Who is in my way

“Strength +120, Speed ​​+30, Spirit +60, Red Packet +1, Bronze Chest +1!”

What surprised Yang Hao was that there were red envelopes and treasure chests. He didn’t know that the unlucky ghost was killed in the aftermath of the fight.

But at the moment, he couldn’t care about that much, his eyes swept across the four people, and the corners of his mouth filled with evil intentions.

“Oh, hey, the three masters attacked, but they all concealed some of their strength. Is it a loss? Are you injured? You deserve it!”

The witch Tian Tian could see that they didn’t use all their strength, at least not as scary as what they saw outside the valley.

“Second sister, you don’t know, this is called Zangzhuo. Save it for future dealing with people!”

Gu Qingxuan looked at Yang Hao’s back, suddenly felt very handsome, and deliberately teased.

“How come I didn’t see it, they are not that good at all, they are all garbage. They can’t beat the young marshal alone!”

Qin Yao also saw Yang Hao fighting with others for the first time, and defeated all the leaders of the 100,000 gathering place.

If the young marshal established a gathering place, he would be extremely powerful.

“Attention, there are a lot of people coming, we are going to open!”

Li Longtao heard the movement behind him and reminded the young marshals at the scene.

The witch was the first to turn around, and Gatling in her hand quickly prepared to attack.

The rest of the people almost turned around, ignoring the battle in the valley.

Anyway, the people inside must be in the hands of the young marshal, so there is no need to look at them.

In the line of sight, from the direction of the gentle hillside, a group of people appeared, all of them imposing and holding weapons in their hands.

They were clearly divided into five forces, and their clothes were completely different, and they were on guard against each other.

When they arrived at Yucui Cliff, they saw a little sister in front of her with a petite body holding a Gatling that didn’t match her body at all, and stood up in unison.

Li Longtao let go of his voice and shouted:

“I drove this road, and I planted this tree. If you want to cross this road, you can leave it to buy road money! Half a word is broken in your teeth, and you can kill it or bury it!”

The strong and domineering declaration, as if shouted from Yang Hao’s mouth, made everyone in front stunned.

I didn’t expect that Chen An was originally arrested, why would there be a situation of blocking the road and robbing the road.

Looking at Gatlin, looking at the firearms with a strong sense of sci-fi on him, it feels a little unreal.

At this moment, Fan Liuli’s crisp voice came from the valley:

“This little brother, I originally wanted to join in the fun. I didn’t want to fight and kill people. I didn’t hear that I was persuading them just now, don’t fight, it hurts the peace!”

Her voice is crisp and sweet, like a lark chirping, which seems to wash people’s hearts.

Perhaps this is her ability, which can eliminate the killing thoughts in people’s hearts and become very kind.

Like Sword God, Song Candao and Shengguang, their expressions softened a lot. But for Yang Hao, it was useless.

No matter what the outside world was like, he pointed at the four people with a spear in his hand and scolded:

“Since you don’t kneel, I will beat you to kneel! Or lie down! Anyway, I’m going to kill Chen An today, and no one can stop me!”

The sound is mighty, full of endless domineering, echoing in the valley, deafening.

In an instant, everyone inside and outside the valley felt the shock.

Arrogant, domineering, arrogant, lawless!

How can the people outside let others kill Chen An and riot in an instant.

“Grass Mud Horse, you idiot, killing Chen An, what about humans!”

“Bastard, you are not allowed to kill Chen An, we will escort him to Jinling!”

“Paralyzed, where is the arrogant madman, stop him immediately, the hope of mankind is in Chen An’s hands!”

They yelled, took out their weapons, and got ready to charge.

Some people were in a hurry, some backed out, and some were eager to try, clearly afraid of the witch Tian Tian in front.

“Tom tom tom!”

After three consecutive bullets landed in front of the three most escaped people, Tian Tian finally spoke:

“The first half step, kill!”

The three bullets, just forming a line, are in a straight row, which is unimaginable.

In the face of such a direct threat, the voices of everyone on the scene disappeared, daring to take a step forward.

No one wants to be the first bird and die in front.

Even if there are masters, I would like to hear what’s going on inside before making a decision.

There was chaos outside the valley, but inside the valley seemed very depressed.Hundreds of people around, trembling, hid under the stone wall, not even daring to move.

The eyes fell on the four masters in front to see how they would choose.

Sword God, Song Candao, and Shengguang, at this moment, their chests rose and fell violently, and there was an endless ray of light in their eyes that was rapidly increasing.

“Boy, you are really pressing step by step, today’s matter, must you live and die?”

The whole body of Shengguang is shining, and the beam of light is in the dim valley, reaching the sky level, as if to break through the infinite obstacles and reach the sky.

The Sword God held the hilt in his left hand and the blade in his right hand, raised it above his head, and said indifferently:

“Everyone has a unique trick. If you release it, the sky will collapse, are you sure you want to kneel? You may die!”

The red long sword is slowly glowing, and it seems that there are countless sword lights, which are instantly gathered together, and they want to attack together.

Next to him was Song Candao, holding the sword in both hands, standing in front of him, his face was solemn, the wounds on his body were slowly healing, and the muscles were expanding.

On the top of the broken knife, a foot-long knife light gradually appeared, and the light shot straight into the sky, just like the one just seen outside the valley.

“I have killing skills, but I can open mountains and break the sea. Are you sure you want me to kneel?”

Until this moment, the three of them showed their true abilities and stood in front of ten younger brothers, ready to attack Yang Hao.

Cyclones formed around the body, rolling up the sand and clods scattered on the ground, and the momentum reached its peak.

Facing their peak level, Yang Hao’s face was full of evil smiles, and he suddenly laughed wildly:

“When you are alive, what you say is the water that is poured out! If you don’t kneel, just wait for me to lay down!”

“Whoever blocks my way, I want whoever will die! God blocks and kills God, Buddha should destroy Buddha!”

Following the declaration of being arrogant and domineering to the limit, Yang Hao ran all the dark spells, and a vast aura filled his body, as if he had reached the boundless wilderness in an instant.

The muscles of the whole body swell and relax, and the strength travels all over the body, ready to explode at any time.

The forged gold hollow armor on his body swelled in an instant, and streams of air flowed in it, like a layer of khaki soil.

The long spear in his hand glowed with boundless gold, like a small sun, radiating boundless golden light.

All out?

Who wouldn’t go all out!

The golden light instantly broke through the sky and reached beyond the sky.

Stronger and more prosperous, surpassing the holy light just now, it is extraordinarily dazzling.

“Young Master Ben, here we come!”

With lightning strides under his feet, all the infuriating energy in his body was running, instantly reaching eleven times the speed of sound.

The forged gold hollow spear in his hand is like a golden dragon whistling, hitting the sword light directly.

It is said that the sword is invincible and nothing is indestructible, so try it!

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