"Can I ask, why is the key for your car key independent?"

Su Hao was silent for a while before speaking slowly.

"Just to prevent you from escaping, how about it, am I very foresight?"

When Liu Qingwu said this, her expression couldn't help being a little smug.

"But...you locked yourself in it, can I use force on you now?"

Su Hao said maliciously.

"If you want to come, feel free to come."

Liu Qingwu shoved the key directly into the gully in front of her chest.

The keychain slipped in and disappeared.

"Do you think I dare not?"

The corner of Su Hao's eyes twitched.

"Okay, okay, let's not make trouble, let's go eat something together, I'm hungry."

Liu Qingwu coughed twice and said.

"Okay, where do you want to eat?"

Su Hao asked.

He can't be provoked again here, he and Liu Qingwu are quite serious friends now!

Hmm... There's only a little bit of indecency, but it's not time to take off your pants.

"Give me the car and I'll drive it."

Liu Qingwu said enthusiastically.

Su Hao naturally didn't care, and changed the driver's seat with Liu Qingwu.

When the two of them changed seats, they naturally had physical contact, which made Su Hao a little unbearable.

The soft fierce and the hot body formed a fatal temptation.

Even if Liu Qingwu was not careful, she still showed quite a charm.

Su Hao was in the passenger seat, squinting his eyes to suppress his body that had already been stretched.

This has been able to show how important it is to carry a personal maid with you.

After the car stopped, Su Hao was back to normal. Looking at the restaurant outside, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Isn't it a western restaurant?"

He asked subconsciously.

In fact, if someone like Liu Qingwu invited guests, they would either go to a five-star hotel or a western restaurant.

And here is neither, but the seafood giant.

"Humph, little brother, do you want to eat Western food? I am very close to the people, unlike you all drinking and drinking all day long."

Liu Qingwu proudly showed off, opened the door, and got out of the car.

"I didn't spend a lot of money... Are your clothes too conspicuous, aren't you afraid of getting dirty?"

Su Hao also got out of the car, but halfway through his words, he noticed the gazes of the people around him, and couldn't help but have a headache.

As soon as Liu Qingwu in a crimson dress appeared, it was like lighting a lamp in the dark, which was extremely eye-catching.

Almost instantly attracted the attention of others.

"Let's go, it's not that I haven't eaten it, it doesn't matter if it gets dirty, just throw it away."

Liu Qingwu waved her hand and walked in first.

Seeing this, Su Hao couldn't say anything else, so he had to follow behind her.

When Liu Qingwu pushed open the door and entered, the noisy sound in the entire restaurant just now disappeared.

Many people who were talking looked at this place with some doubts, and then they remained silent as if they had been immobilized.

Many people are very curious, where did this fiery red elf come from.

No, it's more a fairy than an elves.

"It doesn't matter, just throw it away after it gets dirty."

Liu Qingwu said that she has a lot of money, so she doesn't need to worry about getting her clothes dirty.

"I just said that I am close to the people. If you became an emperor in ancient times, people would rebel within a few days of sitting."

Su Hao couldn't help but be speechless.

"I'm not afraid. If I become the emperor, I must make you the queen, hehe."

Liu Qingwu smiled very charmingly, pulling Su Hao's arm and sitting on a blank dining table.

The two were sitting on the sofa, and Liu Qingwu was close to Su Hao's side, with an extremely well-behaved expression.

This made the waiter who came with the menu only felt that he had suffered 10,000 critical damage in his heart.

Why do you want me to see this scene? !

"Well, little brother needs more nutrition, eat more oysters, and prawns... The prawns here should be okay..."

Liu Qingwu hugged Su Hao's arm with one hand, while the other hand kept sketching on the menu.

The waiter took the menu and left with a look of resentment, and after a while, he brought extremely fresh oysters.

Although it is raw, it is handled extremely well, the flesh is white and attractive, and it exudes a faint aroma.

This thing is also very simple to eat, just use a fork or chopsticks to pick up some sauce and eat it directly.

"Little brother, thanks to you for saving the field today, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

Liu Qingwu carefully dipped a piece of oyster meat in the sauce and brought it to Su Hao's mouth.

"Qingwu, I don't understand something, can you answer it for me?"

Su Hao ate the oysters in one bite and asked.

The taste is very delicious, and the juice splashes in one bite, forming a perfect explosion of taste buds in the mouth.

"What little brother has to say is that there is no need to be polite between the two of us."

Liu Qingwu answered very seriously.

"You are the eldest lady of the Liu family, and it's not that you are not taken seriously. Why are you so kind to me?"

"This is not easy to explain in general. Even if you like me, there is no need to do this step, right?"

Su Hao asked.

He is also a master of eternal love, so he can naturally feel Liu Qingwu's affection.

But this kind of deep friendship, even love at first sight, can't be explained at all!

"This... it's just something I owe you."

The charm in Liu Qingwu's eyes was completely restrained, replaced by a rare tenderness and a bit of shame.

Something you owe me?

Su Hao thought about it for a while, but he didn't think about what he owed him.

Asking questions is one of his good virtues. Just as Su Hao was about to ask, he was interrupted by Liu Qingwu.

"Hee hee hee, look at how serious you are, how is my acting, is it getting better and better?"

The gentleness on Liu Qingwu's face faded away, and she regained her previous charm and enchantment.

"You're really not good at learning at all."

Su Hao directly stretched out his hand and pinched the fair face, pulling it up forcefully.

Soon, all kinds of seafood that looked quite delicious were delivered.

Su Hao and Lin Jiayu were not polite either and started eating directly.

The two chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was extremely peaceful and peaceful.

However, not every place in this seafood restaurant has such an atmosphere.

A young man who looked airy was standing beside a few girls, smiling and saying something.

This table is all girls, there are four in total.

Looking at their green faces, I knew they were young, and they were probably high school students.

Those girls were obviously a little nervous, and although the girls who led them over forcibly pretended to be tough, it didn't help.

In all likelihood, the people who come up to chat are veterans, and naturally they have thick-skinned skills.

Chasing girls is naturally cheeky!

"Brother is not malicious, there are many ways to have friends, I just want to make friends with you."

The young man in his twenties knocked on the table and said with a serious face.

"Sorry, I've made it very clear before, we don't want to be friends with anyone."

The leading girl said reluctantly.

"Don't say that, maybe we will have any deep friendship in the future, you say yes."

The young man put his hand directly on the table and said with a playful expression.

This is a rather rude provocation.

In fact, this youthful young man wanted to find Liu Qingwu at first.

After all, she was the prettiest girl in the whole restaurant.

However, the boy next to her, namely Su Hao, made this young man very jealous.

Because Su Hao and Liu Qingwu have this kind of temperament that ordinary people can't cultivate at all.

Therefore, the youth can only settle for the next best thing and focus on the high school girls who look better to bully.

It feels really good to bully people.

"Those few people are too hateful, little brother, help them."

Liu Qingwu was eating and said softly.

"Okay, you guys, don't be annoying here, strong melons are not sweet."

Hearing this, Su Hao found a reason to take action and said it immediately.

"Who are you, I tell you, don't mind your own business."

The young man was suddenly unhappy.

It's fine if I don't go to your troubles, you're still picking on my thorns?

Well, it seems to be unconvinced.

Su Hao didn't speak any more, he snapped his fingers crisply.

Then, two tall and burly people stood up in the restaurant and walked towards this side.

Chapter 170 Senior Sister: You all take me as an imaginary enemy?

With Su Hao's current strength, he no longer needs bodyguards very much.

When encountering some ordinary gangsters, the number of people has no meaning to him.

Naturally, he can't count hundreds of hits now, but if he encounters danger, hundreds of people can't catch up with him.

However, some things are not always enough for him to do everything personally, so he is often accompanied by bodyguards.

Usually they all follow him like ordinary passers-by. As long as Su Hao has any request, they will appear at the first time.

In addition to these ordinary bodyguards, there is also Sophia, a personal bodyguard.

In fact, he didn't know where this Juicy Ji was hiding.

He didn't even know if the other party followed him.

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