Building the City Wall in Ten Days

In a word, all the women pursed their lips.

This rain girl, why is she thinking of finding a woman for her master!

Not messy enough?

Or do you think there are too few people to share?

But it is also true that such a powerful person is by his side every day, and in case of a violent attack, no one can bear it.

Not a bit of restraint, not at all.

Sun Guiqin said indifferently:

“If it doesn’t work, you should go to the bridal chamber first. It’s the end of the world. Keep everything simple and find her mother for the wedding. Let’s have grandchildren as soon as possible!”

She had already recognized the little girl, and she didn’t think it was a big deal at all.

It seems that the more daughters-in-law, the happier she is.

Hearing her words, several women felt speechless.

How is it possible to hold a wedding now? What era is this?

Even the most important cities have not been established, and it is the time when the wind and rain are precarious, and no one has the heart.

What’s more, it is absolutely impossible for a newcomer to become Yang Hao’s first wife, and they will not allow it!

Fortunately, Yang Hao stopped the topic in time and said:

“Yeah, I’m too anxious about getting married now. Look around, there’s a lot of waste waiting to be done, and I don’t know what the future will be like!”

“As for Jiang Yiran, I will slowly let go of the prohibition so that she has the fighting power and adapts to her body. I will arrange it later, so don’t worry about it!”

After finishing speaking, he pushed everyone into the kitchen to prepare today’s breakfast.

Because there is something to do, the breakfast is very simple, gruel, steamed buns, side dishes, just right.

Everyone is a powerful warrior, and it is not uncommon to not sleep for a day or two.

As long as there is no continuous battle, a little bit of fatigue will soon come to rest.

When they came out, all the Young Marshal’s troops were dispatched, and there were more than 3,000 people who had been abandoned, plus 73,000 people from the entire assembly area.

When you gather together around you, you can really feel the crowd.

The map of the city wall drawn by Feng Dandan along the way has already been distributed to all soldiers and all those in charge.

There are young commanders in the sky to coordinate, and soldiers below are shouting to control, and the construction of the city wall has begun.

Excavators, manpower, and abilities are shining at this moment, starting to dig a five-meter-deep and eight-meter-wide foundation.

It is 21,000 meters long from east to west and 18,000 meters long from north to south.

It can almost be regarded as one meter long per person, except for the elderly, children and weak women, all participate in it.

There are three door openings on the south side, and only two door openings in the remaining directions.

Such a huge city, which can accommodate a million people, is definitely an unimaginable gigantic project.

However, what people did not expect was that all the foundations were dug in just one day.

Of course, it is ordinary people who have exploded with all their enthusiasm, as well as the great contributions of supernatural beings, warriors, and 1,500 people who were abandoned in vain.

Although the Young Marshals are more powerful, they are just participants and don’t really need to complete them all.

Chen An, Mo Lu and the others were also unbelievably powerful, and they dug very happily.

Two rivers are directly enclosed inside, at least sufficient irrigation and drinking water can be guaranteed.

At night, the entire gathering place fell into silence, and the only sound that could be heard was snoring.

The young marshal basically sat on the surrounding brick piles to adjust their breath, while guarding the humans inside.

The guards who were abandoned in vain were distributed around, adjusting their breathing while healing their injuries.

With the guidance of the young commander, he made rapid progress.

Yang Hao and the others didn’t sleep at all, they held a meeting with Feng Dandan, Wang Liang, Li Longtao and others to study how to proceed next.

Grouting, grid laying, zombie arrangements, materials and more.

Even with the sound of fighting coming from all around, no one went out, and they were still intensively designing the city wall.

For ten days, Yang Hao and everyone in the team tried every means to overcome all difficulties, and finally built a reinforced concrete city wall ten meters high and four meters wide.

Such a strong city wall, even if it is bombarded, needs to be comfortably fired at a point before it can be opened.

The Young Marshal, together with Wang Liang and others, stood on the south wall, looked at the cheering people inside the wall, and let out a sigh of relief.

“Hehe, I never expected that such a huge project would only take ten days! It’s just materials, but it’s a huge problem! It’s worth it!”

Wang Liang patted the wall, constantly feeling emotional.

In fact, he couldn’t understand in his heart, what method did the Young Marshal use to get so many materials from the mobile phone.

How was it transported.

Perhaps this is the real secret of the Young Marshal.

Yang Hao looked at the whole city with a smile on his face, ignoring his dusty hair, and said:

“The first step has been completed. There are zombies generating power for the time being on the south wall, and the other walls still need to hurry up! Promise Mo Lu and his labs and factories that they can start work!”

He still has many ideas that have not been realized, and he has been busy for a long time.

However, being able to see a city rising from the ground in your hands, the sense of accomplishment is indescribable.figurative.

As soon as the words fell, Chen An rushed over covered in dust:

“Young commander, don’t wait any longer, there are only one laboratory, so many people, half a day is enough! There is electricity down here, let’s start!”

He was really impatient, and even ten days of experience in building the city wall could not dispel his urgency.

Maybe he saw many zombies outside the city wall, which aroused his heart again.

“Wang Liang, Li Longtao, the defense of the city wall must be done well, you are the first level! After the last promotion of the Young Marshals, they will go out in rotation to find their parents!”

“If you can survive, you must be received here, it is relatively safe!”

Yang Hao waved his hand, signaling him to be calm and calm down, and immediately gave orders to the two of them.

“Yes, young commander, we must complete the task!”

Li Longtao was very beautiful in his heart, so he readily agreed.

He doesn’t have any family anymore, and his only girlfriend, He Yaona, is by his side, looking very relaxed.

As for the two former comrades-in-arms, I have the opportunity to talk about it.

Wang Liang is even more comfortable. He has improved his strength and gained enough status. He is even more beautiful than before.

All kinds of things are on the right track at this moment!

Yang Hao waved his hand. Anyway, the safety has been improved, and the rest of the construction will be slowed down.

Greeting Chen An, leading a group of strong men with supernatural powers, they fell into the city wall.

After falling to the ground, the first sentence he asked Chen An:

“Let’s go, build a laboratory for the ghost! I said, do you have a blueprint? We don’t know how to design a laboratory!”

Before Chen An could answer, the people around came to greet him, and various voices rang out:

“Thank you young commander, you are really our benefactor!”

“Young Marshal, we can finally sleep peacefully! The Young Marshal is really a god, he woke up in ten days!”

“Hahaha, I used to be unable to sleep from morning to night, but now I can finally sleep. Thank you, young commander, thank you, young commander!”

A sound of thanks came from all directions, rushing into everyone’s ears.

Everyone in the Young Marshal looked at the people around them kneeling down, watching them crying with excitement, and waved their hands, feeling that there was a magical power in their bodies.

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