Moreover, doing this kind of thing in person is really exciting.

Su Hao was also suffering at this time.

The kung fu of this juicer is really amazing.

Shaking on his lap, his expression is charming and sultry, which actually makes the true sage mode tend to recede.


If he didn't want to lose face in front of Jiang Yi, he would have pushed Sophia away long ago.

Now, he is eating, but he is a little confused.

He couldn't tell who was the villain anymore.

This meal was very harmonious, and the guests and hosts enjoyed it.

During this meal, the two have turned their battles into jade and silk.

At least on the surface that's what it looks like.

As soon as he got in the car, Su Hao glared at Sophia fiercely.

This juicing girl just sat on her lap and served, and she was not honest at all.

What a heinous crime!

In the end, before he could speak, Sophia took out a small leather whip from nowhere, as if it was all my fault.

"Please punish the master."

She said respectfully.

Su Hao almost didn't catch his breath.

Is this punishing you? This is punishing me!

"Forget it, go home..."

Su Hao said weakly.

Just then, the phone rang.

After Su Hao glanced at it, he was a little surprised.

It belongs to Dong Bodhi.

Why did she call herself?

Without any hesitation, he directly answered the phone.

"Big brother, are you free in the afternoon? I want to invite you to a cup of tea and thank big brother."

There was a soft and glutinous voice over the phone, it was Dong Puti's.

After what happened last night, Dong Puti's voice poured into Su Hao's heart like a clear spring.

"of course."

Su Hao agreed without hesitation.

Who can say no to a beautiful white-haired girl?

Especially when he is in great need of a spiritual purification, this invitation is really suitable.

"Then in the Qingming Tea Room."

Dong Puti also seemed to be quite happy, and his tone was full of joy.

"it is good."

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that he was really going to drink tea.

However, there is nothing wrong with drinking tea, it can make oneself feel calm.

"Want to go to the tea room?"

Sophia blinked and said.

"Don't go with me, go back."

Su Hao said without hesitation.

With this juicer by his side, he felt that he was carrying the root of all evil.

"Well, master, then I'll go home first, and you should go back earlier too."

Sophia said obediently.

go back early?

How is that possible!

Soon, the two of them arrived at the place.

This is not the same as the teahouse I went to last time, it is more remote and quiet.

If it weren't for the help of a map, I'm afraid Sophia would not be able to find a place.

"You don't move around here."

Su Hao reminded.

If this killer maid followed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Sophia nodded obediently.

Su Hao pushed the door directly and entered, and he had a panoramic view of the scene inside.

This teahouse is not the same as the last time I came here, it seems a lot deserted.

There were only four or five people sitting inside, and it could be seen that several of them were skilled.

These guys must be bodyguards.

And in the teahouse, a figure is particularly eye-catching.

Long white hair, a sickly look, a white princess dress, and pure white stockings.

In the eyes of the otaku, this is undoubtedly a girl who breaks through the dimension wall and makes people feel pity.

She was holding a book and watching it quietly.

Feeling someone coming, she raised her eyes, and a warm smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Her smile seemed to carry a strange power, making the surrounding environment light up.

"Big brother, you are here!"

Dong Puti's voice was full of joy.

"Well, why are there no guests here?"

Su Hao looked around strangely.

Apart from the bodyguards and the clerk, there were no customers here.

"Because the small shop is entertaining distinguished guests today, it is not open to other outsiders."

A middle-aged man in ancient costume greeted him, bowed slightly and said.

Looking at this dress, it looks like an ancient inn.

"Big brother, come and sit down."

Dong Puti hurriedly picked up the small teapot on the table that exuded the fragrance of tea, and poured a cup for Su Hao.

The aroma of tea in the whole tea house became more intense.

Su Hao sat opposite Dong Puti and took a deep breath of the tea fragrance.

Well, calm down.


"Big brother, this is the tea treasured by Bodhi, you can taste it."

Dong Puti blinked his big eyes and said with a smile.

"Well, good tea, your craftsmanship is really superb."

Su Hao took a sip, a faint fragrance and sweetness, very memorable.

"Hee hee, big brother, where is the good?"

There was joy in Dong Puti's eyes.

"Well...the hands look good, and the tea you brewed is delicious."

Su Hao is a little embarrassed now, he really can't say anything.

He didn't study tea at all, and of course he couldn't taste anything, not even what kind of tea it was.

"I'm a little embarrassed about the Bodhi that big brother is boasting about."

Dong Puti lowered his head, a healthy blush appeared on his morbid face, but he felt his heart beating violently.

She didn't expect that Su Hao was more kind and funny than in the diary.

"No way, these are all words from the bottom of my heart."

Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said.

Muddle through.

The two were sipping tea and chatting casually.

"Big brother, I'm going to transfer here soon. Big brother must take care of me."

Dong Puti drank tea and said with a well-behaved face.

"Of course no problem, which high school are you going to transfer to?"

Su Hao was a little surprised, but still asked.

"It's not high school, it's university. Maybe I'll still be my elder brother's junior."

Dong Bodhi smiled sweetly.

"Well, if you need any help, please contact me."

Su Hao was a little surprised, but he still agreed.

"Then Bodhi is welcome."

Dong Puti raised the teapot and poured another cup of tea for Su Hao.

Although it was a small talk, Dong Puti's healing smile made Su Hao feel better.

As time passed by, Su Hao also got his soul purified.

Of course, the waist still hurts a bit.

"Bodhi, it's getting late, I'm leaving, you can rest well."

Su Hao looked at the time and smiled.

"Big brother, I..."

After hearing this, Dong Boti got down from the chair with some difficulty, as if he wanted to send Su Hao off.

"You're not in good health, don't move at will."

Su Hao quickly stood up, and a princess hugged Dong Puti in her arms.

"Big brother…"

Dong Puti didn't struggle, his watery eyes stared at Su Hao, as if he had a thousand words.

"You have to pay attention to your body, eat more, and see how thin you are."

Su Hao felt the soft body of the white-haired girl in his arms and said sincerely.

The feeling of holding her in his arms is like holding a soft cat, which makes people feel the urge to caress.

He put Dong Puti on the wheelchair, couldn't hold back for a while, and pinched his red cheeks.

"Well, I see."

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