Sophia, who was wearing a summer maid outfit, carefully opened the door and walked in. She didn't forget to close the door at the end.

She stood in front of Su Hao, spying with both hands, bowed her head, and looked well-behaved.

But that beautiful face full of exotic flavors couldn't soften Su Hao's heart at all.

He glanced at Sophia with a cold face, but said nothing.

If she hadn't pushed herself out this morning, where would she have been taken away by Mu Qinghan?

If it is not taken away, how can I go against my sister's expectations and make myself feel guilty?

Of course, this can't be entirely blamed on Sophia, it can only be said that she has an inseparable relationship with this matter.

The atmosphere in the room fell into silence.

Sophia, the splendid killer maid, bowed her head obediently, like a beautiful doll.

Five minutes passed, and the two remained silent.

"What happened this morning?"

Su Hao spoke with a cold face.

"Today I misunderstood the meaning of the master and let the master go out. I should be punished."

Sophia raised her head pitifully and directly admitted her mistake.

She was a little happy in her heart, after all, as long as she took care of herself, it meant that she would be forgiven.

She still knew a thing or two about Su Hao's temperament.

"You misunderstood me? Do you think you can get away with saying that?"

Su Hao snorted coldly.

A top killer must be proficient in many things, one of which is psychology.

It seems that Sophia has been with him for a long time, what is she thinking differently?

That's a real joke.

"No, I'm here to face the punishment bravely. I've done something that the master is not happy with. I'm also very guilty."

"I don't know how the master is going to punish me, is it going to spank?"

When Sophia said this, there was some expectation in her voice.

The feeling of spanking is something she will never forget.

That feeling is very complicated, some **, some exciting, some humiliation, and some anticipation...

"Spanking? Hehehe, this is too low-level..."

Su Hao gave his face directly, his expression was very bad.

Sophia was very cooperative and showed a panicked expression, like a poor, weak and helpless girl from a good family.

But in her heart there was some disapproval.

As a top killer, what big scene have you not seen?

It was only after being taught a lesson by surprise last time that I made a fool of myself. This time I have prepared myself, so I will be fine.

"You wait here."

Su Hao directly pushed the door and walked out.

Sophia looked at his leaving back and couldn't help but be a little curious.

How will you be treated?

As soon as Su Hao opened the door, he saw Fu Yingying, who was probing her brain, as if nothing had happened.

"Yingying, have you been eavesdropping here?"

Su Hao showed an embarrassed yet polite smile.

His hearing was amazing, and he had already noticed some subtle movements at the door.

"Ah? Master Su, I'm just passing by."

Fu Yingying's body trembled slightly, and a confused expression appeared on her face.

"I sense you're outside. If you're interested in the inside, come in."

Su Hao showed a gentle smile.


Fu Yingying suddenly showed a bit of excitement and asked subconsciously.

She wanted to hear the news inside, on the one hand, she was a little curious about what was going on inside, and on the other hand, because of Sophia.

You know, this hateful woman gave the eldest lady a laptop with her study materials hidden for several days!

At first, she still took a bit of luck, but after a few days, she has already determined one thing...

It seems like something happened to me.

The feeling of being known about the secret is not uncomfortable at all. Fu Yingying wants to see the culprit being punished.

"Of course it's true, how could I lie to you?"

The smile on Su Hao's face seemed to be even brighter.

"Su... Young Master Su, I want to know, what will I do after I go in?"

Fu Yingying sensed a little danger and instinctively became vigilant.

"No need to do anything."

Su Hao said in a rather calm tone.

Fu Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, but she soon heard the next sentence.

"Because you will also join it, and I am the only one to do things."

Su Hao added.

"Su... Young Master Su, I suddenly remembered that the eldest lady's clothes have not been washed yet. I'm going to do the laundry."

Fu Yingying's body froze, and after a dry laugh, she left without looking back.

Come to think of it, this is a true portrayal of thief heart and courage.

Su Hao shook his head helplessly. After searching in the living room for a while, he found the bundle of ropes from before.

Speaking of which, I was shocked when I saw the rope.

It would be better to punish Sophia now.

After taking the rope back to the room, Sophia was still standing there obediently.

Without any hesitation, Su Hao stepped forward with his back to her and started tying up.

Rope art is quite interesting. If it is **** indiscriminately, it will not be called art at all.

Su Hao learned this in his last life, as for why...

It's not for the sake of tying your own enemies.

Sophia bit her lip, her body trembled slightly, but her head was buzzing.

This is a killer instinct to warn her to get out of this situation quickly, or she will fall into a situation where she has no resistance.

Because the rope that binds her is not a two-strand rope, those thin ropes are very tough, and it is not easy to break free.

Under the multiple shares, the chance for her to forcibly break away is infinitely close to zero.

Even with the escape technique Sophia had learned, it was difficult to get rid of the rope that almost covered the vital parts of her body.

Unless she pays the price of a broken bone.

For a professional killer, it's a palpable ordeal.

Desperately suppressing the instinctive feeling gave Sophia an unprecedented stimulation in her heart.

Especially when I feel that my great murderer is also tightly entangled, this kind of stimulation is even stronger.

It seems a little different from last time...

Chapter 199 Sophia in confinement, Dong Puti invites again

Sophia finally understood what was different.

It was obvious that Su Hao **** casually in the last time he was bound and spanked.

Now, he is serious.


Sophia gave a somewhat difficult cry, accompanied by a few faint whispers.

"What's wrong?"

Su Hao didn't stop what he was doing. He was very satisfied with the killer's response.

In the last life, her reaction was also the same.

It's just that when she wanted to punish Sophia, she resisted and disgusted...

Speaking of which, the reaction in the previous life was much cuter than in this life.

The appearance of resisting disgust but having to obey is like a little wild cat that has to yield to disgusting people.

Su Hao shook his head and threw this perverted thought out of his mind.

My own thoughts are getting more and more impure.

The culprit was Mu Qinghan, yes, she made a bad start.

"No... nothing..."

Sophia's voice sounded like a moan, very seductive.

After Su Hao tied it up, he threw Sophia directly on the bed.

Sophia groaned, struggling like a mermaid out of the water.

It was obvious that she was very uncomfortable.

Su Hao came to Sophia and looked at his masterpiece.

This glamorous killer in a maid outfit had his hands tied tightly behind him, and the big murderer was **** in front of him.

The lower body is tied with an indescribable rope, and a pair of long legs dressed in white silk are tightly held together by the rope.

"Master... when will this happen?"

Sophia twisted her body uncomfortably.

"You don't think this is the end, do you? No, this is just the beginning."

"You should still remember how it was on me before? Now, it's my turn."

Su Hao said with a smile, looking down at this powerless killer.

"Master, what are you talking about... um!"

Sophia's misty eyes suddenly widened, her mouth was blocked, and she couldn't make a sound.

Twenty minutes later.

Sophia's mouth opened slightly, a little crystal saliva gave her a messy feeling, with a very attractive blush on her face.

She gasped slightly, a pair of beautiful eyes with a bit of desire.

A... desire to go further.

When Su Hao saw this, he nodded very satisfied.

He reached out and patted the soft buttocks wrapped in white silk, then got up and left.

Punishment goes on, it becomes enjoyment.

"Master...where are you going..."

Sophia's voice was like a murmur, with deep remorse.

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