Su Hao said politely.

He didn't dare to say outright rejection, so he had to be more euphemistic.

"Huh? Do you think so...I see."

Sophie said thoughtfully.

Su Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

the next day.

Not long after Su Hao got up, someone came to the door of his room.

"Ah? Little brother, I got up so early. It seems that I came at the wrong time."

"If it weren't for the traffic jam on the road, I would definitely be in time."

Mu Qinghan had a bit of annoyed expression on his face and looked rather regretful.

"Sister Mu, is something wrong?"

Su Hao's face was filled with rejoicing.

If it wasn't for the good rest last night, if he didn't fall asleep this morning, he would probably be woken up by someone.

Really lucky.

"Go, pack up, let's go out."

Mu Qinghan said with a smile.

"Where to go? I still have something to do today and don't want to go out."

After hesitating for two seconds, Su Hao refused.

Senpai's danger level is quite high, so it's not a good idea to go out with her.

"Little brother, it seems that you don't need to clean up anymore. In that case, let's go."

"If you want to have breakfast, Senior Sister can buy it for you."

Mu Qinghan's eyes narrowed slightly, and it seemed that he didn't give him a chance to refuse at all.

This is a bit of a hassle.

Su Hao calmly glanced to the side and winked.

As a top international killer, it should be time for her to play.

If you want to take yourself away, then pass the level of the personal maid first!

"Master, I'll give you something to prepare for going out."

Sophia said obediently, and then walked out immediately.

What is going out, I don't want to go out!

Su Hao just felt a little confused.

This is a top international killer, how could he not see his meaning?

But before he could speak, Sophia, who was wearing a maid outfit, ran out quickly.

Hold a clean garment in one hand and a damp towel in the other.

"Master, get dressed and wipe your face."

Sophia said, and started to pack up for Su Hao.

Only then did Su Hao react, and he was about to stop the exit.

"Little brother, I didn't expect your family to have such a caring maid. It really opened my eyes."

"On weekdays, the younger brother must be taught well, otherwise it will not be so natural."

Mu Qinghan opened his mouth with a smile.

These words suddenly blocked Su Hao's words.

If you say no, it's a misunderstanding, isn't it a bit pricey?

Although he doesn't care about fame or anything, he has some face in front of girls.

Out of the dignity of a man, he still didn't say that sentence.

"Master, everything is ready, you can go out at any time, it's early."

Sophia sorted Su Hao's clothes, wiped her face with a towel, and showed an impeccable smile.

She turned around and brought a small cake over.

Very good and loyal.

It was ten minutes before Su Hao walked out of the room, and everything was done.

I have General Xing Daorong, why can't he kill that Zhuge village husband!

"Let's go!"

Mu Qinghan greeted Sophia.

"Come and play when you have time."

Sophia also smiled back.

Walking out the door, Su Hao only felt that he was numb.

After going back, he must teach this Juicy Ji, who was obviously intentional, a good lesson!

"Senior, what's the matter, can you tell me now?"

Su Hao asked helplessly while being dragged away by Mu Qinghan.

Coming out early in the morning does help to breathe fresh air, but being called out like this in the morning will not make anyone in a good mood.

"Hmm, guess what?"

Mu Qinghan didn't mean to answer at all, and smiled a little strangely.

"Where are you going to guess... Hey, senpai, did you change your car?"

Su Hao stepped forward and saw a white BMW parked on the side of the road. He couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Yeah, there are so many good cars, this one is relatively ordinary, so I drove it out."

Mu Qinghan said in a rather casual tone.

Is this car normal?

Su Hao felt that there were too many flaws, and he didn't know where to start.

The two got into the car, Mu Qinghan drove, and Su Hao sat in the co-pilot.

"What other business needs a shield?"

Su Hao leaned on the seat, boredly looking at the passing scenery outside.

In his opinion, Mu Qinghan was looking for him for nothing more than these things.

"Little brother guessed wrong, it's not a business, it's a private matter."

Mu Qinghan showed a rather mysterious smile.

"It's not a good guess."

Su Hao thought about it.

If it was before, the private matter was nothing more than Mu Qinghan taking himself to a secret place to tease him.

But now it's very different, his strength has improved, and the opponent is not his opponent at all if he is singled out.

So what does this private matter refer to?

After a few more guesses, Su Hao finally gave up.

Women's hearts are needles, who knows what they are thinking?

"Little brother is really stupid. It was something that the willow fox showed off to me at the auction before."

"She thought she had won? No, that was just the beginning."

When Mu Qinghan mentioned this, his voice and expression became much colder.

"Showing off what?"

Su Hao asked blankly.

He really doesn't remember anything big that happened.

"That is to say, the two of you started a company! How could you forget such an important thing!"

Seeing that he was at a loss, Mu Qinghan couldn't help but feel a little angry.


Su Hao was immediately stunned.

The company he started with Liu Qingwu?

Isn't that a small company, it's incomparable to Mu Qinghan's company, what's there to care about?

"I want to take revenge on her and take you back to my company, so that you can see what my company is like."

"If you want to be involved then, I'm quite willing to."

Mu Qinghan hummed a little proudly.

"It turns out...that's it...The struggle between women is really boring."

Su Hao couldn't help but complain.

"People fight for a breath and give in on this kind of thing, but it will be looked down upon."

"Little brother, I'm the first person to confess to you. You can't turn your elbows out, you must help me."

A smile appeared on the corner of Mu Qinghan's mouth.

"Then do you have any specific plans?"

Su Hao was very curious about what she wanted to do.

In fact, this cannot be said to be a curiosity, it can only be said to be a precaution.

If he wanted to do something strange to cooperate with her, then he would have to run away in advance.

"Of course, you will know when you arrive at the company."

Mu Qinghan showed a mysterious smile, then kept silent.

No matter how Su Hao tried, he couldn't get a word out of Mu Qinghan's mouth.

This senior, it's a pity not to be a professional spy.

Chapter 196: How to Survive in a Group of Big Sisters

The two soon came to Qinghan Company.

The Qinghan Company does not seem to be as large as those family businesses such as Su Jialiu's family, but it is also booming.

In the last life, I came here to find Mu Qinghan many times, but this was the first time in my life.

After getting out of the car, Su Hao looked at Qinghan Company with memories and emotions flashing in his eyes.

Thinking back to his last life, it would take a lot of effort to see Mu Qinghan.

It can be said that it has passed five hurdles and defeated six generals. If they want to join this company, people are not happy.

But this world is completely different.

When he first came, he was confessed without saying anything, and he was treated almost like an upside down post.

This kind of treatment is much better than the previous life.

"Little brother, haven't you been here before? Let me tell you, my company is full of beautiful women."

"If the younger brother likes which one, just tell me, and I will introduce you to you."

Mu Qinghan joked, and walked towards the company with Su Hao.

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