Things seem to be getting bigger.

I actually have such close contact with Cao Zijin in such a place...

"I read too much learning materials? But does reading too much learning materials have anything to do with throwing the dinner plate on the ground?"

Cao Zijin didn't seem to notice the sudden silence around him, and he still asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's understandable that they stay up all night to learn how to shake their hands."

Su Hao had a headache, he took a deep breath, and after thinking about it, his heart was relieved.

Other girls don't mind, what do you mind?

If you are entangled in these trivial matters, it seems that you are afraid.

As a scumbag, isn't that a routine operation to talk to different girls?

"Well, it's hard to understand, do they all study late?"

Cao Zijin's face was a little confused.

"Of course not. Their physiques are relatively weak. They only study for a few minutes, and that's it."

Su Hao said seriously.

Does this count as invisible driving?

But it's quite interesting to see Fairy's cute and confused look.

"It doesn't make sense..."

Cao Zijin frowned slightly, it seemed a little difficult to understand.

"Okay, okay, we're eating, don't worry about these little things, don't care what they do."

"Come on, Zijin, try this. My dish is a bit spicy, but it's also delicious."

As Su Hao spoke, he also brought the dish to Cao Zijin's mouth.

Cao Zijin opened his mouth and ate it in one bite, and then snorted twice, obviously feeling a little spicy.

"I reminded you, try this, it's sweet."

Su Hao picked up another dish and handed it to Cao Zijin's mouth.

"Well...I like the taste."

Cao Zijin narrowed his eyes slightly, looking satisfied.

She didn't know if she was satisfied with the food or with Su Hao's intimate actions.

"Eat as much as you like."

Su Hao admired this kitten's cute expression and said with a smile.

This scene of giving out dog food in public undoubtedly caused discomfort to many people.

There are a lot of couples in the university. It is a common thing to feed each other, but it depends on who they are with!

If you see them doing this with their girlfriends, people passing by will not feel anything after watching it.

But if they saw someone do this to their dream goddess, they immediately heard a heartbreak.

If the boy is so good, they will only silently bless him, and they will not be jealous.

After all, goddess creatures, nine times out of ten, are with other better boys.

But who is Su Hao? !

A villain who dares to tease even the vice president of the student union, a scumbag who maintains relationships with many beautiful girls!

It felt like seeing my beloved being taken away by the wolf, I wanted to chase after the wolf and beat the wolf, but I didn't dare.

Ah, so angry!

After eating, the two of them left.

Su Hao originally wanted to go to the milk tea shop for a noon, but before taking a few steps, he was about to see a tall figure approaching.

Ji Luo water.

Wearing a small black suit, his expression is indifferent and serious, and he looks like a very serious person.

Obviously, she stayed here for a long time, and came over after seeing Su Hao.

It should be said that she has heard some warnings, otherwise, he will show up when he is eating with Cao Zijin.

Seeing that the other party is so interesting, Su Hao will not treat her any more.

Ji Luoshui looked at this abominable scumbag in front of him, and his heart was complicated and inexplicable, and he had no idea what it was like.

Since her identity was revealed, she has been tossing and turning, fidgeting.

Did he really know that that person was him, but why didn't he show it at all when they met?

Or did he just suspect that he was trying to deceive himself last time?

In fact, whether it is doubt or certainty, it is already meaningless.

Because his own reaction has fully explained his guess.

The other party must already know his identity.

It's not a good thing to be known by such a scumbag.

Therefore, when he was extremely uneasy, Ji Luoshui felt that it was necessary to talk to this scumbag.

It's best to let him keep this a secret.

"President Ji, do you have anything to do with me?"

Su Hao greeted her.

"Find a quiet place to talk."

Ji Luoshui looked around and said.

At the entrance of the cafeteria, students come and go, very lively.

Many people know the vice president of this student union. In addition to his proud beauty, he also has characteristics that are particularly difficult to get along with.

If the two of them started talking here, they wouldn't be able to talk quickly, and everyone in the school would know.

"Let's go."

Su Hao naturally didn't care and said.

He and Ji Luoshui have nothing to say, but this time they can talk about conditions.

The two left one after the other, no doubt many students also saw it.

There was curiosity and exploration in their eyes, but no one dared to inquire about them.

After all, neither of the two is easy to get along with.

The two came to a quiet pavilion, and Ji Luoshui sat further away from Su Hao.

"If you have anything to do with me, you can tell me."

Su Hao said bluntly.

In fact, he already has some thoughts and guesses in his heart, but it is better for the other party to take the initiative to say it.

"Scumbag Su, make a price."

Ji Luoshui whispered.

She endured the humiliation and wanted to hide her other identity.

"Offer? Do you want me to keep it a secret for you?"

Su Hao laughed.

"Yes, as much as you want, just ask for it."

Ji Luoshui said.

With a glass of wine selling for hundreds of thousands, she is undoubtedly not bad for money.

However, Su Hao had no interest in money.

"You should know that I'm also not bad for money, money can't tempt me."

Su Hao shook his head and said lightly.

"You! Then what do you want to completely keep the secret for me?!"

Ji Luoshui's eyes flashed with anger.

"I don't want anything, I only have one request, that you don't pester me in the future."

Su Hao said indifferently.

This Queen of the Night has a somewhat strong character, so it's better to keep her at a distance.


After Ji Luoshui heard this, not only did he not breathe a sigh of relief, but he became even more nervous.

This scumbag Su, obviously wants to sit on the ground and raise the price!

As a scumbag, he is undoubtedly a very lustful person, and it is impossible for him to have no thoughts about himself.

The reason why she didn't hold her back was that there must be some bigger conspiracy waiting for her!

"I've said it very clearly, I just want you to stay away from me."

Su Hao thought the other party didn't hear clearly, so he said it again.

"Scumbag Su, don't go too far!"

Ji Luoshui gritted his teeth and said.

"Excessive? I don't want anything, why is it too much?"

Su Hao looked at Ji Luoshui with a look of mental retardation.

"As long as you're willing to help me keep a secret, I can be your girlfriend for a few days...just a few days."

Ji Luoshui gritted his teeth and began to offer conditions.

Damn scumbag, don't you just want this?

I'll satisfy you, okay?

"What a mess, didn't you hear what I said?"

Su Hao was immediately shocked.

I don't even want to have anything to do with her, she actually wants to be her girlfriend? !

It's simply called the heroine of the white version, an idiot who can't be saved!

What's more, what good things are you thinking about all day long? Your ambitions are not small.

There are so many people who want to be your girlfriend, you want to jump in the queue when you come up, have you asked those girls if they will answer?

"Aren't you satisfied with this? I... I can hold hands for you!"

The anger in Ji Luoshui's eyes was even more intense, but it was still forcibly suppressed.


If it's just holding hands, she can still accept it through gritted teeth.

It's like walking a dog with a dog!

"Forget it, just remember what I said and don't bother me again."

Su Hao didn't bother to pay attention to Ji Luoshui, who was desperately trying to give it for nothing, and turned around and left.

Ji Luoshui, who was only left with unstoppable thoughts, was still sitting in the same place, his expression changed uncertainly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Could it be that this scumbag Su wants to go further? !

No, it is impossible to give for nothing, she will never succumb to the evil young master!

Lin Jiayu, who was eating, saw a message on her mobile phone and couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

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