The south is the direction they came from, and there is no airport at all.

On the other hand, more than 3,000 people from the other three sides can hold it.

An excited smile slowly appeared on Yang Hao’s face, and he waved his hand, saying:

“Everyone has worked hard, let’s have dinner!”

“Feng Dandan and I have just made a decision. We will split our troops temporarily. I will lead you four and a guide to fly directly to Zhanzhou!”

After everyone sat at the table, Yang Hao said his decision:

“The rest are responsible for transporting these personnel. Those who are disobedient and unqualified, let them fend for themselves!”

“To clarify, in terms of overall planning, it is all in charge of Feng Dandan, and Chu Xiaoxiao cooperates. If there is a battle, Li Longtao will be in charge to ensure that all the staff return to Zhanzhou! I will let Fang Qingqing keep you informed of the situation!”

At the end of the assignment, in fact, the status of Li Longtao and Feng Dandan has been determined, and it will hardly change.

One main battle, one main internal affairs.

“Yes, Young Master!”

In an instant, about fifty people at the scene saluted with fists and arms.

The first time they were not under Yang Hao’s hands made them a little excited.

It was not the first time that Li Longtao had commanded a battle, but it was definitely the first time that Yang Hao was not around.

Gearing up, ready to hand over the perfect answer.

Feng Dandan is also the first time to run the internal affairs of the Marshal’s army independently. He wants to be perfect and give Yang Hao the best answer.

“Alright, let’s eat!”

Yang Hao was very satisfied and excited. He pressed his hands down and said.

Satisfaction is that everyone supports him very much, and there are no unnecessary remarks.

Excitedly, with just a few of them, the speed will be more than tripled.

Maybe it didn’t take four days at all, and I rushed back to Zhanzhou in two days.

Imagine being able to see your parents in two days, how could you not be excited.

Moreover, it is to bring back three daughters-in-law!

My parents would probably wake up laughing.

Of course he was happy,Someone is not happy.

For example, white pigment.

That was her childhood sweetheart, and she was about to accompany four women to meet her parents, but the woman was not her!

That kind of sadness, almost broke my heart!

Everyone else’s eyes were focused on Yang Hao, thinking about what to do in the past few days in order to perform more perfectly.

When you test people, when the young marshal is not there, the ability displayed is called ability!

Liu Wei, Zhang Yang and the others all thought carefully.

In the past, I was most interested in eating, but today because of the migration, it has become boring.

The speed of eating has slowed down a bit, ignoring the vegetables carefully prepared by many people.

Tian Tian pursed her lips, her eyes wandered back and forth on Yang Hao and the eldest sister, unable to eat.

Ye Fenghua seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, he no longer had to be under the eyes of the young marshal, and he didn’t have to worry about his eyes from time to time.

Chen An felt that something was wrong, and he should go back with him, at least to have more time to study Ten Thousand Gu Fans!

But the decision has been made, and he can only impatiently pull the rice.

Mo Lu felt very good, at least give them some time to adapt to the future.

As for Gu Qingxuan, Xu Jia and others, they looked at Yang Hao faintly, the resentment in their eyes almost overflowing.

Bringing women home to meet their parents, but not them.

Even if you clearly know that there is no fate, you don’t want the gap to be so big.


However, He Yaona and others felt that there was no high-ranking young marshal on the top of their heads, so they could interact more with her boyfriend and be more relaxed.

Everyone has their own heart, and no one can tell what it is.

The only thing you need to think about is the road ahead, you need to walk by yourself.

Even if eating is the slowest day, it’s only relatively speaking, it’s not actually too slow.

In less than 20 minutes, the food on the table was swept away, not even a vegetable leaf left.

Doomsday food is too precious!

Even if they have never been hungry, they cherish the food and go deep into the bone marrow.

While packing up, Bai Qi led a man and a woman to break through all the zombies on the ruins and appear here.

When he saw Yang Hao, Bai Qi’s eyes instantly radiated light, and he hit the ground and said:

“See the commander! My subordinates want to ask, what’s going on with the migration of the 3,000 people? Has the plane been found? I brought two pilots here and ask them to teach you?”

I have to say that for the sake of his subordinates and the people, Bai Qi gave up all his face and was willing to run around.

Perhaps this kind of person is the leader of the last days, the one who saves the people.

Work hard!

In this regard, although Yang Hao admired it in his heart, he would never do it like this.

Too much work!

Moreover, I don’t know if I can survive, why do I have to run around for others?

Of course, everyone has their own aspirations, and it is impossible to force others to be like themselves.

With a smile on his face, he said:

“The plane has been found, as for how to do it, you will hand over to Feng Dandan and Li Longtao.

I’m leaving here tomorrow morning! ”

When the words fell, he waved to Feng Dandan and Li Longtao.

When I saw the two of them, I didn’t pay a respectful visit to Yang Hao, so I cupped my hands and said:

“Hello you two, Ms. Feng, hello brother Li. These are the two pilots I brought. When will you start studying? You are all masters. It’s better for you to control the plane!”

“My plan is that the masters sit on the plane and can support them at any time in case of sudden danger.”

The tone of speech is also a peer-to-peer relationship, and he does not face the humbleness of the superior.

In this way, it made both of them feel much better.

Feng Dandan said directly:

“After the battle just now, you must have been frightened and exhausted. I suggest finding food and clothes and resting in the ruins immediately. We are responsible for vigilance!”

“As for learning flying skills, only 20 warriors are needed, with quick responses, hard memory, and fast mastery. It’s not too late to learn tomorrow morning!”

Li Longtao also nodded and said:

“Yes, tomorrow morning. You are tired, and we are tired of fighting, so we need to recharge our batteries. But I have to say that sitting on the plane is a good idea.”

While speaking, he patted Bai Qi’s shoulder, smiled and expressed his appreciation.

Some people, in the face of all kinds of difficulties, can always break out all kinds of whimsy.

“Well, there are still some details, I have to communicate with you…”

After Bai Qi knew that Yang Hao didn’t care, he directly studied the details with the two people.

But Yang Hao ignored it and started walking, bringing the four girls and the guide to the side of the vehicle.

I can rest for a night tonight and give the vehicle to someone else tomorrow. I don’t know what the result will be.

“Let’s rest, hurry up tomorrow morning, and hope to arrive in Zhanzhou in one day!”

Walking to the trailer, lying on the bed inside, Yang Hao explained loudly.

It is said to rest, in fact, most people sit in cross-legged meditation to restore their damaged infuriating energy.

This is not a star and a half, it takes a lot of time to process.Yang Hao just glanced at his attribute panel and opened all the red envelopes and treasure chests.

“Yang Hao: Spiritual storm, strength breaking ten thousand, god buryer, goddess reaper, wind runner…

Slaves: Cai Jing, Fang Qingqing, Rain Girl, Xiao Yahan

Strength: 358,000

Speed: 616146923

Spirit: 302,000

Water property: 616146923

Soil property: 616146923

Wood attribute: 616146923

Metallicity: 616146923

Fire attribute: 616146923

Blood attribute: 616146923

Nuclear magnetic properties: 616146923

Lightning attribute: 616146923

Ice attribute: 616146923

Poison property: 616146923

Wind attribute: 616146923

Light attribute: 1500

Evolution attribute: 76 (400 points can be upgraded)

Advanced attribute: 15 (40 points can be advanced) Advance as soon as possible!

Red Packet: 167, Colorful Treasure Box: 1, Bright Treasure Box: 5, Platinum Treasure Box: 18, Gold Treasure Box: 81! “

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