In a word, the six people at the scene withdrew their gazes and landed on her.

Yang Hao’s eyes widened, he rushed over, hugged his shoulders, and asked:

“You know me? Don’t shoot at me anymore? How is she doing?”

The first two sentences were asking Xiao Yahan, and the next question was asking Cai Jing and the four of them.

Fang Qingqing was also very excited, looked over and said to him:

“Okay? Is it because I killed the Phantom Maggot? It’s pretty fast!”

She didn’t know why, she was just expressing surprise.

Cai Jing smiled and said:

“Twelve maggots were planted on her body, all of which were blocked by me with the dark barrier, and they were picked out one by one. No wonder the impact of a person’s consciousness has no effect on her!”

She was the only one at the scene who knew what was going on and said it very clearly.

The answers of the two of them were vague to Xiao Yahan.

Focusing on Yang Hao’s face, he asked nervously:

“Master, I still shot at you? Then you just kill me, don’t let me hurt you! Where is the injury?”

He wanted to touch his body with his right hand, but was unable to lift it up, so he had no choice but to give up.

This change really shocked her, and she almost cried.

However, the meaning contained in the words is enough to prove her intentions.

Acknowledging his own death, Yang Hao cannot be hurt!

Next to him, Gu Qingyi, Gu Qingxuan and Tian Tian couldn’t help but envy.

Yang Hao could go mad for Xiao Yahan and directly destroy the beasts in the whole city.

And Xiao Yahan even recognized sacrificing her own life and did not want Yang Hao to be hurt.

Even if there are other women between each other, they can still stay together and love each other, and it will not be less.


Tian Tian witnessed the whole process, and naturally knew the relationship between them, blinking his eyes, his eyes shifted to other directions.

There was a sour taste in his eyes.

Cai Jing and Fang Qingqing glanced at each other and admitted that Xiao Yahan had indeed split the love of some men.

But, it’s not as bad as expected.

Yang Hao still treated them well, at least he didn’t scold them at all, scolded them or even drove them out.

This is enough.

Yang Hao didn’t know what the women were thinking, but when he heard Xiao Yahan’s words, his heart was very warm.

Release the blood control skill, pull her to stand up, and say:

“What are you talking about, can you hurt me? Let’s go, the task is completed, go home early, they are still waiting for the materials!”

He didn’t tell the truth, and he didn’t need to tell the truth at all, he just needed to have a heart for each other.

“Why… let’s go, what are you still doing, we need to rush over as soon as possible!”

Just as Cai Jing was about to speak, she changed her tone and prepared to go back together.

A group of seven people took a last look at the ruined Hall City, turned and walked away.

Until they left for a long time, deep in the blackened earth, a golden maggot, bearing a pile of coke-like rotten flesh, slowly burrowed out.

“There are such powerful human beings, it seems that I need to surrender some gods to my use! The mere beasts are not enough!”

With a body of only about two meters, with faint rays of light, it sneaked into the ground and disappeared.

Until the surroundings were completely quiet, in a jungle on the edge of Hal City, the earth slowly arched open, and a sapling grew at an unexpected speed.

All kinds of trees around, unable to grab its nourishment, gradually withered, became dry, gradually rotted, and fell to the ground.

Such a terrifying picture, if anyone sees it, it must be frightened.

But within an hour, within 500 meters, all the trees died, and only a huge red maple stood.

Each of its leaves is blood-colored, and it seems to be able to reduce blood.

A faint sigh floated in the air:

“If I have to use the tree of life once, it is estimated that I will be born early, alas!”

If Yang Hao was here, he would definitely be able to hear that the owner of the voice was almost the same as Shennong.

It’s a pity, Yang Hao has already returned to Longcheng for a long time.

When the busy crowd saw seven people flying in the sky, they cheered.

“Hahaha, the young marshal is back! We must have found enough materials. In the future, we will definitely have a big house to live in.”

“That’s my grandson, you know, my grandson! It’s all his credit that you can have the happy life you have now!”

“Long live the young marshal, the young marshal is invincible! Hurry up and get ready, we are going to build a big house!”

The people at the scene were excited and shouted quickly to welcome the past.

The house is only partially built, and many people still live in simple houses, naturally hoping to get a stable place to live.

When Yang Hao came back, it represented the most important material, cement came back.

If you don’t find it, you won’t be back at noon, KenMust be night.

The guard on the wall saw the seven people coming back, obviously with signs of battle, and they were also discussing:

“It seems that it is really dangerous outside. It is not as easy as we are now in Longcheng.”

“Yes, even the young marshal and the others need to fight, which proves that there must be a terrifying crisis.”

“The common people only pay attention to whether there is cement, but they don’t know what the young marshal has gone through. Suddenly they feel so useless, they are a drag on the young marshal!”

As soon as this sentence appeared, it immediately resonated with many soldiers.

Some people are obviously dragging others down, but they still feel they deserve their share.

“Perhaps, this is the heart that the superiors need to bear!”

Bai Qi retracted his gaze, continued to observe the situation outside, and suddenly understood the reason why the heights are so cold.

This change, perhaps everyone knows, is just a different approach.

Ignoring their various rhetoric, Yang Haohui and the six daughters landed next to Wang Liang and others.

“Young Marshal, you’re back, it looks like you’ve come back with a full reward! Now the people are very enthusiastic!”

As the former leader, Wang Liang was very pleased, feeling that the cohesion was much higher, and said excitedly.

Feng Dandan said with a different opinion:

“Young commander, in fact, we have provided the city wall, which is the greatest safe place. As for the new house, it can be regarded as a reward for the meritorious minister, and it will be distributed bit by bit.”

“In this way, it can not only increase the enthusiasm, but also eliminate some people who steal tricks. Otherwise, everyone has a house, which is unfair to the people with high enthusiasm!”

When talking, it was inevitable to glance at a group of people sitting on the ground and talking about mountains in the distance.

Opposite them are the sweaty workers on the opposite side, whose clothes can be twisted out of water, struggling to build a house.

It’s like the construction of the entire Dragon City, only those who contribute can do it, and those who talk about the mountains can’t do it.

Yang Hao and the others followed their line of sight, their brows raised involuntarily, and their expressions darkened.

Of course, most of Yang Hao’s relatives were in it, and they were pointing at him like a superior person.

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