What he didn't know was that after Su Hao passed by, all the passers-by made various sounds.

"How could such a handsome young man become paralyzed at such a young age?"

"That's right, as if someone owes him money, it won't be a porcelain touch..."

Su Hao pondered as he walked, how could he be a shocking senior for a hundred years.

Shi Bei should be impressed by him for three days, but he is a very serious person!

Just when he was thinking about it, his fiery body suddenly hugged Su Hao.

According to the size, it was Mu Qinghan.

"Little brother, it's been a long wait."

Mu Qinghan's voice rang from behind him.


Su Hao immediately came to play, and he responded lightly.

Perfect response!

"Huh? Little boy, guess if I'm wearing stockings today?"

Mu Qinghan chuckled lightly and said.

"Of course I did."

Su Hao's reaction was still very dull.

"You guessed it right, I'm wearing stockings, but no clothes~"

Mu Qinghan whispered in Su Hao's ear.


Su Hao only felt the sound of the line of reason breaking in his mind.

"What did you say?"

Su Hao's voice trembled a little. He suddenly turned his head and saw Mu Qinghan's attire at a glance.

A black veil that looks simple, and a smiling face.

Isn't this wearing clothes?

"These are actually one-piece stockings. If you don't believe me, feel the inside."

Mu Qinghan laughed softly.

The expression on Su Hao's face finally couldn't hold back anymore.

One piece stockings? !

Although it is night, even though the clothes are not transparent, as long as you think about it...

I just learned two initial skills, you use finishing skills to deal with me?

The cold arrogance that he finally put on his face disappeared, and his expression was a little dull.

"Let's go, little brother, don't be in a daze, I haven't eaten yet!"

Mu Qinghan was obviously satisfied with Su Hao's response, and happily took his hand.

The two held hands and gathered in the crowd, but they were still quite eye-catching.

Such a beautiful girl, how could she be with someone who looks stupid?

Mu Qinghan dragged Su Hao around in front of the food stall. After buying something to eat, he wandered around the night market at will.

The two were like a couple, but Mu Qinghan was talking most of the time along the way.

Su Hao looked at Mu Qinghan from time to time...or rather, at Mu Qinghan's clothes.

No clothes...only stockings...no clothes...

"What's the matter, little brother, can't you bear it anymore?"

Mu Qinghan finally noticed his strangeness, covered his mouth and smiled softly.

This man is a real devil!

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Su Hao came directly to deny Sanlian.

"There's no need to be polite with Senior Sister. Come, there is an alley with no one there, let's go and try it."

Mu Qinghan hugged Su Hao's arm at once, her eyes watery, looking extremely charming and charming.

Su Hao recalled his sister's special training and wanted to refuse righteously.

However, the softness from the arm seems to be really different from the previous feeling...

Is she wearing underwear?

When hesitating and tangled, Su Hao was dragged and dragged into the dark alley.

"Senior sister, you...what are you doing!"

"Don't be shy, just try it out, or I'll help you..."

"I'm already trying, why are you touching my belt!"

"I can't be the only one who suffers, little brother, you touch me, I touch you, it's normal..."


Chapter 174 Efficient abstinence is a waste of money

Su Hao returned home a little lost, with a very frustrated expression.

One night of training, one day of practice, the result?

It's just a touch away!

Now he has come to a conclusion.

Reason is worthless in the face of desire.

In fact, my sister's training is not ineffective, I really feel the charm of rejection.

However, the road is one foot high, and the devil is one foot high.

No matter how powerful the training is, it is still dead, and it is impossible to adapt to changes.

Mu Qinghan is really good at playing.

The ghost knows that a heroine with a domineering president template will show that look.

Just like when I was playing an online game, I just learned **** a pig, and I ran into a dragon before I left the village.

Not enough ranks!

Back home, Su Hao's aura of a defeated dog was keenly sensed by Sophia.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Sophia helped Su Hao change his shoes and asked obediently.

"It's nothing, it's just that it's not going well today."

Su Hao went home weakly.

It's not just that it's not going well, it's just one-sided!


He went back to the room and leaned back on the chair, looking extremely weak.

In sage mode, he felt extremely self-blame.

It's just a piece of silk stockings, why are you so obsessed with it?

Okay, I still don't have enough concentration...

Sophia gently pushed in the door and looked at Su Hao.

Su Hao didn't react, and looked out the window with a look of sadness that was no greater than death.

Seeing this, Sophia was a little surprised.

This blow is too big, right?

"Master, let me give you a massage."

Sophia stood behind Su Hao obediently and massaged his slender fingers on his shoulders.

Su Hao didn't speak, closed his eyes, and quietly enjoyed the tranquility.



"Master, I have a good way to improve your concentration in a short time, would you like to?"

Sophia looked at it, thought for a while, and said.

"What's the use of this, my sister's training can't be helped."

Su Hao said weakly.

Last night, Su Feiyan's training not only boosted his energy, but also significantly improved his concentration.

But is it still useless?

"Everyone's approach is different, but mine is quite straightforward and effective."

"And, you can see the results in one night!"

Sophia said confidently.

Hearing her words, Su Hao couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Everyone's approach is different, Sophia is a pretty powerful killer, maybe there is a way.

"But you say that it works in one night, is it a bit exaggerated?"

Su Hao said suspiciously.

"I never exaggerate, master might as well give it a try."

Sophia said calmly.

"Okay, just try it."

Su Hao said indifferently.

Just treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, anyway, that's it, how can it be so bad?

"Master, please sit on the bed."

Sophia's voice is still very sweet.

"How to train while sitting in bed."

Su Hao was a little puzzled, but he still sat down.

"Master, of course you can't train while sitting on the bed, but you can lie on the bed."

Sophia showed a somewhat charming smile.


Su Hao responded in a dazed way.

Before he could react, Sophia's delicate body was like a cheetah of prey, and suddenly rushed over.

Su Hao was driven by this force, and he couldn't sit still, and lay on the bed all of a sudden.

"Sophia, what are you doing!"

Su Hao's voice was a little panicked.

How could he forget the name of his killer maid and Juicy Ji? !

"Don't worry, everything is to help the master, there will be no mess."

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