It's like a princess in the eyes of an otaku...

Su Hao looked at Dong Puti with a bit of thought in his eyes.

In his previous life, he didn't have much interaction with Dong Puti.

I just remember that a few years later, a rising peerless pearl also called this name.

But now, he couldn't connect Dong Puti with that peerless pearl at all.

Will this cute little girl now become a big man in the future?

Su Hao hugged Dong Puti tightly and helped her block the wind blowing slowly outside.

The nephrite jade was warm and fragrant, which made him yawn too, making him a little drowsy.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Dong Puti opened his eyes in a daze, and all of a sudden he saw Su Hao squinting and dozing off.

She stared at him, and after being stunned for a few seconds, she finally distinguished between dream and reality.

not dreaming...

"Big brother, big brother, wake up."

Dong Puti said softly.

"Huh? Bodhi, have you rested?"

Su Hao woke up the moment the other party spoke, with a mild expression on his face.

"Have a rest, thank you eldest brother, I'm sorry, I'm too sleepy to keep eldest brother here for so long."

Dong Puti apologized in a low voice.

She knew that it had been at least an hour.

Staying in one position for an hour is uncomfortable for anyone.

"It's alright, no need to apologize, it feels good to hold Bodhi, and I'm enjoying it too."

Su Hao told the truth.

"No, Bodhi is too rude, big brother, let Bodhi repay you, or I will really feel guilty."

Dong Puti said very seriously.

"Well... well, what does Bodhi think? If it's too much, I won't agree."

Su Hao thought for a while, and then agreed.

"I think the big brother is also sleepy, why don't you just lie on Bodhi's lap and rest."

After Dong Puti said this, a healthy blush appeared on his face, obviously shy.

"Ah? Still no, I'm just a little sleepy occasionally, it's nothing."

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said.

Doesn't resting on your lap mean providing yourself with a knee pillow?

The knee pillow service of such a stunning girl is naturally quite comfortable.

But Su Hao couldn't do what he was comfortable with!

"Big brother, if you don't let Bodhi do something, Bodhi will feel guilty."

Dong Puti said a little miserably.

Looking at the appearance of the white-haired girl, Su Hao couldn't say what he refused.

"Then I'm welcome."

After Su Hao said something, he let go of Dong Puti.

Dong Puti sat on the bench, turned sideways, and looked at him shyly.

This expression is very hard to resist.

Su Hao slowly lay down on the soft white silk long legs and looked at Dong Puti who was looking down at him.

"Big brother, rest for a while, Bodhi will protect you."

Dong Puti said seriously.

"it is good."

Su Hao only felt that he was wrapped in a soft mass, and sleepiness came up.

A human being is a creature that can be sleepy all day long.

Dong Puti stretched out his hand and gently massaged Su Hao.

She hadn't done this to anyone, but she was serious.

From temples to shoulders and arms, not a single place was missed.

"It's really comfortable, but Bodhi, don't be too tired."

Su Hao praised.

"Don't worry, big brother hugged me to sleep just now, and I have recovered."

Dong Puti showed a healing smile.

Su Hao slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

Dong Puti did not sleep, but looked at Su Hao's face carefully.

With that look, it looked like he was looking at some rare treasure, and he couldn't look away at all.

The massaging hand also slowly placed on Su Hao's face, stroking gently.

The little hand was as light as nothing, and it didn't affect Su Hao's sleep at all.

Dong Puti suddenly laughed, and a sense of satisfaction that she had never felt before filled her heart.

This feeling is good.

The atmosphere gradually became quiet, but it was soon broken.

A woman in a small suit walked in quickly, without looking sideways, she held a mobile phone in her hand and showed it to Dong Puti.

There is a call reminder, the note is... girlfriends.


Dong Puti looked up and said softly.

She didn't mean to let Su Hao go at all.

The woman didn't talk nonsense, just pressed the answer button and put the phone in Dong Puti's ear.

"Hey, Bodhi, what are you doing? You should wake up just after taking a nap at this point."

A rather charming voice came from the phone, it was Liu Qingwu.

"Well, just woke up."

Dong Puti replied softly.

"Why is the voice so small and still confused?"

Liu Qingwu joked.

"Yeah, I still want to sleep for a while."

Dong Puti smiled and said.

"Well, then I'll make a long story short, the things you care about have come to the fore."

"I've been watching him, but I found a goblin interested in him, and that's a big enemy."

"But don't worry, I will be able to handle it. For the sake of Bodhi, I have to be serious."

Liu Qingwu looked like she was always thinking of others.

"Thank you so much, Qingwu, you helped me a lot."

Dong Puti looked at Su Hao lying on his lap, his voice was extremely sincere.

"The two of us say thank you or not, that's not too detached."

"Bodhi, we want to be good girlfriends for the rest of our lives. Okay, you can rest."

After Liu Qingwu finished speaking with a smile, she hung up the phone.

The woman left with her cell phone directly, without making much noise the whole time.

A somewhat confused smile appeared on Dong Puti's face.

A lifetime best friend?


Except for the big brother thing, Qingwu is really interesting.

Su Hao woke up after not sleeping for long, and only felt comfortable all over.

"Big brother, are you awake, won't you sleep for a while?"

Dong Puti blinked and asked.

"Don't sleep, Bodhi should go back to rest, it's still a little cold here."

Su Hao stood up, feeling a little reluctant to leave the white silk lap pillow.

It feels really good after all.

"Well, big brother, I will invite you out to play in the future, so don't refuse."

After thinking about it for a while, Dong Puti nodded.

"Okay, being with Bodhi is very relaxing."

Su Hao agreed immediately.

"Big brother, I'll take it to you."

Dong Puti was about to stand up, but he stumbled and almost fell.

"Bodhi, how are you?"

Su Hao quickly hugged her petite and soft body and supported her.

"'s fine, but my legs are numb."

Dong Puti lay in Su Hao's arms and whispered.

"Let me give you a massage."

Su Hao asked with pity in his heart.


Dong Puti nodded again.

Su Hao put her on the bench and gently massaged her on Bai Simei's legs with both hands.

Dong Puti's body is petite, and his legs are not very long, but the proportions are quite perfect.

One more point is fat, one less point is thin, and it feels very comfortable to hold in the hand.

"Foot... feet are a little..."

Dong Puti said a little embarrassedly.

Su Hao nodded knowingly and took off her cute princess shoes, revealing her little feet wrapped in creamy white stockings.

He held one in one hand and massaged it gently.

Dong Puti lowered his head and looked at the serious man in front of him. His face was already stained with crimson, and he looked quite cute.

The feet in Su Hao's hands were curled up nervously, and he could hold them in one hand, as cute as Dong Puti.

Giving her a massage is also a kind of enjoyment.

Chapter 201 Sister taught me how to attack goblins

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