Have you ever seen the sister who asked herself to call her Yan'er?

At this level, he can't even make him feel it.

"Sorry, I don't have a phone."

Su Hao refused very coldly, and went around directly.

"Little brother, don't worry, I won't do anything."

The woman hugged Su Hao's arm and rubbed her chest.

"You don't have **** and long legs, so where do you get your confidence? I'm quite picky."

Su Hao turned his head and looked at the woman with a look of contempt.

You don't feel comfortable at all, and you want to use this trick?

The woman was stunned for a while, the expression on her face changed, but she still let go of Su Hao's arm.

in the banquet hall.

Lin Jiayu had already sat down beside him.

Tan Coco.

The current Tan Keke is not sweet at all, but rather sarcastic.

On the platform, her character design coincides with Lin Jiayu's.

She is also Tong Yan**, but she can't compare with Lin Jiayu at all.

Tan Keke felt that his lack of improvement in the early stage of the live broadcast was all because of this fierce woman!

Later, Lin Jiayu soared into the sky and became a first-line anchor, which made her feel bad.

Because those opportunities that originally belonged to her belong to her!

"Lin Jiayu, I will also have a backstage person in the future."

Tan Keke sneered and said.

Today is the time when I am ashamed and declare that I want to trample her under my feet!

"Oh, congratulations."

Lin Jiayu said lightly, she didn't mean to talk at all.

"Hmph, I asked you to help me before, but you didn't care at all, did you look down on me?"

Tan Keke was unrelenting, as if this bad breath had been held back for a long time.

The young owner of the platform treats him differently, and the mysterious investor favors him.

Moreover, they are all behind him, and they must be on his side!

No time to report at this time!

"Why should I help you, do I owe you something?"

Lin Jiayu's expression was very cold.

If Su Hao was here, he would definitely be surprised.

How can a cute elementary school girl show such an expression?

"Because you, a woman with a chest, robbed my boss and my resources, shouldn't you pay me for this?"

"However, now I'm not uncommon, I have a higher and better starting point than you, hehe."

Tan Keke took a sip of his wine and sneered.

"Let's go if you have nothing to do, this is not the place reserved for you."

Facing the merciless sarcasm, Lin Jiayu's expression was extremely cold and not at all angry.

There is no reason to be angry with these arrogant villains at all, and it will appear that they are narrow-minded.

She was still eating at a leisurely pace without shaking her hands.

"Hmph, do you think I'd like to stay here?"

Tan Keke's eyes flashed with anger, but when he turned his eyes, he stood up.

She held the wine glass and looked like she was about to leave, but her leg deliberately hooked on the chair.


Tan Keke let out an exclamation, leaned back, staggered in Lin Jiayu's direction, and made a beautiful dive.

The unfinished wine in his hand was poured towards Lin Jiayu.

If there is no accident, the glass of wine will be poured directly on her.

Tan Keke's mouth evoked a revenge smile.

In this way, this woman who robs her own things will definitely make a big ugly!

At this moment of lightning and flint, a hand suddenly grabbed her wine glass.

Then, Tan Keke's body was pulled by a huge force and fell to one side.

With a bang, her petite body fell to the ground, making a solid muffled sound.

This muffled sound made the entire banquet hall quiet.

A pair of eyes looked towards this side, condensing on the face of Tan Keke who was constantly crying.

This time, it didn't fall lightly.

Tan Keke was thrown all over the place, and there was pain everywhere.

Before she could react, she heard a cold voice, which made her shiver.

"Who let you touch her?"

"Senior Su!"

The coldness on Lin Jiayu's face disappeared like ice and snow melted away, revealing a bright smile.

"This green tea looks uneasy and kind, you wait."

Su Hao looked at Lin Jiayu, and only said after finding that the other party was safe.


Lin Jiayu didn't say anything more and nodded vigorously.

When Su Hao set his eyes on Tan Keke, it was not so good.

A sense of oppression from a wealthy family made Tan Keke's voice a little softer.

"You want to pour her wine?"

Su Hao said lightly.

"I...I...it's just...just an accident..."

Tan Keke said stutteringly, even at this time, he did not forget to be tough.

"I don't care if you do it on purpose or not, and the requirements are not high. You pour her a cup, and I pour three."

"First cup, do you have any comments?"

Su Hao said lightly, then picked up a glass of wine from the table and poured it directly on Tan Keke's head.

His technique was neat and tidy, and he didn't give people a chance to react and evade at all.

Of course, even if the other party wanted to dodge, they couldn't dodge.

Just as Tan Keke got up from the ground, he staggered and almost fell when he was greeted with a glass of wine.

The skirt he was wearing was also wet with alcohol, revealing the color of his underwear.

Although she is not a good stubborn on weekdays, who would have thought that she would encounter such a situation?

However, she quickly reacted, and she immediately played the upper body.

"I...I really didn't mean to..."

Tan Keke looked dumbfounded, pursed his lips, and looked aggrieved.

This look is undoubtedly quite able to arouse the sympathy of others, and many men showed angry expressions.

However, none of them rushed up to help Tan Keke out of the siege, and everyone could see that this person had an extraordinary origin.

If you rush to the past, don't talk about heroes saving the beauty, you are afraid that you will have bad luck.

The commotion here undoubtedly attracted the attention of the organizers.

Fu Tiancheng frowned slightly and stood out from the crowd, wanting to see which unknowing person dared to make trouble in his place.

Don't you know this is his treat?

Tan Keke's eyes were filled with joy when he saw Fu Tiancheng's iconic yellow hair.

Your own hope has come!

For a while, she just felt very happy and contented, and showed a smug look at Lin Jiayu.

My backer is here, see no, it is the young owner of the platform!

Are you afraid now? Are you sorry?

But what puzzled her was that Lin Jiayu clearly saw the look in her eyes, but she was very calm and not surprised at all.

After Fu Tiancheng saw Lin Jiayu and Su Hao, the expression on his face was quite wonderful.

The anger he had been brewing disappeared, replaced by a deep panic.

Before, he didn't know anything about the Su family, thinking that Su Hao was just a little money, and he didn't care much.

But after occasionally asking his father about what kind of behemoth the Su family was, he was almost so frightened that he didn't eat for a day.

As for Lin Jiayu, it looks ordinary, but the background is definitely not simple.

If it were simple, would it have something to do with so many great people?

Neither of these men and women can be offended!

"Fu Shao... he... he is so bullying..."

Tan Keke's eyes were full of tears, a look that I felt pity for.

Fu Tiancheng squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and his lips trembled a few times, but he still didn't dare to speak.

Now he has scolded Tan Keke in his heart for an unknown number of times.

He looked very smart just now, but why doesn't he have any eyesight? !

This kind of evil star, is it that you, a little anchor, can cause it?

Don't say that you are a small anchor, even if you are a big anchor, if you offend these two, the platform will ask you to get out in minutes!

"Are you convinced?"

Su Hao just glanced at him, picked up a glass of wine again and poured it on Tan Keke's face.

"I don't agree!"

Tan Keke's body swayed, the makeup on his face was washed off, and he looked quite embarrassed.

But his mouth was a little hysterical.

It seems that this young master cannot be counted on, and he still has to let the mysterious young master help.

He is his biggest supporter!

"Oh? I'm curious what kind of cards you have."

Su Hao said with great interest.

After all, the movement was a little non-stop, and he took up the third glass of wine,

"Who is here..."

A clear voice rang out, and the words stopped abruptly in the middle.

With some hope in Tan Keke's eyes, he stared at Jiang Yi who came out.

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