.

First, he was a little curious about this lily suitor, and second, he had to get angry.

Attacking others is undoubtedly a very good way to get rid of anger.

Thinking of this, he directly started the car and rushed towards Liu Qingwu's company.

In the last life, I ran there a lot, but now I am familiar with it.

After making some preparations, Su Hao quickly came to the bottom of Liu Qingwu's company.

At a glance, he saw a flat-chested short-haired beauty holding flowers and waiting there quietly.

Obviously, she was the one Liu Qingwu said was standing guarding her.

Well, although the chest is flat, but the appearance can also be called a beauty.

If it's a lily together, it's quite suitable.

Su Hao got out of the car and took out the roses he just bought in the car.

The bright roses that have just been picked look particularly eye-catching.

He also stood at the door of the company naturally, standing with the short-haired beauty.

After Su Hao looked at her, he didn't say anything.

A man and a woman are holding roses, standing downstairs in the company, is a rather strange landscape.

"Hello, my name is Guan Qing, what's your name?"

The short-haired beauty looked at Su Hao with rather strange eyes, and she actually took the initiative to say hello.

"My name is Su Hao."

Su Hao smiled.

"Su Hao, you must be the pursuer of Qingwu."

Guan Qing didn't say much, and said bluntly.

"Oh? How can this be seen?"

Su Hao didn't respond immediately and asked instead.

"Looking at how valuable your clothes are, you definitely don't look down on ordinary people. Except for Qingwu, there is no one else."

Guan Qing analyzed it seriously.

"so what?"

Seeing her serious look, Su Hao couldn't help but feel a little funny.

This is really treating himself as a competitor, and it seems that this suitor is quite serious.

It's a pity that Liu Qingwu really doesn't have the habit of sharpening mirrors.

"I advise you to give up this idea. She seems to get along well, and you may have had a few contacts..."

"But that doesn't mean she's really a good person to get along with. In fact, Qingwu is very cold."

Guan Qing continued the analysis very seriously.

"Listening to you, you seem to know her very well."

Su Hao said in surprise.

It seems that this good friend Liu Qingwu has just met has carefully studied the willow fairy.

As I said before, Liu Qingwu always smiles at everyone, but in fact she is a rather indifferent person.

How can a person who can continue to create brilliance with his family in the shopping mall be able to speak well?

"Of course, I'm a very good friend of Qingwu, the kind who eats and lives together, so I know her very well."

"If you are like this, even if you wait for her to come, you are just asking for trouble, and there will be no progress at all."

Guan Qing is like facing a rival in love, mercilessly attacking.

"What... Is what you said all true... She said she can come to her when she has time."

Su Hao's face became quite uncomfortable.

"Of course it's true, asking you to come to her is just a cliché, etiquette for business partners."

Guan Qing didn't mean to be merciful, and without hesitation, started to attack Su Hao one after another.

Su Hao's face turned pale, and the bright roses he was holding in his hands fell down weakly.

At this moment, it seems that the spirit of Hua and people has changed, and they look listless.

Guan Qing was naturally very happy when she saw this scene.

Although she hasn't made much progress, her good friends who have been in close contact with her are also avoiding her now...

But as long as she persists, I believe she will figure it out!

Before that, Qingwu cannot be taken away by others!

Now the time has come, as long as you strike while the iron is hot and say a few words, the other party will definitely leave like this.

Just when she was about to persuade Su Hao to quit, the company's automatic door opened, and a figure in a red dress walked out.

Guan Qing immediately turned her head and looked at the figure of the person who came.

She was Liu Qingwu.

At this time, Liu Qingwu's beautiful face was filled with a smile from the heart.

Anyone can see that she is in a good mood now.

Guan Qing never saw her smile so happily after exposing her identity.

Could it be that she finally figured it out?

"Guan Qing, what a coincidence, you are here too!"

With a smile on Liu Qingwu's face, she greeted Guan Qing.

If the other party is alone, she would rather go through the back door and leave quietly, but this time is different from the past.

"Well! Qingwu, come here!"

Guan Qing quickly waved his hand and signaled.

After finishing the action, she hadn't forgotten to raise her eyebrows at Su Hao to show that what she said was true.

Su Hao didn't speak, just showed an impeccable smile.

Guan Qing had some doubts in her heart, but she didn't care, she reached out to Liu Qingwu, wanting to shake hands with him.

It's good, it tastes good.

The corners of Liu Qingwu's mouth twitched imperceptibly, pretending not to see anything, and passing Guan Qing.

This girlfriend is really not polite at all, she wants to hold her hand in broad daylight.

It's really immortal!

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Eight

Guan Qing looked back blankly, but saw the scene where Liu Qingwu grabbed Su Hao's arm.

At that moment, she heard heartbreak.

And the man who watched this scene in the company was also heartbroken.

This is one of the best characters in the group, no matter who it is, he has fantasized about it.

But today, in the public eye, the fantasy turned into a bubble and burst.

"Darling, you finally came to pick me up. Is this the rose you bought for me? I like it very much."

Liu Qingwu hugged Su Hao's hand and said in a very affectionate tone.

"Well, as long as you like it."

Su Hao felt the softness on his arms, and his face was full of doting smiles.

These words reached Guan Qing's ears, causing her to stay where she was.

She was completely dumbfounded.

Before, I persuaded this young man to leave quickly, and said something he didn't deserve, but what happened?

After the best friend that I miss in my heart comes out, the first thing I do is to hug this young man and call me dear?

At this time, Guan Qing only felt a burning pain in her cheek, as if she had been beaten a few times.

"Guan Qing, this is my boyfriend Su Hao. You guys have been standing here just now, have you already introduced them?"

Liu Qingwu hugged Su Hao's arm, turned her head and introduced to Guan Qing.

Frightened and in a trance for so many days, now I finally raised my eyebrows.

She actually doesn't have any bad feelings towards Guan Qing, but in this case, she can't let the other party have a little luck.

If you don't cut the mess quickly, the other party will feel that he still has a chance.

In that case, it would be a naked disaster.

"Ah... ah?"

Guan Qing responded in a daze, obviously not recovering from the shock just now.

"Be bold."

Liu Qingwu suddenly pressed against Su Hao's ear and whispered something.

She found that although her good friend was greatly shocked, she had no intention of giving up.

If that's the case, then the only thing you can do is take a potion.

"I don't believe it. Since you have a boyfriend, why didn't I know about it before? Could it be a temporary actor?"

Guan Qing's face was full of suspicion.

She was just stunned for a moment, and now she has some reactions.

Boyfriend or something, he doesn't come out early, he doesn't come out late, but he comes out at this time.

Shouldn't it be a similar friend that I found temporarily, and I want to stage a play of shielding here?

"I'm sorry, Guan Qing, my boyfriend is rather shy and doesn't like to show his face in front of other people."

"And I'm usually busy with work, and he has his own business, so I don't see each other often."

Liu Qingwu didn't blushed when she told the lie, and Su Hao listened with a helpless expression.

Why do all the women around me, except Lin Jiayu, seem to be born actors?

Looking at this acting, it's like going to win the Oscar statuette. If you change it, you may not be able to do better.

"Since you said you are boyfriend and girlfriend, let's hug one."

Guan Qing was still a little unconvinced, and when she turned her eyes slightly, she thought of a way to break the game.

She knows the character of her good friend and hates any physical contact with men.

Although it looks like he is hugging each other's arm now, this should be the limit.

If there is an intimate gesture of hugging, you can definitely see the clue.

"Little brother, come and hug."

Liu Qingwu said without hesitation.

Without any hesitation, Su Hao directly reached out and hugged Liu Qingwu's slender waist.

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